Chapter 701 This world is as you wish

Li Shimin died, Li Chengqian came to the throne, and changed the Yuan Dynasty to Yongxing in the second year.

Li Chengqian was not smart, but he was also a qualified emperor. He did not change the national policy set by Li Shimin, but continued to implement it. With the assistance of Wang Xuansi, Wang Xuance and others, he controlled the government, encouraged the people to reclaim wasteland, and still implemented the policy of real border immigration.

Commerce was encouraged, and Tang silver coins were minted. Although the Yongxing Dynasty did not expand much abroad, it successfully absorbed the brilliant achievements of the Zhenguan Dynasty, making the Tang Dynasty stronger. At the same time, it also laid a solid foundation for the subsequent Tang Dynasty's external expansion.

With the support of the Tang Dynasty, the feudal kings also gained a firm foothold and began to promote the transformation of barbarians into summer.

In the 21st year of Yongxing, Li Chengqian passed away. His temple name was Gaozong and his posthumous name was Zhao. The name of the temple is called "Tai" when establishing the foundation, "Gao" for those with high merit, and "Zhong" for those with great achievements. The ancestors have merit and the clan has virtue. Posthumous title: "Zhao" is called "Zhao" when one is respectful and beautiful; "Zhao" is called "Zhao" when one is virtuous and hard-working.

Li Chengqian passed away, and his son Li Xian came to the throne and changed the Yuan Dynasty to Hongwu. Li Xian changed his father's policy and began to expand aggressively. He used troops in the Western Regions and the northern grasslands, defeated the Western Turks, Tubo, and Uighurs, established four towns in Anxi, and drank the West Sea of ​​​​Ma. .

The Tang Dynasty's sphere of influence expanded to the west of Congling. This period was also the period when the Tang Dynasty's territory was the most extensive. It starts from the Canghai Sea in the east, reaches the Lei Zhuhai Sea in the west, reaches the Luo Wasteland in the north, and crosses the Qionghai Sea in the south. Its territory is hundreds of millions, and all nations come to visit.

The Tang Dynasty began to enter its heyday, and history books refer to Zhenguan, Yongxing, and Hongwu as the "Zhenhong Shengshi" or "Zhenyonghong Shengshi". '

One by one, names that could shine in the history books appeared, and then passed away quietly, and the splendor of the Tang Dynasty illuminated the world.

When the water is full, it will overflow; when the moon is full, it will be weak. Even if there was a Tang Dynasty in the Zhao Dynasty and Heaven provided for all the nations, they would eventually decline.

After the death of Li Xian, the national power of the Tang Dynasty began to decline. His son Li Yusuan, the guardian of the Tang Dynasty, could barely maintain the prosperity of the Tang Dynasty, but his descendants were much worse, and the Tang Dynasty began to decline.

The Tang Dynasty Emperor Huangzong was even more dissolute and immoral, acted wantonly, levied excessive taxes, minted bad money, and was eager to achieve great success. He first abolished Taizong and established a vassal state, which caused the vassals to rebel. He also launched an army of 300,000 people in the Western Regions, and the Tang Dynasty was on the verge of collapse.

In the end, the Wang family united with the founding nobles to calm down the situation, support the building that was about to collapse, abolish the Huangzong, re-establish the state, Xuanzong ascended the throne, and reorganized the dynasty, thus restoring stability to the Tang Dynasty.

After Tang Xuanzong came to the throne, he re-confessed the vassals, stabilized the barriers, abolished harsh laws internally, appeased the people, reduced taxes, stabilized people's livelihood, restored production, destroyed bad money, encouraged commerce, politically accepted advice with an open mind, reorganized the government's agenda, and The power of the Tang Dynasty was at its peak.

However, after Xuanzong came to the throne, he used the power of high-ranking officials and generous salaries to the Jingnan nobles, and promoted his relatives to reduce the power of the nobles.

The Wang family, a founding hero and prime minister for generations, began to fade away from the center of power. In order to control the army on behalf of the nobles, Xuanzong appointed the Jiedushi system to use troops externally.

At the end of the Xuanzong Dynasty, the territory of the Tang Dynasty returned to its peak period again.

Later, Xuanzong, Mu Zong, Suzong, and Zhuangzong began to decline after the resurgence of the Tang Dynasty. Moreover, Jieduzhi's power gradually expanded, and he was eventually defeated.

During the period of Emperor Yizong of the Tang Dynasty, the feudal towns became larger and larger, and Yizong reduced the feudal clans, causing chaos in the feudal towns all over the world, which was known as the "Fengtian Rebellion" in history. Although the Fengtian Rebellion was eventually put down, the imperial power of the Tang Dynasty became even weaker.

In the twenty-eighth year of Tiancheng, Emperor Aizong of the Tang Dynasty was killed by Zhu Wen, the envoy of Xuanwu Jiedushi.

After the fall of the Tang Dynasty, the Jiedushi of the world fought endlessly, and there were countless people who proclaimed themselves kings. The people were displaced, and the barbarians from the north invaded. In this critical autumn, the Wang family raised troops in Huainan, killed the barbarians in the north, and Nanping was in chaos and swept across the country. Under heaven, create all the summers again. Wang Han set up an army in Huainan. In twelve years, he conquered the world and founded China. He was named Zhongxing Huaxia. In twenty-six years, he regained control of the Western Region, Mobei, and Southern Border.

At the same time, during Wang Han's reign, he equalized farmland, abolished corvee labor, encouraged childbirth, organized reclamation, built water conservancy, promoted advanced agriculture, promoted high-yielding crops, and adjusted tax policies. Let industry, agriculture and commerce achieve unprecedented development.

At the same time, the government military system was abolished and the recruitment and compulsory military systems were implemented. The imperial examinations were reformed, civilian education was promoted, and the official system was adjusted. For the first time, imperial power was transferred to villages and towns, and the mayor of the town became an official of the eighth rank.

Wang Han promoted centralization of power and established the Cabinet, the Privy Council, eight ministries (six ministries plus the Ministry of Commerce and the Ministry of Agriculture), and the Governor's Office. The imperial power was unprecedentedly strengthened.

The power of the inner court was restricted, the eunuchs were abolished, and the power of the outer court was divided and weakened.

Prepared to establish the Chinese Academy of Sciences, supported scientific innovation, and established the modern scientific system.

It is known in history as the "Government of Zhongxing" or the "Prosperity of Zhongxing".

Wang Han ushered in the prosperous era of Zhongxing. In the 31st year of Zhongxing, Wang Han died in Luoyang. His son Wang Tao came to the throne and changed the Yuan Dynasty to Hongde. It can be seen from the reign name that Emperor Hongde's ambition was to promote the history of the Xia Dynasty both inside and outside the world. 'De'.

After Wang Tao came to the throne, he also encouraged people to farm, severely punished corruption, encouraged industry and commerce, supported scientific and technological innovation, and strongly supported the opening of the sea.

So China started the Age of Discovery in the third year of Hongde. Ma He sailed to the West, Wang Kan communicated with Yinzhou, and Zhang Zhao opened Rongzhou.

Due to the improvement of farming technology and the promotion of high-yielding seeds, the world's population surged in the thirty years since the founding of the People's Republic of China. Wang Tao began to vigorously promote the immigration policy, and a large number of people began to go to overseas nurturing lands. From then on, Chinese people began to migrate to Yinzhou, Rongzhou and other places in the world.

The prosperity of industry and commerce also brought a large number of people to the cities. The increase in population did not cause the contradiction of more people and less land than in previous dynasties. On the contrary, it made China more prosperous.

In order to clarify the administration of officials, Wang Tao began a long-term irregular rectification and crackdown on corruption. In the Chinese dynasty, it is rare in the world for officials to govern the Qingming Dynasty.

In agriculture, through the vigorous promotion of two generations of emperors, Wang Han and Wang Tao, the problems of adding children to acres and land annexation were solved, and at the same time, the unified taxation system between officials and gentry was also promoted.

The tax-free privileges of the nobility and gentry were abolished, and paying taxes became an obligation for everyone.

During this period, the improvement of social productivity, fairness of the distribution system, etc., caused China's population to surge from 50 million to 200 million, and to 357 million within a hundred years.

In terms of education, a three-level civilian education system is implemented. An education system from primary school, middle school to university has been established. After five years of compulsory primary education and simplified Chinese characters, the literacy rate of the people has increased explosively.

After Wang Tao and Wang Xian came to the throne, he also strictly implemented the system of the previous two emperors, reformed finance, encouraged science and technology, prepared to build the Zhuxia Royal Bank, and issued gold and silver yuan notes, which greatly promoted the prosperity of trade and the circulation of materials.

At the same time, science and technology progressed, productivity once again improved by leaps and bounds, and the sparks of the industrial revolution began to appear.

(End of this chapter)

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