Chapter 68
After the reckless actions of several Marquis of Qi, the mutilation of the public houses, and the repeated use of troops by King Xiang, the entire Qi State has reached the point where it has to be reformed, especially the financial problems of Qi State. become unable to make ends meet.

The Marquis of Qi asked Guan Zhong how to reform. Guan Zhong said: "The country is rich and the army is strong."

How to enrich the country?

Zhong said: The sage governs officials but not the people.

"There are three chaos, one is that virtue is not appropriate for one's position, the other is that merit is not appropriate for one's salary, and the third is that ability is not appropriate for one's official position."

Once these three situations occur, the country will be in turmoil.People without virtue occupy high positions, people without merit enjoy titles and salaries, and people with incompetence become officials, and the world will surely be in chaos.

Guan Zhong integrated the chaotic administrative system of Qi State and divided the country into "three states and five states".Sanqiguo refers to the division of the capital into 21 townships, which are then managed by three officials.

"Wu Qibi" is to divide the common people outside the capital into five genus, set up five big officials, and five official officials to take charge of them. The subordinates are counties, townships, soldiers, and towns. Judge management.

At the same time, the 'scholars, farmers, businessmen' have their own jobs, and the backward system of the tribes is completely cleaned up. The clear administrative system makes the management of Qi more effective and refined, and maintains social stability.

Guan Zhong's reform of the system was very comprehensive, and at the same time he also carried out drastic reforms in the military and economy.Combining the military recruiting of soldiers and administration, and stipulating the number of recruits for each township, soldier, and town, so that the manpower that Qi can mobilize increases.

Economically, the people are enriched, taxes are collected according to the quality of the land, and the messy currency is recovered and minted in a unified manner.Next, Guan Zhong compiled the laws of Qi State according to the laws of Huai State.

A series of reforms can be described as a strong medicine for Qi.So many reforms also violated the interests of many people in Qi.However, after receiving the support of Qihou, these reforms were implemented little by little.

The reforms of Qi State had just started and did not attract the attention of other vassal states, but these reforms were quickly noticed by Huai State.

Because Qi's reforms are [-]% similar to Huai's, after Wang Sheng saw the charter of these reforms, he knew that Qi was about to rise.

The monarchs and ministers of Qi State all have the heart of reform, which cannot be stopped.Unless he launches a battle against Qi now, defeats Qi, and replaces Qi Hou with a superior.But he can't guarantee that he won't implement reforms if he changes to another Qihou?

Qi State is different from Wu State, but it is an important state in Bangzhou.The Huai country's attack will probably attract the siege of the surrounding countries in the end.More importantly, Huai State had just annexed Wu State, and it would take time to digest Wu's population and land.

It will take at least ten years for the Huai state to annex the fat piece of Wu state to completely digest it. During this time, Wang Sheng did not want to start a war.

Since the reform of the Huai State Academy, it has begun to recruit a large number of Chinese people, and the proportion of Chinese people is higher than that of nobles and officials. These Chinese people will be supported by the Huai State Office.Wait until they have completed their studies and pass the assessment before making appointments.

After Wang Sheng annexed the state of Wu, he recruited a large number of low-level officials to serve in the state of Wu, and planned to spend ten years of hard work to firmly control the state of Wu.

At the same time, in order to guard against Chu, Wang Sheng built a city on the bank of the Yangtze River in Wudi.There are mountains and rivers to rely on on the east side of this place, the Yangtze River waterway to the west and north, and winding rivers to the south. It can be said that it is easy to defend but difficult to attack.And because it is close to the state of Chu, whether it is by boat or by land, the army of the state of Chu must pass through here.

Wang Sheng built a city here, called Jinling City, and stationed three thousand troops. After Jinling, he built beacon towers along the river to prevent surprise attacks by Chu's navy.At the same time, a city was built on the opposite bank of Yangzhou to guard the big river, called Zhenjiang, and also stationed [-] troops.

Yangzhou and Zhenjiang are one south and one north, guarding the Yangtze River waterway.As long as this place is not breached, there will be no worries in Wudi.

The state of Chu is located in the upper reaches of Wu, which is a huge advantage for Wu. If the navy goes down the river, it can divide Wu and Huainan into two.

In order to guard against the state of Chu, Wang Sheng expanded his navy and hoarded troops to Zhenjiang.The state of Chu was defeated twice, and the loss was not small, so it did not dare to continue to fight against the state of Huai.Qi State is also reforming. After there is no external interference, Huai State also began to quickly digest Wu State.

A large number of grassroots officials were sent to Wu, and these grassroots officials brought more advanced farming techniques.Through the teaching of farming techniques, the people of Wu will no longer resist the Huai State, and at the same time reform the original Wu State's complicated taxation.

Let the people have a sense of belonging to the Huai country. Although this subtle change is slow, the effect is very good.Wang Sheng divided the land of Wu into twelve counties and [-] townships for the disciples of Xuegong to manage. At the same time, in order to prevent some people in Wu land from disobeying Wang Hua, Wang Sheng assigned a large number of soldiers who had made meritorious service to each township.

Each soldier has at least one hundred acres of land, and at the same time, most of them will serve as commanders in various places, maintain local law and order, and help tax collectors collect taxes.In wartime, it will help recruit civilian soldiers.

The Huai State implements the recruitment system, the semi-recruitment system and the peasant-soldier system. The recruitment system is completely full-time soldiers. This part of the soldiers is the elite of the elite. Among them, most of the father and son are in the army, and the family has rewarded land, and the cohesion is extremely high.

Among these professional soldiers, there are five people in one army, the second army is why, there is one Shichang, the fifth is a village, the village chief is one, the second village is a hundred, there is one hundred generals, 500 people, and five hundred masters are one, 1000 people , set up a school lieutenant.In wartime, thousands of people are regarded as a combat unit.This kind of organization allows soldiers to fight flexibly in command, such as arm drive.

And even if they are defeated, they can quickly reorganize the army formation.But the price is extremely high. Given the wealth of the Huai country, it can only support more than [-] people.

The rest of the semi-recruitment system is a half-time soldier who trains for ten days a month and distributes weapons, armor, bows and crossbows at the same time. There are also rewards for land. The peasants and soldiers are all soldiers, and they only train in their spare time. They usually work in agriculture and only train for a month. two or three days.

Most of the soldiers here in Wu State are semi-recruited soldiers and peasant soldiers.Only those who perform well or make great contributions can be promoted.Of course, most of the peasant soldiers are auxiliary soldiers because of their low combat power. In this era, most of the armies of the princes are peasant soldiers, and only the elite are semi-recruited troops.

According to the actual historical development, the military recruiting system did not start until Wei Wuzu in the Warring States Period.The emergence of the Huai State made the recruitment system several hundred years earlier.

The state of Wu has a population of one million. As long as this restructuring is completed, the entire land of Wu can be controlled by the state of Huai.At that time, Wu Guo alone will be able to form tens of thousands of elites.

It is precisely because of the fully out-of-production Tengjia Army that, in conjunction with other soldiers of the Huai State, the Huai State army can be invincible.The cross-age military system of the Huai country was also created by Zijue based on the military soldiers of the previous Wei Dynasty.

(End of this chapter)

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