Chapter 685 Tian Khan

Tang Dynasty, Chang'an, Tai Chi Palace.

The radiance of the sun shone from the sky, and the entire Tai Chi Palace was bathed in this golden radiance, making it look even more solemn and sacred. Even the bluestone slab outside the palace shimmered with light, showing the magnanimity of the heavenly dynasty.

Outside the Taiji Palace, rows of broad-shouldered soldiers guarded the palace. In front of the main hall, hundreds of envoys from vassal states from all over the world were waiting to see them.

Following the orders from the palace officials, these envoys with different clothes and different appearances lined up to enter the Tai Chi Palace.

This attack on DTZ greatly increased the prestige of the Tang Dynasty, and countless small countries came to pay tribute.

Li Shimin sits high on the throne, with totems of dragons, phoenixes and Kyushu painted on the screen behind him. He is wearing Yanfu and has infinite power.

With the posture of a dragon and a phoenix, the sky and the sun, just sitting there made those foreign ministers feel a surge of pressure.

Behind Li Shimin, there is also a dragon chair that is exactly the same as the one he sat on, but the position is tilted, which is the position of the Supreme Emperor Li Yuan.

Although Li Yuan is not an emperor, his status as the Supreme Emperor is high enough, but he cannot have two days in the sky, so his seat should be placed far back and tilted.

Seeing the sight of these ministers worshiping again made Li Yuan's heart go back and forth a thousand times, but the past cannot be recalled.

Now that they see DTZ being destroyed, they all seek refuge with the Celestial Kingdom, hoping to embrace the Tang Dynasty.

When the ministers came to see him, a roar of mountains and tsunamis suddenly erupted in the hall: "The Tang Dynasty will last for ten thousand years, your Majesty will live for thousands of years, and your Majesty will live for thousands of years!"

Among these vassal states, the leaders were Tuli Khan and Xue Yantuo Zhenzhu Khan of DTZ, as well as the Uighurs.

Therefore, these small foreign countries were willing to pay homage to the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty.

Although they have never been to the Tang Dynasty before, the practices of the Central Plains Kingdom and these Turks have been completely different throughout the ages.

After defeating the Turks, the Tang Dynasty once again became the supreme power of the Celestial Empire and began to accept tribute from small foreign countries.

He is old, and now he looks like a dying old man. The son in front of him was majestic and powerful, commanding the world.

And the Turkic Khan, who was so famous back then, was only worthy of kneeling before His Majesty Dan.

Li Yuan looked at his son in front of him with complicated emotions. This son was so outstanding. He had been different from the time he started the army. His achievements today were even more beyond his reach. Maybe he was really wrong back then.

Each of these foreign envoys came forward to respectfully kowtow to the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty, congratulate the Tang Dynasty for its glorious victory over DTZ, and sent gifts, expressing their willingness to become a vassal state of the Tang Dynasty and pay tribute from generation to generation.

These small foreign countries are struggling to survive, and they almost all rely on big countries. In the past, when DTZ was strong, these countries had to be cautious, fearing that they would be destroyed by the Turks if they were not careful.

The Celestial Kingdom has a complete tribute system and will not wantonly squeeze or mess around like DTZ. As long as they don't make mistakes, they won't be in danger of their lives. They will even behave respectfully and loyally. When faced with a crisis, they will still pay tribute. You can seek asylum in the Heavenly Kingdom.

These tribes were originally from the DTZ. They could not bear being squeezed by the Turks and rebelled. Now that the Tang Dynasty has destroyed the DTZ, these people also come to pay tribute and want to make the Tang Dynasty the supreme kingdom of heaven.

After these foreign envoys came to Chang'an City, they were conquered by the prosperity and strength of the Tang Empire, and they defeated DTZ. Therefore, after a brief discussion, these envoys decided to elect the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty as the Khan of the Khans.

Khan means king in the grasslands and the Western Regions, but Khan is also divided into big khan and little khan, just like Jieli is the big khan, and Tuli is Jieli's nephew, the little khan among the Turks. Now that the Tang Dynasty has defeated DTZ, it is naturally a nobler khan than the Great Turkic Khan.

Above the main hall, several foreign envoys stepped forward and said respectfully: "His Majesty the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty, you destroyed the cruel and greedy DTZ and became the new king of the grassland!"

"You are the new king of the grassland, and we are all willing to surrender under your feet."

"You have unified the Central Plains and the grasslands and established unprecedented achievements. Please allow us to dedicate the most noble words to you to express our respect for you."

“The highest thing in this world is the sky!”

"No one can match your achievements, and only the title of Tian can highlight your greatness."

"We dedicate to you the title of Khan of Heaven, beloved by King Haotianwen, supreme, the Khan of Ten Thousand Khans."

"You are the master of the world, not only the Central Plains but also the grassland. You are like the sun and moon in the sky, eternal and great."

Many envoys from foreign countries behind him also said respectfully, "His Majesty, the Supreme Emperor of the Tang Dynasty, we are willing to surrender to you. You have been recognized by God. Please accept the title of Khan of Heaven!"

God Khan!
After hearing this title, Li Shimin was immediately moved. Not only Li Shimin, but also the officials of the Tang Dynasty were happy. The collective donation of this Khan by various countries was enough to prove the glory and strength of the Tang Dynasty.

Above the court, many courtiers were stunned. They knew very well that this was not done by themselves to please the emperor, but by the envoys from other countries.

Li Shimin laughed loudly and said: "As the emperor and the lord of all summers, I should protect all people in the world, and the grasslands are naturally included among them! I should control the world and protect the peace of the world!"

"Play music, dance, and congratulate the Khan!"

"Long live the Khan of Heaven!"

In the main hall, all the envoys began to dance to the music, performing dances in honor of His Majesty the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty, the Heavenly Khan, the Lord of the Xia.

Li Yuan stared blankly at everything in front of him, witnessing the coming of all the nations of the Tang Dynasty under such circumstances.

On the other side, Jie Li, who was able to save his life, also got up and danced for Li Shimin.

Seeing this scene in front of him, Yu Shinan, the court painter who had been on the side of the palace and Li Shimin's royal painter, also became excited and began to paint with ink, trying to paint the scene of the prosperous age where all nations worshiped before him.


"The Picture of the Coming of All Nations" is a treasure collected in the Royal Museum. This ink-and-ink painting on paper is the work of Yu Shinan, a court painter of the Tang Dynasty. The content of the painting is exactly the scene after Tang Taizong Li Shimin defeated DTZ and when all the nations came to court.

It was also during this time when all the nations came to court that all the foreign countries unanimously presented the title of "Khan of Heaven" to Emperor Taizong Li Shimin of the Tang Dynasty. From then on, the title of Khan of Ten Thousand Khans began to be passed down among the Xia emperors.

Only the emperors of the Xia who had the most outstanding achievements and unified the grasslands were qualified to receive this title.

This painting has exquisite craftsmanship, lifelike characters, superb skills and wonderful characters. It is a monument in the history of Chinese painting. ——"Royal Museum Collection"

(End of this chapter)

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