Chapter 520 Jiangnan Undercurrent

The imperial court had just issued an order to cross the sea to aid the Yan State. Not long after, problems began to arise in the Western Regions. Compared with Liaodong, the Western Region is far away and difficult to navigate, making it impossible to send large armies there.

The last time the imperial court sent tens of thousands of troops to conquer Dawan in the Western Regions, although they achieved a complete victory, the logistical pressure was so great that it almost emptied Daqian's treasury at that time, and there were countless casualties along the way.

Now if I want to do it again, the court can't get food at all.

"Your Majesty, each of the five countries in the Western Region has between 3,000 and 5,000 soldiers, and the Western Region Protectorate has 5,000 troops. If civilians are mobilized, it will not be a problem to organize a hundred thousand troops. If the imperial court sends another 5,000 troops to support, it must be able to stabilize the Western Regions. Situation." Chao Cuo thought for a moment and said.

Although Dayuan and Wusun both claim to have armies of one hundred thousand, the vast majority of these one hundred thousand are civilians or armies composed of strong people, and there may not even be thirty thousand who are truly armed and strong.

How can the warriors from these barbarian countries compare with the elites of Daqian? In real history, one Han was like five barbarians, but now in Dagan, one man is like ten barbarians.

Five thousand elite cadres, together with the Western Region Protectorate and the Five Western Regions, are enough to deal with the Dayuan and Wusun Kingdoms. But what we have to face is that the Western Region is vast, and if we want to settle down, we need enough manpower to garrison it.

"With five thousand elites, does the court still have food and grass?" Wang Yi asked.

"Your Majesty, the Taifu is temporarily unable to mobilize enough food and grass for the five thousand troops to expedition to the Western Regions." Da Sinong said.

Although it is said that there will be five thousand troops, the Western Region is thousands of miles away, and the army's military requirement of one hundred thousand dan is not enough. In addition, transportation along the way requires a large number of civilians. If you want to expedition to the Western Regions, even if there are 5,000 people, the final cost of food and grass will be at least 300,000 dan.

In the end, more people were killed and injured on the road than in the battle.

"Your Majesty, please order the nobles, powerful people, and local officials along the way to supply food and grass!" Prime Minister Zuo Chao Cuo said directly: "The trade routes in the Western Regions are cut off, and they are the ones most affected. As long as the imperial court orders it, they will provide food and grass."

Wang Yi thought about it and felt that there was no problem, so he issued an edict asking the powerful officials, nobles and local officials in Guanzhong, Hexi, and Longyou to raise food and grass to supply the army heading west to quell the rebellion.

As for which army to send, Wang Yi thought about it and finally decided to send the Yulin Guards. The five countries in the Western Regions are all states entrusted by the royal family, and they can also be regarded as the private territories of the royal family.

Wang Yi sent his younger brother Wang Gu to lead an army of five thousand and ten thousand civilians to the Western Regions to quell the rebellion. All the army's needs along the way are supplied by the counties along the way.

Longyou in Hexi Province has a large population due to immigration over the years. It has not experienced major disasters in these years, and there is no problem in supplying the army. After arriving at Dunhuang, there are Liang Kingdom and Tianci City, which is enough for the army to go to Qiuci and Beiting.

After deciding to send troops, the imperial court quickly issued an edict, and within a month, five thousand troops set off from Luoyang.

In the fifth year of Jianxing Period of Daqian Dynasty, there was a rebellion in the Western Regions. The imperial court sent General Zhao Wang and Wang Chao to lead an army of five thousand to conquer the Western Regions.

Just as the northern part of Daqian fell into war, some southern states and counties also became ready to take action. Some people saw that the court had been suffering from disasters over the years, and began to secretly claim that the destiny of Daqian was about to end, so God would bring so many disasters.

The imperial court transferred grain and grass from the south and purchased grain at a reasonable price, because the south also suffered from floods and many places were short of food. The imperial court's tough purchase of grain frustrated many people's hopes of making a fortune. In the minds of these people, if they don’t make money, they are losing money.

Coupled with the addition of some treacherous people who added fuel to the flames, some people who were not clear-headed actually began to secretly instigate the people to cause trouble. However, as soon as this kind of death attempt was made, the soldiers from the county and city were wiped out like falling leaves by the wind. There was no need for the court to mobilize the army at all. Although these were quickly wiped out, after the imperial court learned of the situation in the south, it sent embroidered clothes envoys and patrol censors to the south to inspect and inspect various places.

After decades of development, especially after the emergence of a large number of schools, powerful people in various places also changed their styles and began to transform into a family of Confucian classics and a family of officials.

The situation at the local level is much more complex than it was a few decades ago. Even if the imperial court did not clean it up in about twenty years, there are more and more nobles and aristocratic families in the world.

This time something happened locally, and the court planned to take this opportunity to clean up the situation.

Wang Yi selected three scholars from the academy who were proficient in common affairs and practiced Legalism and Confucianism, appointed them as inspection censors, and sent them to the south, along with several teams of embroiderers.

The inspection censors sent by the imperial court have all been trained, and most of them are young people who are in their hot-blooded period and can't get rid of the sand in their eyes.

After receiving the order, the inspection censors quickly came to the counties south of the Yangtze River.

The imperial army took boats to cross eastward. After decades of development, the imperial ships were far from what they were at the beginning. Tens of thousands of troops took hundreds of warships, sailed from Dengzhou, and then crossed the sea to the Liaodong Peninsula.

Tens of thousands of troops landed on the Liaodong Peninsula. Although the Xianbei people had already invaded the Yan Kingdom, they did not dare to go deep. Instead, they concentrated their main force in the Liaoze Corridor and near Lelang County in the east, hoping to separate the Yan Kingdom from Daqian. , and then attack from three sides: east, west, north and west.

Three hundred thousand Xianbei cavalry were enough for them to complete this layout. The total number of soldiers in the Yan Kingdom was only 50,000, and they could only hold on to the city. After the Xianbei people attacked the city several times.

As a result, he was hit in front of the city wall and suffered a bloody head. The Yan cavalry even took the opportunity to counterattack. For a time, the Xianbei people suffered heavy casualties. After two lessons, the Xianbei people also learned to be wise and began to only besiege but not attack. Then attack towns that are not protected by walls or have low walls.

After these Xianbei people captured the town, they moved all the people in the city out. The adult men and elderly people were thrown directly onto the battlefield, forcing them to attack, and the women and children were directly taken away.

By the time Daqian's reinforcements arrived, tens of thousands of Yan people had already been kidnapped. After Huo Fu learned the news about the Xianbei people, he immediately prepared an army. This time, of the 50,000 troops across the sea, 20,000 were cavalry.

At this time, the Xianbei people thought that the Liaoze passage was blocked and the Daqian army could not come. After besieging the Yan army in several cities, they dispersed the remaining troops to plunder.

Hundreds of thousands of Xianbei people were scattered in Liaodong. After reading the intelligence, Huo Fu immediately led 20,000 cavalry to attack the Xianbei people.

The Xianbei people were scattered in various places. They never expected that Daqian could come across the sea. Without any precautions, how could they be the opponent of Daqian's cavalry. More than 100,000 troops were scattered throughout the country. Daqian's 20,000 cavalry swept through Liaodong like strong winds sweeping away fallen leaves. Those Xianbei people who were killed by Daqian's cavalry fled in embarrassment.

Even with the cooperation of the Yan State, they directly cooperated internally and externally, defeated Xianbei, and beheaded tens of thousands.

(End of this chapter)

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