A Millennium Aristocratic Family Starting from the Shang Dynasty

Chapter 512 There is a fish in the North Ming Dynasty, its name is Kun

Chapter 512 There is a fish in the North Ming Dynasty, its name is Kun

North of Fuso, the sea is vast, with a dozen large ships riding the wind and waves like a row of ants.

On the tall mast, a group of seagulls flew around the observation deck. Suddenly, a high-pitched chirping sound came from the distance. The sailors on the mast immediately used telescopes to search the distant sea.

"There is a big Kun in the southeast, and there is a big Kun in the southeast!"

"There is a big Kun in the southeast!" Lin Binglin, the commander on the deck, shouted back quickly.

"There is a big Kun in the southeast!"

Soon the big ship turned quickly and rushed towards the big Kun, and other arriving ships also followed.

Wang Yun sat on the largest seagoing ship and looked into the distance. This time he led the fleet north to capture this giant kun. Giant Kun is no ordinary sea fish. It is huge and extremely difficult to deal with. Therefore, Wang Yun personally took charge of catching the giant Kun to avoid any problems.

After decades of development in the imperial court, large sea-going ships have also been continuously improved, and their sturdiness and anti-sinkability have been significantly improved. In addition to these, sea-going ships have become larger.

The most important thing is that after decades of hard work, the Daqian court has a mature navy.

The navy and the army are completely different. Although the saying "a century-old navy" is a bit exaggerated, if you want to train a mature navy, it will take decades and the efforts of one or two generations to even think about it.

The navy of the imperial court went through a lot of sailing and mastered the weather and hydrology conditions at sea, so that they could sail long distances at sea. Coupled with the continuous improvement of sea-going ships over the years, various weapons have also emerged. The maximum length of the imperial court's latest sea-going ships has exceeded fifty meters.

Such a huge sea ship is like a moving city wall on land. With such a powerful fleet, this is the reason why the imperial court dared to capture the giant Kun.

More than a dozen ships were arranged in formation, riding the wind and waves on the sea. The seawater hit the side of the ship, stirring up countless white waves. Soon a huge black shadow appeared on the sea in the distance, and the seawater flew into the sky more than ten meters high.

"Your Majesty, we have seen the giant Kun. He is alone. Do you want to take action?" A man dressed as a general said respectfully.

"Go ahead, be careful!" Wang Yun said.

After receiving the order, the man immediately passed it on, and the flag bearer on the mast also began to wave the flag. The other fleets that saw the semaphore order immediately took action.

Two of the medium-sized ships quickly approached the giant kun, and after adjusting the angle, the modified crossbows on the ship aimed at the giant kun. The next second, the crossbow arrows, which were two meters long and as thick as an arm, were instantly launched. Shoot out.

The crossbow arrow was extremely fast, but it hit the giant Kun in the blink of an eye, and blood spattered instantly. The giant whale screamed, and the two-meter-long crossbow arrow pierced its body fiercely. The huge pain caused it to twist its body crazily in an attempt to get rid of the crossbow.

However, this crossbow arrow had already been added with barbs when it was made. The more the giant Kun struggled, the deeper the crossbow arrow penetrated, making it impossible to pull it out. The blood spurted out until the sea turned red.

There were several wooden barrels tied to the rope behind the crossbow. Even if the giant Kun kept tumbling, it still couldn't get rid of it. After the two warships fired two crossbow arrows, in order to prevent the giant Kun from knocking over the ship in anger, they immediately ducked away. The giant Kun tried to dive and escape several times, but the dozen wooden barrels hanging behind the crossbow made it impossible to dive deep into the sea. The giant kun writhed and tried to escape, but it had no effect at all except tearing the wound wider.

After rolling on the sea for two quarters of an hour, the giant kun, which was more than ten meters long, no longer had any strength to move. The giant kun, which had lost too much blood, had reached the end of its life.

Seeing that the giant kun was unable to move, the fleet that had been prepared immediately swarmed up, tied the giant kun to ropes, lifted it up with wooden barrels, and then rushed up the rowing boats. Hundreds of soldiers were on board the twenty boats. Quickly segment this giant Kun.

The navy currently has no way to lift such a giant kun as a whole. It can only use segmentation to quickly divide the giant kun into small pieces. At the same time, when dividing the giant kun, pay attention to the sea water. attacks by other predatory fish.

Hundreds of people quickly cut up the giant kun, and soon the huge kun was cut into hundreds of pieces of meat weighing more than a hundred kilograms, and then sent to the big ship. The craftsmen on the big boats perform secondary processing on the fish.

After the meat of the giant kun is washed, it is pickled with sea salt. The skin of the giant kun is peeled off and salted. The fish oil of the giant kun is directly refined and then sealed and preserved in clay pots.

The remaining giant kun beards, giant kun bones, and even fish tendons were divided and preserved. Such a huge giant kun weighs dozens of tons, of which the giant kun oil alone weighs tens of thousands of kilograms, and the giant kun's meat weighs hundreds of thousands of kilograms.

These giant kun oils can not only be used as lamp oil, but can also be eaten. Hundreds of thousands of kilograms of fish meat are salted and enough to feed tens of thousands of navy soldiers for several months.

A giant kun was quickly decomposed, and in the end only some scraps were left and thrown into the sea.

After successfully hunting a giant kun, the imperial navy continued to search the sea. The fleet soon discovered another giant kun. After having the experience of successfully hunting a giant kun, the fleet next searched for this giant kun. The giant kun went on the hunt.

The fleet's cooperation became more and more tacit. After the giant Kun was hunted, the sailors quickly decomposed it, and a large amount of fish meat and fish oil were stored in the cabin.

After hunting two giant kelps in a row, the fleet did not stay any longer and turned the ship around quickly to return home. Although the fish has been pickled, the climate at sea is not suitable for long-term storage, and the fish needs to be transported back as soon as possible.

The two giant kun provided hundreds of thousands of kilograms of fish meat and a large amount of fish oil, enough for hundreds of thousands of people. Although the meat of Jukun is not very delicious, it is already difficult for people in this era to eat meat.

More than 100,000 kilograms of fish oil were divided into several parts. One part was transported to Luoyang and handed over to the royal family, while the other part of the fish oil was given to Wang Yun for disposal. Because these fish oils are extremely flame-resistant, have no other smell, and produce little smoke, many nobles and noble families rush to buy them, and some of them are sent to military camps for soldiers to eat.

Some fish oil was sent to craftsmen to be used as lubricants.

As for the fish tentacles, they are crushed and made into bow strings. The giant kun tentacles are very tough and not easily deformed, making them more useful than beef tendons. Giant Kun skin is used to make leather armor and shields. The skin of giant kun is tough and hard to be damaged by swords. It is stronger than elephant and rhinoceros skins and even leather armor.

Because the navy has been at sea all year round, leather armor and rattan armor have changed the environment here. The last giant kun skeleton was also transported to the Agricultural College in Luoyang, the divine capital.

(End of this chapter)

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