Chapter 6 Qi Nationality Alliance
The city of Huai'an.

Autumn is high and crisp, the millet in the field has matured, and the heavy ears of millet have bent their stems.Lei grabbed a heavy corn ear beside him and looked at it, then said excitedly.

"Your Majesty, this year's millet has grown really well. This is the first year of cultivation, and we will have such a harvest. We don't have to worry about starvation in the future!"

"Lei, a good harvest of grain is a good thing, but it also means that war is coming!" Zijue stood on the ridge of the field and looked towards the far north.

"War?" Lei's face changed drastically, and he asked quickly, "Are those Zhou people coming?"

"This year is rich, Tan, Qi, Lu, Ju, Ji and other countries are also rich. Will they allow us to continue to grow?" Zijue's voice sounded.

"Arrange manpower, take all the grain back into the warehouse within half a month, and then prepare to meet the enemy!" After finishing speaking, Zijue turned and left.

Qi country.

Recently, Qi State has been preparing for the conquest of Huai State. Now that the grain harvest is bumper, Qi State has also begun to seize the time to harvest grain.Because Qi has a large number of slaves, the speed of harvesting grain is obviously faster.

The harvest was completed three days earlier than in Huai country.Immediately afterwards, the State of Qi issued a summons to the surrounding vassal states, preparing to summon the armies of the vassal states to crusade against the Huai State.

The Qi State knew the current strength of the Huai State, so it did not let the other Fang States dispatch too many troops, the most were three thousand, and the few were one thousand.This time the main force in the crusade against the Huai State was still the Qi State. According to Qi State's idea, it wanted to use the power of destroying the Huai State to deter the other countries.

So this time the coalition forces dispatched about 5000 people.Half of the army belonged to Qi State, and the rest belonged to other vassal states.

The army held a ceremony of offering sacrifices to heaven in the south of Qi State Camp Qiu, and then set off, all the way south through Tan State, heading straight for the Huai River.

When Qi State convened the alliance of princes, the spies arranged by Zijue in Qi State already knew about it, and these spies also relayed the news of the dispatch of the army as soon as possible.


Zijue returned to the palace and summoned a group of ministers. It didn't take long before the officials of Huai State came one after another. These people were the retainers who followed Zijue all the way to the south, and some of them were nobles from the Shang Dynasty.

Because the country of Huai is small and the people are weak, Fang Guo was first established, and there is always the danger of destroying the country. Zijue did not give these high officials much wealth and land. People are trustworthy.

After the ministers arrived, Zijue asked Yi who was in charge of the military: "Yi, how is the army training going?"

Yi replied: "Your Majesty, the army of the country has been trained. There are 2000 soldiers, including [-] armored soldiers, the rest are archers, and [-] civilians are responsible for transporting food and grass. The army has prepared enough to supply the army for three months. The food and grass, chariots and horses are all ready, ready to go out at any time!"

"Good! Well done!" Zijue nodded.

"Zhu, you are responsible for defending the city, repairing the city, and forging weapons."

"As ordered!"

"Li, you are in charge of appeasing the people and at the same time organizing the people. Anyone who dares to take the opportunity to cause chaos will be killed without mercy!"

Kneeling on the ground, Li said respectfully, "I will live up to your majesty's trust!"

Having said that, the others also felt that something was wrong, is your majesty going to personally lead the army to meet the enemy?
Zijue looked around at the crowd, and then said loudly: "This year, the Qi State convenes an alliance of princes to form a coalition to attack me!"

"More than [-] people from the allied forces of the princes of Bang and Zhou came out to destroy our Huai country. Our Huai country has only [-] soldiers. Since the collapse of the Yin and Shang Dynasties, the people of the country have been displaced, and we have no way out.

As a survivor of the Yin and Shang dynasties alone, he did not want to be a Zhou slave, so he led the people of the country to flee south to Huainan to rebuild their homeland.Today, the army is gathered, and the country of Huai is at stake.The people of the country elected Gu as the monarch. Since taking on this important task, Gu has always been worried that the people of the country cannot live and work in peace and contentment.

Fortunately, since last year, with God's protection, my Yin Shang destiny has been rejuvenated, and I defeated Bangzhou in Huaishui. This year, there is a lot of food, and the people of the country can have enough food and clothing, which can be regarded as some achievements.

Today, Bang Zhou attacked me, and all the lords responded, this is the trust in Gu.If you lose this battle, everything will be over, if you win, you will have a drink with you! "

After the words were finished, the ministers in the simple palace fell to the ground one after another, and said loudly: "We are all survivors of the Yin and Shang Dynasties, ministers of the emperor, in this crisis, we must work together to protect the safety of Huai country! "

All the ministers swore one after another, and the hall suddenly became lively, and the historian at the side of the palace also recorded this scene.

After Zijue led the ministers to offer sacrifices to heaven, he and Yi rode in a chariot and led the army northward.The city of Huai'an is not far from the Huaihe River.The army marched all the way north, and in two days came to the bank of the Huaihe River.

At this time, the Qi army had not yet arrived, so Zijue let the army set up camp, and then sent spies Xiang to spy on the army.

For this war, Zijue has an [-]% chance of winning.Although the Qi army has a large number of people, this time he has the earth-level sky fire card in his hand.

In the past year, he has gained a lot of luck points.Originally, the Huai Kingdom could provide [-] points of luck a year, but with the addition of his development of cattle farming and the opening of the era of cattle farming, he was rewarded with [-] points of luck, and now he has [-] points of luck.

If this battle is won, Huai Country's position will be stable, and if it fails, everything will be lost, so Zijue didn't keep it anymore, and directly chose to draw five times.

The five consecutive draws passed in an instant.

[Get human-level props Rejuvenation Talisman, get human-level props Warrior, whiteboard props card*3]

[Rejuvenation Talisman: After use, it can cure all intractable diseases and recover from injuries, and it is limited to one person. 】

[Warrior: After using it, ten warriors are summoned. The warriors have a force value of 90 and are absolutely loyal. Warriors will be injured or die. 】

Seeing the results of this lottery, Zijue was not disappointed. The rejuvenation talisman was almost equivalent to a life. As for the ten warriors, they were not bad either. They could protect his safety, or let them form a small team and lead the army to attack.Led by these warriors with strength over 1000, this [-]-man army can easily defeat an enemy whose number is several times its own.

Without hesitation, Zijue used the Warrior Card directly, and after a while, ten warriors appeared beside him.

The army set up camp on the banks of the Huaishui River, and Zijue sent spies to pass back news of the coalition forces of the princes every once in a while.

The allied forces of the princes dispatched [-] soldiers this time, and at the same time requisitioned [-] civilians and [-] slaves to transfer food, grass and supplies.

The marching speed of the army was not fast. It marched about fifty miles a day. It could be seen that the commander of the coalition of princes was not ignorant of soldiers, nor was he arrogant because of the small people of Huaiguo. There are rules.

Qi, Lu, Tan, Ju, Ji and other seven vassal states allied with [-] troops plus slaves and slaves. They came from Yingqiu in a mighty way, passed through Tan, and headed for Huainan.

Chinese army chariot.

Qi Guojian Guo Qiumu and Bo Qin sat opposite each other.

"Those survivors of the Yin and Shang Dynasties did not escape, but instead established a state in Huainan. If they did not obey the destiny, they would die here! They thought that they could sit back and relax if they could win the Shanhou? A group of bereaved dogs, if they were lucky enough to win, they dared to seal Bang Jianguo is like a child's play, once the heavenly soldiers arrive this time, they will surely be turned into ashes!"

"It is indeed a group of local chickens and dogs, but this is the first time that the Qi State has the right to crusade. Although they are only some survivors of the Yin and Shang Dynasties, the Supervisor of the State must still be cautious."

"I don't know what the prison country is going to do?"

"Siege around the three gates, and send another rear army to ambush. If the enemy escapes, all the ambush troops will be exhausted, and then they will chase after them!"

After Boqin heard Qiu Mu's arrangement, he nodded repeatedly.The supervisor of the state of Qi didn't think that his side was strong enough to be careless. This arrangement can not only win a big victory, but also reduce casualties. He is worthy of being the son of Tai Gongwang.

Then the two began to deduce the next war, while also discussing the disposal of post-war matters.

The two are full of confidence in winning this war, after all, this battle is a crushing situation no matter how you look at it.

When Qiu Mu and Boqin led the army to the bank of the Huaishui River, they found that the Huai army on the other side of the river was already in full swing.

"The army of the rebel army is well-organized, the banners are everywhere, and they are well-proportioned. Although the army is small, it is not chaotic. It has been only a year, but it has such an army appearance. It seems that this Marquis Jue has some real skills!" Boqin stood on the chariot far away. Overlooking, he was a little surprised to see the uniform appearance of the army on the other side of the river.

Jian Guoqiu Mu nodded and said: "Fortunately, if you come to attack Huai country today, if you give him a few more years, if you want to kill him at that time, the price will be high."

"Haha, that's exactly the case. Yin Shang's destiny has fallen, and Bang Zhou's destiny is like the rising sun. This battle must be won!"




The army shouted loudly, thousands of people shouted, the sound shook the whole field, and countless birds and beasts were startled in the wilderness.

Even across the Huaihe River, the army of the Huai State felt the majesty of the army, and there was a slight commotion in the army for a while, and the ministers who followed were also frightened and uneasy.After all, the gap between the two sides was too great, and except for Yi and a few other ministers, the other ministers did not experience the scene where Zijue defeated tens of thousands of Zhou troops last time.

Feeling the panic in the hearts of the soldiers below, Zijue was calm and composed, his expression was not a little nervous, but very relaxed, pointing to the opposite bank, Zhou Dajun, and laughed.

The people around were very puzzled, and Yi beside him asked cautiously: "Why are you laughing, Your Majesty?"

Zijue patted Yi on the shoulder, pointed at Bang Zhou's army and said, "This Bang Zhou is really as timid as a mouse."

People are puzzled.

Only then did Zijue explain: "I can't wait for a thousand people, and this Bang Zhou is so afraid that he sent [-] troops to fight against us. Isn't that cowardly?"

After hearing it, he burst out laughing.Seeing this, everyone around laughed, and the fear in their hearts dissipated.Seeing that your majesty is so calm, the army of the Huai State felt at ease.

——In the fourth year of Wang Wang, the Marquis of Qi joined the alliance and attacked the Huai River, and King Jue fought in the Huai River.When the people of Huai saw the strength of the Qi army, they were afraid of it, and their morale was shaken.King Jue laughed, and Yi asked, "Why are you laughing?" King Jue said, "People in Zhou are as timid as mice. Our army has a thousand soldiers, and the Qi division's [-] troops dare to conquer. Isn't it cowardly?"This so-called attacking the city is the bottom, and attacking the heart is the top. "Sun Tzu's Art of War Strategies"

(End of this chapter)

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