Chapter 459 Monetary Economic Control
The mountains, rivers and swamps were first owned by King Zhou Li and were owned by the country. People were prohibited from collecting wood and fishing. Everyone knew what happened to him.

Later, as society developed, the ownership of mountains, rivers and swamps became more stringent. Among them, the Qin State was the most strict. By the time of Daqian, there were regulations when Daqian was founded, but later some were relaxed during the reign of Emperor Wen.

During the reign of Emperor Wu, some areas were liberalized, and people were completely unrestricted in fishing, wood-cutting, medicine-gathering, and collecting. However, there was no clarity on the mining of minerals.

This time, it was discovered that the nobles actually had such a large silver mine in their hands. Who can guarantee that other nobles did not have silver mines or other minerals in their hands?After all, it is impossible for the imperial court to extend its tentacles to every corner.

Now the imperial court can control counties, and some towns can also be controlled by retired soldiers.But in mountainous areas and some remote areas with inconvenient roads, it is impossible to control.And many counties are not completely under control.

It is very difficult for the imperial court to control all the minerals. Even if it is enforced, it will probably have little effect in the end. More importantly, the minerals are in the mountains and they need to be found and excavated by themselves.The imperial court did not have the strength to find and develop those minerals.

Therefore, the wealth in the mountains and rivers can only be obtained by cooperating with nobles, powerful men and officials.Of course, cooperation must also focus on the imperial court.

Don't take it too seriously. With the current power of the imperial court, anyone who dares to object will have their homes confiscated and exiled.As for the split, Wang Xin thinks that [-] or [-] is fine.Of course, the imperial court accounts for [-]%, and those nobles, powerful men, and officials account for [-]%.

Feel less?Pa, I slapped you, it really hurts your face.

Don't want to do it?There are so many people willing to do it, but there are still people who want to do it but can’t even get in line!

Leave the affairs of the officials' mountains and rivers to the imperial court and Legalist doctors for discussion. After the discussion is completed, they will be submitted to Wang Xin for decision.

Wang Xin is dealing with the court's financial problems. Since the court minted silver coins, the court's income has skyrocketed in the past few years. Every year, the court's income from casting silver coins is almost 500 million guan, and this year it may reach more than 1000 million guan.

The main reason for such a high increase is that the imperial mint has not been operating at full capacity in the past. This time, with the Nanyang Silver Mine, the silver production has increased several levels.Naturally, the imperial court cast more silver coins.

In addition to minting silver coins, the number of copper coins minted by the imperial court has stabilized over the years.Since the advent of silver coins, the number of copper coins minted has declined and has now stabilized.

This is because with the availability of better silver coins, copper coins will no longer be collected in cellars by nobles, powerful and wealthy households.

A large number of copper coins were moved out of their cellars and exchanged for silver dollars.In the past, there was a shortage of copper coins. One of the important reasons was that the nobles, powerful and wealthy people hid the coins or buried them directly with them.

Another reason is the outflow of copper coins.

The copper coins and silver coins cast by Daqian are also very popular in the surrounding countries.Except for the vassal states supported by Da Gan, other barbarian states simply did not have enough technology to mint qualified coins.

Casting copper coins seems simple. Even many nobles and powerful people in Daqian Kingdom have the technology to cast copper coins, but those barbarian countries cannot do it.

In real history, until the Song and Ming dynasties, the casting technology of copper coins in Japan, North Korea, Vietnam and other countries was not up to standard.The quality of the minted copper coins is very poor, light in weight, illegible in writing, and easy to damage. Not to mention the nobles of these foreign countries, even the people at the bottom despise them.

Copper coins need to be circulated frequently, and poor quality copper coins are easily damaged.These foreign countries often transported copper coins from the Central Plains court back for use.The Central Plains court was forced to issue a decree prohibiting copper coins from being taken out of the country.The Daqian court did not prohibit copper coins from being taken out of the country.Therefore, over the years, copper coins minted by the imperial court were also circulated in Fan countries.

The copper coins cast by Daqian have very small weight differences, clear writing, good quality, not easy to rust, and are easy to circulate and trade, so many small countries in the Western Region also like to use them.

As for Daqian silver coins, these foreign countries welcome them even more, and they are more popular than copper coins.

The caravans from the Western Regions who went to the Central Plains for trade every year were very fond of silver coins, and they would take some of them with them when they left.Wang Xin received reports from the kings of the Western Regions that the price of silver coins in the Western Regions was [-]% higher than that in the Central Plains.

The imperial court would reward several vassal states in the Western Regions with some silver coins every year.

Regarding Fan Guo's use of large amounts of copper coins and silver coins, everyone in the royal family thought it was a good thing.In this way, it was equivalent to the imperial court controlling part of the economy of these foreign countries.

Although the economy in this era was not very developed, and the role of economic warfare was not as great as in later generations, the use of Daqian coins was also a subtle promotion of Zhuxia culture, which was conducive to allowing these foreign countries to accept the rule of Daqian. If the time comes in the future, Then these Fan countries can also be included in the Xia.

The promotion of the use of copper coins and silver dollars can also facilitate trade and promote the development of commerce. The imperial court can use copper coins and silver dollars to purchase materials from foreign countries and realize economic colonization.

Of course, at the time of the discussion, the difficulty of this operation was still a bit high. After all, transportation in this era is too difficult, and the impact is only partial.

Similarly, there is another problem: the outflow of copper and silver.Although the amount of copper and silver flowing out every year is not large, over time, the amount is extremely staggering.

Therefore, after some discussions, the royal family felt that it was worthwhile to promote currency circulation in Daqian. However, in order to make up for the loss of copper and silver, merchants who went to Daqian for trade had to carry part of the copper and silver materials to sell as commodities.

When the same large caravans went to other countries to trade, they also had to carry some copper and silver materials with them when they returned.The specific amount needs to be determined by those members of the royal family who mainly study economics.

With these copper and silver materials, the problem of copper and silver loss in the imperial court can also be solved.

Of course, the royal family did not expect the caravan to arrive later for copper and silver issues.Thanks to the books left by Zijue, the royal family knew that the world was very big, and even knew the general situation of many overseas regions and the West, including Europe, Africa, America, and Oceania.

Among them, the Fuso Islands to the east of the sea are naturally also clear.Moreover, those books also stated that the Fuso Islands are rich in gold, silver, copper and other precious metals, and even told future generations that the largest silver mine in the East is located on this archipelago.

It is also for this reason that the royal family has always supported the development of sea-going ships.In addition to being used to transport supplies and troops, another reason is to occupy the Eastern Fuso Islands.

As long as the Fuso Islands are occupied, the silver mines on them will be enough for the court to use for hundreds or even thousands of years.

(End of this chapter)

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