Chapter 402: Cleaning Up Honorable Men
Wang Ze did not argue with these officials at all, and directly controlled all officials, so that these people could not inform him or cause trouble for him, and then asked the embroidered clothes envoy to lead the army to ransack his home.

As for these officials, Wang Ze knew that some of them must be innocent, and the trial could proceed slowly.After cleaning up those nobles, powerful people, and big officials, we will naturally be able to find evidence.

The embroidered clothes envoy took the large number of fine cavalry directly out of the city, and then rushed towards the countryside.Smelting and casting coins requires a large area, not to mention that it is illegal. Even the nobles and powerful men do not dare to do this in the city, so they always hide in the countryside.

This is not only concealed and difficult to be discovered, but also convenient for transporting supplies.

It's just that these nobles and powerful men didn't know that the places they thought were hidden were easily discovered by the common people, and they told embroidered clothes to use them to receive rewards.

The embroiderer led the army and quickly rushed to the countryside. The nobles and heroes who were hiding in the manor to smelt copper coins had no time to react when they heard a roar.

The gate of the manor was knocked open, and teams of powerful cavalry rushed in.A large number of soldiers rushed into the manor and controlled everyone. Those who dared to resist were killed directly.

Soon the embroiderer found the foundry, as well as a large amount of new money that had not had time to be melted down, and a large amount of bad money that had just been minted piled up next to it.

One of the embroidered clothesmen stepped forward and picked up a bad coin. He saw that the bad money was minted very thinly. Place on both ends.

The bad money was lifted directly, and the embroiderer put in two more bad coins, and then the balance returned to balance.

"How courageous!" Xiu Yi squeezed the bad money in his hand hard, and heard a crisp sound. The bad money that had just been minted broke apart.

"It's only one-third of the weight, but it's even reduced in copper. You guys should be damned!"

"Bring them all back to me and wait for His Royal Highness to deal with them!"


Immediately afterwards, these soldiers took everyone back.Following Wang Ze's order, except for some soldiers who stayed behind, a large number of elite cavalry came out.

Not only those powerful and powerful officials, but also those nobles, Wang Ze did not let go at all.

The matter of privately minting coins cannot be handled by just the powerful and powerful officials. As a local snake, Xungui must have a hand in this kind of business.

Wang Ze directly ordered people to hold his warrant and go to the homes of those nobles, asking them to go and announce: "In the name of your majesty, the fourth prince will govern Linzi and supervise the reform of the currency system. You will mint private money, sit down, and follow the four principles." The prince has been ordered to come and capture me. All the legitimate sons of the master of the house will follow me to Linzi to meet the prince, and they will be punished. Anyone who disobeys the order will be killed!"

The nobles were horrified when they saw the heralds who came directly to the door. They did not expect that His Highness the Prince did not give them any face and sent people directly to arrest them.

This is not Daqian's style of political struggle at all. You must know that even if you are an honorable person, you will first find evidence, and only when there is enough evidence, will you strike with thunder.

How can there be such a big fanfare of directly sending envoys to get people.

But in the face of this situation, these nobles did not dare to rebel at all. The world has been at peace for a long time, and these nobles have basically never been on the battlefield. How can they resist?They simply don't have the guts.And even if they want to fight tooth and nail, they will be stopped by others.

You are crazy. If you are caught without mercy now, maybe just the head of the family will die and the others will be exiled. But if you dare to resist, then not only the head of the family will die, but the whole family will die!

As for other families uniting, it is even more of a dream. These nobles are indeed protected by personal soldiers, but the personal guards are only limited, and the armor and weapons are not as good as them.The Daqian court prohibited the private possession of armor. Violators would be guilty of serious crimes, and crossbows and arrows were not allowed.

These people dare to rebel, and those armies will laugh in their dreams. This is to give them meritorious service.

In this era, the combat effectiveness of soldiers with armor protection and those without armor protection can be said to be worlds apart.A team of fully armed warriors can easily defeat an enemy that has defeated itself several times or even ten times.

Soon all the nobles who were sitting in court were brought in, and then Wang Ze ordered people to list all the evidence found after searching their homes, and put these nobles, officials, and powerful people on trial.

All the principal criminals were killed directly, and their families were exiled to the Western Regions.All family property was confiscated.

After Wang Ze counted the seized land, Wang Ze was shocked by the wealth of these people.

The land in the hands of these nobles is five or even ten times more than the land on their faces.A large amount of the land was concealed by them in various ways, and powerful officials also controlled a large amount of land.

When Da Qian founded the country, [-]% of the land in Linzi was in the hands of the people.As a result, decades have passed and the people have reclaimed a large amount of land. The land in Linzi has increased five times compared with the founding of the country. However, the land in the hands of the people is almost unchanged from decades ago.

You must know that the number of people in Linzi has tripled over the years.

The population has tripled and the cultivated land has increased fivefold, but the farmland in the hands of the people has not increased.All the increased land has been plundered by these nobles, powerful people, and officials in various ways.

"You have so much wealth in the world. It can be said that you are rich in clothes and food, and you spend money like water. Has the court ever treated you badly?"

"Now that the imperial court is implementing a new money law, not only do you not support it, you actually dare to take the lead in privately minting bad coins! Did your ancestors teach you to do this back then?"

"Is it because you don't have enough food to eat? Is it because you don't have enough gold and silver to spend? You actually don't even let go of the last bit of savings in the hands of the people. You are digging the foundation of the great power. Such greedy people are eager to destroy you. Kill them all!”

Wang Ze was so angry that he scolded these nobles with a vehement tone, making all of them blush with shame.

"You are sitting on the criminal law. Before I came here, my father had already made an explanation. All of your family heads must bear the blame. They will all be beheaded and their titles will be stripped away. Everyone within the fifth generation of the family will be sent to the Western Regions without mercy!"

"Your Majesty is merciful!"

These nobles thanked them immediately. Although their lives and titles were lost, their families were saved. Although they had to be exiled to the Western Regions, as long as they were still alive, they would have a future.

What's more, they now know that the imperial court wants to develop the Western Regions, and there are few cadres in the Western Regions. Even if they are assigned to the Western Regions, they still have a chance to make a difference!
(End of this chapter)

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