A Millennium Aristocratic Family Starting from the Shang Dynasty

Chapter 566 The strength of the royal family

Chapter 566 The strength of the royal family

Ever since the people of Handan revolted, people all over the world were like a hornet's nest, with people from all over the country rising up in droves.

For a time, there were as many as a dozen rebel armies in the world. Of course, these are all names, and there are countless others who don’t have names.

There are also some people with unpredictable intentions. When Daqian was overwhelming the world, they were as honest as quails. Now after Daqian is in chaos, they suddenly show their fangs.

These people also took a large number of refugees and attacked the county seat.

Because of the royal family's long-standing policies, there are many powerful people in the world who are dissatisfied with the royal family. After all, it was difficult for them to develop and grow under the restrictions and suppression of the imperial court.

As for those nobles and wealthy families, they did not take action immediately. They have a higher status and better resources. They can choose whether to help the court stabilize the situation or support the rebels.

Of course, what they are more afraid of is the power of the Daqian royal family. These noble and official families have been around for a long time, so they are naturally aware of the magical properties of the royal family. They are not as ignorant as those powerful people who regard these magical properties as fairy tales.

The rebel army expanded very quickly. After all, except for a few counties, there were refugees in every state and county in the world. This was why the court wanted to reform.

In addition, the strength of the county soldiers in the counties was low, their numbers were small, and their morale was even lower. They were no match for the rebels. However, in just a few months, rebels from various places began to join forces across states and counties.

In such a situation, it seems that the world will collapse in the next second.

In Luoyang, the capital of the gods, after the news of the Tianxia rebellion came, the entire court became silent. Everyone can't believe that the reform they insisted on has turned out like this.

After Luo Mang heard about the rebellion in the world, he immediately said: "Immediately mobilize the border troops and go to various places to quell the rebellion!"

"The Luoyang Forbidden Army also mobilized half of them to go to Beidi and Qi to quell the rebellion."

Wang Yan's face changed slightly, and he immediately said: "The Luoyang Imperial Army cannot move, and half of the border troops will be deployed!"

In the main hall, after hearing Wang Yan's words, the court officials suddenly looked at Luo Mang with different expressions, but Luo Mang had no expression on his face. The important officials of the imperial court knew that the royal family, which originally supported Luo Mang's restructuring, no longer trusted Luo Mang and had withdrawn all rights.

"I order the nobles to develop and secure their territory, and not to allow any barbarians to approach the border of Daqian!"

Wang Yan quickly made a decision. The reality was that the restructuring could no longer continue, so the matter could only be resolved as quickly as possible and at the lowest cost.

What Luo Mang said just now, deploying the border troops and the Luoyang Forbidden Army, is completely an act of neglecting the bottom. If the border troops are mobilized, what if the barbarians take the opportunity to invade?

Even if there is no barbarian invasion, there are so many pioneering nobles on the border. What if someone wants to turn their family into a country and want to compete for the top spot?

Therefore, half of the troops must be left behind. As long as half of the troops are there, the pioneering nobles in the border areas will not dare to think anything wrong. After all, even if half of the people in the imperial court were left, they would still be able to subdue any family, or even two or three families of pioneering nobles.

Although the pioneering nobles have alliances, none of the pioneering nobles will harm their own interests for the sake of others' prosperity, so the border is still stable.

The soldiers and horses in Luoyang cannot move lightly. This is the foundation of the royal family and the court. Just like arrows accumulating force on the string, the deterrence is greatest at this time. Once the army is dispatched, the deterrence will be much smaller.

"Edict, recruit peasants and soldiers from Luoyang, Guanzhong, Jinling, Huai'an, and Anyi to form a Zhenwu Army to counter the rebellion!" Faced with the chaos in the world, Wang Yan responded quickly, and the Daqian court immediately began to move quickly. Da Qian had been suppressing the world for three hundred years, how could he fall so easily?

Although it now seems that Daqian is in dire straits and has insufficient troops, with the rapid assembly of farmers and soldiers, the Zhenwu Army's airs are quickly raised.

At the same time, the Li family in Hexi, the Wei family in Hedong, the Xu family in Nanyang, and the Huo family, who had always been supporters of the royal family, sent their children to serve the royal family.

As the imperial edict was issued, seemingly in the blink of an eye, the imperial court mobilized tens of thousands of troops. And these armies are not something that the rebel armies can compete with at all. These armies are completely professional soldiers, the best of the best.

The rebels who claimed to be King Zhao, King Dong, King Chen, etc. were all shocked after seeing the court's actions.

Immediately afterwards, the Daqian court began to suppress rebellions in various places, and the first one to bear the brunt was King Zhao.

The temporary army formed by Daqian peasants and soldiers attacked Handan, with only a few thousand soldiers, but the rebels exceeded 100,000. It seems that the gap is huge. Even the peasants and soldiers have only been formed for half a month, and they seem to be a ragtag group.

But those who truly understand the inside story know that although there are only a few thousand peasants and soldiers, they are the elite among the elite. Can a soldier who is strong and skilled in martial arts be the same as an ordinary farmer?

Thousands of peasant soldiers attacked Handan, and Zhao Ling, the rebel army in Zhaodi, led the army out of the city to fight. His subordinates advised him that the city of Handan was high and strong, so he could just defend it. If he waited until the enemy was exhausted and then attacked, he would definitely win a big victory.

Zhao Ling laughed and said: "The ragtag army that has only been formed for half a month came to attack my 200,000-strong army with a small number. Can we lose this kind of war?" After that, he led the 200,000-strong army out of the city to fight the decisive battle with Qian's army. .

Wang Yao led his army to fight with him. A thousand cavalrymen constantly harassed the army and tore apart its formation.

These peasant rebels were not familiar with military formations, and now they were barely learning how to set up formations. When they encountered these elite cavalry, they were unable to deal with them, and they were quickly disrupted.

When Wang Yao saw that the enemy's formation was scattered, he made a prompt decision and led two thousand tigers directly into the enemy's formation. The enemy's 200,000 soldiers were in disarray and were unable to convey orders. They were rushed by the army and completely disrupted their rhythm.

Two thousand soldiers broke through seven formations and rushed straight to Zhao Ling's banner. Seeing that Qian's army was unstoppable, Zhao Ling was so frightened that he abandoned the army and ran away. As a result, his running speed was slower, and Qian's army had already rushed up.

Wang Yao defeated Zhao's army of 200,000 in one battle and captured Zhao Ling. Zhao's army collapsed. Then the army continued to pursue it. The army of 200,000 disappeared in the blink of an eye. On the battlefield, the dead were sleeping and tens of thousands were captured. The world was The shock.

Immediately afterwards, Wang Yao rode without stopping, and his troops reached Yandi, and then attacked the Yandi uprising army.

Three thousand peasant soldiers fought thousands of miles and defeated the Yan rebel army 13 times in a row. Finally, with the cooperation of Jimen and Beidi border troops, the rebel army was surrounded and annihilated.

It took less than a month for Wang Yao to pacify the rebels in Yanzhao. But although the rebel army was pacified, the land of Yanzhao became devastated, and it would not recover at all in the next ten years.

The war in Yanzhao shocked the world, and they did not expect that the imperial court would still have such strength.

(End of this chapter)

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