Chapter 678 Gathering Power
Wang Xuanji summoned all the local snakes in the Hehuang area today and met them in the camp outside the city.

When they entered the military camp just now, these people saw the military power of the imperial army, which was far beyond what they could compare with.

From behind, a stupid young man bumped into it, and was beaten to pieces.

At the same time, it also allowed them to see the elite soldiers of the Tang Dynasty. That list of generals rode into battle alone, captured the generals and returned them. Although it was a bit tricky, it still shocked them all.

This kind of courage is unworthy of all men.

But just now the imperial court's troops were in formation, and the cavalry charge was not timid at all. The military formation did not waver at all, and the arrows were actually able to fall several feet away from the cavalry.

All of this shows that the Tang army is the best among the best.

If the soldiers stationed here in the Tang Dynasty had this level, no, even one or two levels lower than this level would be fine. Five thousand people were enough to sweep the entire Hehuang area.

Seeing this, everyone became more respectful and cautious towards Wang Xuanji, not daring to go too far.

At this time, they thought that it would be good to follow the Tang Dynasty. With such a strong boss as their backer, they were no longer afraid of the Tubo people in the snowy fields and the barbarians in the north.

But after the imperial court sent the army here, the loyalty of these people immediately increased from a passing score of 60 to 80 or even 90.

"In preparation for opening up the Western Region, you all also understand that the Western Region's business roads are rich. If the business roads are normal, you can also get a lot of benefits!"

At that time, Daqian established a county here again, and this place belonged to Jincheng County.

Wang Xuanji did not talk to these people about any big reason, because he knew that these people valued interests more. Therefore, he directly gave the benefits.

North of Jincheng.

These tycoons are much stronger than those in the Central Plains, whether in terms of population or acres of land, but considering that in a place like this, as long as someone cultivates the land, it doesn't matter.

The prosperity of the Silk Road is only known to those who have understood this period of history.

As for their loyalty to the dynasty, it can only be said to be barely passing.

These people had a fight with Tang Dynasty before with Li Gui, but were defeated by Li Shimin, who was still the king of Qin at the time, and soon surrendered. Wang Xuanji did not pursue the previous affairs.

"Gentlemen, I am here today to tell you that the imperial court is going to relocate people here, organize households, build cities, and stabilize the Hexi Corridor."

The vast majority of the population is attached to the local local snakes. Those who can survive and grow in such a place are not fuel-efficient.

Wang Xuanji looked at the powerful heads or people in charge of more than a dozen families in front of him. Have a rough assessment of their strength.

To put it bluntly, there still needs to be someone.

At that time, the Liu Song Dynasty was in turmoil and gradually lost control of this place. Later, the Liu Song Dynasty continued to have civil strife. The place was often plundered by the grasslands, and its strength was no longer what it used to be.

Hexi and Hehuang originally had a population of one million. After several wars, 50% of the population was reduced. There were less than 500,000 people in the vast land.

During the Daqian period, there was an endless stream of merchants on this trade route, and the imperial court gained countless wealth through this trade route.

At that time, Liu Song also became extremely wealthy because of this trade route, but when this trade route was lost, the power of the imperial court immediately plummeted.

"Your words are serious. Your Majesty is gentle, tolerant, and highly respected. The court treats us well. All the sages here want to serve the country. In the past, there was no way to serve the country. If you come and point it out to us, we will definitely do it." Follow!" Yang Mao, the leader, said respectfully.

Others around him looked at him one after another. Many people thought he was shameless, while others admired him. Faced with everyone's gaze, Yang Mao remained calm and did not panic at all. After meeting the Heavenly Soldiers of the Tang Dynasty, as well as the Xuanwei Envoy, the Governor of Xiliang, and the Shepherd King of Liangzhou Xuanji, he immediately recognized his own strength and immediately corrected his position.

As for the previous private promises, they all don’t count now.

As if he didn't feel the gazes of everyone, Yang Mao bowed to Wang Xuanji and said, "I am overjoyed to see the court angel today. From now on, in my Yang family, only angels will obey me!"

"Your Majesty, it's the same with the villains. They are willing to obey the orders of the angels!" This time the person speaking was Liu Heng next to him, the head of the Liu family.

This person is also one of the top local snakes in this land of Hehuang.

This man was also smart. After seeing the military might of the imperial court, he immediately paid homage to him.

When Liu Heng finished speaking, several more people came out to salute Wang Xuanji and said: "I am worthy of your envoy, and I am willing to do your best for you!"

There was a buzz in the crowd.

Within a short time, people kept coming up to pay their respects and expressed their willingness to follow Datang.

Soon, everyone in the entire camp expressed their willingness to help Wang Xuanji.

When Wang Xuanji heard what these people said, his face was full of smiles and he nodded at them. Since these people are so aware of current affairs, there is no need for him to be very aggressive.

When he thought of this, Wang Xuanji was still a little disappointed. If someone gave him authority, the effect would be very good.

Now that he agreed to cooperate with the court, Wang Xuanjing began to discuss with them the distribution of farmland, immigration, and grain and grass logistics.

The imperial court stationed five thousand troops here, and the food and grass they needed naturally had to be supplied by these local wealthy families.

As for ordinary people, after these years of turmoil, how can they afford it.

Five thousand troops were stationed permanently and needed a lot of food, including more food for horses than for people. In order to deal with the Turks, all the five thousand troops of the imperial court were equipped with war horses.

The consumption of grain and grass is very high. It was very difficult for the imperial court to transport it from Guanzhong.

You must know that there is a severe drought in Guanzhong, and they still need to transport food from the outside world, let alone actively provide them with food.

Therefore, the army stationed here needs to be supplied with food and grass.

The imperial court needs to distribute these grains to other powerful people, and at the same time, they need to cooperate with the imperial court in resettling the victims.

The imperial court re-established counties and counties in the Hehuang area, which also required their assistance.

At the same time, the imperial court is preparing to repair Jincheng, and they also need to deal with these manpower and material resources.

The land of Hehuang is different from the Central Plains. Not only does food need to be grown here, but alfalfa also needs to be grown. Alfalfa was a plant that Zhang Qian brought back when he was on his mission to the Western Regions.

This is a kind of very good quality forage. The imperial court has always cultivated alfalfa for raising horses. However, in the Central Plains, the contradiction between man and land was prominent. Many people did not even have enough land, so how could they plant alfalfa.

Therefore, although it has been introduced to the Central Plains for hundreds of years, there are still very few people willing to plant it.

This time, the imperial court planned to promote planting in Hehuang land.

(End of this chapter)

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