Chapter 420

As a banner of honor, Marquis Wu Cheng now actively requested to go to the Mobei grassland. Wang Jing was very happy.Those who take the initiative to go to the grassland will naturally be rewarded.

Wang Jing couldn't let all of Wuchenghou's clan move to the northern grasslands, so he divided Wuchenghou into two groups. One group inherited the title of Marquis Wucheng in the Central Plains, and the other went to the northern grasslands, enfeoffed the town of Beihou, and took up the post. Zhenbei Duhufu.

After the news came out that Xu Zhan, the Marquis of Zhenbei, was appointed as the Protector of Zhenbei, there was an uproar.You must know that Marquis Wu Cheng is one of the few marquises whose titles have remained unchanged for five generations. This Marquis Wu Cheng did not enjoy the blessings of Luoyang, the sacred capital, but went to the grassland to drink the northwest wind.

After the Zhenbei Protectorate took office, he immediately began to establish the Zhenbei Protectorate. At the same time, Daqian began to build the Zhenbei Protectorate in Longcheng, named Zhenbei City.

Because a large number of Huns were captured this time, Wang Jing handed over these Huns to the jurisdiction of the Great Protectorate, and sent a large number of craftsmen and supervisors to Mobei Longcheng for guidance.

In addition to the conquest labor, Wang Jing sent [-] laborers to Longcheng to help build the city.

More than 20 people built the Great Protectorate, and a large amount of food tools were transferred from the treasury.The imperial court must build this capital city before the first snowfall of winter.

The winter in the Northland grasslands is long and cold. If the city is not repaired before winter, it will take another year.

There is a mountain near Daduhu Mansion, and the craftsmen who oversee the work cut rocks out of the mountains, and then transport the stones back to Daduhu Mansion as the foundation of the city.

The melted ice and snow on the mountains gathered into a river, which meandered deep into the grassland. Xu Zhan ordered the river to be diverted so that it could pass through the Great Protectorate.

The entire Great Protectorate is built on rocks as its foundation and rammed earth as its walls. It is more than two feet high and ten miles in circumference. There are [-] large elite cavalry and [-] light cavalry stationed in the city to intimidate the grasslands.

This Metropolitan Protector's Mansion was also designed in the same way as Luoyang, the sacred capital. In the center of the city was the Metropolitan Protector's Office, with two military schools on the left and right, and there were two markets in the city, the East and the West.

There is a market in the city specially built for the families of the army, and the entire Protectorate is expected to be able to accommodate 5 people.Of course there are reservations.

In addition to the Protectorate in the north of the town, the imperial court also needed to build five cities on the grassland to cooperate with the Protectorate in controlling the grassland.

Wang Jing issued an edict to select scholars from the academy students and recommended students to go to the Zhenbei Protectorate to enrich the Zhenbei Protectorate.

However, after the edict was issued, not many scholars were willing to sign up to go to the northern grasslands, which made Wang Jing very dissatisfied.So he issued an edict to directly reprimand and order the selection of officials. The scholars who did not go to the northern grasslands this time would be demoted by two levels.

As soon as this order was issued, the government and the public were immediately shocked, and ministers in the government and the central government wrote letters one after another.Wang Jing simply threw these petitions aside, and Qian Gang implemented them arbitrarily.At the same time, those who dare to talk too much are directly and severely reprimanded.In this way, enough officials of the Protectorate were selected.

The Zhenbei Protectorate has five garrison offices. In addition to officials at all levels, each garrison office also has a thousand capable cavalry and corresponding light cavalry. Of course, these light cavalry can recruit the Huns.

After all, the grasslands cannot be cultivated, and maintaining tens of thousands of cavalry thousands of miles away requires a lot of money.The large cavalry must be Ganren, while the light cavalry can use Huns. The Huns are naturally light cavalry, and their cost is much lower than that of the large cavalry.

On the battlefield, it works well when used in conjunction with the powerful cavalry.After the news came out that the imperial court wanted to immigrate to the northern grasslands, there was a lot of discussion in the world.People are not willing to go to the northern grasslands.

Some Confucian scholars even wrote a letter saying: "The Chinese invaded the Barbarians and Di, and the Barbarians invaded. The Yi Di invaded Huaxia, and the Huaxia invaded. It is said that migrating people to the grasslands of the North means that the Chinese invaded the Barbarians."

Then he was scolded by Wang Jing: "The Chinese invaded the Yi and Di, and the Yi and Di followed. It means that the people of the Xia did not practice the etiquette of the Xia. It did not refer to the region. The people of the Xia could not reach the Central Plains at first, and the place was thousands of miles away. However, this At that time, Zhuxia was only a thousand miles away?"

"If you follow your words, will Guanzhong, Bashu, Yan, Zhaojiang, and South Africa be the same as Zhuxia? Corrupt Confucianism will harm the country!" Directly issue an edict to remove him from his position and never hire him.

This person had read the scriptures thoroughly, so it was impossible that he did not understand the meaning of that sentence, but he deliberately misinterpreted it. It was obvious that he wanted to destroy the imperial court's plan to open up the northern grasslands. He had no intention of being indifferent to these people.

Now the country is about to open up to the outside world. If you don't just make excuses for the country to support it, you will instead add obstacles. If you don't cut off, who will you cut off?

Wang Jing issued an edict to move some people from northern prefectures and counties to the grasslands, but people everywhere were unwilling to go to the north. After being elected, their families even fled.

Wang Jing had no choice but to order the relocation of those powerful families, and at the same time compensate the people who voluntarily went to the grasslands of the North.All people who voluntarily migrated to the grasslands of the North could send one person from each household to study at Luoyang Academy, and the expenses were borne by the court.

Luoyang Academy is not comparable to that of various states and counties. After entering Luoyang Academy, there is basically an [-]% chance that you can become an official. This quota is like a carp leaping over the dragon gate for ordinary people (of course, this is the previous Probability, if you add these current quotas, the probability is estimated to become one to two).

This was an opportunity for ordinary people to become officials. After learning that the imperial court had actually offered a quota for Luoyang Academy, powerful officials and wealthy officials from all over the country came to sign up to compete for this opportunity.

The imperial court wanted to immigrate [-] households to the northern grasslands, [-] households per year. As a result, after this policy was released, in just one month, more than [-] households actively requested to go to the northern grasslands.

Wang Jing ordered people to record the records of these ten thousand households, and then ordered the embroidered clothes envoys to go and verify. If there were any errors or omissions or impostors, they would be severely punished.

This kind of important matter related to a family's promotion cannot be done carelessly. Wang Jing does not want to see that in the future, people will migrate to the northern grasslands, but his family's quota will be taken by someone else, so for this kind of The situation is monitored extremely strictly.

After the quota for the Luoyang Academy was allocated, there was no longer any resistance to the imperial court's policy of relocating the northern grasslands, and officials from various states and counties quickly moved forward.

The imperial court built cities in the northern grasslands, relocated the people, dispersed the Huns who surrendered, and re-divided areas for grazing. It took three years to implement the initial implementation, and even more time would be needed for subsequent implementation.

Six cities were built on the northern grasslands, and 15 households and [-] people were relocated to increase the population.Then use these six cities to control the grassland.

What gave Wang Jing a little headache was that the food obtained from farming on the grassland was actually less than half of that in Beidi Prefecture and County.The imperial court also needed to transport a large amount of grain to the grasslands every year.Part of this food was fodder for the garrison, and part of it needed to be sold to the Huns.

The imperial court levied cattle and sheep taxes on the Huns, and at the same time needed to sell some grain to allow the Huns to survive the winter. As a result, the taxes collected by the Zhenbei Protectorate were not enough to cover the expenses of the imperial court.

(End of this chapter)

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