A Millennium Aristocratic Family Starting from the Shang Dynasty

Chapter 554 Reform interrupts the purge of the army

Chapter 554 Reform interrupts the purge of the army

Emperor Xiaoxian died, and Prince Wang Zhuo succeeded to the throne. After Wang Zhuo succeeded to the throne, he did not change the yuan. Instead, he asked Lingyou to change the yuan when the new year came after the three years of Lingyou.

Changed to the first year of Lingwu.

Although Emperor Xiaoxian did not reign long, the prince had long since reached adulthood, and the Daqian royal family also had complete succession rules. There was no turmoil when Wang Zhuo came to power.

However, two emperors died in just three years, which made the newly stable situation in the court become unstable.

The ministers did not dare to place bets at will, and they were also worried that the current emperor would suddenly die.

As the saying goes, one emperor has one minister. Who knows whether the emperor will promote his old ministers in the East Palace or other ministers after he takes office.

After all, compared to them, the old ministers of the East Palace were more familiar with him and were more in tune with him.

When Wang Zhuo came to power, because Wang Cheng did not leave any important ministers behind, some of them could not control the ministers below. Under such circumstances, he could no longer continue to implement reforms.

It is not easy to maintain the current situation.

From the name Wang Zhuo, you can tell that he is not a very smart person. Therefore, even if he wanted to continue to promote the reform policies of his father and grandfather, he was powerless.

The noble ministers in Luoyang have not changed much. They naturally do not dare to make any small moves under the emperor's feet. In addition, most of them are from the public service, and their attitude has always been to follow the royal family.

They have the same attitude as the royal family. After all, as long as Daqian does not fall, they will not fall. Now that the emperor has not implemented any more reforms, they will not show any sign of it.

But for those reformist officials, they have no choice. They can only maintain the current situation. If they want to go further, it will be difficult to reach the sky.

Wang Zhuo began to rectify the super outline and had to make some compromises. The reform and innovation gradually came to an end amidst these compromises. Although there were still inspectors and censors to patrol the world, and there were still pioneering nobles to open up barbaric lands, these were all based on the original Basically sew and mend.

Especially after the previous batches of pioneering nobles occupied the best places, the new batch of pioneering nobles had no choice but to go to worse places if they wanted to open up. Moreover, the previous pioneering nobles were not interested in these later ones. Not very welcome.

Although the restrictions given by the imperial court back then were thirty miles in radius and fifty miles in radius, what kind of place is this? The mountain is high and the emperor is far away. There is no place where even the imperial censor can inspect the place. People sent by the court want to know how big this place is. Isn't it their decision?

Besides, the people sent by the imperial court in recent years basically just looked around casually, not caring about how big the place was. What they pay more attention to is population and acres of land.

Therefore, the minds of these pioneering nobles became active and wanted to obtain more land. As for whether they would rebel after acquiring more land, even the most unruly pioneering nobles did not think about rebellion.

They are nobles, and they are more aware of the power of this big money, and they have never thought of rebellion.

The Daqian court lost two emperors in succession, and the prime minister who presided over the reform also passed away. After the reform stopped, no one cared about the expansion of the territory of the pioneering nobles.

As long as these pioneering nobles remained honest and obedient, and the annual offerings were in place, the court officials would not bother to take care of them. After all, the mountains were high and the roads were long, and it would take half a year to go back and forth. With such a long distance, coupled with the high degree of autonomy of these nobles, it is completely impossible for you to keep them honest.

So thirty years later, the first batch of pioneering nobles all had a tacit understanding to expand their territory. Naturally, they did not want other nobles to come here to seize their territory. It is precisely for these reasons that there are fewer and fewer new pioneering nobles.

This vast country is like a calm pool of water. There are no waves on the calm surface, but there are many undercurrents surging beneath the surface.

But under the mighty power of Daqian, no one dares to cross it. Although Wang Zhuo was unable to continue to implement reforms, he also received a complete royal education, understood the sufferings of the people, understood the importance of the economy and the army, and also knew that the important affairs of the country depended on the military and sacrifice.

So he paid close attention to these things. Even during the time of his father, grandfather, and great-grandfather, he picked up the emperor's daily inspections of the Imperial Guard's Beijing camp and resumed customization.

This custom was first left by the First Emperor, who required all emperors of the past dynasties, as long as they stayed in Luoyang for one day and were not sick and unable to walk, they should go to the Beijing camp every day to inspect the situation to understand the situation in the Beijing camp and let the soldiers in the Beijing camp know themselves.

Let them know who pays them food and who they owe allegiance to. Only in this way can the army be controlled.

However, after insisting on it for three or four generations, this rule gradually became relaxed. The emperor often went there when he was young, but when the emperor got old, he would arrange for the prince to go there in his place.

After the subsequent prince succeeded to the throne, it became a rule to go every three days or every five days, and gradually this rule disappeared.

As for the officials below giving advice, this is even more impossible. The officials below did not want the emperor to control the military. After all, if the emperor held the handle of the knife, they would have to be careful.

Now Wang Zhuo picked up this rule again in order to stabilize the government. At the beginning, many officials persuaded him that His Majesty was tired from dealing with government affairs, and for the sake of the dragon's health, he should not overwork himself, so he should cancel his tour of the capital camp.

As a result, Wang Zhuo scolded him, issued an edict to dismiss him directly, and then asked the embroidered clothes envoy to investigate his situation. Sure enough, Xiuyishi quickly discovered that he was born as a commoner, passed the academy examination and became an official, but his family had thousands of hectares of fertile land and several manors.

He could not even collect half of such a huge wealth even if he served as an official for another thirty years. Wang Zhuo directly ordered people to capture him and torture him severely.

When other people saw this situation, they suddenly dared not speak.

After Wang Zhuo began to inspect the Beijing camp, he discovered that there were a lot of tricks in the Beijing camp. Some officials dared to take free pay and drink the blood of the soldiers. Although the Beijing camp was still capable of fighting, its strength was compared to the elite cadres who dominated the world back then. It's more than a step short.

On the one hand, after the emergence of the pioneering nobles of Daqian, there were buffer zones between Daqian and barbarians in many places. Daqian soldiers did not have to fight with barbarians often. The other part was the problem of corruption among army generals.

After discovering the problems in the army, Wang Zhuo was furious. You must know that the army is one of the most important things for the Daqian royal family, and no one else is allowed to touch it. Now someone is trying to mess up the army. This is definitely Wang Zhuo's fault. Clumsy intolerable.

Wang Zhuo directly ordered the Embroidery Envoy to examine the generals of the army, and at the same time ordered the Yulin Guards to go and guard them. Prepare to cleanse the army.

(End of this chapter)

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