Chapter 448
In the eighth year of Emperor Qian Yuanfeng's reign, the emperor issued an edict to promote new wheat. It was said that the yield of new wheat per mu was two stones and a half. The people were delighted and rushed to cultivate it.Zhao Guo was a great sage farmer and a famous person in the world. He was good at cultivating millet and wheat. People at that time called him the God of Ji.

Thanks to the long-term investment of the Daqian royal family, various crop seeds are collected and cultivated through hybrid optimization and improved seeds.The result is a high-yielding crop.

During this period, the time and money spent by the royal family are almost incalculable. Hundreds of years of history and a lot of money have been cultivated, which has led to today's harvest.

In addition to high-yield millet and wheat, the imperial court has vigorously cultivated bean sprouts in recent years.This is because the time from planting to maturity of bean sprouts is very short. At the same time, the fertility of fields after bean sprouts are significantly improved compared with farmland that has not been planted with bean sprouts.

On the other hand, the imperial court's demand for beans continued to increase. Soybean meal was a good feed for war horses. In addition to grass, war horses also needed soybean meal, eggs, etc.The imperial court has hundreds of thousands of war horses every year and requires a very high amount of soybean meal.

Therefore, in addition to grain, beans are required for the annual agricultural tax.

The imperial court's promotion of high-yield crops was sought after by people all over the world. After all, everyone wanted more food on their hands.The imperial court began to distribute large quantities of fine seeds to various places for sale to the people.

In order to prevent local officials and nobles from joining forces to monopolize these fine seeds, Wang Xin directly ordered the inspection of censors and embroidery envoys to supervise, and strictly ordered those who dared to violate the rules to have their families exiled. Secretly, he ordered the secret guards to closely monitor these. If you act recklessly, report it immediately.

The royal family is always wary of these noble and powerful officials, and has no doubt about how low their lower limit is.

With the strong promotion of the royal family and the supervision of the embroidered clothes envoys, although some people still secretly exchanged good seeds, the fate of these people was tragic.

Wang Xin has never been a soft-hearted person.

A large number of nobles, powerful men and officials who dared to touch the bottom line were killed by Wang Xin's direct order, and then their families were exiled to the Western Regions, Liaodong and Lelang County.

After the introduction of improved varieties, the overall grain output in the Central Plains and the North increased by [-]% in the second year, and the imperial court's agricultural taxes were also increased, and even commerce became prosperous.

Since Wang Xin vigorously investigated the commercial taxes a few years ago and obtained a large amount of land after paying the commercial taxes, commerce in many areas has inevitably fallen into a trough.

Now that people's incomes have increased, there will naturally be more demand for goods, which has made business prosperous.The bumper harvest of food also made the royal family's prestige even higher.

Outside Handan City, there is a rural academy.

Although the academy is located in the countryside, it is built very elegantly. The academy is located at the foot of a mountain and covers a vast area. The academy is dotted with rockery ponds and bamboo groves and corridors.

At this time, in one of the houses, several middle-aged people dressed as Confucian scholars were having a heated argument.

"Huaigong Spring and Autumn Annals is a Confucian classic. Confucius wrote part of it himself and annotated it. How can you be allowed to misinterpret it like this?" A Confucian scholar yelled.

"What is a misinterpretation?" The Confucian scholar who was scolded was not angry and said righteously: "Are these deeds false?"

"The king is virtuous, protected by heaven, and can perform miracles. This is the reaction of heaven and man! In the past, Zhuan Zhu stabbed the Huai King, a white rainbow penetrated the sun, Jing Ke stabbed the First Emperor, a comet struck the moon, Nie Zheng stabbed the Han puppet, and the goshawk Hitting the palace is a warning from heaven!"

"Nonsense! You are so far-fetched!" Another middle-aged scholar next to him said dissatisfiedly.

"It's far-fetched? Then when King Haotianwen fled to the Huaihe River and was pursued by the army of Zhou Dynasty, what was the explanation for the heavy rain?"

"It's just a coincidence!" "A coincidence? The rain doesn't fall in the morning or in the evening. Why does it rain at night? Moreover, King Wen actually prepared boats and rafts in advance. What's the explanation for this?"

"This is a familiarity with the celestial phenomena, and it is inferred that there will be rain in the near future!"

"During the period of Duke Huan of Huaihe, when the Jin State attacked the Huaihe River, the Heavenly General Fire Dragon set fire to the camp for dozens of miles. The Jin State and the allied forces of the princes were defeated. What is the explanation?"

"That was because Duke Huan and Sun Xiang were superior in skill. They used night fire attacks to attack and disturb the enemy. The night wind blew and burned the entire camp."

"Hahaha, you also said it was the night wind blowing, isn't this a sign of God's help?"

"Dong Zhongshu, you are using your strong words to rob the truth!" The Confucian scholar was furious.

Dong Zhongshu said calmly: "It's not just strong words, but God's protection. If the king is virtuous, God will help him! This is the reaction of heaven and man!"

"The First Emperor offered sacrifices to heaven and earth, consecrated Zen to Mount Tai, and a golden dragon ascended to heaven. Doesn't this indicate that Daqian is the orthodoxy of the world and is protected by God?"

"The Zhou Dynasty was red, and King Wen of Zhou saw a red bird holding an elixir book and gathering it in the Zhoushe. This is the virtue of fire. The Huai Kingdom is still black, which is the virtue of water. When Huai destroyed the Zhou Dynasty, water defeated fire. The rise and fall of dynasties, the rotation of the five virtues, and the induction of heaven and man also!"

Dong Zhongshu became more and more excited as he talked. He found perfect logical consistency in "Spring and Autumn", and for a while no one else in the room could refute his theory.

After Dong Zhongshu perfected his theory, he began to give lectures and promote his ideas. Heaven and man respond to each other, the king is virtuous, God protects the king, the king loses virtue, and God rejects this set of theories. This set of theories is very attractive to many Confucian scholars, and among them The logic is self-consistent and even more perfect than what happened in real history.

Of course, many people admire it, and naturally some people reject it. Many people regard its doctrine as the way of gods and ghosts, heresy, and even some radicals believe that it is not Confucianism.

But the rejection of these people could not stop the spread of Dong Zhongshu's teachings.In this world, there were too many miraculous things about the Huai Kingdom, which gave him more theoretical support for his telepathy between heaven and man.

At the same time, the royal family is mysterious and there are many people who want to flatter the royal family. When these people gather together, the momentum is naturally very high.

After Dong Zhongshu gained a very high reputation, he wrote to the court and talked about the relationship between heaven and man and the alternation of five virtues.

The letter was quickly sent to the palace. After seeing this memorial, Wang Xin also frowned. He knew very well that the resonance between heaven and man and the alternation of the five virtues mentioned in this memorial were the same. Write a few words blindly.

There is no connection between heaven and man, how can he not know about the alternation of the five virtues?God protects you?That's the ancestor's protection.

For the Wang family, they are indeed protected by God, but for others, even the Emperor of Zhou, will King Haotianwen protect them?Do not make jokes.

And he knew very well that the ancestor never wanted to combine the so-called divine power and monarchy into one.This is why when Daqian founded the country, they never preached any miracles or auspiciousness. What's more, the Wang family had an imperial heavenly supervisor who knew that those astronomical phenomena were the movement of celestial bodies, and this was why the calendar was made.

Promoting these gods and ghosts will not add anything to the royal family, but will be used by others. Even if he said: "The way of heaven is constant, it will not be prosperous with Yao, and it will not be prosperous with Jie." He directly rejected this memorial.

(End of this chapter)

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