Chapter 647 Family Banquet
Originally, because of his consecutive battles and numerous military exploits, Li Shimin's reputation had surpassed that of the prince. Even because he had the right to open a mansion, Tiance Mansion had more rights and also had an army in Chang'an City.

Of course, the number of this army was small, less than two hundred people. But these people are all elite veterans, well equipped with armor and war horses.

However, after Li Jiancheng defeated Liu Heitai and surrendered a large number of defeated troops, Li Jiancheng formed a personal guard for the prince, including two thousand people.

Completely surpassing Li Shimin's power in Chang'an City.

He gained a huge advantage and had many supporters in the court, but Li Jiancheng was still worried about Li Shimin. He made good friends with Concubine Li Yuan, donated wealth, asked Concubine Li Yuan to speak good words for him, and slandered Li Shimin.

As the saying goes, three people make a tiger, not to mention the people beside Li Yuan said so. As a result, Li Yuan became even more unhappy with Li Shimin.

Seeing this situation, Li Jiancheng and Li Yuanji became even more proud.

Li Yuanji made great achievements and became more and more domineering. Moreover, because of his bad relationship with the King of Qin, he also ridiculed the generals of Tiance Mansion.

After seeing Li Shimin give in, Li Yuanji was even more proud, so he wanted to kill Li Shimin in one go, so that everything would be over.

So Li Yuanji held a banquet in his mansion, and then invited the prince and King Qin to the banquet. Secretly, he prepared the sword and ax hand and hid it in the inner room. He was ready to wait for the King of Qin to come, and then he would throw a cup as a signal and use all his sword and ax hand to kill the king of Qin.

When Li Shimin arrived at Prince Qi's Mansion, Li Yuanji and Li Jiancheng greeted him at the door. After some greetings, the three of them took Li Shimin inside.

Seeing that King Qin insisted on going, Wang Xuanlie immediately said: "If Your Highness wants to go, please allow me to go with you and protect you."

Li Jiancheng is still sober. Li Yuan's series of operations have proven that he has no intention of deposing the prince. He is 90% sure of winning.

Li Shimin thought for a while and agreed, so he asked Wang Xuanlie and Yuchi Jingde to lead thirty people to escort him.

Li Yuanji thought his plan was in place, but his actions soon attracted Wang's attention.

Li Jiancheng came to Prince Qi's Mansion and was pulled aside by Li Yuanji to tell him that when he learned that Li Yuanji was planning to kill Li Shimin, Li Jiancheng was shocked and stopped him quickly.

Li Yuanji ostensibly agreed, but in his heart he still planned to take the opportunity to kill Li Shimin.

But Li Yuanji said: "Brother, I am the one who wants to kill. When the time comes, I will be the one to bear the punishment from my father. If I don't take the opportunity to kill him now, I'm afraid there will be endless troubles."

Without these talents, the Tang Dynasty would probably be severely weakened.

It's just that Yuchi Jingde and Wang Xuanlie are both top warriors, so how can two guards stop them? Yuchi Jingde and Wang Xuanlie were not polite at all. They used their arms to push the two guards to the ground, and they were about to go in with the other guards.

If the King of Qin dies at that time, his generals Qin Qiong, Yuchi Jingde, Cheng Yaojin, Xu Shiji, Wang Xuanlie, and Li Jing will be dismissed from their posts and go home to retire, even if they survive. The same goes for the civil servants Fang Xuanling and Du Ruhui.

What's more, the world is still uncertain. If the prince and the King of Qin attack each other, the world will be in chaos, and Li Tang will probably not be able to rule the world.

After seeing King Qin entering, Yuchi Jingde and Wang Xuanlie immediately followed him. At this moment, Li Yuanji's guard stretched out his hand to stop the two men.

Although Wang didn't know Li Yuanji's specific plan, it was naturally better to be cautious at this time. He planned to let Wang Xuanlie persuade Li Shimin not to go.

Wang Xuanlie came to the Prince of Qin's Mansion to persuade the Prince of Qin, but Li Shimin said: "Although Yuanji and I have a normal relationship, we are still brothers. Now he invites me and my eldest brother. This is a family banquet, so you don't have to worry."

The three princes heard the noise and looked back. Li Yuanji immediately said angrily: "How dare you, are you going to break into Prince Qi's Mansion without permission?"

"We are the guards of the King of Qin, even the palace. His Majesty has also given an edict to protect the passage. How can these people block it for no reason?" Wang Xuanlie said solemnly.

"You" "Third brother, don't be upset, just let the two of them follow. The others will wait outside the door." Li Jiancheng said casually.

"Today is our brother's family banquet. Jingde and Ariel can just follow us. You can just wait outside the door."


Everyone bowed their hands and obeyed the order, and many guards exited the door, with only Yuchi Jingde and Wang Xuanlie following closely behind. Although the conflict was temporarily resolved, Qi King Li Yuanji was still unwilling to accept it. He glared at the two of them fiercely before turning around and walking away.

Soon everyone came to the hall, where a banquet had been prepared. The three of them took their seats, with Yuchi Jingde and Wang Xuanlie standing behind King Qin.

The atmosphere of the banquet was quite harmonious. Li Yuanji wanted to take action several times, but with Yuchi Jingde and Wang Xuanlie around, he was worried that he would not be able to kill Li Shimin.

After seeing this situation, Li Yuanji suddenly thought of an idea, and then said: "Big brother and second brother, attack Liu Heita this time. Little brother, I have recruited some Yanzhao warriors who are proficient in fighting. Today is a good time for a banquet, so let They put on displays to add to the fun of the banquet.”

After speaking, Li Yuanji didn't wait for the two of them to react, and said directly: "Here comes someone!"

As soon as the words fell, more than ten tall and strong men walked in. These men were not wearing armor, but they held spears and knives in their hands, and they were filled with murderous intent.

Li Jiancheng's expression suddenly changed. Just as he was about to say something, a voice suddenly sounded: "Warrior? Your Highness, King Qi, I like to compete with warriors the most, so let me weigh these warriors!"

After Wang Xuanlie saw those people coming in, he immediately rushed to the front, and Yuchi Jingde followed closely behind.

"It is said that the generals under my second brother are all enemies of ten thousand people. Today is a good time to see them." Seeing the two people blocking the front, Li Yuanji said directly without being polite.

"Fourth brother, these two generals of mine are both veteran generals on the battlefield, and they are both the generals whose heads are chosen from thousands of armies. Let's forget it." Li Shimin shook his head slightly.

"I see, then it's time to give it a try, so that I can open my eyes, little brother." Li Yuanji chuckled and said, "Liang Chong, you guys try to compete with them!"


After the leader agreed, he immediately led someone with a gun to stab the two of them without any courtesy.

Wang Xuanlie and Yuchi Jingde roared, and they rushed forward instantly like galloping horses. Although there were only two of them, it was like a thousand troops charging.

With quick eyesight and quick hands, the two reached out to grab the spear that was stabbing them. In the next second, they used their arms hard to lift the other person up and swept across the battle formation.

But in the blink of an eye, the two rows of soldiers were torn apart by the two men.

Wang Xuanlie broke off all the spears in his hand with great force, and then threw them in front of Li Yuanji. He stared at Li Yuanji's neck with cold eyes.

Li Yuanji suddenly felt a chill on his neck, his eyes were frightened, and he did not dare to say another word.

Li Shimin smiled slightly and said: "Today's banquet was very enjoyable, and the martial arts competition was also very exciting. Thank you fourth brother for the hospitality. It's getting late and I'm a little too drunk, so I'll leave first."

After Li Shimin bowed his hands to the two of them, he stood up and left the hall. Wang Xuanlie and Yuchi Jingde saluted the two of them and turned to leave.

Seeing Li Shimin and the others leaving, Li Yuanji's face changed from purple to purple, and then he threw his wine glass to the ground: "You bunch of trash, get out of here!"

(End of this chapter)

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