Chapter 672 Wildfire can’t burn it all

The population of Guanzhong began to migrate to various places.

Wang Xuanjing took advantage of the severe drought in Guanzhong and the vast red land to migrate people on a large scale.

For the imperial court, it was simply a joke that the imperial court would go east to eat.

As the imperial capital of a country, in order to save food, the emperor would take the civil and military officials to eat elsewhere.

From this we can see that Guanzhong is really no longer suitable for farming. At least it can't support such a large population.

In the past, Wang Xuanjing wanted to relocate the people from Guanzhong to fill the land that was abandoned due to wars all over the world. Just because the people were unwilling to leave their hometowns, the relocation work was not going smoothly at all.

But this time, there was a severe drought in Guanzhong and victims were everywhere, but it gave Wang Xuanjing the best opportunity.

When Wang Xuanjing used work for relief, he used simple military laws to manage the victims. After several months of training, these people have become disciplined and obedient.

So taking this opportunity, he began to move these people to the Central Plains, Hebei, Youzhou, Hexi and other places.

But as long as these people take root here, the land that was originally riddled with holes after the wars of the Sui Dynasty will regain its vitality.

After two years, they will provide a large amount of supplies and food.

In fact, it is impossible not to migrate. If there is no food at home, they will starve to death if they do not migrate.

Li Ke used two counties to accommodate the relocated victims. There were about 20,000 households and more than 60,000 people. In order to resettle these people, an astonishing amount of money and food was spent.

"How magnificent. The imperial court relocated and resettled the victims on such a large scale. It is really bold!" Henry Zhang looked at the victims lining up to enter the camp and marveled.

Wang Xuanjing bought back the grain from those noble families. Of course, the price increased slightly, but it still caused them heavy losses.

These are not insurmountable difficulties. As long as we seize the time to plant winter wheat, by next year, as long as there is no major disaster, these people will be on a firm footing.

After these people were trained, they worked very well. In addition, these things were originally built for themselves, so they worked even harder. The surrounding ashes and ruins have been cleared away.

"Shangguan Li, I heard that a group of people have also been resettled in the west?"

Li Ke nodded and said: "Eight thousand households have been resettled, including those affected by the disaster in Guanzhong. There are about 28,000 people with their families."

They dug ditches and built houses with unlimited passion. In just one month, they built more than a thousand wooden houses.

Fortunately, someone came up with the idea of ​​horse plowing. Because the land in the north is flat and the grasslands are close, horse plowing is not as good as cattle, but it is still somewhat helpful.

Coupled with the manpower, it can barely be used.

The enthusiasm of the people was aroused, dredging damaged ditches, repairing damaged houses, and preparing for next year's spring plowing.

The land in the north is dry and yellow, and a large number of new houses have been built near a river.

The seeds have been prepared, and there is a shortage of agricultural equipment, but they will be replenished as soon as possible, which is barely enough. However, the most troublesome thing is the serious shortage of cattle.

The autumn wind is bleak.

Li Ke stood by the ditch with his hands behind his back, looking at the withered fields and the busy construction site next to him, and suddenly felt that the place was full of life.

Since the war, most of these cattle have been snatched away and killed for meat. The number of cattle in the world has reached a dangerous level.

Then a large amount of food was distributed by the court to the people who were willing to migrate.

The discipline of these disaster victims is surprisingly good. If they have this discipline, they can become a good auxiliary force with a little training.

There was a county town in the west. It had been abandoned due to wars in the late Sui Dynasty, and was later burned down. I immediately went to take a look and found that these places were not bad, so I settled a group of them here.

The originally dilapidated county town was also being repaired bit by bit. It was once full of ruins and inhabited by birds, beasts, insects and ants, but now it is gradually regaining its popularity.

Li Ke was basically responsible for the resettlement work of the refugees in Zhao County. He felt very happy when he saw the dilapidated city gradually improving, the ruins being cleared, and new houses being built.

It is easy to destroy but difficult to build. It was burned down in a fire, but now they need to spend ten years to restore it.

"It's time to eat!"

A well-spoken shout sounded, and then the bell next to him rang.

The victims officially started eating.

In order to provide disaster relief, Wang Xuanjing adopted military methods. Otherwise, it would be really difficult to manage these tens of thousands of people, who would be almost like a mess.

Since the afternoon, food has been prepared in the camp in the eastern suburbs of Zhao County. Wang Xuanjing promoted work-for-relief, so it was natural for the people to be fed.

Therefore, I changed my diet from two meals a day to three meals a day.

For the first time in their lives, many victims were able to eat three meals a day, which were full and contained salt and even meat. This was simply their dream.

There are various pots, earthen pots, cauldrons, etc. in different styles in the camp, but they are all arranged neatly. Tens of thousands of people were sitting around, and the whole scene was so spectacular.

Although they suffered a drought this year and were moved here by the imperial court, it must be said that they had enough to eat for the first time in their lives since arriving here.

Three meals a day for the first time, eating meat for the first time, so many firsts.

There is no doubt that the farming system is not a good system. Otherwise, after the world is at peace, the farming system will be abolished in a short time.

One of the important reasons for this is that the taxation and restrictions on farmland are too harsh. It is said that it is farmland, but it is actually squeezing the people.

But when you encounter a major disaster or a war, you will find that the farming system is surprisingly useful when you take it out.

Not only is the management simple, but the farming system is used to provide disaster relief. As long as they survive the first year, they will benefit from the rest. The imperial court no longer has to bear huge food and material problems.

Basically, under the farming system, they can produce and use it by themselves.

When Li Ke came to the camp, the people around him were very grateful to him. Although they were tired now, at least they had survived. Many of the people with families and children were relieved. At least the children would not be injured. died.

A large amount of food was delivered, and everyone in the camp cheered when they learned that there would be a meat meal tomorrow.

Most of the meat these people eat is fresh from the river, or some prey from hunting. The quantity is not large, and it is basically boiled into broth, and each person drinks a bowl.

But even so, it still satisfies the people.

Li Ke saw a child in the crowd. Go over and pick it up.

The child was about four or five years old. His face was dirty and his clothes were in tatters, but at least he was well fed.

The presence of children means that the people have passed the most dangerous period.

The child's parents stood aside, cowering, as if they wanted to say something, but didn't know how to say it.

"What's his name?"


"This is a good name." Li Ke said: "The wild fire will not burn out, but the spring breeze will blow it again."

"How is it here?"

"it is good."

"How's that?"

“You don’t have to worry about being stolen when you sleep.”

Li Ke suddenly fell silent when he heard this. He knew what the so-called stealing was.

(End of this chapter)

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