A Millennium Aristocratic Family Starting from the Shang Dynasty

Chapter 563 The Afterglow of the Empire Luo Mang

Chapter 563 The Afterglow of the Empire Luo Mang

After seeing the situation in Lujiang County, everyone in the court looked forward to the restructuring of several other counties.

After a large number of reformist scholars and royal family members arrived, visible changes occurred in the administration of these counties.

Most of these reformist scholars are young. They have just entered the academy from the bottom. They have seen the darkness at the bottom. They have pursuits and ideals in their hearts. They are still very passionate, and their ambitions have not been defeated by reality.

Only these people, passionate scholars, can avoid being tempted by interests and not bowing to power, especially when they have the royal court as their backing. The power they unleashed was astonishing.

Even so, there were still many scholars who were won over and corrupted during this revolution, and then became the people they once hated the most.

However, because the officials are clear enough and there are royal children here, even corrupt officials will find out and deal with it as soon as possible.

When a class is all white, then a black spot suddenly appears and becomes an outlier.

With the help of the royal children and the previous experience in Lujiang County, the reformist scholars successfully completed the reform of these three counties in three years. Although there were some twists and turns, the reform was eventually completed.

The successful reform of four consecutive counties filled the court with confidence. So after summarizing and sorting out the successful experiences of the reform in four counties, the imperial court officially began to promote the reform nationwide in the 10th year of Daqian and Qianning.

Through the reform in four counties, the imperial court accumulated the first batch of reform talents, because most of them were Confucian disciples, and the person who ultimately presided over this reform was also a Confucian scholar.

This Confucian scholar is called Luo Mang, and he has noble moral character. It can be said that in Wang Yan's opinion, this man's own moral level is simply that of a saint.

Wang Yan thought it was a disguise at first, so he sent a lot of spies to investigate secretly. It turned out that this person was not a disguise, but really promoted morality into daily life. According to Confucian moral standards, he was almost perfect. people.

He was a man of integrity and noble moral character. He had a very high reputation among Confucian scholars and was called a model and moral benchmark for the world. If such a person presides over the reform, no one in the court will suspect him of favoritism.

Daqian began a vigorous reform under the auspices of Luo Mang.

Luo Mang received the support of the royal family and the support of all officials, and then began to carry out reforms. Because he was a Confucian, he implemented the reforms in accordance with Confucian concepts. Want to realize the Datong society that Confucianism dreams of.

Luo Mang first issued an order to abolish slaves, then reiterated the abolition of slaves, and then issued an order to clear out the land in the country. He wanted to find out the acres of land in the country, and then called for frugality.

In order to implement these orders, Luo Mang sent the officials he had trained over the years to all states and counties in the world. Originally, these orders were verified by several counties and there were no problems.

But when these policies were first implemented, all the officials in a county from top to bottom were reformists, scholars with ideals, ambitions, and passion.

Now we need to promote the whole country. Thousands of officials are needed throughout the country, but how many scholars can be trained?

Even if all the academicians were added up, there would only be a few thousand people. Not to mention those who are capable, ambitious, passionate, and full of a sense of justice, the number will be even smaller.

The imperial court initially implemented reforms in those counties, which were successful. First, the imperial court dispatched a large number of reform-minded officials who were thoughtful, ambitious and dared to practice. Therefore, the government is harmonious and harmonious, the government is clear and clear, and the court is successful.

The second is that the imperial court is powerful and has a large army to suppress it. In addition, the local powerful, noble, and official families are not strong enough to dare to oppose. Only then can it be implemented smoothly.

But now that it has been extended to the whole country, the first problem is that the officials trained by the court are far from enough. Through the reform in four counties, the court has trained seven to eight hundred scholars who agree with the reform, but there are too many people who want the reform. .

This time's reform is different from previous reforms. If Confucianism wants to achieve a harmonious society, it needs all officials from top to bottom to have extremely high moral standards. At the same time, this also increased the number of officials tenfold. In the past, there were less than a hundred officials in a county in Daqian. For example, the clerks and clerks below were not officials of the imperial court, but county magistrates from various places. Belongs to an official.

There may be no more than ten real officials in a county.

The imperial court did this because there were few people who could serve as officials, and another reason was that it was too expensive. The court simply couldn't afford it.

The great harmonious society that Confucianism wants to realize can only be attempted by some small countries and few people.

For a big country like Daqian with a population of hundreds of millions, it is too difficult to do this.

Luo Mang began to implement administrative orders based on the experience gained in the previous four counties, and these orders were quickly spread. But when it came to Daqian, it didn't get better as he imagined.

Although Daqian is strong, it is difficult to find a large number of officials who are honest, capable, selfless and have high moral standards.

In real history, there were several such officials. Zhuge Liang was one of them. He dedicated his whole life and died. It can be said that he devoted his whole life to it. Zhuge Liang's disciple Jiang Wei is also one of them.

For the purpose of reviving the Han Dynasty, Jiang Wei did the same. Next, Yu Qian counts as one, Hai Rui counts as one, and besides these, there may be several others. But in real history, these few outstanding figures only emerged over thousands of years.

How can Daqian find so many talents?

The reform of the Daqian court has reached a critical moment. Everyone in the court believes that this reform can succeed. After all, they have succeeded twice.

Everyone is happy with the reform in front of them and feels that as long as the decree is issued, the reform will be completed.

After the edict was issued, the reform was implemented across the country. Officials from all over the country reported on the reform situation. Because there were a large number of reform-minded officials who supported it, the initial reform policy was implemented smoothly. For the first time, the law on the release of slaves was actually implemented nationwide. Come on.

Immediately following the clearing of the land, although there were many twists and turns in this process, there was a large army to suppress it, many officials personally took action, and the noble, powerful, and official families had to accept it.

Even if some people made small moves, they were quickly suppressed.

However, the subsequent stabilization of commodity prices ordered merchants not to seek huge profits, and commodity prices must be sold according to the court's markings, forcing merchants, powerful, powerful, noble, and official families to give profits to the people. Increase taxes.

A cheaper loan system was established, and the poor people borrowed money from the court without charging interest in the short term.

All policies were implemented in accordance with Luo Mang's requirements, but these reforms involved too many interests, and the powerful, noble, and official families in the world fell into silence.

The entire Daqian seemed to be very calm, like a deep lake, but under the calm water, there was already an undercurrent surging.

It's just because the imperial army is there and they don't dare to act rashly, but the anger does not dissipate or disappear, but continues to accumulate, until all the anger has accumulated to the limit, until a natural or man-made disaster occurs.

All this anger will completely explode.

(End of this chapter)

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