A Millennium Aristocratic Family Starting from the Shang Dynasty

Chapter 559 Extra: The Eastern Dragon in the Eyes of the British

Chapter 559 Extra: The Eastern Dragon in the Eyes of the British

John Forlant finally decided to return to China. He had just received a PhD in organic chemistry from Zhongzhou University, a prestigious Chinese university and one of the most famous universities in the world.

He rejected offers from many world-class companies such as Huaxia Chemical Industry and rejected offers from several research institutes, and was ready to return to China to build his own country.

At only twenty-five years old, he is not only ranked among all international students, but also among the Chinese elite class.

It can be said that he is one of the most dazzling European students in the past ten years.

He is good at communicating, helping his classmates, and handsome. It can be said that he is Prince Charming in the eyes of many people. It can be said that his life is extremely dazzling. As long as he stays in China, he will soon become a winner in life.

And it was such a person who would actually give up the favorable conditions of China and return to that backward, dirty, and barbaric country.

In the 1980s, there were not many European students who could come to China, mainly because they were expensive and China had restrictions on the number of foreign students.

There will be no more than two hundred people from each country, and the decision-making power is in the hands of the Chinese government, which requires an examination in China.

Of course, after studying in China, even fewer international students are willing to return to China.

They do not want to return to the chaotic Europe, the cities where gangsters, thieves, and robbers are everywhere. They do not want to be pointed at a gun or a knife at the next moment and hand over their money.

They don't want to lose the high salary and comfortable life they finally got in China, and return to a country where everything started almost from scratch.

Not long ago, a huge conflict broke out in Frankfurt between steel workers and the government. The workers demanded lower working hours and higher wages, but the government had long been bribed by capitalists.

The government rejected the eight-hour work day and used disintegration methods to defeat 5,000 steel workers and dissolve the workers' union.

The capitalists rejoiced and continued to enjoy a luxurious life. Some steel workers received a little reward, but more steel workers remained the same as before. No, they were worse than before.

In the propaganda of the Frankfurt government, they used tough and intelligent methods to defeat a group of workers who opposed the government and destabilized it. But in China, the Chinese media gave the strike a fair evaluation.

It is believed that workers’ demands for an eight-hour working day and higher wages are normal demands.

The government views this victory as a major blow to the 'legal strikes and rallies and protests' movement that was popular in Europe decades ago. Let the domestic situation be stable.

It's just that in the eyes of those students, workers' low wages, heavy workloads, and medical insurance, etc., all need to be guaranteed. This is the most basic. But the state is unwilling to even grant these basic demands.

The end of this strike movement has left a large number of overseas European students confused about the domestic situation. They are unwilling to fight and contribute to such a country. They prefer to stay here rather than go back. Even after entering the graduate school, they need to apply for a job in the graduate school for half a year even for projects worth more than 10,000 yuan.

After experiencing the African independence movement, Europe lost its dumping ground for cheap industrial products and its source of cheap raw materials. Life in Europe became increasingly difficult.

After France, the United Kingdom, Italy, Germany, Portugal, Spain, etc. lost the black Africa that they could exploit, their economies inevitably declined. Before that, they spent a lot of money on military expenditures to suppress the endless uprisings, but in the end they completely lost Africa.

The whole of Europe is inevitably entering recession, which has caused more and more British people to want to go out, and their first choice to go out is naturally Greater China.

Those British who had the opportunity to come to China or the North American vassals, after enjoying the convenience and development here, almost no one wanted to go back.

After coming to China, many Europeans believed that the reason why their country was backward was the government's problem. They believed that government officials were corrupt, domestic capital was rampant, and consortiums, brotherhoods, old aristocrats, etc. blocked the path to advancement.

Especially after living in China for a period of time and seeing the performance of the Chinese government and the actions of their motherland government, they hated their own government even more.

As a result, a group of people emerged who unswervingly promoted how bad and corrupt their country's government was. They hated their country's government and even went so far as to directly rebel and support the anti-government.

They are unwilling to return to China, but would rather stay in China and contribute to China's construction than take a look at their own country.

For example, Jennifer Blades has been studying in China for five years. During these five years, she has successfully become the most outstanding student of her Chinese tutor through her own hard work and clever brain. And on the recommendation of his mentor, he entered Huazhong Biotechnology Company.

She became an intern at one of the world's top large companies, and received sponsorship from the company. She could study for a PhD while conducting related research in the company's top-equipped laboratories in the world.

Next, she will get a doctorate, become a formal employee of Huazhong Biotechnology Company, a laboratory researcher, gain honors, salary, status, and gain her own love.

Of course, no one else can criticize the two people's choices. After all, you are not the person involved.

Jennifer once persuaded John, but John still left China without hesitation. Returning to England did not give him the welcome he had hoped for.

The state only arranged for him to work in a laboratory under the Royal Academy of Sciences, and was assigned a house and a relatively good salary in the country, but it was very difficult for him to do experiments.

Next, he needed to attend various conferences. He became a benchmark set by the government, and he gained increased reputation, but this did not solve the research funding he wanted.

In the end, he even had to agree to work for a private company in exchange for their funding. Relying on this approach, he finally began his own research.

But just after his research showed some improvement and obtained some results, these experimental results became the scientific research results of the private company.

John angrily accused them of stealing his experimental results, but the company came up with a funding contract. After receiving their funding, all the scientific research results obtained belong to the funding company.

Even though John found the best lawyer and entrusted him to help him with the lawsuit, he ultimately failed to win the lawsuit, and after that, he was paralyzed in bed due to a car accident.

(End of this chapter)

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