Chapter 112
Two hours passed in the box.

Most of the time, Su Rong is quietly playing with her mobile phone with headphones on, or watching Chen Fangqiu who is working hard for a while.

Chen Fangqiu was very focused, and Su Rong was too embarrassed to disturb him.

Interrupting him will definitely affect the efficiency, and maybe it will make him unhappy!

Su Rong just looked at the computer screen for a while, looked at Chen Fangqiu, and then looked at the phone.

Su Rong couldn't quite understand the complex parameters that were constantly being adjusted on the computer, but she felt that it was really powerful.

On the contrary, Chen Fangqiu's focused demeanor and expression, the unconscious frowning and carefree look, made Su Rong find it quite interesting.

Chen Fangqiu was concentrating on his work, while Su Rong was sometimes concentrating on looking at his little expressions with relish.

When people are in a serious state, some unconscious small expressions are indeed interesting, without any acting elements, they are all sincere in the heart, showing the most real feelings in the heart at all times.

Seeing Chen Fangqiu's various small expressions, one can see how he feels in his heart.

Just like that, Su Rong didn't feel that the two hours in the private room were too long.

The sky outside the window has gradually turned white, and it is almost dawn.

When it was almost seven o'clock, Chen Fangqiu had adjusted the two boxes.

Chen Fangqiu stretched his waist long: "Let's go! Back to school."

"En." Su Rong nodded in response, then straightened her tall body, and said with a casual smile, "When do you plan to open?"

"If the relationship is good, the formalities can be completed in a few working days."

"Then you have to hire a waiter in advance."

"It's simple. I called and asked all the waiters who worked here before, and a few of them are still willing to come back and continue to do it."

"Like This……"

After leaving the KTV, the two chatted and walked towards the school.

"I work part-time in the second canteen, you can come here to eat in the future." Chen Fangqiu said with a smile.

"Uh... Actually, Xu Chengshan told me about this." Su Rong said softly.

"But you don't seem to have come to ask me for a meal!"

"I haven't been there, because the second canteen is far away from the teaching building where I often go to school, but I'm planning to visit it too, but I haven't had time yet!"

"In that case, you and Xu Chengshan haven't known each other for long, have you?"

"Well, it's only about ten days! We met in the street dance club at school."

"Can you dance?"

Su Rong covered her mouth with a smile, a little embarrassed: "I know a little bit, I just learned it by myself."

"We've only known each other for about ten days." Chen Fangqiu smiled: "Then the progress of the two of you is actually quite fast."

"I'm a straightforward person. I will reject someone I don't like directly. If I think the other person is not bad, I won't hang him on purpose, but Xu Chengshan... just forget it! You don't mention him in front of me in the future." gone."

"Didn't you mention him first?" Chen Fangqiu said with a smile.

"I..." Su Rong puffed her mouth arrogantly, "Humph."

Just then, her cell phone rang suddenly.

Taking out her mobile phone and seeing Xu Chengshan on the caller ID, the smile on Su Rong's face narrowed, and she couldn't help frowning.

"Hello." Su Rong answered the phone calmly.

"Morning wife!" Xu Chengshan laughed loudly.

"Don't call me wife now, I haven't promised you yet!" Su Rong said with some displeasure.

"Cough...then when will you promise me!"

"Let's see how you behave!" Su Rong said lightly, "I always feel that you are lying to me for something else."

"Honey, how dare I lie to you!" Xu Chengshan was helpless and impatient, why he still can't take her down now!
"Then who knows! Maybe I'm thinking too much!"

"Then you must be thinking too much." Xu Chengshan said bluntly: "Okay, let's not talk about this, I will treat you to breakfast later."

"Okay! I'll go to the second canteen."

"Didn't you say that the second canteen is too far away?"

"I want to taste it, okay?"

"All right..." Xu Chengshan quickly lowered his head, "I'll go find you later."

After hanging up the phone, Su Rong took a deep breath and said sullenly, "I have to take a breath when he treats me like that."

"How do you want to vent your anger!"

"Just play with him and hang him! Is it possible to beat someone!"

"Alas..." Chen Fangqiu sighed softly.

Su Rong slightly looked sideways at Chen Fangqiu's side face, and bit her lips lightly: "Do you sympathize with him?"

"It's not about sympathy, after all, he and I are roommates..."

"Me and him, you choose one!" Su Rong looked at him with grievances written all over her face: "Who do you choose?"

Of course, there is no other choice for this kind of problem.

Chen Fangqiu pretended to hesitate, but just wanted to show that he was not so cold-blooded and ruthless.

But in the end, he will definitely stand by Su Rong's side unconditionally. If he wants to date her, he will definitely follow her on this issue.

"Both of you are my friends." Chen Fangqiu said softly: "But if I choose one, I will definitely choose you! Because it is indeed his fault."

Su Rong let out a "hum chirp", the corners of her mouth pursed, revealing a slight smile.

Chen Fangqiu added loudly: "But I also have my own bottom line."

"What do you say."

"After all, he is my roommate brother. How you treat him is your business, but I won't help you. Do these things yourself, don't ask me for help."

"Okay, I promise you, this is between me and him, I won't make things difficult for you." Su Rong smiled softly.

At this moment, in her heart, she only thinks that Chen Fangqiu is a man who talks about friendship, but also knows right from wrong.

When he was about to reach a branching path, Su Rong suddenly sighed: "You said that if there are other boys chasing me in the future, shouldn't I investigate him for a longer time?"

Hearing this sudden question, Chen Fangqiu quickly understood that she probably realized in her heart that she might chase her.

So the translation of this question is, if you chase her yourself, how long do you want her to inspect yourself?

From Su Rong's point of view, if you answer yourself: You don't need to do a lot of research, as long as you feel right.

This seems to have a guilty conscience and fears that she will examine him, and he is a little too eager to get her.

So it's best not to answer like that.

From a certain perspective, her question is to examine herself.

"You let me answer this question." Chen Fangqiu hesitated a little: "Actually, I have a little selfishness..."

When Su Rong heard this, she immediately turned her head away and chuckled secretly: "What selfishness do you have?"

The underlying meaning of Chen Fangqiu's words is that he likes her, so he has selfishness.

Su Rong's reaction also let Chen Fangqiu know, she understood what she meant.

But Chen Fangqiu was not in a hurry to admit directly: "It's nothing..."

"Then you just answer this question! If a boy chases me, how long should I have to investigate?"

"I think it's better to investigate for a longer period of time before making a decision." Chen Fangqiu said solemnly: "After all, a person's character can't be seen clearly in three or two days. It takes time to see people's hearts!"

Su Rong pursed her lips and smiled secretly, this guy is quite honest, even though he seems to be interested in me, let me investigate for a while.

He is obviously the complete opposite of a hypocritical scumbag like Xu Chengshan, and he is many times better than Xu Chengshan.

"What you said makes sense." Su Rong said with a slight smile, "But I have a special personality."

"What's so special?"

"Cough..." Su Rong turned her head to look into the distance, gave the back of her head to Chen Fangqiu, and smiled softly: "I still don't like to procrastinate, if I have a good impression of a person, I am actually easy to chase of."

Chen Fangqiu felt that she was implying that he could chase her, and he would chase her very well.

"Bye bye, I'll go back first." Su Rong was obviously a little embarrassed, and she immediately walked up a branching path without looking back.

Chen Fangqiu was stunned for a moment: "Aren't you going to the second canteen? It's easy to go there now."

"It's still early, I want to go back to the dormitory and change clothes first!"


Watching Su Rongjiao leave, Chen Fangqiu looked back and walked towards the second canteen.

Su Rong has almost made it clear that she is willing to be her girlfriend.

But Chen Fangqiu didn't dare to chase after him, and felt a little bit scrupulous in his heart.

From Su Rong's current attitude towards Xu Chengshan, it can be seen that under her peaceful appearance, there is a very vengeful heart hidden.

Of course, it's not all her fault.

After all, the premise of being retaliated by others is that you really provoked her first, just like Xu Chengshan now.

If there is nothing wrong with each other, Su Rong will be fine.

But the problem is, what he did was actually more excessive than Xu Chengshan.

Xu Chengshan hasn't caught up yet anyway, and the two of them have nothing to do with each other. Su Rong wants to take revenge on him like this.

I already have a few girlfriends, and I'm on N boats, and many of them are of a bad nature.

If Su Rong found out about this in the future, she might really pick up a knife and chop herself off.

Even if she didn't cut it, with her vengeful heart, there would definitely be chaos.

So this girl is not suitable for dating as a girlfriend.

But this piece of fat and tender meat has already been fed to her mouth, it's not in her character not to eat it, she has to eat it.

Chen Fangqiu thought about it seriously and had to think of another way.

Probably just like Lin Jiaojiao, let her be an obvious lover or flirtatious friend.

Let her know that she is just an underground lover, understand her identity, and there will be no cheating on her.

But Lin Jiaojiao became his little lover by chance.

It may be a bit difficult to make Su Rong willingly be a lover without a name.

Chen Fangqiu took a deep breath, it was hard to return, he still had confidence, after all, the decades in his previous life were not in vain, and it was not easy to handle these little sisters.

at breakfast.

Yun Qi and Yu Xiangwei are still together as usual.

Su Rong also came as promised, she was with Xu Chengshan, who paid for it.

Chen Fangqiu also understood that Su Rong is now using Xu Chengshan as an ATM machine.

Spend Xu Chengshan's money to fool him, but Xu Chengshan wants to have something to do with her, so there is no way.

During lunch.

Jiang Yuyin and Fang Xin also came together.

"I'd like braised pork with potatoes, and..." Jiang Yuyin's big eyes swept around: "Fish-flavored pork shreds, okra scrambled eggs."

Chen Fangqiu was stunned for a moment, she actually ordered three dishes.

"Can you eat so much?" Chen Fangqiu said with a smile.

"I want to eat with Sister Xin..." Jiang Yuyin said shyly.

"Understood." Chen Fangqiu gave a larger portion, enough for the two of them to eat.

"Thank you..." Jiang Yuyin picked up the plate and ran towards Fang Xin not far away.

After eating at noon, Chen Fangqiu asked Aunt Mu for a vacation.

"Auntie, I have something to do today, so I won't mop the floor and wipe the table."

"I've told you several times that I don't need to wipe the table anymore." Mu Lanshan felt helpless.

"Then I really won't do it in the future." Chen Fangqiu said with a smile: "Because I'm the class monitor now, and I'm planning to set up a KTV, so I'm really busy."

"Then you don't need to do it."

"That won't work." Chen Fangqiu shook his head, and said with a smile, "I'm used to seeing my aunt every day, and I still feel panicked when I don't see you for a day."

Mu Lanshan suddenly smiled like a flower: "You are the only kid who can talk."

Chen Fangqiu laughed, "Goodbye, Auntie."


Chen Fangqiu has indeed gotten used to having meals every day. He likes to add meals to some good friends. Seeing them eating happily makes him happy too.

Besides, when working part-time, the money-generating efficiency of the cash cow is increased by ten times, which is not bad.

After leaving the cafeteria.

Chen Fangqiu called Jiang Wanxing and said straight to the point: "Honey, I'm going to ask for leave this afternoon."

"what happened?"

"Go and apply for various documents!"

There was no other way. When he finished class, the other side also got off work.

These departments work only when classes are in session.

Jiang Wanxing also knew it well, so he didn't ask further: "Understood, I'll come back soon after finishing."

"Understood, my wife will see you tonight."

"Hmph... I don't suggest you go to see me at night."

Chen Fangqiu was speechless. He said last night that he would go to her again today, but now he doesn't suggest it.

I don't care if you recommend it or not!

Picking up his mobile phone, Chen Fangqiu returned to KTV to sort out materials, and in the afternoon, he ran errands in several departments.

Business license, fire certificate, cultural license, sanitation license... and so on.

The places where these certificates are processed are not in the same department, so they have to go to each place in turn.

Of course, Chen Fangqiu certainly didn't forget to tell Shen Jingshu.

She is the most important thing. Whether these documents go well or not depends entirely on her father.

After class in the evening.

Chen Fangqiu asked Yun Qi out alone.

I haven't played alone with her much these days, and I've neglected her a bit.

And this girl is very sensible, playing with her makes her very happy.

I don't have time to play with her, she is also very considerate and sensible, she won't break the casserole to ask the end, let alone get sulking about it.

Yu Xiangwei couldn't do this, and it was only two days since she was a big aunt that she calmed down a bit.

If my girlfriends are all like Yunqi, then I won't be afraid to talk about ten of them at the same time.

Chen Fangqiu took Yunqi to the lake, and said sweet and sweet words for a while, making the little girl's face rosy.

In the end, he hugged her again and gave her a gentle and intoxicating kiss, before Yunqi shyly returned to the dormitory.

After parting with Yun Qi, Chen Fangqiu went to Jiang Wanxing's residence, and this was the highlight of the night.

Chen Fangqiu opened the door.

Jiang Wanxing was flipping through the information form at the table, she turned her head and glanced at Chen Fangqiu, the slight tiredness on her face stretched out, revealing a smile.

"Did the application for the certificate go well?"

"It should be alright!"

"But I heard that these documents will be more troublesome."

"I found someone who should be more reliable." Chen Fangqiu walked behind Jiang Wanxing.

She should have taken a bath, and she was only wearing a nightdress with suspenders, and she still had the fragrance of shower gel on her body.

Chen Fangqiu put his hands on her shoulders, and the snow-white skin felt warm to the touch, so he pressed her shoulders.

Jiang Wanxing ignored Chen Fangqiu, rubbing his shoulders felt quite comfortable.

However, as he pressed and pressed, the range of motion of Chen Fangqiu's hands was gradually not limited to Jiang Wanxing's shoulders, and began to move downward.

Jiang Wanxing immediately slapped Chen Fangqiu's lower abdomen with his elbow: "You haven't bathed yet!"

Chen Fangqiu smiled and lay down, resting his chin on her snowy shoulder: "Is it all right after taking a shower?"

"Of course, you can sleep on the bed after taking a shower, otherwise you can sleep on the floor."

"Cut~~" Chen Fangqiu pinched her face, turned and went to the bathroom.

When he came out after washing, Jiang Wanxing was already lying on the bed.

Chen Fangqiu lifted the quilt, got into the bed, embraced Jiang Wanxing's warm and delicate body in his arms, and said with a smile, "What excuse are you looking for today?"

"I'm not in shape today." Jiang Wanxing said and yawned: "I'm really tired on Monday."

"Then let me refresh you!" Chen Fangqiu lowered his head and kissed Jiang Wanxing's red lips.

"I'm really out of shape...well..."


(End of this chapter)

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