Chapter 626 Great Victory
Wang Xuanjing led his army out again. Although this time there were five thousand soldiers guarding the food and grass, they soon began to collapse under the attack of the Yulin Guards.

Looking at the enemy troops that had begun to collapse on the battlefield, Wang Xuanjing's expression became serious. This time it took two quarters of an hour longer to defeat the enemy.

There is not much time left for them to burn the food and grass, and they must evacuate as soon as possible.

Hundreds of soldiers of the Yulin Guard smashed the kerosene jars they had prepared on the grain cart. The soldiers behind them directly threw fire arrows, and the flames rose instantly.

At this moment, the rumble of horse hooves sounded. Wang Xuanjing made a decisive decision and directly ordered to abandon the burning of food and grass and assemble the entire army.

Wang Xuanjing did not order the withdrawal. He knew very well how fast the light cavalry were running. The Habayashi Guards are heavy cavalry. Although they are not the top armored cavalry, their load is not light and they cannot outrun the light cavalry.

The best way is to gather in formation and attack cavalry against cavalry.

The opponent came at a gallop, and the Habayashi Guards also completed their assembly. At this time, Wang Xuanjing also saw clearly the opponent's troops.

The combination of eight thousand light and heavy cavalry was obviously specially prepared for them. Once Wang Xuanjing withdrew, the thousands of light cavalry would immediately pursue and then continue to harass, while the heavy cavalry behind would press the formation from behind.

After being entangled by the light cavalry, they will inevitably be unable to retreat and their formation will be scattered. When the heavy cavalry takes the opportunity to dispatch, it will be a big defeat.

If he had met someone else, he might have won a big victory this time, but unfortunately he met Wang Xuanjing.

Although Wang Xuanjing has always appeared as a scribe, and he was also his assistant to Yang Yong back then, he is the only Wang son of the Wang generation whose military strength is not inferior to Wang Xuanze's.

Yuchi Jingde was already prepared, but after arriving on the battlefield, he discovered that the opponent not only did not escape, but lined up in front.

Seeing the opponent's formation, Yuchi Jingde naturally would not give in. He did not think that his 5,000 heavy cavalry could not defeat this group of people who were hiding their heads and tail.

"Break the formation!"

The cavalry led by Yuchi Jingde was immediately stunned, and a dent was made in the formation. Wang Xuanjing held a long spear and picked off more than a dozen people in a row, covered in blood, like a demon.

Wang Xuanjing held a long spear and took the lead. He lifted a heavy cavalryman into the air with one spear, and then hit a cavalryman behind him hard. The Yu Linwei in the second row behind immediately fired the crossbow, and the arrows shot out directly, but At a distance of more than ten meters, even if he was wearing iron armor, he would be penetrated directly by the crossbow arrow.

"Break the formation!"

These Yulin guards did not shoot the second arrow, but directly dropped their hand crossbows and rushed forward instantly with their hands in hand.

Otherwise, Wang Xuanze would not be able to trust him to command an army of three thousand to attack Liu Wuzhou.

Wang Xuanjing held a long spear and rushed straight into the enemy formation under the cover of three hundred of the most elite Yulin Guards. The army of Yulin Guards behind him immediately followed.

Immediately issued an order, ordered the light cavalry to harass, and then personally led the army to attack.

"Break the formation!"

The cavalrymen who were facing him were frightened when they saw this scene, and they couldn't help but want to dodge. The entire military formation was torn apart, and the Yulin Guards rushed in.

Yuchi Jingde saw that the enemy general was so brave that if he could not stop him, the army formation would soon be completely torn apart by him, so he immediately led his soldiers to stop him.

As a result, Wang Xuanjing swept across with his long spear, and Yuchi Jingde blocked with both maces, and was almost knocked off his horse. His arms became numb for a while, and his face turned dark red. Yuchi Jingde was shocked and did not dare to fight again. However, when Wang Xuanjing saw that he was the general, how could he let him go? He swept his troops with his long sword and chased him directly.

The Yu Linwei behind him immediately followed up. Yuchi Jingde had no time to escape before he was caught up by Wang Xuanjing. Then he was swept off his horse with several powerful and heavy sweeps.

The general was captured, and the remaining soldiers were horrified. How could they stop them in the face of three thousand Yulin guards, let alone the murderer Wang Xuanjing.

Soon the army began to collapse, and thousands of cavalry fled in confusion. The Yulin Guards pursued for thirty miles before gathering their troops and quickly evacuating.

Wang Xuanjing defeated Song Jingang's cavalry in a battle, and the food and grass were burned again. Song Jingang, who was confronting Li Shimin, finally couldn't hold on any longer.

The army was short of food and grass, and could not attack for a long time, and its morale was low, so many soldiers fled under the cover of night.

Seeing this situation, Li Shimin immediately understood that the time had come and immediately summoned an army to attack Song Jingang.

Because Li Shimin had just rewarded the three armies, Li Tang's army was replenishing its strength and its morale was high. Song Jingang's army was short of food and grass, and its morale was low. How could it be stopped.

After only half an hour of fighting, Song Jingang's army became unstable. Li Shimin made a prompt decision and personally led the cavalry into the formation. Thousands of cavalry rushed into the formation, and Song Jingang's army directly tore through the formation.

Seeing that the military formation was in chaos and Li Tang's army was unstoppable, Song Jingang could only lead his army to retreat even if he was unwilling to do so.

Following the withdrawal of the general, the remaining army immediately collapsed. Li Shimin ignored the surrendered troops and directly led the 3,000 Xuanjia troops in pursuit.

Song Jingang fled in embarrassment. Originally, his cavalry was defeated by Wang Xuanjing and had low morale. This time, it was defeated by the Xuanjia Army, and its morale was even lower. If Song Jingang hadn't had high prestige, the army would have dispersed long ago.

Li Shimin led his army in hot pursuit without giving him a chance to regroup, and continued to defeat the military formation organized by Song Jingang.

On the other side, after seeing Song Jingang's defeat, Wang Xuanjing immediately led his army to attack Jinyang for a long distance. In order to confront Li Tang, Liu Wuzhou pressed 80% of the army forward. This time he was defeated and there was no army to guard the rear.

If he received news of his defeat, he would flee immediately. Wang Xuanjing did not want to let him go, and immediately led three thousand cavalry to Jinyang all night long.

Jinyang City.

When Liu Wuzhou learned of Song Jingang's defeat, his face changed drastically and he looked panicked. He quickly called his family members to flee to the Turks with their gold and silver treasures and soldiers.

As a result, the army was blocked by Wang Xuanjing shortly after leaving Jinyang. Wang Xuanjing saw Liu Wuzhou without any hesitation and directly ordered the army to charge.

Although the Yulin Guards had been attacking continuously for a day, one man and three horses took turns to rest, and their physical strength could still hold up. However, when Liu Wuzhou learned that the front army had been defeated and saw Wang's army, he was so shocked that he could not stand it at all. Without thinking of resisting, he turned around and ran away.

When the remaining several hundred soldiers saw Liu Wuzhou escaping, they had no intention of fighting and dispersed. Wang Xuanjing took the lead and shot an arrow, hitting Liu Wuzhou's horse in the crotch.

The war horse was in pain and knocked Liu Wuzhou to the ground. Wang Xuanjing quickly stepped forward and captured him.

Others also captured all Liu Wu and Zhou family members.

(End of this chapter)

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