Chapter 429 Assessment of Yang Yishizi
On these official ships heading to Luoyang, in addition to the scholars who went to the academy to take the examination, there was also a talented man who had been recommended as an official by the state and county.

This man's name is Yang Yi, and he is already forty-seven years old. In this era, he is already considered to have a long life.He traveled around the mountains and rivers when he was young, returned home at the age of 36, and then studied knowledge at home and integrated what he had learned.

He is proficient in Mohism, Confucianism, Taoism, Legalism and many other theories. He is also proficient in divination, medicine, geography and farming. He can be said to be an all-rounder.

After learning that there was such a great talent, Wang Xin was also very curious, so he ordered someone to send him to Luoyang.

Yang Yi was very famous in Kuaiji and Yangzhou, and scholars who came to participate in the assessment would come to ask for advice every day.Yang Yi will also answer it.

Yang Yi would also explain some unclear parts of the scriptures.For the scholars who came to ask for advice, he suggested that these scholars know more about the people's conditions and not just copy them.

Because he has traveled around many places for many years and is aware of the sufferings of the people, he is not interested in the academic disputes between Confucianism, Legalism, Mohism, and Taoism. He cares more about application. As long as it is suitable, he will use both Confucianism and Legalism.

In comparison, those Ph.D.s in the academy who still valued academic opinions were not as good as him.

The official ship sailed all the way from Kuaiji to Luoyang. The candidates on the ship were so intoxicated that many scholars even wanted to worship him as their teacher, but he refused.But even if he refused, these disciples still regarded him as their master and treated him as a disciple.

These scholars were able to stand out in the schools here in Huai'an and Kuaiji. They all read the scriptures thoroughly, but lacked some practice. Now after listening to Yang Yi's lectures, they all benefited a lot, and many things became enlightened.

"Sir, Luoyang has arrived!" A clerk said respectfully.During these days on the ship, these junior officials also listened to Yang Yi's lectures and admired him very much.

Yang Yi stood up, saluted with one hand behind his back, and hung the horizontal knife on his waist with the other hand.

The scholars of this era were completely different from the scholars of the Ming and Qing Dynasties in real history. All of them were physically strong and powerful.Just like Confucius in the Xianhuai period, who was eight feet tall and could lift the bolts of the city gate by himself.

In Confucius' time, it was not easy to travel around the country. Without sufficient military support, people would probably be gone within ten miles of the city.

When we got to the pier, everyone was shocked to see how prosperous Luoyang City was.

"Sir, I have already called the carriage. Let's ride in the carriage together."

Yang Yi waved his hand and said: "It would be a shame not to witness the style of the divine capital with my own eyes. I plan to walk all the way and appreciate the style of this divine capital!"

Yang Yi strode out of the dock. Several scholars hesitated and followed him.

Several people walked around outside Luoyang City first, and then asked: "How is the style of Shendu different from that of Gusu, Huai'an, Jinling, and Daliang?"

A scholar next to him said: "There are no beggars in Luoyang, the capital of the gods. You must know that there are beggars even in Jinling, Suzhou. The traders and servants in the capital of gods are in a hurry, but looking at their spirits and rosy complexions, it is obvious that they are living a good life."

"Of course there are no beggars in this city of gods. If someone is found to be physically disabled, he will be sent directly to the almshouse. If he has hands and feet, he will be punished with hard labor for one month and then find something to do for him." Someone who knew next to him said. The scholar said.

After walking for most of the day, they felt hungry, so they found a small shop on the roadside to eat. Although this small shop was small, it had a lot of dishes, and the prices were not expensive and the taste was very good.

Everyone was a little surprised that food in Luoyang, the capital of the gods, was actually cheaper than in Jinling, Suzhou.

"The atmosphere under the emperor's feet is extraordinary." Several scholars said, but Yang Yi knew that this was under the emperor's feet, and the officials did not dare to exploit it too much. In other places, there were many searches and controls by the officials overtly and covertly.

At this time, several scholars came in outside the door and said as they walked: "This time Enke actually included the legal supplementary regulations. I didn't know about it before coming here. How can I take the exam?"

"Hurry up and buy this book and read it. The government has posted notices. These are required exams, but they don't take up much space and have little impact." "That does have some impact, so you have to read it quickly."

Yang Yi and others who were eating heard this, and after eating in a hurry, they went to buy the supplementary regulations.

Various scriptures have always had different versions. After reading the newly revised regulations, everyone had different expressions.

But Yang Yi thought these additions were very good. He used to travel all over the world, but when he saw injustice, he drew his sword to help the Lord. He was very clear about the ugly behavior of low-level officials and officials from all over the country.

Even if the court issued repeated orders, there were still officials who dared to disobey them.

In the evening, a man in his thirties wearing casual clothes came to the post house. After asking the postman about it, he hurriedly knocked on the door.

"Disciple Zhang Pu pays homage to his mentor." When the man saw the door open, he immediately saluted and paid homage.

"Get up quickly, I didn't teach you for a few days, it doesn't have to be like this!" Yang Yi helped him up.

Zhang Pu was from Gusu, a neighbor of Yang Yi, and a descendant of the Six Kingdoms. By his generation, his family had declined, but it was Yang Yi who enlightened him and funded his studies.

"Today, my disciple has served as county magistrate for two times, and both received excellent evaluations, so he was promoted to the capital. Today, I saw my teacher's name in the official list, and I came to see him after I came to the Yamen."

"It seems you remember the suffering of the people!" Yang Yi nodded.

"Students have always remembered the teacher's teachings and devoted themselves to assisting the Holy King in governing the country and bringing peace to the country!"

"How is the court now?" Yang Yi asked.

"Everything has changed since the new king ascended the throne, but he is a little harsh on the officials. Although no one dares to speak out, there are many people who secretly criticize him." Zhang Pu said.

"How harsh?" Yang Yi asked.

Zhang Pu sneered: "Hey, it's just to make them loyal to their duties. Officials who violate the court's laws will be given an additional penalty."

"Hahaha, you deserve it!" Yang Yi laughed.

He is very aware of the exploitation of local areas by low-level officials.In the past, the imperial court was not so strict in controlling officials, and the enforcement was not strict.Now that the new king has ascended the throne, there has been a fire.

He chopped it down hard at the official.

Now it is just that officials are required to work seriously, and there will be punishment for failure. These people feel that it is strict. They should really be allowed to see the laws of Qin.

"The imperial court has increased the power of the embroidered clothes envoys. The embroidered clothes envoys have yamen in various places, and they have the right to supervise officials at all levels. There are even rumors that the embroidered clothes envoys will be given the right to review."

"Is this true? How can we give it all supervision and review?"

"It's just a rumor, it must not be true."

(End of this chapter)

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