Chapter 691 Great Victory
The climate on the plateau is extremely harsh. It's as cold as winter at night and as hot as summer at noon. It was a severe test for the soldiers of the Tang Dynasty.

The howling cold wind swept across with a biting chill, and even though I was wearing a thick sheepskin jacket, there were still countless ice needles blowing in through the gaps.

The Tang army had never marched in such a harsh environment. Fortunately, all the soldiers used this time were elites. Many of the soldiers had participated in the raid on the Turkic royal court.

Coupled with Wang Xuanji's logistical supplies, the Tang army still maintained sufficient combat effectiveness.

In order to pursue Tuyuhun, Wang Xuanji adopted the tactics of the Huns and drove a large number of cattle and sheep for food. Wang Xuanji made good friends with the Xiqiang, Zahu, Dangxiang and other tribes, and exchanged large quantities of livestock with them to serve as military rations.

Coupled with the Xiqiang and Dangxiang people who were familiar with the local environment, the Tang army did not lose its way on this complicated plateau.

Instead of losing their way, they followed closely behind the Tuyuhun tribe.

Wang Xuanji was very well prepared for this expedition, but even so, many soldiers were still killed or wounded. Many soldiers accidentally slipped and fell, and some soldiers suddenly suffered from altitude sickness and died in a foreign land without any time for treatment.

Only after Li Jing, Xu Shiji, Hou Junji, Li Shentong and others pursued the pursuit in depth did they realize how dangerous this journey was.

At this time, they deeply admired Wang Xuanji's foresight. Without Wang Xuanji preparing so many supplies, their army would have faced even more serious difficulties than they did now.

These discovered tribes were basically conquered by the army and then plundered.

There were no supplies on this road, but sometimes they would find small tribes of Tuyuhun evacuating. Even if millions of Tuyuhun people prepare to evacuate in advance, various accidents will always happen. Some tribes evacuated early, while others evacuated late.

The Tang army divided into two groups and marched from left to right. It can be said that this war has become a battle of wills between the two sides.

The war horse struggled to get up, but couldn't. In the end, it could only let out bursts of mourning. The soldiers next to it wanted to help it stand up, but found that the leg of the war horse had been broken.

Although there are many preparations, by this time, the army's food is no longer enough. They must cherish every grain of food. In times of hardship, the same goes for war horses.

Under such cruel natural conditions, whoever has a stronger will and courage will win the final victory.

Seeing the old man who couldn't help crying, the soldier was filled with grief, but he had to kill him.

There are steep cliffs and thousands of feet of snow-capped peaks.

The army galloped all the way to the mountains, and then stumbled forward along the rugged, steep and dangerous mountain roads. On the mountain road, some gravel fell from time to time, and the tumbling gravel fell into the cliff. After a while, there was a crash.

The war horse stepped on the ice and snow, making a crunching sound. The war horse even stumbled and fell to the ground.

The army marched all the way through thousands of miles of wilderness, Gobi, and snow-capped mountains. Logistics supplies had reached their limit. Finally caught up with the Tuyuhun army.

After Murong Fuyun learned the news that Tang Jun was catching up, he was completely stunned. He knew very well how difficult this road was, and Tang Jun actually pursued him all the way here.

You must know that they were able to take this road because there were a large number of cattle and sheep along the way and they were well prepared. But how did those Tang people do it?
Tuyuhun was able to survive repeated attacks by the Sui army and remain independent. It was not about how strong they were, but their ability to delay until the Sui army could no longer bear it and the Sui army's logistics was overwhelmed. Only then did they win. They originally wanted to use the same method to deal with Tang Jun, but this time Tang Jun's willpower was unexpectedly strong and he was able to come here.

In fact, Murong Fuyun was very aware of the combat effectiveness of the Tang army, so he planned to use delaying tactics from the beginning, but he did not expect that the Tang army would travel thousands of miles to chase him.

The worse problem is that after migrating thousands of miles, the Tuyuhun tribe has completely relaxed their vigilance when they come here. In their cognition, they don’t think that there will be enemies coming here across thousands of miles. Therefore, from the herdsmen at the bottom to the top No one among the nobles was on guard.

As a result, Tang Jun had already arrived nearby, and no one noticed it, but by this time it was already too late.

Tens of thousands of Tang troops, exhausted and hungry, who had experienced the cold winds of the plateau and the temper of the desert Gobi, came to the vicinity of the West Sea.

Although they were exhausted by now, their spirits became stronger and stronger. After seeing the Tuyuhun tribe, everyone's eyes suddenly shone with infinite brilliance.

When Li Jing and Xu Shiji saw this, they immediately shouted: "My sons, these Tuyuhun tribes in front of us have fat cattle and sheep. They have countless military exploits and have traveled thousands of miles, all today!"

Military glory, food, and wealth, these are what this army desires most at the moment. After the soldiers have been tempered by the cold wind and yellow sand, hearing these, the morale of the soldiers is even higher.

Facing tens of thousands of elites of the Tang Dynasty, Tuyuhun, who was unprepared, could not resist at all. The army rushed straight at him. Tribes like Tuyuhun did not even set up wooden fences. The Tang army successfully broke into the camp without any effort.

The panicked Tuyuhun tribe could not organize any effective counterattack. Almost no one was wearing armor, not even war horses.

The only force that the Hu people could compete with the elites of the Central Plains was the cavalry. Now that there is no cavalry, they are vulnerable to these elites of the Tang Dynasty who have high morale and are armed to the teeth.

The Tang army rushed into the camp and continuously killed the panicked, frightened and angry Hu people. The battlefield was filled with the screams of the Hu people.

When Murong Fuyun saw the Tang army rushing towards him, he knew that the situation was over. No matter how reluctant he was to give up, he could only turn around and flee. He knew very well that the tribesmen who did not mount war horses were no match for the Tang army. Only by escaping could they have a chance of survival.

Murong Fuyun took advantage of the Tang army and others to fight, and fled with his cronies without looking back, for fear that he would be overtaken and killed by the Tang army if he ran too slowly.

Fleeing from the West Sea, Murong Fuyun did not dare to stop all the way, and continued to flee westward. Further west, the terrain would be more steep and there would be a vaster desert. But by this time, he couldn't care about it anymore.

What he didn't expect was that before he could escape a hundred miles, he would run into an army led by the Wang family from the Western Regions that was outflanking them all the way from Qiemo.

This time, before Murong Fuyun, who was exhausted from running, could react, he was directly tied up by his nobles and surrendered to the army.

Immediately afterwards, the Wang family of the Western Regions came with these Tuyuhun kings to join Li Jing and Wang Xuanji.

After seeing that all the Tuyuhun kings were captured, Li Jing, Wang Xuanji, Xu Shiji, Li Daozong, Qibi Heli and others were immediately overjoyed and said: "All the kings are victorious, my sons and gentlemen, let us return to the court!"

ps: Tenosynovitis occurs, this book will be finished as soon as possible.

(End of this chapter)

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