A Millennium Aristocratic Family Starting from the Shang Dynasty

Chapter 506: Dynasty Luck and Destiny: The reason why the Wang family must protect Zhu Xia

Chapter 506: Dynasty Luck and Destiny: The reason why the Wang family must protect Zhu Xia

After the Wang family unified the world, they had more than four hundred years of destiny, and the basic luck they received every year was ten thousand. Later, after they expanded into the Western Regions, Lingnan, Overseas Fusang, and Southern Xinjiang, the number increased to about fifteen thousand. These fortunes seemed quite good. There is a lot, but it will be used up after just one use.

It seems like a lot, but it consumes a lot every year. The basic maintenance of Dongtian World requires one thousand points of luck. If you turn on the saving mode, it will be reduced to one hundred points, but that mode is almost useless. The ancestor's protection and Zijue's blessing for his descendants cost 3,000 points every year. If the number of family members continued to increase, this value would increase.

The imperial court built star observatories at that time, and thirty-six of them were established in various places in the country. The observatory can observe the stars, suppress national fortunes, and eliminate disasters, but eliminating disasters requires spending luck points.

A thousand points of luck can make a county smooth and disaster-free, but there are thirty-six observatories in the world, which requires thirty-six thousand points of luck every year. During the hundreds of years since the Wang family established the Huai Kingdom, they had only accumulated three million fortunes. If they were all opened, they would be used up in a hundred years.

When there is no luck to protect us, all kinds of bad luck, weapons, diseases, blessings and misfortunes will happen. How will the Wang family pass on the inheritance?

However, if there is an observatory, it is a complete waste if it is not used. Therefore, the observatory opened by the Wang family only has a low-level effect. Each observatory consumes one hundred points of luck every year, and it requires 3,600 points of luck in a year.

Although it only activates the blessing and disaster relief effects of the low-level observatory, the low-level effects can eliminate half of various disasters. If the disaster that is about to happen is not serious, it will be eliminated directly.

Zijue tested at that time that earthquakes with magnitude 6 or below (including magnitude 6) would be eliminated directly, or only a slight tremor would be felt, and the power of earthquakes with magnitude 6 or above would be reduced by 50%.

The same goes for other disasters such as storms, wildfires, floods, tsunamis, droughts, snowstorms, plagues, etc., which will be reduced, so that as long as there is no major disaster, there will be no major problems in various places.

Of course, if a disaster of level 6 or above breaks out, there will be nothing we can do.

In addition to these, the Wang family also has some other luck expenses every year. Added together, the Wang family needs to consume 8,000 points of luck every year. If they use the destiny artifact, they will need more.

Zijue needs to reserve some fifteen thousand points of luck to meet the needs of the Wang family to maintain their survival after losing their destiny. If the Wang family loses their destiny and no longer builds a country, they will basically have no source of luck, and they will need to rely on their past accumulation to survive.

Of course, it is not impossible to continue to obtain luck, such as contributing enough strength when the new dynasty is established, or becoming a general or prime minister after the new dynasty is established, and making meritorious deeds for the Xia. But if you think about it, you will know that the Wang family is the royal family of the previous dynasty. Are you going to rebel on your own?

Even if he rebelled against himself, which emperor would dare to appoint the former royal family as generals and ministers? I'm afraid that the emperor wouldn't be able to do such a thing without having cerebral thrombosis for decades.

At most, according to the three-ke system since the Shang and Zhou dynasties, one can be granted a title and guarded. That's good luck. If he were unlucky, he would have wiped out the previous royal family.

You must know that in real history, since the Qin and Han Dynasties, the descendants of the subjugated royal families have become more miserable than the last. The Wang family will not place their wealth and life on others. Da Qian was able to give the previous dynasty the royal family the three-ke system, but Zijue didn't think that the subsequent dynasties would give the Wang family the three-ke system. Even according to the Wang family's current attitude towards the powerful, distinguished, and wealthy families, if those people had the opportunity, they would Give Wang a chance to turn around?

After the end of Daqian's destiny, the Wang family could only take shelter in remote places such as the Big and Small Ryukyu Islands, Fusang Islands, the Western Regions or Lelang County in Liaodong. As for hiding one's name in the Central Plains, the Wang family's black bird pattern on their foreheads will not be hidden. How can such an obvious divine pattern remain anonymous?

Therefore, it is better to simply go to the Western Regions, the Ryukyu Islands and the Fuso Islands for temporary refuge.

The Central Plains court's ability to control these wild lands was very weak. Daqian was able to maintain this situation entirely because of the strong support of the Wang family.

As far as the road from the Central Plains to the Western Regions, the population is sparse, and even if the country is strong, it cannot be completely controlled. Once the national power weakens, it will be immediately invaded by other countries.

The Wang family keeps a low profile and finding a place to live here is not a problem at all.

The vast majority of people in the royal family do not agree with the use of destiny artifacts, also because the luck value is not enough. They want to use it when the family or the Xia civilization is in real danger of destruction.

When the Daqian destiny is strong, natural disasters and man-made disasters will decrease; when the Daqian destiny weakens, various natural and man-made disasters will increase. This is also the time when the dynasty comes to the end of the year, when all kinds of natural and man-made disasters occur one after another, and corrupt officials are killed incessantly, as if they will not give up until the dynasty is destroyed.

Once the new dynasty is established, there will be fewer natural and man-made disasters. Then various famous officials will begin to appear, and the dynasty will quickly reach its peak. And as long as the emperor doesn't mess around, this prosperity will last for about a hundred to a hundred and fifty years.

This situation is when destiny first appears and luck is at its peak. In other words, when time comes, heaven and earth all work together. In the rising period, no matter what the court does, it is like God's help.

Then the dynasty will begin to decline. Of course, this decline usually lasts for hundreds of years and will not collapse all at once. After all, Zhu Xia's foundation is too strong. Unless a general like the 'Ming God of War' appears, it will not collapse all at once. Just collapse.

Of course, even if the dynasty is at its peak, if there is a brain defect, even if the dynasty is at its peak, there will be a major turning point, interrupting the upward trend of the dynasty. Representatives include the Donkey Cart God of War and the Ming Dynasty God of War. In addition to these two most famous ones, there are several others, such as the one who does not mince meat, and the one who calls a deer a horse and brings Xiaoxiao Le to the clan.

If the court has deep luck, there will even be a few sons of luck in the middle. These people will rise to the occasion. If everything goes well, they can push the country's power to its peak again. If future generations live up to expectations, they will naturally be able to continue. However, if future generations fail to live up to expectations, they will soon slip away, just like returning to glory.

More than a hundred years after the peak of the Qian Dynasty, the population was large. Although the national fortune was at its peak, what was coming was still coming. Natural and man-made disasters also occurred, and families of noble and powerful officials also learned to be wise. It's already hard to clean them up after trying to use the previous excuses.

However, this is fine. If the noble, powerful, and official families become wiser, the lives of the common people will be much easier.

(End of this chapter)

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