Chapter 689 Battle of Hehuang
Tuyuhun knew that the Tang Dynasty was going to recruit a large army to attack, so he was not afraid. After years of recuperation, Tuyuhun absorbed a large number of miscellaneous people, and now there are hundreds of thousands of string control people.

Even stronger than Xue Yantuo, Tuyuhun Khan Murong Fuyun had the experience of fighting against the former Sui Dynasty, so he was extremely ambitious and wanted to defeat the Tang Dynasty.

Back then, the Sui Dynasty sent a large army to attack Tuyuhun. Tuyuhun fled west. With the help of the plateau climate and familiarity with the terrain, the Sui Dynasty army could not catch up.

After the Sui Dynasty army arrived here, a large number of altitude sickness quickly occurred in the army, and they were unable to station here for a long time. In the end, they could only withdraw their troops after setting up counties and counties here.

Just after the Sui Dynasty withdrew its troops, Tuyuhun began to return here again. In the end, the Sui Dynasty spent a lot of money and soldiers, but still failed to completely conquer Tuyuhun.

Now Murong Fuyun has gathered a large number of Zahu, Turkic and other tribes, and his strength has greatly increased. After seeing the response of the Tang Dynasty, he only felt that the Tang court was weak, so he said nonsense: "This is the Qianli Plateau, and it is the territory given to Tuyuhun by God. , the people from the Central Plains will be cursed when they come here, just like they were in the Sui Dynasty more than ten years ago!"

"Their so-called King Haotianwen cannot control this place, and God will not bless him Li Shimin!"

"The Tang army will only be cursed when they come here. They will be tortured by the curse until they are dying, and then they will be easily defeated and killed by my king's cavalry!"

Murong Fuyun and the nobles of Tuyuhun held a banquet, and then issued an order to strengthen the walls and clear the country, and all the tribes to withdraw to the western plateau.

Not even a single cow or sheep could be left behind. He wanted this long supply line to drag down the Tang people, and wanted all the Tang people to be cursed and die in pain on the plateau.

Can Emperor Yang of the Sui Dynasty compare with the emperor who was revered as the Khan of Heaven by the grassland tribes?
What's more, the current Hexi and Hehuang areas are not full of miscellaneous people and sparsely populated. Datang could completely use the Hehuang land as a logistics base to supply food to the frontline army.

Those Tang people fought on the grasslands, on the territory where the Hu people were best at, and the Turks were defeated. Those Tang people even dared to attack in the heavy snow.

The original DTZ was so powerful, with hundreds of thousands of people controlling the strings and hundreds or even tens of millions of tribal people. The oppressive grassland, Xue Yantuo, Huihe and their Tuyuhun all looked up to him.

What's the result now?
DTZ was wiped out, and the grassland became the sphere of influence of the Tang Dynasty.

The Sui Dynasty back then was so powerful, with millions of soldiers, granaries full of grain, and the ability to mobilize millions of people in one campaign. But even such a powerful Sui Dynasty did not make Tuyuhun surrender, let alone the Tang Dynasty.

This group of Tuyuhun nobles came to Chang'an and saw the prosperity of Chang'an City, the prosperity of the Tang Dynasty, the momentum of the Tang Dynasty and the great military might of the Tang Dynasty.

At the same time, I also met the Tian Khan.

Although Murong Fuyun was arrogant, not everyone among the nobles in Tuyuhun was like him. In the fourth year of Zhenguan, Tuyuhun also sent envoys to Chang'an.

They knew very well that although the current Tang Dynasty could not compare with the former Sui Dynasty during its heyday, how could Emperor Yang of Sui be compared with the Holy Emperor and Heavenly Khan of the Tang Dynasty?
Just those families in the former Sui Dynasty. Even if a pig were to sit on the throne, it would not be completely ruined in just a dozen years.

Murong Fuyun felt that the current strength of the Tang Dynasty was not as good as that of the previous Sui Dynasty. How could the Tang Dynasty do what the previous Sui Dynasty could not do?

Can Tuyuhun really resist such a powerful army?

The Holy Emperor of the Tang Dynasty ordered the army to attack Tuyuhun. These people knew very well that this time not only the Tang Dynasty, but also a large number of servants from the grassland tribes and tribes in the Western Regions came.

They are only called auxiliary soldiers and servants, but their strength is no worse than that of Tuyuhun. The Tang Dynasty may not need to prepare too much food and grass. And is it so easy to evacuate westward to the ice sheet?
The living conditions on the ice sheet are extremely harsh. Hundreds of thousands of Tuyuhun retreated here. Surviving here is not easy.

They will also face the problem of food shortage. It is okay for a short time, but once it lasts for a long time, they cannot stand it.

These Tuyuhun nobles looked at their ambitious king with worry, and they doubted whether they could defeat the wise and wise Emperor of the Tang Dynasty.

But these people did not dare to say it out loud. Murong Fuyun was not a good person, otherwise his brother Murong Fushi would not have died in an unknown way.

Following the issuance of Li Shimin's edict, the imperial court mobilized 20,000 troops. At the same time, Li Shimin issued a conscription order in the name of Tian Khan to recruit troops and horses from various grassland tribes and countries in the Western Regions.

The edict of the Holy Emperor, Tian Khan, spread quickly to all directions. After receiving the edict, various tribes in the grassland began to gather soldiers and horses to go to Hexi to enlist in the army.

Soon, 50,000 troops were gathered from various countries in the Western Region and from various grassland tribes. In addition to the 20,000 elites of the Tang Dynasty and the 5,000 soldiers and horses stationed in Hehuang, Hexi, there were a total of 75,000 people, and then they were known as an army of 200,000, preparing to attack Tuyuhun.

Originally, it would have been best to send Li Jing as the commander-in-chief for this war, but Li Shimin considered the harsh climate on the plateau. Li Jing was already over sixty years old, and it was very likely that he would be acclimatized to the plateau.

So he wanted to use Wang Xuanji as the commander-in-chief, but after Li Jing learned about it, he went to the palace in person and made a strong request to lead his army to conquer Tuyuhun.

Li Shimin thought for a while and finally agreed. However, in order to prevent any accidents, he ordered Wang Xuanji to be the deputy commander.

Then he sent a large army to attack Tuyuhun.

Wang Xuanji has been farming in Hehuang for several years, and it has been quite effective. There is no need to mobilize grain and grass from Zhongyuan Pass. The grain and grass in Hehuang is enough for an army of 100,000 for half a year.

The Allied Forces of the Tang Dynasty came to the land of Hehuang, and the Tang army soon fought against Tuyuhun. Tuyuhun's strength was even weaker than that of the Turks, so how could he be a match for the Tang army?

Three battles, losing streak.

Despite this, Tuyuhun did not suffer much losses, and its several failures were small-scale battles.

Tuyuhun was a cavalryman and was very familiar with the surrounding environment. As soon as he saw that the situation was not good, he quickly evacuated after paying some price.

After seeing the strength of the Tang army, Murong Fuyun immediately decided to lead his army to withdraw westward.

Even when retreating to the ice field, Murong Fuyun was worried that the pastures left behind would provide forage for the Tang army's horses, so he ordered all the pastures to be burned.

"Order people to burn the pastures, throw sick cattle and sheep into the water sources, so that the Tang troops cannot get any supplies, and wear them down. When they get sick, thin, and can't stand it anymore, at that time, it is to let the Tang people see It’s time to sharpen our scimitar!”

(End of this chapter)

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