Chapter 94 The Great Wisdom

Chu State's desire for land is endless. Chu State is like a greedy big snake, constantly devouring its prey and growing itself.

Xihou's strategy was indeed perfect, but what he didn't know was that what he opened the door attracted was not a thug who helped him teach Caihou a lesson, but a greedy hungry wolf.

Huai State's spies have developed in Cai State for more than ten years, and have gradually extended their tentacles to Xi State, Chen State and other vassal states.

They were also the first to discover that something was wrong with Chu State's attack on Xi State, and they immediately passed the information to Huai State.

Huai Kingdom Hall.

Wang Yong called a group of ministers to discuss state affairs.

"Masters, this is news from Chu, Xi, and Cai. Chu is attacking Xi, but there seems to be something hidden in it." Wang Yong handed several scrolls of bamboo slips to the ministers for circulation.

Several ministers read through the bamboo slips, and soon everyone circulated them.Veteran Gongyang Shuo said respectfully: "The war between Xi and Chu should be fake!"

"If the veteran's guess is correct, Xi State should have invited Chu State. Their goal is Cai State, but Xi State may not have thought that cooperating with Chu State is undoubtedly seeking skin from a tiger!"

"What Gongyang Shangqing said is true, and the ministers also think so. The plan of Chu State is to destroy Cai State first, and then take advantage of the trend to annex Xi State!"

"My dear friends, if Chu State annexes Cai State, what should we do in Huai State?" Wang Yong asked.

Everyone turned their attention to Gongyang Shuo. As a veteran minister who has come all the way from the heyday of the Huai Kingdom, Gongyang Shuo has a high prestige in the court of the Huai Kingdom.

"Your Majesty, Cai State is supported by Huai State to contain Chu State. If it is in danger and does not save it, who will regard Huai State as the leader in the future? At the same time, our strategy of Huai State to contain Chu State will come to an end without a problem."

Although Gongyang Shuo is over seventy years old, his voice is still loud and clear.

"Your Majesty, the old minister thinks that he should send an army to fight against Chu!"

"I think it's time to fight!"

"I think it's time to fight!"

All the ministers agreed one after another.

"Your Majesty, Jun please fight!" Wei Jun stepped forward and saluted.

"Wei Qing, please stand up!" Wang Yong helped Wei Jun up, and then said: "In this case, let's fight!"

"However, Cai State is hundreds of miles away from our Huai State, and there are several vassal states in between. Where do we send our troops?"

"If Chu and other countries in the Central Plains don't fight with Huai, I'm afraid these princes will be too happy!" Gongyang Shuo sneered.

"However, we have to prevent these vassal states from plotting! I suggest that you go north from the old place of Zhongli to the state of Cai! With the Huai River, you can transfer food and grass by land and water."

Soon everyone formulated a strategy for dispatching troops.

"Wei Jun!"

"Chen is here!"

"I order you to have an army of [-] troops, [-] stones of food and grass, stock up on Zhongli, and escort Caihou back home when Marquis Cai comes to ask for help!" Wang Yong ordered directly.

"Here!" Wei Jun kowtowed respectfully, and took the tiger talisman with both hands.

Cai Guo, Caihou received Xihou's call for help, and Chu State attacked Xiguo.After hesitating for a while, he decided to send troops to help. Cai Guo and Xi Guo are small countries. If they cannot unite against the mighty Chu State, they will be annexed in a short time. Go to Huai country, if the battle is unfavorable, go ask Huai country to send troops.

After the arrangements were made, Marquis Cai led his army south to support Xiguo.Caihou didn't know that it wasn't just the army of Chu that was waiting for him.

Caihou led an army of eight thousand and three hundred chariots to the south.Soon the armies met in Xi State and Chu State. The Chu army besieged Xi State. Caihou wanted to take advantage of the opportunity to attack. As a result, Xi State did not send troops at all after the battle, and Chu State took advantage of the situation to surround Cai Jun.

After some fighting, Cai Guo was defeated, and even Cai Hou was captured by Chu Hou.But Xihou, who was waiting for him to come to rescue him, came to visit Chuhou with cattle, sheep, pigs, chicken, wine and so on.By this time, Cai Hou didn't know that all of this was calculated by Xihou and Chuhou.

"Xihou, shameless villain! Gu sent troops to save you, yet you conspired with Chu to kill Gu!" Cai Hou cursed angrily.

"Shut up! You shameless person, the lonely lady is passing through the country of Cai, you shameless womanizer, seeing the extraordinary beauty of the lonely lady, dare to be contemptuous and rude, this time is a lesson for you!" Xihou was furious Speaking of.

When Caihou heard this, he suddenly realized, and then looked at Xihou with a look of foolishness: "You think that you can use Chu to destroy Cai, and you, Xi, can survive alone?"

"You are so stupid as a pig! Gu was deceived by you idiot, so come to rescue me!"

Xihou didn't take it seriously at all and said: "Chuhou Gaoyi, helping Gu to avenge shame, how could he covet my Xiguo, but your Caiguo is going to perish today!"

"Chuhou, this time the main force of the Cai Kingdom has been completely lost, and Caihou has been captured. Chuhou can just destroy Cai in one fell swoop!"

The Marquis of Chu laughed and said, "Don't worry, Marquis Xi, Gu has already dispatched a large army to attack Cai. I think this time will definitely destroy Cai!"

Chu Hou attacked Cai, Cai Hou was captured, the country was empty, and soon Cai was occupied by Chu.The Marquis of Chu returned with his army and came to the State of Xi. Then he held a banquet and invited the Marquis of Xi to attend to celebrate the destruction of the State of Cai.

Xihou had no doubts and went happily.

When Xihou brought his ministers to the banquet, Chuhou took the opportunity to catch all of Xiguo and capture them all.

Seeing that Chuhou suddenly made a move to himself, Xihou pleaded: "Chuhou, Guke just helped you annex Cai Guo. I have credit for it. Xiguo has contributed to Chu. It is unjust for you to destroy Xiguo." lift!"

"Hahaha, Xihou Gu can't do anything about it, who made Mrs. Xi so beautiful, Gu likes it very much, so I can only feel wronged and wronged Xihou!" Chuhou laughed loudly.

"As for the country of Xi, you are welcome! Xihou is indeed worthy of being a hero of our Chu country! I will remember the achievements of Xihou!"

As he spoke, he sent people into the capital of the country of Xi and brought Mrs. Xi over.After Madam Xi heard the news, she was about to commit suicide. Seeing such a beauty, how could she be willing to do so, Chuhou immediately said, "If you commit suicide, I will kill all of Xihou's clan!"

In order to save Xihou's life, Mrs. Xi had no choice but to agree to marry Chuhou, who was accepted by Chuhou as his concubine.With only negligible casualties, Cai State was destroyed, Xi State was annexed, and a beautiful woman was married. For a while, the Marquis of Chu was full of ambitions, so he said: "Xi Marquis has made meritorious deeds by offering his wife. City gate guards!"

Xihou learned that Xiguo was destroyed and his wife became Chuhou's favorite concubine, so he went to show Chuhou the gate, feeling ashamed and angry for a while.And Caihou laughed when he heard what happened to Xihou.

"You are a subjugated person, what right do you have to laugh at Yu Gu!"

"Gu has never seen Fengtu offering his wife, and he is the hero of the door guard!" Cai Hou laughed: "Besides, who told you that Cai Guo will perish this time?"

Xihou wanted to punish Caihou, fearing that he would not be able to win, so he invited Chuhou to send troops to play with him, and then asked for help from Cai. Caihou led his troops to rescue Xi.After returning to the army to feast on Xihou, Xihou was captured, and Mrs. Xi was made a concubine, and Xiguo was destroyed, and Xihou was named an official. ——"Funny Notes"

(End of this chapter)

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