A Millennium Aristocratic Family Starting from the Shang Dynasty

Chapter 587 The establishment of the Wang family in the Sui Dynasty

Chapter 587 The establishment of the Wang family in the Sui Dynasty

The newly unified situation on the grassland suddenly became fragmented again.

Although the Central Plains began to decline, there were always some wise people who encouraged the maintenance of the court. The decline of a dynasty showed a slow downward trend.

Liu Song demonstrated this very well, and there was no sign of the previous dynasty's revival. Under such circumstances, the world continues to deteriorate little by little.

The general trend of the world is that if it is divided for a long time, it will unite, and if it unites for a long time, it will divide. This also applies to the grassland. On the grassland, after the death of the Murong family who unified the grassland, his son was quickly killed, and then many tribes began to fight for each other and became a mess. , and finally turned into a split state.

At the same time, Liu Song also began to degenerate, the court was in turmoil, and kings from various places began to fight for each other, and even fought with each other. One hundred and eighty years after the founding of the Liu Song Dynasty, the world was in chaos and turmoil.

The noble families each support their clan kings, and then they attack each other. You sing and I go on stage. The nobles of Guanzhong and the nobles of Guandong also fight each other.

The high-ranking officials in the world were trembling with fear. Some people even appeared in court the day before and were killed in the evening. The turmoil among the high-level officials caused chaos all over the world.

Even the private sector was affected. However, thanks to the advanced farming technology of Daqian and the wider land, the population of Liu Song still reached 60 million. If the hidden population is added, the population of Liu Song will directly Breaking through 80 million.

The world was in chaos for decades, and although Liu Song could barely maintain it, more than two hundred years after the founding of the People's Republic of China, Liu Song finally couldn't maintain it.

At this time, many people in the south did not surrender to Yang Jian, but continued to resist. However, the world had already won seven out of ten, and the south was surrounded to the north and west by the newly established Sui Dynasty. Facing the powerful Sui Dynasty, they were no match at all.

After the establishment of the Sui Dynasty, in the eighth year of the founding of the emperor, Yang Jian ordered his son to go south to conquer the south. From then on, the Sui Dynasty unified the world.

Then Yang Jian pacified Guandong, wiped out Bashu, added nine tins to his military merits, granted him the title of King of the Sui Dynasty, opened the palace with the same three divisions, went to the palace with swords and shoes, and did not worship when he entered the court.

After ascending the throne as emperor, Yang Jian did not indulge in arrogance and enjoyment, but worked hard to govern. Although the Great Sui Dynasty had just been established, its national power improved rapidly. After all, Yang Jian had been in control of the country for decades.

Although the last emperor of the Liu Song Dynasty, Liu Yanchan, abdicated the throne, the Emperor of the Liu Song Dynasty had already become a puppet at that time. Yang Jian controlled the army in the name of the court, pacified the northern clan kings, and unified Bashu in the north.

Liu Yan, the last emperor of the Liu Song Dynasty, abdicated in the fifth year of Chengxing and abdicated the throne to his relative Yang Jian. The Liu Song Dynasty was officially destroyed and the country lasted for 236 years.

Originally, Yang Jian was in charge of the government as Taifu, which could be said to be inferior to one person and superior to ten thousand people, and the so-called emperor was just a decoration.

This time when the Sui Dynasty was established, the Wang family did not intervene and still watched with cold eyes. However, after Yang Jian established the Sui Dynasty, he did not ennoble the Wang family as Ke, but instead made the last emperor Liu Yan Ke to inherit the sacrifices of Liu Song. .

At this point, Yang Jian is only one step away from that position. At this time, he naturally did not hesitate. In the fifth year of Chengxing, he accepted the abdication, ascended the throne and proclaimed himself emperor, changed the country's name to Sui Dynasty, and at the same time changed the name of Yuan Dynasty to Kaihuang.

After the Sui Dynasty unified the world, they began to conquer the northern Hu people, and due to the chaos of the Hu people, many achievements were achieved. In addition, the Hu tribes attacked each other. In order to survive, some failed Hu people surrendered to the Sui Dynasty one after another. .

For a time, the Sui Dynasty was at its peak, and it seemed to have some of the atmosphere of the Great Qian Dynasty.

The Sui Dynasty unified the world. Regardless of whether Yang Jian was appointed to the throne for good or not, or whether he was mean and ungrateful to the previous royal family, he was indeed very capable. The world has welcomed its new master, the emperor of the Xia Dynasty, and this emperor is more capable and talented than the emperors of the previous decades, and he can be called a sage king.

In Guanhai City overseas, the news was also received, and the royal family was once again changed in the Central Plains. This is nothing to Wang.

However, after losing the title of Marquis of Huai'an, the Wang family's annual luck can no longer be sustained.

The Wang family now needs to support a thousand points of luck every year to maintain daily life. If they use the destiny artifact again, they will need even more luck.

But fortunately, the direct descendants of the Wang family know the importance of luck, and the family heads of the past generations can also feel the loss of luck as a family heritage, so they have always been frugal.

As long as it is not an important event, luck will basically not be used. Only when communicating with the countries in the Western Regions every year, part of the luck needs to be used.

As for those natives who want to rebel, they basically directly recruit Yulin Guards to deal with it. Five thousand Yulin Guards are basically enough. After all, this is not the Central Plains, and tens of thousands of troops can be recruited at will.

Being able to organize thousands of indigenous troops here is considered well-organized, not to mention that these troops hardly have many iron armors and iron swords, but use bamboo armor and bamboo bows.

This kind of weaponry is fatal to the Yulin Guards' armored iron swords. The Yulin Guards are like tigers entering a flock of sheep, and can kill at will.

Over the years, the Wang family has been exploring overseas. The Wang family has continued to improve ship technology and navigation technology, and then continued northward from the Fuso Islands.

It's just that the further north you go, the colder the climate becomes. Later, icebergs even appeared. The Wang family also discovered a large island north of Fuso. However, the climate of this island was too cold and not very suitable for living. More importantly, The sea water freezes here in winter.

Wang only set up some supply stations on this island for fishing in the summer and would leave in the winter.

In addition to heading north, Wang also sent a fleet to sail south. The results of sailing south were much better than heading north. There were small islands along the way, and even large islands were discovered thousands of miles away in the south.

This island is several times larger than Ryukyu. It has many trees, a hot climate, and fertile land. At the same time, there are a large number of indigenous people living on these islands.

These indigenous people are short in stature and have dark skin, which is completely inconsistent with Wang's aesthetics. Wang exchanged some supplies with these people for a piece of land.

Outposts and supply depots were then established on the islands.

The fleet continued to sail south and west, and then discovered many islands. However, after arriving here, it was difficult for the fleet to continue sailing.

Part of it is due to insufficient supplies, and part of it is that the fleet needs to be repaired. However, most of these places are barbaric places with no decent cities at all, and the indigenous people have no technology.

More importantly, these natives were not friendly to outsiders and had several conflicts with Wang's fleet, resulting in many casualties. After being defeated, he gave in, but Wang was still wary of these natives, so the development progress was slow.

(End of this chapter)

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