I want it all after rebirth

Chapter 105 I'm the Hooligan

Chapter 105 I'm the Hooligan
Jiang Yuyin's palms were slightly sweaty, she was a little embarrassed when Chen Fangqiu saw her mobile phone.

In the end, I fumbled in my pocket for a long time, but still couldn't take it out.

"What's wrong?"

Seeing her uncomfortable expression, Chen Fangqiu was a little puzzled.

"I didn't bring my mobile phone, it seems... I forgot it in the dormitory..."

When Chen Fangqiu heard the words, he didn't think too much: "Then let me remember your number!"

"Yeah." Jiang Yuyin reported a series of numbers, and then waved her little hand: "Then... I'll go first."

At this moment, Chen Fangqiu's cell phone rang, and when he saw the number, he knew it was the girl he was waiting for.

Seeing that he was about to answer the phone, Jiang Yuyin turned around silently and left.

After talking so much, her main purpose was to tell Chen Fangqiu that she was a part-time tutor.

Jiang Yuyin didn't care what others said or thought.

She just didn't want Chen Fangqiu to be like others, mistakenly thinking that she was doing that kind of thing outside of school.

Chen Fangqiu explained his location and clothes on the phone, and after a while, a 3 series stopped in front of him.

After Chen Fangqiu got into the car, there were two girls in the car.

The one sitting in the co-pilot is very beautiful, with a pure and elegant demeanor.

The one in the driver's seat is slightly less handsome.

Chen Fangqiu didn't know which customer was talking to him, but he felt that it should be the girl in the driver's seat, after all, the car belonged to her.

"Hello!" The girl on the co-pilot turned around and smiled slightly: "My name is Shen Jingshu, and this is my friend Liang Shi."

"Hello." Chen Fangqiu responded with a smile: "Please stop at the entrance of Yale KTV in front later, I need to get some tools and equipment."

Chen Fangqiu had already agreed with Zhou Guowen to borrow some tools from him.

"Uh... does that KTV belong to you?" Shen Jingshu asked doubtfully.

"Not yet." Chen Fangqiu said with a smile, "but soon."

"You want to buy it!"

"I have this idea."

"Then we must go and play when we have time." Shen Jingshu said politely with a smile.

"But the procedures haven't been completed yet!" Chen Fangqiu said with a smile: "Documents such as fire certificates may be a bit cumbersome."

He deliberately revealed his "difficulties" and tried to find some relationships. Anyway, it would be best if they were willing to help, and there was no loss if they couldn't help him.

Liang Shi, who had been silent all this time, finally smiled and said, "As long as you take care of Miss Shen, these certificates are actually just a matter of her words."

"Don't talk nonsense..." Shen Jingshu didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "How can I have this ability!"

She really doesn't have this ability, but her father does.

Seeing this, Chen Fangqiu felt that it might be a bit of a joke, but in the end it still depends on whether people are willing to help.

Chen Fangqiu was not in a hurry to say anything.

The car stopped at the entrance of the KTV, and Chen Fangqiu went in to say hello to Zhou Guowen, and then took some tools and equipment for installing the audio system.

Originally, Chen Fangqiu said that he would pledge some cash here to prevent himself from running away with tools.

But Zhou Guowen didn't want it.

"Although we only met once or twice, I think Lao Di is a real person." Zhou Guowen said with a smile: "You say you are a student next door, as long as you don't lie to me, that's fine."

"Of course I didn't lie to you."

"Just let me see your student ID card."

Chen Fangqiu also took out his student ID card.

Zhou Guowen took it over, quietly wrote down Chen Fangqiu's major and class, and then returned it to him with a smile: "Okay, take it!"

"Thank you, Boss Zhou."

Chen Fangqiu also knew what this old fox was thinking. If he ran away with the tool, he would be able to go to class and find him out immediately.

In fact, Aunt Mu also has tools at home, but they belong to her son.

Chen Fangqiu didn't want to have anything to do with her son, nor was she interested in finding him.

After two days, I will take over the KTV, and all the tools here will be my own.

Shen Jingshu's home is more than an hour's drive from the school.

It was a detached three-story small western-style building.

The interior decoration of the house is exquisite, but the furnishings appear relatively empty.

Obviously, her parents probably don't live here.

In other words, this is just one of her small properties.

Shen Jingshu's audio-visual room was chosen on the second floor, a room of about [-] square meters, where she thought she could karaoke or watch movies with her friends in the future.

Shen Jingshu prepared eight speakers, also known as 7.1 channels.

There are two left and right front main speakers, one center speaker, two left and right side surround speakers, two rear surround speakers, and a subwoofer.

After confirming the equipment, Chen Fangqiu started to work.

First, according to the length, width and area of ​​the room, determine the position of each speaker, as well as the distance, height, angle, etc. between them.

Chen Fangqiu was working, and the two girls gave him simple help.

The three chatted happily.

Shen Jingshu's character is more ladylike.

Liang Shi is more outgoing, and occasionally even teases Chen Fangqiu quietly.

Chen Fangqiu also pretended not to understand anything.

The main reason is that Liang Shi's appearance is not to my liking, and Chen Fangqiu doesn't like it very much.

If it was Shen Jingshu who was molesting herself, then Chen Fangqiu would have to give her some face.

Three hours later, Chen Fangqiu was busy with all the work of installation and commissioning.

The installation of home audio is relatively simpler than the disassembly and assembly of car audio.

Ordinary people can install home audio by themselves, but car audio can't be understood without learning some related skills.

After finishing the work, Chen Fangqiu let out a long sigh of relief: "I'm going to the bathroom, you guys listen first and see how it goes."

Shen Jingshu randomly chose a song and tried it out.

Originally, the quality of the equipment she provided was high-quality, and after being trained by the "AI" Chen Fangqiu, the effect is of course needless to say, only shocking can be described.

Compared with the effect of the car audio with the same equipment, I don’t know how many levels are better. This is also the sound field advantage of the home audio-visual room.

The lingering sound surrounded the surroundings, and Liang Shi said to Shen Jingshu in amazement: "This set of speakers is obviously exactly the same as my brother's set, but it sounds much better than my family's."

"It seems to be better." Shen Jingshu also pursed her lips and laughed: "The master your brother found is not very good!"

"How is it possible, the master my brother hired is also very professional, and the price is not cheap at all." Liang Shi flattened her lips: "I can only say that this kid is indeed stronger, but how old is he! He really has a bright future."

After two "dong dong", Chen Fangqiu pushed the door open: "How do you feel?"

"No problem." Shen Jingshu smiled and stood up: "How much is it?"

Chen Fangqiu didn't know how much he should charge for his technology, anyway, it was the best technology among all human beings.

Apart from herself, she couldn't find another person with this kind of technology, and it might not be too much to charge.

Chen Fangqiu thought about it for a while, and said with a smile: "Miss Shen just give me some."

"Aren't you making me difficult?" Shen Jingshu smiled: "Let's do it this way! Wang Jin said that he asked you to modify the stereo for [-] yuan, so I will give you [-] yuan too!"

In fact, this is not as cumbersome as a car stereo, and it is relatively a little easier.

If you use this as a comparison, you will receive less than 5 yuan.

But since the other party is willing to give it, there is no reason for ordinary people not to accept it.

Chen Fangqiu thought for a moment, smiled and shook his head: "Give me thirty thousand!"

He took it as a small favor for Shen Jingshu, because he was still thinking about whether this woman would be willing to help with the KTV certificate issue.

Anyway, whether it is useful or not, favors are sold first.

Shen Jingshu couldn't help laughing. Generally, after the owner made an offer, those who are still willing to ask for a lower price are friends who can make some connections.

But she and Chen Fangqiu are obviously just strangers, not to the point of that kind of relationship.

But he betrayed his favor.

Shen Jingshu felt that there must be other reasons.

Could it be... He has taken a fancy to himself?
Shen Jingshu slightly pursed her lips into a smile, wondering if she was a little narcissistic.

"Thirty thousand is too little!" Shen Jingshu said with a smile: "How about we each take a step back, forty thousand."

"A lot, thirty thousand is enough."

But in the end, Shen Jingshu forced 4 yuan over.

Chen Fangqiu also accepted, he is not a person who likes to throw money around.

"Then I'll go back first." Chen Fangqiu waved his hand: "If you have any questions, you can come to me later."

"Let's rest for a while!" Shen Jingshu followed out with a smile, and politely asked to stay.

"No, I have to go back quickly and look at the KTV again. Those certificates still make me dizzy!" Chen Fangqiu said intentionally.

He wanted to see if Shen Jingshu was willing to help.

Anyway, from the current point of view, his father should have this ability.

After all, this is not a big deal, but it is more troublesome in front of ordinary people.

But in front of the relationship network of some rich people, this kind of thing is just a matter of making a phone call and using two words of saliva.

Hearing this, Shen Jingshu hesitated for a moment, but still smiled and said, "Then you have worked really hard, so I won't waste your time."

Damn, I still don't want to help!

My 1 yuan is because white people love you!
But on the face, Chen Fangqiu still smiled calmly: "Goodbye!"

After Chen Fangqiu left, Liang Shi approached with a smile: "You still don't understand why he wants less money from you? He wants you to help him talk about these documents."

"Ah..." Shen Jingshu was stunned for a moment, and covered her mouth in embarrassment: "I thought he had taken a fancy to me!"

"Uh..." Liang Shi was also dumbfounded for a moment: "It doesn't seem impossible, after all, who doesn't like Bai Fumei!"

Shen Jingshu shook her head with a smile: "But you should be right. He may want me to help, not because he likes me."

"Hey wait a minute..." Liang Shi suddenly figured out something: "You think he wants less money from you because he likes you, but you still accepted his kindness. Does this mean that you are willing to accept it from the bottom of your heart? His confession?"

Shen Jingshu blushed suddenly: "What are you talking about! I didn't think so much."

Liang Shi curled her lips: "Then, can you help him with this matter?"

"I have no ability to help! I can only find my father."

"Then give uncle a call." Liang Shi persuaded: "This guy is so skilled, we will definitely need his help in the future, it's good to have such a friend, anyway, that's what your dad said thing."

Shen Jingshu thought about it for a while, and finally took out her mobile phone: "Okay!"


Chen Fangqiu called a taxi, checked the time, and had time to rush back to the dormitory before the dormitory closed.

But it doesn't matter whether he can rush back to the dormitory now.

When it was about 500 meters away from the school.

Chen Fangqiu saw a slender girl running on the sidewalk under the streetlight.

Chen Fangqiu took a closer look and felt very familiar. Jiang Yuyin was wearing the same clothes in the afternoon, white sneakers, light blue jeans and a black jacket.

"Master, please step aside and stop." Chen Fangqiu greeted.

After the taxi stopped, Chen Fangqiu yelled out the window: "Jiang Yuyin."

The girl turned her head subconsciously and found that it was Chen Fangqiu.

Jiang Yuyin's face, which was originally full of doubts, gradually turned into shyness.

She lowered her eyes slightly, her eyes dodging around.

"Come up quickly."

Hearing Chen Fangqiu's order, Jiang Yuyin felt a little shy, but she could only walk over obediently.

Chen Fangqiu moved inside to make room for her.

Because of running, Jiang Yuyin was still panting slightly, and there were fine beads of sweat on her fair cheeks.

The air around her seemed a little hot, and there was still a faint fragrance on her body.

Chen Fangqiu has a deep understanding of what it means to be sweaty.

"Has your tutoring just ended?" Chen Fangqiu asked.

"Hmm..." Jiang Yuyin lowered her head and looked at her toes: "I... was running just now!"

In fact, she just didn't want to take a taxi back.

She pays 20 yuan for an hour of tutoring and 10 yuan for the starting price of a taxi. She doesn't want to spend this money.

"Come back from where you were taught?"

"Ang..." Jiang Yuyin nodded, and hurriedly explained: "It's not far from the school, only seven or eight hundred meters."

It's actually three kilometers.

Of course, she didn't run all the way back, at first she just walked back.

But as she walked, she realized that it seemed that she might not be able to go back to the dormitory, so she ran for a while.

Chen Fangqiu glanced at her slender waist, "Do you still use running to lose weight with your body?"

Jiang Yuyin's small face was a bit cramped, and she tried to prevaricate: "It's not for losing weight, or... for exercising, life lies in exercising."

"It's true, but you don't need so much exercise with your small body."

"Well... I will pay attention to it in the future."

The distance of 500 meters will arrive soon.

The taxi stopped at the school gate, and the two got off one after another.

Chen Fangqiu checked the time, and he was relieved before he could rush back to the dormitory: "Go back quickly!"

"Yes." Jiang Yuyin nodded and walked quickly towards the school gate.

After walking a few steps, she found that Chen Fangqiu was still there, so she stopped curiously: "You...why don't you go?"

"I rented a house outside, and I couldn't get along with my roommates, so sometimes I lived outside."

Jiang Yuyin said "Oh", thinking that I don't get along well with my roommates, but... how can I be willing to rent a house outside!

She lowered her head and walked quickly towards the campus.

After walking for a while, Jiang Yuyin turned her head and found someone following her, she was startled.

But after a closer look, it was Chen Fangqiu.

"You...don't you want to live outside?"

"I'll give you a ride."

"Don't bother you." Jiang Yuyin said shyly.

"What if you meet a pervert? If it's like just now, and you turn around and find a big hooligan behind you, what should you do?"

Jiang Yuyin bit her lip and smiled secretly, and muttered in a low voice: "Who would say that I am a big hooligan..."

Chen Fangqiu thought to himself, I really am a big hooligan.

But a cultured hooligan.


(End of this chapter)

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