Chapter 97
Originally, the army of Fan State was only [-], but it was attacked by Xi State.Three thousand Huai country's elite, plus three thousand Xi country's original soldiers.Wang Zhong waited for work with leisure, and took advantage of the fact that Fan Guo's army had not gained a stable foothold, so he directly launched an attack.

With three thousand elites from the Huai Kingdom as the arrow, they broke through the Fan Kingdom's army in the first battle and won a complete victory.Then take advantage of the trend to capture the capital of Fanguo.

After Wang Zhong defeated the Fan Kingdom, he handed over the Fan Kingdom to Wei Jun, and planned to move the Fan Kingdom to the Huai Kingdom. At the same time, a large number of officials and nobles were also moved away.Wang Zhong did not touch the grassroots of the Fan Kingdom.Just remove the vast majority of meat eaters.

If these people are not removed, how can he entrust the officials who follow him?
After the annexation of Fan Kingdom, it is a bit inappropriate to continue to call Xi Kingdom again, so Wang Zhong plans to change Xi Kingdom to Zhong Kingdom.Zhong represents the second, Wang Zhong is ranked second in the public office, and it also means the second Huaiguo.The capital was changed to Zhongdu.

Zhongguo inherited the system of Huaiguo. In order to stabilize Fanguo, Wang Zhong reduced and exempted the people from taxes, and at the same time sent troops to clean up the bullies and wild animals in the countryside, and at the same time exchanged the population of Xiguo and Fanguo.Promote all three thousand elites to professional soldiers and use them to defend Zhongdu.

The other [-] soldiers of the Xi Kingdom also gave them rewards according to their merits, such as land, money or titles.After some governance by Wang Zhong, Zhong Guo soon calmed down.

Wei Jun relocated all the officials and officials of the Fan Kingdom to the Huai Country. These people lost their low-level population and land. When they arrived in Huai Country, they became ordinary people, at most richer than other people, but even so they wanted to live again. It is easier to be called Qingshi than other Chinese people. After all, these nobles have always had their own inheritance.

The establishment of Zhongguo directly controlled the upper reaches of the Huaihe River, while the lower reaches of the Huaihe River were controlled by Huaiguo.Huaiguo sandwiched Zhoulaiguo from the east and west.

After Zhoulai learned that Zhongguo was established, he immediately felt a deep sense of malice.

However, no matter whether it is Huai State or Zhong State, there is no intention of annexing the state for the time being. After the rapid development of Wu Zhaogong, Huai State destroyed Wu, merged Zhongli, swallowed Tan State, and doubled its territory. At this time, it is vigorously developing. , lay a solid foundation, and continue to expand even if the land is occupied, it will not be able to digest it.

Not to mention Zhongguo, who had just annexed Fanguo and they were unable to expand.

Wei Jun commanded the army to escort Fan Guoqingshi back to Huai State, and these people were finally scattered to Zhongli, Zhongwu and Tandi.

When Huai State was fighting with Chu State, the Jin State in the far north began to rise.Jin State, as the most important fan state of Bang Zhou, is also the most powerful Fang State in the north. Since the death of Jin Wenhou, it seems that its reputation has not been obvious.

In fact, the state of Jin has been in civil strife for decades. Although the internal strife of other princes and princes was also intense, it did not last long. However, the civil strife in Jin state lasted for a full ten years.

Infighting has almost become a natural skill of Jin.

In the beginning, it was Quwo who replaced Yi, and Xiaozong of Jin attacked Dazong and wanted to replace him, but because Zhou Tianzi repeatedly helped Dazong, Quwo Xiaozong failed.Later, Quwo Xiaozong bribed Emperor Zhou with a lot of money, so Emperor Zhou recognized Quwo Xiaozong.

Because Guo State commanded the army of Zhou State to help Dazong of Jin State and defeated Quwo Xiaozong, he was hated by Quwo Xiaozong. After Quwo Xiaozong took control of Jin State, he sent troops to destroy Guo State.And on the way back to the army, the country of Yu, which had borrowed the way, was also wiped out.

The State of Yu and the State of Xi in the south became jokes among princes for a while.

After the Marquis of Jin completed Xiaozong's replacement of Dazong, the state of Jin's office was completely messed up. Xiaozong could replace Dazong and inherit the position of Marquis of Jin, so why couldn't they, the sons of Jin?
After the Marquis of Jin saw this situation, he simply did not do anything, and directly killed a large number of princes in the Jin government office.Marquis Jin felt that in this way, the Jin government office would not be in chaos, but he thought things too simply.

The son of the state of Jin was killed, but his own son must not be killed.Generally speaking, these high-ranking people will not become wiser in their later years, but will become more and more stupid. Almost all meat eaters will be like this.

This is because decades of power has stretched their desires to the limit.They were not willing to hand over their rights. The Marquis of Jin doted on Li Ji in his later years to the point of sickness.

He wanted to abolish his eldest son's position as the crown prince, and instead made Li Ji's son the crown prince.And Li Ji also wanted to make her son the crown prince so that she could continue to enjoy the glory and wealth.

So Li Ji spoke ill of the prince in the ear of Marquis Jin, and bribed the surrounding eunuchs to let them speak ill of the prince too.The Marquis of Jin was originally dissatisfied with the prince, and now a large group of people spoke ill of him, so the prince of Jinhou's team became even more dissatisfied.

Once the prince led an army to destroy a small country. After returning to the country, Li Ji secretly sent people into the crowd to welcome them, and shouted the slogans of "Prince Wannian" and "Jin Guowannian".

The prince was driving into the city, and a large number of Chinese people gathered around the side of the street to welcome him. Dozens of people suddenly shouted, which immediately attracted these Chinese people to shout together.

"Prince ten thousand years!"

"Ten thousand years of the Jin Kingdom!"

Soon the entire country was filled with the sound of mountains roaring and tsunami, and even the palaces and halls of the Jin Kingdom could be heard clearly.

Li Ji, who was serving the Marquis of Jin, changed her face slightly, and all the wine utensils she was pouring fell to the ground.Jin Hou quickly asked Li Ji what happened.

Li Ji said: "My lord, listen to the shouts outside, the prince's prestige is so high, the people of the country only know the prince, not the monarch, the prince has always hated me and Yan'er, there will be no way for our mother and son to survive in the future! Why don’t you let me, the mother and my son, commit suicide and be buried for you in the next hundred years as the ruler of the country!”

At this time, Marquis Jin also heard the tsunami-like sound outside, and his expression changed immediately.Although the Marquis of Jin is old, his desire for power has not diminished at all.

Now that he heard the sound of mountains roaring and tsunami outside, he immediately realized that the power of the prince had threatened him.

The Marquis of Jin became jealous of the prince, and after the prince surrendered his military power, the Marquis of Jin sent someone to control the army, and then asked the prince to return to Quwo to reflect.

Later, he abolished the position of the prince by treason, and sent someone to escort him back to Jiangdu, the capital of the country. The prince was forced to commit suicide.

The Marquis of Jin appointed Li Ji's son Yan as the crown prince, but this behavior did not convince the other princes, but because of the prince's lessons learned, these princes did not dare to reveal it.

After Jin Hou established the crown prince, he died in the second year.

After Yan came to the throne, he immediately sent people to arrest several other princes, and these princes of Jin had to flee abroad.

Gong Ziyan came to the throne, but he had no strong mother clan to rely on, and his grades were young. The ministers in the middle school did not obey him. The ministers in the middle school each had their own demands, and civil strife broke out in Jin soon.In the end, Gong Ziyan was killed, and the middle school doctors wanted to welcome Chong'er back as king.

But Chonger saw that the ministers had killed Gong Ziyan, how dare he go back to succeed the king?On the other side, the son Yiwu fled to Qin State, and gave the treasures he carried with him to Qin Hou, and said that if Qin Hou could escort him back to China to succeed Jin Hou, he would be willing to give the land of Hedong to Qin State.

When the Marquis of Qin heard this, he immediately decided to send troops to help the Marquis of Jin return to the country and succeed him as the king.

(End of this chapter)

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