Chapter 76

Duke Qi was coerced by Cao Mo and forced to give up the land of Lu.Afterwards, he did not go back on his word, and really returned the land and cities to the State of Lu, which surprised all the countries.

They are well aware of how low the bottom line of the superiors is, otherwise there would not be so many regicides, killings, revenge, and rebellion against human relations in the offices of various countries.

Which one to choose between a leader with no moral bottom line and a leader with a very high moral bottom line?I believe that as long as they are not stupid, these princes will choose the leader with a high moral bottom line.

After Qi Hou fulfilled his promise, his reputation has also been greatly improved, and even Song, Zheng, Wei, Yan and other powerful vassal states have come to support him as the leader.

Even the emperor of Zhou gave sacrificed meat to the Marquis of Qi, and ordered him to be the leader of the princes and the overlord of the world.

The Marquis of Qi was recognized by the Emperor of Zhou, and began to implement his political policy of respecting the king and expelling the barbarians, ordering the princes to pay tribute to the Emperor again, and helping the weak princes to resist Rongdi.In three years, Qi Hou's prestige became more and more prosperous.

And in the south, the state of Chu was not peaceful at this time. The state of Chu was only a viscount for thousands of miles, and the successive kings of Chu were very dissatisfied, so this generation of Chu kings once again assumed the title of king and began to attack the northern countries.

When the news of King Chu becoming king spread to the Central Plains, all the countries in the Central Plains looked sideways at him. At the same time, these vassal states were still waiting for the attitude of the Marquis of Qi. At this time, it was the highlight moment of the Qi State, and now they suddenly ran out A king of Chu became king and wanted to sit on an equal footing with the royal family of Zhou. How could this make the high-spirited Marquis of Qi swallow his breath?

After the Marquis of Qi got the news, he immediately sent envoys to summon the princes to prepare to attack Chu, and the princes of the Central Plains responded in groups.

And after hearing that the state of Chu became king, Wang Sheng should be the happiest.Originally, Wang Sheng was guarding against the Qi State, but now that the Chu State came forward and attracted Qi State's attention, he could do a lot of things.

After the annexation of Wu country, after these years of development, Huai country had almost digested Wu country, and now he set his sights on Zhongli country in the west.

Zhongli State was originally a vassal state of Xu State, but since Xu State was defeated by Zhou Tianzi, with heavy losses and great loss of national power, Zhong Li State became inseparable. Later, Chu State rose and became a vassal state of Chu State.

When Chu State attacked Huai State, they borrowed the way from Zhongli State. This Zhongwu State was close to Handi and was a great threat.Wang Sheng had long wanted to deal with it. In the past, Zhongli State was a vassal state of Chu State. If Wang Sheng made a move, Chu State would definitely participate. When the time came to fight Chu State, if Qi State took the opportunity to send troops, he would have no choice but to retreat.

Now that the state of Chu is going to die and become the king, Qi Chu will definitely have a fight, and he can take this opportunity to annex Zhongli state.

At the beginning, in order to restrict the state of Chu, the royal family of Zhou enfeoffed several vassal states surnamed Ji in the land of Hanshui and Hanyang.Chu State has fought with these vassal states for hundreds of years.Several of them have been declining day by day, or have been annexed, or become a vassal state of Chu State, only Sui State and Tang State are still barely maintained.

The king of Chu personally led an army of [-] to attack Suiguo, and Suiguo was defeated. He asked Tang, Shen, Qi, and Zheng for help, and at the same time actively defended. capital.

Suiguo sent people to seek peace.

The envoy said: "I am a nobleman with the surname Ji. I have not offended the state of Chu and made no mistakes. It is unjust for the king of Chu to attack me!"

King Chu: "I'm a barbarian!"

The envoy of Qi State soon came to Chu State and asked him to remove the title of king and pay tribute to the emperor. The king of Chu refused without thinking.

The king of Chu clearly remembered the treatment that the ancestors of Chu State received when they went to pay tribute to the emperor.

The Son of Heaven made an alliance with the princes, and the state of Chu brought a generous tribute, but was arranged to guard the bonfire outside the palace.Countries in the Central Plains regard Chu as a barbarian.How did Chu State swallow this breath?
According to Chu State's thinking, I am so strong, can I be wronged?Directly drove out the envoy of Qi State.

The envoy of Qi State rushed back to Qi State in embarrassment. Qi Hou was furious and called an army to meet in Yanggu.The vassal states of the Central Plains led their armies to Yanggu to participate in the alliance.

After these years of development, Marquis Qi has grown in prestige. There are as many as a dozen princes and states who have come to participate in the alliance. The army converges in Yanggu, and they jointly elect Marquis Qi as the leader of the coalition to rescue Suiguo and crusade against Chu.

After Chu State learned that Qi State united with many vassal states to crusade against itself, it also began to contact its subordinate countries and allies, and wanted to fight Qi State.

Qihou led the army of the princes to rescue Suiguo, and the armies of Song and Chen arrived first.

The King of Chu was very disdainful when he saw the army of Song State and Chen State: "Song State and Chen State, do you think they can fight against our Chu State?"

King Xiong Meng of Chu ordered the army to attack decisively, and launched a surprise attack when the Song and Chen armies were not firmly established.Under the command of Song Gong and Chen Hou, Song Jun and Chen Jun not only did not cooperate with each other, but fought on their own.The army of Chu State took the opportunity to defeat them one by one. After a clean defeat, the two countries had to retreat hastily.

Fortunately, the army of Qi State arrived soon and confronted Chu State.

After seeing Qi Chu fighting, Wang Sheng couldn't sit still anymore, and planned to annex Zhong Liguo.For the annexation of Zhongli country this time, Wang Sheng did not plan to use too many troops, but prepared to transfer Wu soldiers.

Wang Sheng asked Wei Jun to lead an army to attack Zhongli State. In order to prevent Zhongli State from realizing that it was Huai State's attack, Wang Sheng specially asked him to lead [-] Wu soldiers and [-] Tengjia troops.The Wu soldiers could easily be regarded as barbarians because of their broken hair and tattoos. If they were asked to do something, Zhong Liguo would only think that it was the barbarians who were making trouble, and he would not think that it was the Huai country attacking.

According to Wang Sheng's instructions, Wei Jun sent soldiers from the state of Wu to attack Zhongli state. These soldiers all had haircut tattoos, and the weapons they used were changed to Yidi styles.Wei Jun immediately led his army to attack several cities in Zhongli State and defeated Zhongli State's army.

Zhonghou was very angry when he learned of the Yidi's rebellion. When Zhong Liguo could be humiliated by a mere Yidi, he immediately sent a general to lead an army to encircle and suppress it.

After the Yi and Di gathered near Zhongli City, Zhonghou ordered Zhongliyuan to lead an army to encircle and suppress.

From Zhonghou's point of view, these barbarians were nothing more than a mob who had defeated Zhongli's soldiers by relying on their numbers. As long as Zhongli's army was dispatched, these barbarians would be easily defeated.

Sure enough, Zhongli's army was dispatched, and as soon as they came into battle, those Yi and Di soldiers were routed.Seeing this situation, Zhong Liyuan immediately ordered the army to pursue. During this time, these barbarians have been harassing Zhong Liguo, and they must be strangled and captured as slaves.

The barbarians fled very fast. They lost their weapons and armor all over the place. They looked in a state of distress. They seemed to be able to catch up with a little more force, but those barbarians were as nimble as monkeys.

Although they looked in a state of distress, they ran extremely fast one by one, and they chose those rugged trails full of thorns. Every time they were about to catch up, those people could always escape with the help of trees and thorns.

The army quickly entered a hill, and after some pursuit, the barbarians' physical strength probably decreased, and their speed also slowed down.It's just that the physical strength of Zhong Liguo's army who was chasing him also dropped drastically.It's just that in comparison, the barbarians lost their shield weapons and carried less weight, while Zhong Liguo's pursuit cost more.

After Zhong Liyuan chased and killed him, the bitter wind blew on his face, making him feel a chill.Subconsciously looking up at the surrounding rolling hills and surrounding trees and thorns, a bad premonition suddenly rose in his heart.

Since defeating the opponent, these people fled all the way, but there were not many real casualties, and the area in front of them was too suitable for an ambush.

Thinking of this, Zhong Liyuan's face changed drastically, and he quickly shouted: "The army stops pursuing!" The orderly beside him quickly waved the flag and shouted loudly, "Stop pursuing!"

"Stop chasing!"

"Stop chasing!"

The soldiers stopped one after another, a little surprised, but the barbarians in front quickly got into the woods and disappeared.

The surrounding forest suddenly became quiet at this moment, it was so quiet, there was not even a bird song, only a gust of wind blew from the mountain path.

Cold sweat dripped from Zhong Liyuan's forehead in an instant, and he immediately ordered: "Retreat, retreat!"

The messenger waved the banner, and the soldiers quickly retreated.

But at this moment, a "bouncing" sound suddenly sounded in my ears, it was the sound of the bowstring being pulled, the next second.I saw countless bows and arrows shot out from the woods on both sides.

The army was surrounded in an instant, arrows rained down all over the sky, and a large number of soldiers were shot.Immediately afterwards, a large number of barbarian soldiers rushed out of the forest. At the same time, arrows rained down on the hills on both sides, and Zhongli's army was in a mess.

"Quickly withdraw! Quickly withdraw!"

Zhong Liyuan's eyes were tearing apart, but he could only order to retreat.But it was already too late, the mountain road was narrow, Zhongli's army was pulled into a long snake, unable to line up at all, and then could only watch helplessly as the barbarians rushed down and cut off the army.

A large number of Zhongli's troops were surrounded and killed, and the barbarian soldiers who had fled just now also turned around and killed them.

Zhong Liyuan fled in embarrassment under the protection of the guards. Because of the narrow road, Zhong Liguo's chariot was surrounded by the army, unable to move at all, and was easily strangled.

In a great battle, Zhongli's army suffered heavy losses, and Zhongliyuan fled in embarrassment. At this time, Wei Jun directly sent the Tengjia army to follow up and attack. Zhongli's army had been defeated, and the city was empty.Wei Jun's army was dispatched, and then took advantage of the situation to attack Zhongli City in one fell swoop.

Huai State did not expend any effort at all, so it broke Zhongli State, and then directly moved Zhongli State's office and ministers away forcibly. Those who dared to resist were beheaded. A large number of Wu people moved to Wu.

After the upper ruling class was removed, Wang Sheng immediately dispatched the Huai country army and officials to take over Zhongli country, and then controlled Zhongli country in the shortest possible time.Of course, this approach is only temporary control, and it will take at least a few years to fully control it.

In the 11th year of Duke Huan, Chu Xiongtong assumed the title of king, and Duke Huan ordered the princes to attack him.The fisherman in the Huai country made a profit, swallowed the bell and left. ——"Historical Records Qi Family"

(End of this chapter)

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