Chapter 56 Xu Mao Envoy Qi
Wang Sheng knew very well that although the Huai army had won consecutive battles and their morale was high, their physical exhaustion would not change.In a short period of time, they fought thousands of miles, and during several battles, these soldiers also needed to rest.

Of course, even if he wanted to negotiate a peace, he couldn't send someone there.

Wang Sheng asked the army to continue to form an attack formation to suppress Qi, but he relaxed a lot towards Lu.After seeing this situation, Qi State was even more sure that there was already a connection between Lu State and Huai State.

Dare not to unite with Lu again, and after there is no alliance between the two countries, they are no match against Huai alone. At this time, Qi will not dare to go to war with Huai again.It's just that now that the Huai army is on the side, they don't dare to retreat easily.

Once the Huai country makes a surprise attack during the retreat, the Qi country will definitely suffer heavy losses.As for the State of Lu, now the State of Qi can't believe them either.

For the current plan, we can only ask for help from the country while sending people to negotiate.

After receiving the news that the Qi army sent envoys to negotiate, Wang Sheng also heaved a sigh of relief.Qi people came to negotiate, it seems that this war is about to end.

After more than a hundred years of development, Qi State has conquered and annexed many Dongyi tribes. Lai State, which was able to compete with him before, has gradually declined in the past few decades, and a lot of land has been occupied by Qi State.Now the population of Qi State is not much worse than that of Huai State. If it is really a fight to the death, it will be a headache.

After learning that Qi State wanted a truce, Wang Sheng discussed with the ministers and felt that he could not just sign this truce agreement, but wanted to sign a long-term alliance agreement with Qi State.When he went south to annex Wu, Qi would not come to hinder him.

It's just that the generals of the Qi State don't have this authority, so after some discussions, Wang Sheng decided to send envoys to the Qi State.

It is not a good job to be an envoy to Qi State. After all, there have been several wars between Huai State and Qi State, and it is not easy to form an alliance.Moreover, nine out of ten times out of ten this mission will be made difficult, which is not a good job, so a wise and courageous person is needed to go there.

After thinking for a long time, Wang Sheng decided to send Xu Mao as an envoy to Qi State.

Qi State, Linzi.

When Xu Mao came here, Marquis Qi received him with the ceremony of a duke.Since the Huai Kingdom was recognized by the Emperor of Zhou, no matter how upset the Bang and Zhou kingdoms were, they had to be received with the duke's gift.

It's just that this kind of warm reception disappeared after entering the palace of King Qi.Although according to the specifications it is still a gift from the duke, it just seems very perfunctory.

Xu Mao didn't care about this, because it was indeed a gift from the duke, you can't say that their smiles were fake.

The banquet in the main hall was not lively either, it seemed very deserted.After Xu Mao took his seat, before he could speak, he saw two officials tying a man up to Marquis Qi.

Qihou asked: "Where is the bound man, and what crime did he commit?"

The eunuch next to him said: "He is from the Huai country, and he committed the crime of theft."

Qi Hou cast a glance at Xu Mao and said contemptuously: "Are all Huai people good at stealing?"

Xu Mao left his seat and replied: "I heard that oranges grown in Huainan are oranges, and those grown in the north of Huai River become oranges. The leaves are the same, but the taste of the fruit is completely different. What's the reason? The water and soil are different, The people of Huai do not steal in Huai, but they steal in Qi; could it be that the water and soil in Qi make the people only live by stealing?"

The monarch and ministers of Qi State were embarrassed for a while, and then waved their hands to let the officials take him away.

Qi Guo's arrangement also made Xu Mao understand that he had to fight back, otherwise Huai Guo would only be underestimated by him.With a move in my heart, I said it immediately.

"I heard that many wealthy people in Qi have wives and concubines, is that true?"

Hearing that the envoy of Huai State praised Qi for its wealth, these ministers immediately nodded in recognition, but at the same time they underestimated Qi again in their hearts.

Xu Mao continued: "When I came to Qi State, the foreign minister heard something."

"I don't know what it is?" A minister asked.

"It was about a man from Qi who had a wife and a concubine at home. The husband went out every day and came home only after eating and drinking. The wife was a little curious as to who was eating with him. The man said they all He is a high-ranking official.

The wife was very surprised when she heard this, and said to the concubine that the husband would come back drunk every day when he went out. When he asked who he drank with, he said that he was some high-ranking officials, but our family is just ordinary people. Have you ever seen a dignitary come to your house?

The wife decided to secretly follow her husband to check it out, so the next morning, the wife secretly followed her husband out of the house, only to see that the husband didn't greet anyone all the way, but instead came to a big family's neighborhood, and When the wife thought that her husband would enter this dignitary's house, she saw her husband make a detour and came to a side road.

This small road leads to the back door of this dignitary and nobleman. Could it be that the husband can only enter through the back door?The wife was a little unhappy.The husband came to the back door and knocked on the door a few times. After a while, the door opened, and a man who looked like a servant gave him a look, while the husband begged for something from the man with a fawning expression on his face. The servant waved his hand impatiently to tell him to wait here, and then closed the door with a bang.

After a while, I saw the servant bring some leftovers to the husband, and the husband thanked him very much and ate the leftovers.After eating, the husband left here and ran to the back door of other dignitaries' homes to ask for money.It turned out that the so-called invitation to dinner by dignitaries every day was here.

After the wife went back, she told the concubine what she had seen. The two stood in the yard arguing and crying, but the husband didn't know it.

I wonder if you think this person is funny? "

After listening to Xu Mao's narration, Qi's monarch and ministers looked ugly.Qi Hou wanted to have an attack several times, but he had to endure it.

In the end, he could only say: "Hehe, envoy Huai came here, you can't joke, but I'm wrong. Remove all these drinks and food, and send new ones!"

Xu Mao said: "Thank you, Marquis Qi, for your hospitality."

Soon, many attendants replaced the simple banquet and brought up all kinds of food and wine.Then songs and dances were staged one after another, and the whole hall was peaceful, as if the verbal confrontation just now was an illusion.

"Xu Mao Envoys Qi" is written concisely, with a spicy style of writing, and the characters are well-drawn, depicting the arrogant attitude of Qi's monarchs and ministers, and Xu Mao's countermeasures are worth every sentence.It satirizes the self-important, arrogant and rude Mr. Qi, reflects Mr. Qi's despicable heart, but his hypocritical appearance, which fully demonstrates his awe-inspiring integrity with the dignity of the country as the most important thing, and his diplomatic ability to deal with the enemy. ——"People's Education Edition High School Chinese Volume Five"

(End of this chapter)

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