A Millennium Aristocratic Family Starting from the Shang Dynasty

Chapter 530 The old era is over, and the era of the Confucian classics family is coming

Chapter 530 The old era is over, and the era of the Confucian classics family is coming

Exploring barbaric lands, whether it is Nanman, Lingnan, the Western Regions, or overseas, no place is easy.

On the one hand, it is a road problem, and on the other hand, it is the environment and climate. Just like when the imperial court exiled those noble families to explore the border, only 70% to 80% of them could arrive safely even if they were prepared. The rest basically died on the road.

And even after arriving, living in the border areas, not accustomed to the acclimatization, plus all kinds of ferocious beasts and poisonous insects, after three years, it is considered good if 50% of the population survives.

Many people die from various diseases.

With such a high casualty rate, the people in the Central Plains would not be willing to venture here if they couldn't survive. Even ordinary people are unwilling to go. Do you expect those aristocratic families, powerful people, and nobles to take the initiative to open up?

Wang Yi does not deny that the nobles, powerful and nobles have the spirit of pioneering and enterprising, just like when the kingdoms and Zhou Dynasties were established and the princes of the world were divided. Many of those princes had rough roads, thorns and frost, so that they could have a sizeable land. But today's aristocratic families, powerful people, and nobles are not willing to do such a thankless thing.

The imperial court could only encourage development, but could not force people to do so.

Since the founding of Daqian, the influence of Confucianism has gradually expanded. From being suppressed by Legalism, Taoism, and Mohism, it is now able to suppress Taoism and Mohism and has the confidence to compete with Legalism.

In the 150 years since the founding of Daqian, various problems have emerged one after another, and the Dukes in the court naturally felt it. Many people have even suggested changing the law, but there are different opinions on how the law should be changed.

Wang Yi was not a foolish king, his talents were better than ordinary people, and he was far from those talented and strategic monarchs, but he understood that reform was extremely important. He also wanted to reform, but he couldn't find anyone who could entrust him with the big responsibility.

He did not meet important ministers like Gong Yangshuo, Sun Shuao, Wu Zixu, Wu Qi, and Shang Yang who could entrust important matters. Therefore, the reform and restructuring has not been implemented.

He knew that if the reform failed, the consequences would seriously affect Daqian, and it would be better not to reform without reform.

"Isn't it right to have a friend come from afar?"

"There must be my teacher among the three of us!"

"The people are the most valuable, the king is the most important, and the country is the next best thing!"

The sound of reading resounded loudly in the countryside. In Daqian, Mencius' status was no lower than that of Confucius. Mencius was even more favored by the royal family because of his radical ideas.

In real history, Mencius's thoughts and doctrines were not liked by those in power because Mencius had a rebellious spirit. The emperor prefers the kind of father, father, son, king, king and ministers. The king lets the ministers die, but the ministers have to die. Thunder, rain, and dew are all your grace.

However, in the eyes of the Daqian royal family, if the emperor treats his ministers like brothers and feet, then his ministers will regard him as his heart; if the emperor regards his ministers as dogs and horses, then his ministers will regard him as a countryman; if his ministers regard his ministers as grass and mustard, then his ministers will regard him as an enemy bandit. .

The Wang family does not want the people to become obedient people. They do not want to say in the future that the people of Daqian are the most tolerant of oppression in the world. As long as there is a little hope of survival, they will not rebel.

For such people, those meat eaters will not have any gratitude or mercy, they will only exploit them more unscrupulously.

Zijue did not want to see the people of Zhuxia become like this. He hoped that the people would have a spirit of resistance. If the people dared to resist, the carnivorous class would not dare to oppress and persecute them wantonly.

This is why the Daqian court never suppressed Confucianism and Mohism. At that time, Li Si wrote to Emperor Qian that "Confucianism disrupts the law with literature, and chivalry violates the law with force." The Confucian in this is Confucianism, and the chivalry is Mohism.

Li Si wanted to use an excuse to suppress Confucianism and Mohism and let Legalism dominate, but he was never approved.

Although the Mohist family was not as good as the Confucian and Legalist families in the court, it still had high popularity among the grassroots people. They travel around the world and take action when they see injustice. They are born with a chivalrous spirit. However, the Legalists have always been unhappy with the Mohists who use force to break the law. There are hundreds of schools of thought, some of which have withered, or are no longer suitable for social development and are gradually dying out, but many are still flourishing.

After development, many sages' ways have become stronger and stronger through continuous honing and improvement in practice, following the trend.

After more than a hundred years of development in the imperial court, especially after the opening of private schools, folk preaching and lectures flourished, and a large number of scholars appeared. Even ordinary civilians have opportunities to stand out.

After entering the academy, these scholars who have learned the ways of sages will become a powerful force in the political arena after undergoing some study and assessment.

Many of these scholars are attached to the clan and relatives. After all, the three ministers and the internal ministers are now held by clan and relatives or official offices.

Although scholars also served as three princes or prime ministers, they would be checked and balanced by clans and nobles. The court needs to maintain a balance.

If Da Qian wanted to become an official, he had to take filial piety and integrity, conquer the imperial court, be granted a title, conduct military exploits, and conduct examinations in the academy.

Those who promoted filial piety and integrity were mostly recommended by state and county officials from various places, and there were also those who followed the path of honor and nobility. However, there were not many places for both, and most of them recommended each other's relatives and descendants.

This kind of recommendation is equivalent to the basic base of noble and official families. The academy examination is the most popular type of official recruitment.

Although history occasionally repeats itself, it is generally moving forward. None of these scholars who were promoted after passing rounds of assessments was a fool.

Although these people are not as good as the nobles in politics and military, they are smarter. Nobles like Xungui, who rely on blood inheritance, cannot be extremely talented in every generation, and there will always be mediocre people.

But those scholars won't. Under such competition from generation to generation, nobles and noble families went from having the upper hand, to being evenly matched, and then to falling behind.

It is unstoppable for the Confucian classics family to replace the bloodline aristocrats.

This situation has already appeared in the imperial court. The rise of the Confucian classics family has occupied half of the imperial court. The nobles who rely on blood and the influence of their ancestors are becoming increasingly powerless.

The sound of reading could be heard loudly. Under a big tree outside the academy, two people were playing chess under the tree, but their minds were not on the chessboard.

"The lives of the people all over the world are becoming more and more difficult. If this continues, we will not be far away from revolt! But the court has not taken any action."

"Isn't the imperial court always immigrating? If those people are willing to immigrate, isn't that a way out?" said the white-faced scholar sitting opposite him.

"The common people have a narrow escape from death. If the court imposes an order, it is forcing the common people to die."

"If the common people don't want to die, then the nobles and powerful people are willing to die? Is there any such saying in the world?"

"Then just sit back and watch this great thing fall down?"

"Then let's look at the Dukes of Yanyan above the court."

(End of this chapter)

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