Chapter 40

After annexing Han country, Huai country needed to spend a lot of time digesting the results of the battle.After the land was disposed of, the next thing Wang Lin valued most was the mine.

In recent decades, friction among nations has grown.Weapons have always been the top priority, and Huai Kingdom naturally cannot lag behind. After moving the craftsmen of Han Kingdom to Huai'an, Wang Lin ordered people to set up a craftsman department to rule over all craftsmen.

The Craftsmanship Department gathered the top craftsmen from Huai and Han countries, and with copper mines in hand, Huai country's armaments began to gradually increase.

After the integration of mines and craftsmen, the level of smelting in Huai country has been improved by leaps and bounds.The most obvious is that a large number of bronze plows began to appear in Huaiguo.

In the past, Huai State lacked copper, and the copper bought from Han State could only be used to cast weapons and bronze sacrificial vessels, and very little was used in other places. Most of the plows in Huai State were made of wood, stone, or bone.

After the innovation of tools, the agriculture of Huai country completely leads other countries.

In addition to farm tools, Wang Lin also ordered the craftsman to make weapons and ritual vessels.Due to the lack of copper mines in Huai country, the level of weapons can only be considered average among other countries.With Han's supplement, Huai's weapons rapidly improved.

Ritual utensils are very important at any time, representing the face of a country, there are not many ritual utensils in Huai country, now that there are copper mines, all kinds of ritual utensils have to be recast to show the national strength of Huai country.

Sword casting in Han State is well-known in Bangzhou and other countries. After these craftsmen from Han State came to Huai State and received Wang Lin's reward, they were willing to forge a sharp sword for Wang Lin.

Wang Lin was very happy, so he ordered people to cooperate with them and let them forge sharp swords.

When Huai State annexed Han State and reformed agriculture, the center of Bang Zhou, Emperor Ji Lie of Zhou, was also determined to reform.

After winning the war against the dog army, Ji Lie's prestige increased greatly. After using the strength of his mother's family to subdue the nobles of Wang Jinei, Zhou Tianzi reformed the taxation and obtained taxes from the nobles of Wang Ji.

Next, the reform of agriculture, the implementation of improved seeds, and the farming system, which increased Wang Ji's grain production.Originally, it was a good thing to have a good harvest of grain, but in order to maintain the emperor's six armies, Ji Lie levied many taxes on Wang Ji, which also caused the people to remain poor.

There is no own harvest of food, which also makes the people very dissatisfied with Ji Lie.

After more than 100 years of development, Wangji has a large population, and with a large population, various incidents have also increased.In Cheng Kang's rule, the days when he was wronged for more than [-] years and was not used are gone forever.During Ji Lie's period, all kinds of disputes arose, but there was no penalty for punishment.

So Ji Lie ordered someone to compile a criminal book, but the criminal book compiled by Ji Lie was extremely severe in punishment.Perhaps in Ji Lie's opinion, as long as the punishment stipulated in the criminal book is severe enough, no one will dare to violate it.

His idea is very good, but the consequences of using it to make legislation become very serious, so it often happens. It is obviously just a small matter, but he will cut off his feet, cut his nose and so on.

It's like life is already very difficult, but there are severe punishments and laws to suppress the people, and even a few complaints can be killed.

Those people who had publicly discussed Ji Lie's faults were found out and killed.Such strict laws make the people afraid to speak.As a result, there are fewer and fewer people talking, and finally no one dares to speak.

Zhao Mugong, as Ji Lie's courtier, remonstrated: "This is just blocking the words of the people, and it doesn't solve any problems."

"This approach is like the Great Gun controlling the water. It blocks the river and prevents the water from flowing through. The more water accumulates, the more dangerous the river is. The more water accumulates, the more it will burst. When the time comes, the water will burst. It's a flood."

"To govern the country, we must let go of the people's speech, because only when the people speak, can the nobles, nobles, and people of the country be able to contribute poems about the pros and cons of state affairs; In history books, hundreds of officials can advise, and Chinese people can hear their opinions in the ears of the emperor.

Know the pros and cons that arise when governing a country, and look for ways to correct it.Promoting good deeds and preventing evil deeds can make Wang Ji strong and Bang Zhou strong.

But now that they are blocked, the emperor can only hear words of approval, which will only make Wang Ji worse and worse. How many people will be willing to follow you by then? "

Ji Lie refused to listen, and the people dared not speak since then.

The pros and cons of Ji Lie's reforms are not to be evaluated, but in a short period of time, Wang Ji has a lot of wealth, and the strength of the emperor has been improved.Since King Xiang, the authority of Zhou Tianzi has gradually declined.After Wang Ji's strength improved, Ji Lie began to fight abroad again.

The princes and states have risen and fallen, and Yidi has gradually become stronger after these years of development. Judging from the fact that the dog army dared to invade the Zhou Wangji, it is clear that the Rongdi everywhere has been so prosperous.

The disputes between Qi State, Ji State, and Lu State gave Dongyi a chance to breathe, and it has gradually grown.This time, the Laiyi Kingdom gathered a large number of Dongyi tribes to launch a war while the King of Qi was killed.

Qi Guo didn't dare to be careless, and also poured out the country to fight against Lai Yi.However, although Laiyi has a large number of people, they have different orders and each tribe has its own ideas. Although there are many people and powerful people, they cannot win.

There were also a large number of Di people who came from the north to the south in Jin and Wei. Fortunately, Jin was strong and could cope with it, but Wei couldn't.Although the state of Wei is also a marquis state, the marquis of Wei is greedy for pleasure, and the national power is not strong.

The Rongdi in the west had just been defeated by Ji Lie and had already retreated, but the barbarians from the southern states began to attack aggressively, and the first to bear the brunt were Song and Chen.

Even Zhou Laiguo invited Xu Guo to send troops together.

Zhoulai and the army of the State of Xu attacked the State of Song, and the State of Song was defeated. Finally, the reinforcements from Chen and Cai arrived, which blocked Zhoulai and the army of the State of Xu.

Even blocking Zhoulai and Xu Guo was unable to fight back, and even Zhoulai and Xu Guo's army approached Wang Ji for a while.Faced with this situation, Ji Lie immediately ordered Guohou to lead his army to attack.

After the Sixth Army of the Son of Heaven was rebuilt, its strength has recovered a lot. Although it is not as good as the strongest period, it is also stronger than the general princes.The Marquis of Guo led his army to the south and joined Chen, Cai, Song and other countries, and then the army attacked Zhou and Xu.

Zhou and Xu's allied forces were outnumbered and defeated in several battles. Finally, the army returned home.Many of the armies of Zhoulai State and Xu State are tribal armies, and they will waver when they cannot get rich spoils of war, or if there are too many casualties.Zhoulai and Xu Guo had to retreat.

Although Bangzhou won the victory, Chen Song and other countries suffered heavy losses and were unable to pursue.Guohou had no choice but to lead the army back.Although Zhoulai and Xu Guo were repelled this time, they did not get enough spoils, and Bangzhou's finances became not optimistic.

After Ji Lie won many victories, his true nature began to be revealed gradually. He liked extravagant life, and Huai country's fine wine, food and silk were indispensable.This also led to Wang Ji's financial shortage, so he could only continue to exploit his subjects.

Zhao Mu Gong asked Li Wang: "Ask easy, solve difficult problems, what's the solution?"

King Li said: Kill those who ask Yi! ——"Funny Notes Zhou Ji"

(End of this chapter)

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