Chapter 632 Extra: New Century (2)

"You guys are good at physics and chemistry, but history and archeology are the sinkholes. Originally, you discovered a ruins or an ancient tomb, read a lot of information, and conducted various researches. Finally, you found some information, and you even thought you could publish a paper. "

"As soon as the results were reported, the royal family took out a large amount of documents to find out all the errors and omissions in your paper. The criticism was so horrible that it was terrible to see. The most outrageous thing is that the royal family even took out bronze vessels with a large number of inscriptions to support it."

"Let's put it this way, 70% of the treasures and national treasures in major museums across the country were donated by the royal family. It is said that these things are not even one-tenth of what the royal family has in their collection."

It’s a good game technical post, but I don’t know where it went.

The sky is clear and the air is clear, so take a rest.

In this era, most countries did not use weeks, weeks, weeks, etc. to calculate days, but used ten days to calculate short-term days.

The traditional practice of "officials must take a bath every five days" for working and resting is still used by ancient flower growers. That is five days with one day off.

However, after the continuous improvement of social productivity, and at the same time in order to increase people's consumption, the five-day rest and one day of rest were changed to the fifth day of five-day rest and two days of rest.

Western countries use weeks or days of the week, but flower growers and their sphere of influence all use ten days.

The Wenwang Calendar is also more popular internationally because it is easier to remember and more accurate.

Over the years, various festivals held by flower growers have gradually spread around the world, and businessmen from all over the world have played a major role in this. These businessmen celebrate the festival in different ways and then carry out promotions to attract people from all over the world to shop.

Although the King Wen calendar compiled by the royal family also has political significance, it only stipulates the starting point. Each month and day in the calendar do not have political significance.

The Wenwang calendar designated January 1st as the beginning of spring, and this day was also New Year's Day, combining the date with celestial phenomena. It is more scientific than the Gregorian calendar used in the West.

In recent years, many immigrants in Europe apply to go to flower gardens every year, but the success rate is not high. Most of them can only get tourist visas or work visas.

There are also differences between Eastern and Western calendars. The internationally accepted calendar is the "Wenwang Calendar" that Wang has been revising and compiling, also known as the Gregorian calendar.

Among them, the probability of women obtaining a visa is much higher than that of men, about four to one.

Of course, in addition to the Gregorian calendar, flower growers also use the traditional lunar calendar. Many traditional festivals still follow the lunar calendar, such as Lantern Festival, Chinese Valentine's Day, Double Ninth Festival, and Dragon Boat Festival.

Of course, in this way, the calendars of those European countries are very different from the Wenwang calendar. The most obvious one is that January 2st corresponds to February 3rd or 4th every year in Europe.

The simplest way to put it is that the difference in time between each month in the Wenwang calendar is very small, and there will not be as much as three days between the big moon and the small moon.

After the flower growers became powerful, those European countries were suppressed. Especially after Africa became independent, old Europe, which lost its colonies, became somewhat sluggish.

After these European women came here, many of them worked as domestic workers or models.

In flower growers, servants have long been abolished, but servants are still used in many families. The cost of local Chinese servants is too high, and middle-class families cannot afford it. Therefore, these European and American women come to flower growers to do housework. Maid gradually became popular.

The salary of European domestic maids is much lower than that of local domestic maids, and their appearance is generally much higher than that of local maids, so they are very popular in the domestic market. Of course, the purpose of these Western European domestic maids is not that pure. Almost more than 80% of European domestic maids want to obtain the nationality of a flower grower by marrying a flower grower and live here.

This practice is already well known among flower growers, otherwise why would those young and beautiful European girls come all the way here.

High wages are one thing, but being able to become a naturalized citizen is the key.

Flower Planters is not an immigration country. It is extremely difficult to apply for naturalization and the probability is very low. Only scientists or special talents can pass.

But there is another naturalization method for flower growers, which is very simple, and that is to marry a flower grower. As long as two people get married and live together for more than three years, they can apply for nationality as partners. This is also the simplest and most simple. Quick way to naturalize.

Of course, in addition to these, some low-level scumbags in flower farming families will also use this method to seduce European and American girls.

These low-level scumbags like to go to Europe and the United States to hang out, because by virtue of their status as flower growers, they are naturally superior to others in Europe and the United States.

Even though he is a scumbag at home, he is still pursued by many girls in Europe and America.

If this person can use some romantic tricks, be a little more literary and artistic, and develop the character of a literary young man, a poet, or a street singer, it can almost be said that he will be successful in all directions, and he can even have free sex along the way.

Even without him having to do anything, European and American girls would keep throwing themselves into his arms just to marry them, then follow them into a flower gardening family and obtain nationality.

So now many European and American women have begun to compile various stories for themselves, such as their father died young, their mother was seriously ill, and there is a younger brother at home who goes to school. She can only go out to work to support his younger brother's education, or to see a doctor for her mother.

There are also some whose families are in dire straits. Their fathers failed in their investments and jumped off the building, or their mothers passed away. They can only work hard to pay off their debts.

This is used to arouse men's sympathy and protective desire, so that they can marry into a flower grower or become a Chinese mistress.

This situation became more and more frequent, and later it gradually became less useful.

In addition to these, there are also some Chinese international students. You must know that the vast majority of Chinese students who go abroad do not have very good academic performance. Usually they cannot get into a good domestic university, so they want to study abroad.

This kind of international students are very popular in Europe and the United States.

When every Chinese international student comes here to study, the college arranges for someone to receive them, usually four people, who take turns to familiarize them with the environment and make them feel at home.

There are fewer European students going to flower growers because the requirements for international students in flower growers are very strict and they must be both good in character and academics.

Basically, they are one in a million, and most of these international students are children of wealthy families, because it is very expensive to study abroad in a flower garden, but even so, wealthy families in Europe, America and the Middle East will crowd in. I want my children to come to the flower garden.

At the same time, many international students will eventually stay at home as flower growers, and very few are willing to return to their home countries.

(End of this chapter)

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