I want it all after rebirth

Chapter 107 Is it so accurate to judge people?

Chapter 107 Is it so accurate to judge people?

"I'll definitely wash it for you!" Jiang Wanxing said indifferently, "Shouldn't you just wash your hair? It's no big deal."

"Just keep your word." Chen Fangqiu evenly wiped the shampoo on Jiang Wanxing's long hair.

Jiang Wanxing snorted slightly: "Who would play tricks on you for such a thing!"

After a few minutes.

Chen Fangqiu picked up a towel and dried Jiang Wanxing's hair.

"Okay." Jiang Wanxing took the towel and wiped her head again: "It's your turn to wash."

As soon as he finished speaking, Jiang Wanxing suddenly felt Chen Fangqiu rubbing against him behind him.

Jiang Wanxing suddenly trembled, and at that moment, like an electric shock, he hurriedly dodged: "What does this guy want?"

"Wash your hair!" Chen Fangqiu said with a serious face, "Didn't you say, let me wash your hair after washing your hair?"

Jiang Wanxing was stunned for a moment, are you washing your hair?

But soon, she understood what Chen Fangqiu meant.

Jiang Wanxing couldn't help but her pretty face turned slightly hot, and she snorted angrily: "I think you want to be beaten!"

"What do you mean I want to be beaten?" Chen Fangqiu looked innocent: "Obviously it's something you promised yourself, so you're going to cheat now, right?"

"I'm not playing tricks!" Jiang Wanxing squeezed the shampoo, and touched Chen Fangqiu's hair involuntarily: "I'll wash your hair!"

Chen Fangqiu expressed helplessness: "This is not the hair I want to wash."

Jiang Wanxing snorted, "I only know how to wash this hair."

"It's very troublesome for you to wash this end, but you don't need to wash that end, just leave it to me."

"Get lost..." Jiang Wanxing spat with a slightly red face.

Chen Fangqiu smiled and didn't tease her anymore.

After washing and drying their hair, the two went to bed to rest.

Chen Fangqiu is generous and doesn't wear anything.

But Jiang Wanxing was wearing a suspender nightdress and small clothes underneath.

"You'd better wear a pair of pants!"

Seeing that Chen Fangqiu was not wearing anything, Jiang Wanxing was still a little nervous and scared.

"In front of my wife, it doesn't matter if I wear it or not!" Chen Fangqiu said indifferently.

Jiang Wanxing took a deep breath: "Don't mess around, I'm not ready today."

"Actually, you don't need to find any reason." Chen Fangqiu hugged Jiang Wanxing's body from behind: "As long as you say no, I will definitely not wash your hair forcibly. There is no need to make excuses. If you say you don't want to, then we Just rest and sleep."

Jiang Wanxing curled her lips slightly: "Hearing the ins and outs of what you said, why do you feel a little angry!"

"Not only am I not angry, but I'm too happy!" Chen Fangqiu said with a smile: "I don't want the kind of person who is willing to go to bed just after meeting casually, the kind who can go to bed with me directly today, and go to bed with someone else tomorrow .”


"Let's put it this way!" Chen Fangqiu coughed lightly: "Unless you invite me to wash my hair, I won't take the initiative to wash it."

"What? You want me to take the initiative to invite you?" Jiang Wanxing snorted, "Then you really don't want to think about it in this life."

Chen Fangqiu pouted, don't talk too much.

He still smiled indifferently on his face: "I don't believe it, you can't be so cruel! Really let me never wash my hair for the rest of my life? At least let's make a child in the future!"

Jiang Wanxing smiled slightly: "Then wait until the wedding night!"

"Okay." Chen Fangqiu nodded, leaning closer to her: "Then let me do it first."

"Go away...don't make trouble, just check what time it is."

"Tomorrow is the weekend, so why not care what time it is!" Chen Fangqiu smiled and assured: "Don't worry, I didn't wash my hair before."

"No, uh..."

the next morning.

Chen Fangqiu got up earlier, at least he didn't choose to sleep in on weekends, but Jiang Wanxing couldn't get up in bed.

Chen Fangqiu made some breakfast casually, and was ready to go to KTV.

Originally, last night, Chen Fangqiu wanted to do it deliberately for a while, so that Jiang Wanxing couldn't help asking him to wash his hair.

His method did work, at least at that time, Jiang Wanxing was about to be confused, and he might let him in at any time.

But what Chen Fangqiu didn't expect was that when she was having fun, she suddenly ended the work.

Then I retracted into the bed and refused to play any more.

Chen Fangqiu had learned his lesson, and next time he had to hang himself, and he couldn't just let her just over.

"I'm going to KTV first." Chen Fangqiu said to Jiang Wanxing who was on the bed.

"I'll go there later."

"Send me a message before you go, some classmates and friends will also go to play later, don't bump into them."


The person Chen Fangqiu was talking about was naturally Yu Xiangwei.

Today is the weekend, so early in the morning, Yu Xiangwei sent a message asking him to come out to play.

After leaving the apartment, Chen Fangqiu called Yu Xiangwei.

"Xiangwei, I don't have time to play with you today." Chen Fangqiu said directly.

"Ah... why are you so busy these two days! You always don't have time." Yu Xiangwei puffed her lips: "If you do this again, I will doubt you."

"What do you doubt me?" Chen Fangqiu laughed.

"I wonder if you are secretly making a lot of money behind my back! Hmph!"

"You were right. I just bought a KTV."

"I even bought Taobao!" Yu Xiangwei giggled, obviously not believing Chen Fangqiu's words at all.

Chen Fangqiu didn't explain too much: "Come to KTV and sing!"

"Singing again!"

"Just the two of us."

"Just the two of us?" Yu Xiangwei pursed her lips and smiled: "Then do you want to sing, or what do you want to do?"

"What do you think! Yale KTV, hurry up!"

Yu Xiangwei snorted shyly, she thought that Chen Fangqiu really wanted to hey her in the KTV, but she still complied: "Got it!"

About two 10 minutes later.

While Chen Fangqiu was busy in the box, he received another call from Yu Xiangwei.

"Hey! I'm at the door now, but this KTV is closed!"

"Come up quickly!"

Yu Xiangwei was slightly taken aback when he heard the words, he wouldn't really buy it, would he?
Picking up her phone, Yu Xiangwei immediately ran up the stairs, the KTV was on the second floor.

Most KTVs are not on the first floor, because the rent on the first floor is the most expensive.

In the first box at the corner of the stairs, Yu Xiangwei saw Chen Fangqiu busy in it.

"You really bought this place! My God..."

"Recently, I made a little money installing stereos for people, so I want to start a small business myself."

"Ah... Is it so profitable to install a sound system?"

"Rich people are very generous, and they can give tens of thousands of yuan casually."

"What!" Yu Xiangwei was a little hard to understand: "No matter how generous a rich person is, he is not a fool! Are you so skilled?"

"I can only say that my talent is better! Anyway, whether the technology is good or not, you have experienced it in bed."

"Pfft..." Yu Xiangwei couldn't hold back anymore.

Chen Fangqiu said before that if he saves enough money, he will buy her an iPhone 3, but at this time, Yu Xiangwei has almost forgotten about it.

Chen Fangqiu took the initiative to say: "I don't think the iPhone 3 is good enough, I'll buy it for you when the iPhone 4 comes out next year!"

Chen Fangqiu will not be painting cakes this time, and will buy one for her in June next year.

"I don't care, the phone in my hand is fine anyway!" Yu Xiangwei smiled and squatted next to Chen Fangqiu, watching him tinker with the stereo.

In fact, these speakers must have been tuned by the manufacturer when they leave the factory.

Including the speakers installed for Shen Jingshu the night before yesterday, all have been debugged by the manufacturer's tuner.

After the user buys it, they can basically install and use it directly.

However, in Chen Fangqiu's ears, there was still room for optimization in the sound they adjusted.

Chen Fangqiu will re-tune them. After passing through his hands, the sound effect is better than that of the manufacturer's tuner.

"By the way, what's going on with the dormitory change?" Yu Xiangwei suddenly thought of this.

"Uh... I didn't ask Mr. Jiang either."

"Why are you so careless!" Yu Xiangwei flattened her mouth: "Quickly ask Mr. Jiang."

Chen Fangqiu took out his cell phone and called Jiang Wanxing.

"What's wrong?" Jiang Wanxing asked puzzled.

"Yu Xiangwei asked me to ask, how is she changing the dormitory?" Chen Fangqiu said seriously.

"I've already told them about this with the dorm supervisor, let her wait for the dorm supervisor's notice now!"

"Okay, I know."

After hanging up the phone, Chen Fangqiu said, "Just wait for the supervisor to notify you."

An hour later, the notice came.

Yu Xiangwei received a message from Yunqi: [You can change the dormitory!Hurry up! 】

Yu Xiangwei was overjoyed immediately: "I'm going back to move the dormitory now!"

Chen Fangqiu froze for a moment: "Okay, do you want me to move it for you?"

"No need!" Yu Xiangwei smiled and said, "It's not convenient for you to enter the girls' dormitory, and I don't have much stuff, so Qiqi just help me."

"That's it!"

"mua~~~" Yu Xiangwei kissed Chen Fangqiu on the mouth, then turned and ran away: "Let's go!"

Happily went downstairs and ran towards the school.

Yu Xiangwei saw a beautiful girl walking towards her.

The girl has short ear-length hair with a clear sense of layering, and her facial features and cheek lines are very delicate, just like a girl walking out of a cartoon.

Yu Xiangwei couldn't help but look at her more. As a girl, she also felt that this girl was very beautiful.

But Yu Xiangwei didn't know her, she just watched her walk into the nearby bank.

Jiang Yuyin walked into the bank, took out 300 yuan from her pocket, and transferred it to her mother who was in poor health in her hometown.

As for Dad, he's dead.

Others have to ask their families for money to go to school, and she has to transfer money to her family when she goes to school.


It took Chen Fangqiu the whole morning to complete the debugging of a box.

It's lunch time.

Because of weekends, Chen Fangqiu doesn't have to work part-time.

But he took a walk on the street, but he didn't see anything he wanted to eat.

In the end, Chen Fangqiu chose to go back to the cafeteria. Of course, he didn't go to Aunt Mu's cafeteria.

Chen Fangqiu was somewhat tired of eating only Aunt Mu every day.

He went to another canteen and wanted to try it for a change.

Because it was the weekend, students had different meal times, and the cafeteria was sparsely populated.

Chen Fangqiu saw a familiar figure at the dining table.

Jiang Yuyin was eating here, and her lunch box only contained rice and shredded potatoes.

Chen Fangqiu hesitated slightly.

Jiang Yuyin went to his place to get meals three times in total, and every time they were meat and vegetables.

Why did she only have one vegetarian dish when she ate here by herself? Is it a coincidence?
Chen Fangqiu frowned, as if he suddenly understood why she seldom went to him for lunch.

Probably because she usually eats vegetarian dishes, but she doesn't want to let herself know that she doesn't eat well.

So every time she goes to her place, she has to eat meat and vegetables.

But because money is tight, she has to save some food.

It may be a bit extravagant for her to eat meat and vegetables every day.

So, she only went to find herself once in a while.

Chen Fangqiu turned his head and went to queue at a window.

He was a little hesitant, wondering if he should greet Jiang Yuyin or not.

Judging from Jiang Yuyin's behavior, she didn't want to let herself know of her embarrassment.

You can also pretend not to know, and follow her thoughts.

But just keep pretending you don’t know?

It's better to poke it open, and I can help her.

After making a decision in his heart, Chen Fangqiu took two dinner plates and ordered two dishes.

Then, he carried two dinner plates and walked towards Jiang Yuyin.

When Jiang Yuyin raised her head, Chen Fangqiu was already sitting in front of her.

She was stunned for a moment, then lowered her head nervously: "Why do you..."

"I wanted a change of taste and a canteen, but I didn't expect to meet you here."

"Then why did you order two dishes?"

"This one is for my roommate, he will come right away." Chen Fangqiu smiled naturally.

"Oh..." Jiang Yuyin nervously picked at the shredded potatoes in the lunch box.

"Didn't I tell you the night before that I don't need to lose weight." Chen Fangqiu's voice was a little helpless: "Why are you still eating weight loss meals!"

"That's right! But I think I still need to lose weight." Jiang Yuyin's mouth could not help but smile, driving away a little bit of embarrassment.

Chen Fangqiu looked at her figure, her waist was quite thin, her bust was neither too big nor too small, and she was of medium level.

For such a slender figure, she can still have a medium-level bust, which seems to be quite rare.

But even though she was only at an average level, the visual effect was more eye-catching against her slender figure.

Chen Fangqiu said with a smile: "You are already in such a good figure, how can other girls live if you lose weight!"

Jiang Yuyin lowered her head and pursed her lips into a snicker, a little embarrassed by the praise.

"Why isn't this grandson here yet!"

Chen Fangqiu complained, turned on the phone and dialed the number: "Hey, when is your kid coming... what? I've already made a meal for you, why didn't you come again... Damn, you really don't care Spectrum!"

Chen Fangqiu hung up the phone depressed.

"What's the matter..." Jiang Yuyin raised her delicate face and said cautiously.

"Let me cook for him, but I won't come again." Chen Fangqiu sighed: "Forget it, don't lose weight."

Chen Fangqiu picked up the dinner plate and shoveled the meat into her lunch box.


"He's not coming, so it's all down! Don't waste it."

Hearing Chen Fangqiu's words, Jiang Yuyin couldn't refuse.

Just then, a girl came over with a plate.

As soon as Jiang Yuyin raised her head, her little face was full of joy: "Xinxin, I can't eat so much, so please share some for me!"

Of course Chen Fangqiu remembered her, the girl who picked up Jiang Yuyin at the door of the dormitory the night before yesterday.

Sitting next to Jiang Yuyin, Fang Xin looked at Chen Fangqiu with a smile: "Handsome guy, what major are you in?"

"Electronic information engineering major."

"We are from the Department of Computer Science, and we have a little overlap." Fang Xin responded, but suddenly changed the subject: "Does the handsome guy have a girlfriend?"

"Not yet!" Chen Fangqiu shook his head.

"The handsome guy is so handsome, there must be many girls chasing him!" Fang Xin laughed.

From the girl's tentative way of questioning, Chen Fangqiu understood that she didn't seem to want to be with Jiang Yuyin very much.

In other words, she was worried that she was a scumbag cheating on Jiang Yuyin's feelings. This was testing herself and trying to protect Jiang Yuyin.

Chen Fangqiu smiled frankly: "It's not a lot, but there are some strike-ups."

It would be a bit false to say that I have never been chased by girls. After all, when I eat in the cafeteria, girls have asked for their contact information several times.

"There are so many people who strike up a conversation with you, but none of them like you?" Fang Xin laughed.

"It's quite surprising to say it, but it's not." Chen Fangqiu said with a smile: "I'm such a character! I would rather be short than excessive, and I won't talk to someone who doesn't care. If I do, it must be a girl I like very much. "

"That's it..." Fang Xin turned to look at Jiang Yuyin who was hanging her head down, and said with a smile, "Then you are quite serious and dedicated!"

Chen Fangqiu felt that she was acting strangely.

Damn, is this girl so determined that she is a scumbag?

(End of this chapter)

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