Chapter 49
Ji Gongxuan, who returned from victory, was full of vigor. This trip not only showed Bang Zhou's prestige, but also received worship from Rong and Di kingdoms such as Baoguo, and more importantly, he got a beautiful woman of unparalleled beauty.

When Ji Gongwen came back from victory, the first thing she did was to order Bao Si to be a concubine, and then she was promoted to be a woman at noon, and then promoted to Concubine Bao at night, which can be said to be promoted three times a day.

However, although Bao Si was promoted a little fast, it did not violate Zhou etiquette, and the emperor did not promote her to be a queen. There is no mother clan, so it is not worthy of attention.

It's a pity that these people don't know what a person with a love head can do.

After getting Baosi, Ji Gongyan completely forgot his ambition to be a wise king.He took Bao Si to play around every day.

People who met Bao Si were also shocked by her beauty, and praised her as a peerless beauty, and even felt that her beauty was beyond the reach of ordinary people.

Zijue is also very interested in Baosi, the most beautiful beauty in Bangzhou, and goes to Bangzhou Wangji to meet this beauty.After seeing its appearance, I was also amazed by its beauty.

According to the standard of the system, Bao Si's charm value has exceeded one hundred.It's a pity that only one hundred can be displayed on the system interface.It's like you and a genius got [-] points in the exam at the same time. You can get [-] points because you usually study hard, but the genius can get [-] points because the test paper only has [-] points.

Bao Si is an existence similar to the Son of Destiny in this world, but what she gets is not destiny, but charm.Zijue discovered that she has the characteristics of being charming and tender.This is a deadly poison for men.

If the man is a man of firm will and great talent, marrying Bao Si is a beauty and a hero, making a good story, but if the man is not strong enough, he will immediately become a luxurious, lustful and lustful person.

And the Zhou Tianzi in front of him is obviously not a man of great talent and plan. After meeting Baosi, he was completely fascinated by him.

Since Ji Gongyan returned to Wang Ji, he handed over the government affairs to several officials including father Guo Shi, while he took Bao Si to travel around the mountains and rivers, ignoring the government affairs.

At first, Queen Shen thought that Ji Gongyan just wanted to have fun, and didn't pay much attention to it, but soon discovered that Ji Gongyan completely ignored the government affairs, and hurriedly took the prince Ji Yijiu to persuade him.

Queen Shin took off her earrings, and her hairpin wore frugal clothes to meet Ji Gongyan.

"My lord, I heard that the sage kings in ancient times were diligent in government and caring for the people. You are responsible for Bangzhou's destiny. When you ascended the throne, you were diligent in government and caring for the people, and cared for the people, so Bangzhou became strong. But now you are obsessed with women. The moon ignores the government, how can this be the way of a saint."

"King Zhou of the Yin and Shang Dynasties favored Daji, and Xia Jie favored his younger sister, and they both perished because of this. The lessons learned from the past, how could the king have such a heart of arrogance and lust?"

Ji Gongyan, who was taking Baosi to play, was very upset at being blocked by Queen Shen, but she was the queen of footprints, so she didn't get angry, but when she heard that she actually compared herself with monarchs like Xia Jie and Yin Zhou , I couldn't help it immediately.

"The widow's ascension to the throne, tax exemption, disaster relief, defeating Rongdi, and Xingbang Zhou, which one is not a great achievement, even if Duke Zhou is alive, he will praise the widow as the ancient holy king. I have done so many things alone, but I can't enjoy it. Have you enjoyed it?"

"The queen is too worried!"

"My lord, you are naturally a holy king, but" the queen wanted to persuade her again, but Ji Gongyan said directly: "The queen is far away, she must be tired, send the queen down to rest!"

"Father, Queen Mother Suyi came to persuade me, shouldn't my father be a holy king?"

"Shut up, as a son of man, talk about your father, is this what you should do?" Ji Gongyan sternly shouted.

"Come here and send the son to the Kingdom of Shen, and let the Marquis of Shen teach him!"

Several guards stepped forward to help the crown prince Ji Yijiu, and then sent him to Shen.

After the queen and the prince were driven away, no one dared to persuade the emperor, and the emperor Ji Gongyan continued to play with Baosi.It's just that Ji Gongyan noticed that Bao Si didn't seem happy, and there was always some sadness between his brows.

So Ji Gongyan began to think of ways to make Bao Si happy, but no matter how much he thought about it, he couldn't make Bao Si happy.

This day, Ji Gongyan took Baosi to play in Wang Jizhong, and came to a high platform. When he saw a big drum standing on the high platform, Ji Gongyan found that Baosi's eyes were a little curious when he saw the big drum.With a move in his heart, he immediately ordered people to beat the big drum.

There was an order from the Son of Heaven, and the soldiers who guarded the drum did not dare to disobey, so they immediately rang the drum. It spread throughout Wang Ji.

Hearing the sound of drums, Bangzhou's soldiers who were working at home or farming in the fields dropped their tools, put on their armor, and picked up their weapons and hurriedly gathered on the high platform.All Wang Ji's soldiers rushed over.

It turns out that the sound of the drum was used to summon soldiers when foreign enemies invaded within Wang Ji.When the drums were heard, all the soldiers dropped everything and hurried forward.

It turned out that after arriving here, there was no foreign enemy invasion around.Only the emperor and Baosi stood on the high platform.Seeing the panicked look of Da Jun, Bao Si laughed out loud.

Seeing Bao Si's smile, Ji Gongyan immediately felt that the world was lit up at this moment. He only cared about playing with Bao Si, so the army had to go back separately.

After successfully making Bao Si laugh, Ji Gongyan often had people beat drums and summoned an army to make Bao Si smile.

After so many times, the Chinese people who originally supported Ji Gongyan became disgusted.

On the other hand, since father Guo Shi and several officials presided over the government, because father Guo Shi and others were greedy for money and were treacherous, Bangzhou's government became increasingly corrupt.

Ji Gongyan worked hard at the beginning of his ascension to restore Bangzhou's state affairs, but now, Bangzhou's situation has declined rapidly again.

Even because of the decline of the state and Zhou Dynasty, those Rong and Di were no longer afraid.Originally, Ji Gongzhen was backed by her mother's family, Qi State, and her wife's family, Shen State. As long as she relied on the power of the two princes, it would not be difficult to reorganize the government and balance the king's nobles.At the beginning, King Xuan chose Shenhou's daughter in order to let Shenhou block the Western dog army for Wang Ji.

In the end, this Ji Gongyan was very good. After getting the concubine, she ignored Shen Hou and even sent the prince back to Shen State.Although this approach is very outrageous, considering that his daughter is still the queen and his grandson is the prince, Shen Hou also recognized it.

On the other hand, Ji Gongzhen ignores government affairs, and Guo Shi's father is not a figure like Zhuge Kongming, how can Bang Zhou maintain it?Bang Zhou, who was already on the verge of collapse, accelerated towards the abyss.

Baosi was not funny, but King You wanted her to laugh everywhere, so she didn't.King You played a big drum with a beacon, and when there were bandits, he raised the beacon fire. The princes heard that they had arrived, but when there were no bandits, Bao Si laughed.King You smiled when he wanted to praise Si, because the number was a beacon and a big drum, and the princes and soldiers were numerous and there were no bandits.Afterwards, the soldiers and bandits really arrived, King You beat the drums, but the soldiers of the princes did not arrive.King You died under Lishan Mountain, laughing for the world. ——"Funny Notes Weekly Notes"

(End of this chapter)

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