Chapter 394 Lin Zhi’s Ambition Ili Valley
If this was put on a short video for future generations, would it be a family member? Who knows? If you sell private salt, no one will get the stolen goods. If you go out to buy food, you will be exiled eight thousand miles.

But in this era, if the government really wants to touch someone, even if this person is powerful and wealthy, he is by no means an opponent.

Seeing Xu Jie, Lin Zhi immediately adjusted his position. He had already experienced the feeling of having to drink a toast without eating as a penalty.

Now that I am being controlled by others, if I continue to be dishonest, I will be really shameless.

So Lin Zhi, who understood the reality, immediately went to Xu Jie to give in and expressed his willingness to follow him in his career.Lin Zhi successfully became Xu Jie's subordinate again.

As an earl, Xu Jie could have two hundred parts, but even Che Hou did not dare to make two hundred parts in the Central Plains.What do you want to do with Two Hundred Parts?Rebellion?
Usually the highest number of nobles in Luoyang City is 50 people. This is a tacit understanding between the royal family and the nobles, while most of the nobles in other places have 100 people.

Among them, there are many who are not well managed and whose descendants are prodigal. If they cannot support a hundred Bubu, they will raise fifty.

A well-run businessman like Xu Jie could certainly afford to support Baibu Qu. He even directly recruited 200 people to Buqu when he went to the Western Regions.

Since we are going to open up the Western Region, we must be fully prepared.Naturally, a strong man like Lin Zhi with good martial arts was attracted by them.So there is what happened before.

Lin Zhimo held the horizontal sword at his waist and the leather armor on his body, looked at the foreign slaves who were nodding and bending to follow him, and calculated carefully, it seemed that it would not be a loss to come to the northern border of the Western Region.

Three years ago, Lin Zhi followed Xu Jie to Tingzhou. At that time, Tingzhou was not called Tingzhou, and it had not even built a city. A group of barbarians from the so-called Cheshi Kingdom lived here.

At that time, under the leadership of King Wang Bo of Liang and Wang Xiang of Zheng, 9000 of them besieged tens of thousands of Cheshi Kingdom's cavalry. The Cheshi Kingdom was defeated and subjugated in the first battle.

The next step was to build a city on this land, and Tingzhou City was established in this way.After establishing Tingzhou, His Highness King Zheng began to reward.

In the next few years, he, Lin Zhi, followed King Zheng and continued to attack the surrounding barbarians. After several years, he, Lin Zhi, did not expect that he, a private salt dealer, would one day become a county boy.

Although the county man is only the lowest fief noble, no matter how low the title is, he still has a fief. Moreover, in this northern land, the area is vast. Even for the county man, the land that is enfeoffed is very large. If it is placed in the Central Plains, it will be smaller than a house. Towns are even bigger.

The only drawback is that it is underpopulated.The population here, whether barbarians or Dagan people, is not enough.

Although Zheng Guo defeated Cheshi and surrendered more than 2 Cheshi people, it was not enough to fill the surrounding land.In the entire Zheng State, there are only more than [-] real Dagan people.

In order to maintain its rule and speed up its development, the State of Zheng adopted the enfeoffment system and enfeoffed a large number of small nobles, allowing them to plunder the population and build cities. At the same time, they used the captured barbarians to farm for them, and they themselves also lived a noble life. The life of a master.

In fact, if it weren't for the fact that this place is located in the northern border of the Western Region, it is too far away from home and the winter is very cold.It's more comfortable here than being a noble in the Central Plains.

Now Xu Jie led them to conquer the surrounding Zahu tribes, including the Qimi Kingdom and the Huns. With their sharp armor and heroic fighting, they soon conquered a small tribe of 3000 households and [-] people. Then they attacked everywhere, or Cooperating with others or acting alone, he quickly conquered a large number of small tribes.

Over the past few years, Xu Jie has built a new city here, New Jucheng, and has five thousand herdsmen and farmers under his command.Lin Zhi has also become a county with [-] herdsmen and farmers.

3000 people support his family of more than a dozen people, which is much more comfortable than the lives of the nobles in the Central Plains. The five hundred households in the central plains are taxed by the government and given to you after the collection. It does not mean that the five hundred The household is all yours.

And the five hundred households here are his slaves, allowing him to live and kill them.

"Master, my servants have already inquired clearly. This caravan is coming from Kuaiji and has brought the best silk from the south of the Yangtze River. They want to exchange it for some jade, jewelry, and good horses."

Next to Lin Zhi, the servant said respectfully, and the words he spoke were actually Daqian Yayin. Although it sounded a bit strange, the enunciation was clear and could basically be understood.

Lin Zhi nodded slightly. This Jiangnan silk was not cheap. Even when he was in Jucheng, the price was very high. Now that it is shipped thousands of miles away, the price can be imagined.

But no matter how expensive the silk was, he still had to pay for it.This silk is the best betrothal gift in Northern Xinjiang.

His son Lin Dalang has grown up this year. If he wants to find a pure-blooded goddaughter to marry, silk is a must.

Now in the northern border of the Western Region, there are only [-] goddaughters, and even fewer goddaughters. As a noble, he must find a pure-blood goddaughter to marry his son.

As for being a concubine, that's fine.If there is no pure-blooded goddaughter to marry, and a legitimate grandson with yellow hair and brown eyes is born, he will not be able to hold his head high in the aristocratic circle.

In the northern part of the Western Region, or indeed the entire Western Region, any goddaughter with pure blood is very precious.Even if you are not a pure-blooded goddaughter, you are more than half-blooded, or you are a bearded man with black hair and black eyes, as long as you can speak a beautiful voice, you will be a hot commodity.

Over the years, His Majesty has been sending some powerful men and nobles from the Central Plains to Northern Xinjiang, and the women among these nobles are their favorites.

Although they were exiled because of their convictions, in fact, after arriving here, these nobles would soon rise again, and marrying them was also to enhance their strength, and after all, they were also nobles before.

As a former private salt dealer, being able to marry a nobleman was a matter of high honor.

The State of Zheng is now in the development stage, expanding to the west and north. There are already hundreds of small feudal lords like him in the State of Zheng.There are more than a dozen new cities built.

They are already blooming everywhere around Tingzhou. Maybe in a few years, they will develop further west. The north is more suitable for nomadic herding, and the colder it gets further north.Of course, this is not absolute. For example, further north, I heard from the local barbarians that there is a paradise-like valley and a large lake further north.

The valley has a humid climate and abundant rainfall, which is completely different from the drought here. If the valley can be occupied, it can completely accommodate hundreds of thousands of people or even millions of people.

It's just that this river valley is now occupied by the Wusun people, and Zheng Guo can't take action to deal with them yet.

(End of this chapter)

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