Chapter 535 Zijue Daqian Reform

The cave world.

The First Emperor, Wang Luo, was playing chess by himself under a big mulberry tree. Among the emperors of Daqian, he is a special one. He was the First Emperor, and he granted the title of Zen to Mount Tai, awakening the dragon veins in the lands of all Xia.

Therefore, he received the blessing of the dragon veins of Zhu Xia, allowing his soul to live forever in the world, instead of being like other ancestors of the Wang family who could only sleep in the Hall of Heroes and only wake up occasionally.

It can be said that he is the most special member of the Wang clan besides Zijue.

The cave is very spacious, and you can do almost anything you want here. Of course it can only appear in the cave world. Wang Luo has been living in the world of cave heaven for a while, and he has already understood all this. It can be said that living here, except that he cannot leave the cave world, is far more comfortable than living in the human world.

When you were alive, you tried to pursue immortality but failed, but after you died, you achieved immortality.

It's not like Wang Luo hasn't visited the human world, but although his soul can live on forever, he can't communicate with other people, and he will feel tired if he stays outside for a long time.

After Wang Luo met Zi Jue, he got Zi Jue's permission and often went to the human world to observe the governance of his descendants. But after seeing too much, it was just like that. When future generations did not do well, he could only watch on the sidelines, so he returned to the cave.

"It's boring, why not go to the Hall of Valor and sleep, and wait for the others to wake up and play a few more games."

Time flowed slowly, and there seemed to be no time passing in the cave world. Wang Luo waved his hand gently, and a cloud crane appeared, lifted it up, and flew to the Hall of Heroes not far away.

At this time, in the cave world, above the nine heavens, the black bird of luck, which symbolizes the destiny of Daqian, flew up, and the luck of the entire Daqian also began to turbulence.

"Qi movement turbulent? Something big happened again?" Wang Luo was slightly startled.

"Is the destiny continued?"

"No!" A gentle voice appeared next to him.


The man who is full of fairy spirit and is not as handsome as a mortal man stands in the void with a smile. Wang Luo reacted instantly, quickly stood up from Yunhe, and saluted Zijue respectfully.

"Ancestor, you're awake!"

Zijue put his hands behind his hands and smiled: "Wake up."

"Ancestor, Daqian's luck is turbulent, but what happened?" Wang Luo asked.

"It's not a big deal. This kind of situation happened during the Huai Kingdom." Zijue said.

"Is there a new destiny?"

"No." Zijue waved his hand gently, and saw a line of destiny purple energy surrounding the destiny black bird above the nine heavens.

"If there are no accidents, the destiny will reach its peak in the first hundred years, and then slowly decline and decline. After that, there will be a resurgence, but after the resurgence, it will continue to decline. Then, due to many contradictions, the world will As the evil spirit accumulated, the country's destiny fell to the lowest level, and finally collapsed."

"The current situation is that after one hundred and fifty years of hard work, the country's power has declined, there is unrest in all directions, and malpractices have accumulated in the country. The current generation of family heads want to reform and revitalize."

"I wonder if it can be revitalized this time?" Wang Luo asked curiously. "Reform and innovation are easier said than done." Zijue said lightly: "Destiny is reincarnated. Every reform and innovation is a reversal of destiny. It is not easy to succeed."

"The descendants will have their own blessings. We have the divine weapon of destiny in our hands, so don't worry."

Zijue doesn't spend much time waking up after merging with Tiandao, but every time he wakes up, he will let himself be contaminated by the fireworks of the world. He does not want to be the kind of ruthless and impartial Tiandao who will not give up his feelings.

If you even give up your own emotional preferences, then even if you merge with the way of heaven, will you still be yourself? So every time he wakes up, he will regain his emotional preferences and become tainted with the fireworks of the world.

Since Wang Yi supported the reform, Chao Cuo immediately began to advance it. He selected like-minded officials to help him implement the reform.

Chao Cuo knew the difficulties of the reform, so he needed to first train a team that could cooperate with the reform. The reform will definitely touch the interests of some people. Chao Cuo will start with some unimportant changes, and when he has enough experience, he will start to promote them comprehensively.

Among them, the advancement of silver mines was the smoothest. After hearing that the imperial court was opening overseas silver mines, a large number of nobles, powerful people, and noble families wanted to go.

A silver mine is a silver mountain.

Of course, how could Chao Cuo give them the silver mining rights so easily? The number of silver mines is limited and cannot be owned by everyone. These silver mines are for nobles who are willing to cooperate and support the court's reforms.

These silver mines were not only to solve the financial problems of the imperial court, but also to gain the support of more nobles and noble families in exchange for benefits.

At the same time, the imperial court began a large-scale inventory of acres of land, the payment of business taxes, and the investigation of officials. Because of the temptation of silver mines, some nobles and noble families chose to cooperate with the imperial court. With the cooperation of these nobles and noble families, the difficulty of the court's inventory of land acres and business taxes has dropped by several levels.

Some local tycoons and nobles wanted to resist, and began to deliberately raise the prices of various items, colluded with officials, and raised taxes in various names.

The imperial court originally only levied land tax, but they cleverly levied firewood tax, silk silk tax, and fire consumption tax under different names. Various methods were used to force the people to become bandits, causing local unrest.

He wanted to use this to threaten the court and spread rumors that the new policy of the court was harsh, preying on the people, forcing the people to rebel, etc. In short, the purpose is to muddy the water and then force the court to stop implementing the New Deal.

Faced with this situation, the court would not be used to it. Chao Cuo directly mobilized three thousand troops to go there, surrounded the local nobles and powerful people, and ransacked their homes. Then send people to surrender those people who fell into disgrace and became bandits.

If these people are willing to surrender, the court can forgive them and resettle them. If you are unwilling to surrender, don't blame the court for being ruthless.

Chao Cuo implemented the reform ruthlessly. In the five capitals of the world and Luoyang, the officials who are punishing the lawless and oppressing the good deeds will be punished. Those who hurt others will be punished, and those who kill will die!

Chao Cuo no longer trusts these officials. He does not think that such officials can be corrected. What's more, if these officials are not dealt with, how can he give his people a place?

Of course, if those families who are willing to cooperate commit crimes, they will only kill the individual and not implicate the family, and then promote a useful talent from those families.

This is an exchange of interests. Chao Cuo's reforms cannot possibly destroy all the families and allies who support him.

In order to prosecute the officials, Chao Cuo and Wang Yi discussed it and set up an iron box outside the Zhuque Gate of the Imperial City. Anyone who found someone else doing something illegal could report it.

Of course, there is another way to report, which is to report and write under your real name. If it's true, the court will reward you; if it's not true, you'll be punished.

(End of this chapter)

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