I want it all after rebirth

Chapter 118 I want a surprise inspection!

Chapter 118 I want a surprise inspection!
"If Yuyin is your girlfriend, are you afraid that she has AIDS?"

Chen Fangqiu thought about this question quickly in his mind.

In the end, I found that it was not appropriate to answer whether I was afraid or not.

It would be an understatement to say I'm not afraid.

Saying that she is afraid of her hurts Jiang Yuyin's self-esteem too much.

And once you say you are afraid, it means that you dare not fall in love with Jiang Yuyin by default, so why are you still chasing her?
If you really want to be with her, your subconscious answer must be "not afraid".

This is also the reason why many boys are not afraid to answer this question.

But to say I'm not afraid is a lie.

"Yuyin...do you like me?" Chen Fangqiu threw the question back first.

Jiang Yuyin immediately lowered her head shyly.

"She's very confused herself!" Fang Xin smiled lightly: "But I think, you seem to like her a little bit, I don't know if my feeling is wrong."

"Yes." Chen Fangqiu nodded and admitted: "Actually, I was attracted to Yuyin the first time I saw her in physical education class, but later I heard something about her... It's really a pity, but I still want to be friends with Yuyin, otherwise..."

Chen Fangqiu paused, and continued with a sincere tone: "Nowadays, medical technology is getting more and more advanced, and the effect of antiviral drugs for AIDS is getting better and better. I think everything will get better in the future."

"Yes." Fang Xin nodded: "I hope that the progress of related medical technology will be faster!"

"It will definitely be!"

"So now, don't you like our Yuyin?" Fang Xin asked.

Chen Fangqiu was silent for a while, with a distressed expression.

"You just said that Yuyin is confused, and I am confused now!" Chen Fangqiu patted his forehead, looking painful and conflicted: "Of course I like Yuyin, but... I need to think about it seriously."

"Well, let's talk about it after you think it over. Go back early! Let's go back to the dormitory first."


Fang Xin and Jiang Yuyin turned around together.

After walking a few steps, Jiang Yuyin couldn't help but look back at Chen Fangqiu, pursed her lips shyly, and showed him a slight smile.

She was very satisfied with Chen Fangqiu's answer.

In fact, it is natural to be afraid that the other half has AIDS. The only thing they want is to see if the other party's attitude is sincere, and that is enough.

Chen Fangqiu is currently the only boy who makes Jiang Yuyin feel very sincere to her.

"Now that the test is over, what does Sister Xin think of him?" Jiang Yuyin asked softly, pursing her lips.

"I dare not say what he must be! Maybe he has some other character flaws!"

Fang Xin smiled softly and said, "Anyway, it depends on what you think. If you decide to be with him, go and tell him that you don't have AIDS. If you haven't made up your mind yet, just get to know him better and decide later."

"I know!"

Hearing Fang Xin's words, Jiang Yuyin was very happy, because Fang Xin no longer regarded the person she liked as a scumbag.

After happily returning to the dormitory, Jiang Yuyin sent a message to Chen Fangqiu: 【Have you arrived at the dormitory yet? 】

Chen Fangqiu: [Here we are. 】

However, at this time, Chen Fangqiu had already walked out of the school, ready to find Yu Xiangwei, who was already hungry and thirsty.

Jiang Yuyin pursed her lips cutely and snickered: 【Good night then! 】

Although the two hadn't confirmed their relationship, Jiang Yuyin at this moment felt as if she had eaten honey, her heart was sweet.

Putting down her phone, Jiang Yuyin went to take a shower, when she suddenly thought of another thing.

I have to go to Yunqi's birthday party in two days, so I can't go there empty-handed!
But what gift to give her?You can't afford expensive gifts yourself.

Jiang Yuyin was also in a bit of trouble for a while.


Not long after, Chen Fangqiu came to Yu Xiangwei's small apartment.

Yu Xiangwei was lying on the bed, talking on the phone with Yun Qi, and the two were still chatting about what happened on the basketball court.

Chen Fangqiu kept quiet, went to the bathroom to take a shower, and was going to fuck her.

Seeing Chen Fangqiu coming, Yu Xiangwei didn't bother to chat with Yunqi anymore: "Qiqi, I'm a little sleepy."

"Then go to bed first! Good night."

"Well, good night~~"

After putting down the phone, Yu Xiangwei lifted the quilt and ran to the bathroom naked.

"Want me to rub your back?" Yu Xiangwei smiled playfully.

"You don't need to rub your back." Chen Fangqiu looked down and said, "You might as well just come and warm me up."


Yu Xiangwei couldn't help laughing out loud, her little face turned reddish in an instant, and then she pretended to be serious: "Okay then! Since you want it so much, I'll satisfy you!"

"Come here quickly!"

"I'm so greedy~~" Yu Xiangwei snorted coquettishly, walked over shyly, then lay down on the sink, and gave the back to Chen Fangqiu.

After a while, the bathroom was filled with a cheerful air.


The next morning.

The school's stipends have all arrived in the account one after another.

Chen Fangqiu talked with the students in the class who applied for the bursary, asking them to pay attention to whether their bursaries have arrived.

If not, check to see if there are any other problems.

When Zhang Chi learned that the bursary was awarded, he couldn't help thinking of the bad memories of evaluating the bursary a few days ago.

If everything went well at that time, I would have thousands of dollars more in my hand now, how cool it is!
At this moment, Zhang Chi received a message from Zhao Mingzhong on his mobile phone: [Please go to karaoke tonight, will you come? 】

This Zhao Mingzhong is Jiang Yuyin's monitor.

Zhang Chi knew that Zhao Mingzhong made a fortune from the bursary, and now the grandson must have a windfall, so he had to treat him.

Suddenly, Zhang Chi's gaze passed over Wang Chunhai, and he suddenly thought of something.

This Wang Chunhai's family is indeed very poor. It is no exaggeration to say that he is the student with the worst economic conditions in the class.

Zhang Chi remembered that after Chen Fangqiu became the monitor, he wanted to apply for a bursary for Wang Chunhe.

However, Wang Chunhai did not prepare any relevant materials at all.

Zhang Chi was a little curious. Under such circumstances, could Chen Fangqiu really help him apply for a scholarship?
"Wang Chunhai." Zhang Chi walked beside him.

"Ah... what's wrong?" Wang Chunhai was a little shy.

"Has the bursary arrived?"

"Here we are." Wang Chunhai said honestly.

"It's really here?" Zhang Chi was stunned for a moment, rather puzzled: "Didn't you provide the materials at that time?"

"I don't have the materials, but I wrote an application for a bursary at that time!"

Zhang Chi curled his lips, that's useful, the most important thing is proof materials.

Wang Chunhai was very grateful: "The monitor is so kind to me."

Zhang Chi is a little upset, no matter how nice the monitor is to you, it's unreasonable!This is obviously an illegal operation!

It's not fair to other people to get scholarships without providing any materials!

Zhang Chi held back his anger, and suddenly the idea of ​​reporting Chen Fangqiu's illegal use of scholarships popped into his mind.

Originally Chen Fangqiu replaced the squad leader, Zhang Chi was very upset just seeing him, but he couldn't find Chen Fangqiu's excuse.

Today's discovery made Zhang Chi feel that he had finally caught Chen Fangqiu's braid.

Although from a human point of view, it is understandable to give a student like Wang Chunhai a bursary in violation of regulations.

But illegal operations are a certainty, and the school's rules and regulations are there!
No matter how kind you are, you can't open the door of convenience for a certain classmate. This approach is not fair to other students.

If you don't believe those who have proof materials, how can you trust those who don't even have proof materials!
During the afternoon meal.

Zhang Chi and Zhao Mingzhong talked about it.

"Chen Fangqiu?" Zhao Mingzhong was stunned for a moment: "Who is he?"

"Our class monitor!" Zhang Chi hurriedly explained: "I saw him in the cafeteria last time! He ate with that Jiang Yuyin in your class."

"Oh..." Zhao Mingzhong was stunned for a moment: "I remembered."

"He violated the rules like this, do you think it's okay to report it?"

"This kind of situation can definitely be reported." Zhao Mingzhong said seriously: "As for whether it can be done, it depends on whether the people above want to take care of it. You have to find a leader who has a sense of justice and is willing to be serious. It's useless to find someone who is sloppy."

Zhang Chi was very helpless: "There are so many people above, I don't know which leader loves the most, and which one loves and muddles!"

Zhao Mingzhong thought for a while, and said, "Try to report to that deputy secretary of the Youth League Committee named Yu Shuting. She has only been in office for about ten days, and the new official took office three times!"

"Do you know her well?"

"I'm not familiar, I haven't said a word."

"Damn...then how do you know she can take care of it?"

"When I went to the office a few days ago, I saw her quarreling with others, as if she was standing up for a bullied student. Anyway, she gave me the impression that she is a woman with a sense of justice. Maybe she really wants to be serious about this matter."

Zhang Chi pondered and hesitated.

Zhao Mingzhong continued: "Just ask her to try! Anyway, even if she doesn't care, you won't have any loss."

"Okay!" Zhang Chi nodded vigorously: "Just follow your advice and try to find her! Do you have her phone number?"

"Isn't that simple? Just ask the deputy secretary of the Communist Youth League and you'll know."


Chen Fangqiu brought a meal to Jiang Wanxing who was still working in the office.

At this meal time, there are no other teachers in the office.

Chen Fangqiu was more casual, feeling thirsty, took two sips from Jiang Wanxing's water glass.

Jiang Wanxing raised her beautiful eyes and glanced at him.

Chen Fangqiu wondered what you were looking at, you didn't have any objection when you ate my saliva, you still care about this?
"You fill it up for me." Jiang Wanxing just gave an order.

Chen Fangqiu got up and walked to the water dispenser, turned around and said, "I have something else I want to tell you."


"The KTV's speakers can be finished today." Chen Fangqiu said, "I want to organize the students in the class and invite them to play tomorrow."

Jiang Wanxing was slightly stunned: "Why?"

"I can eat people with soft mouths but short hands. In the future, my work in the class will be better." Chen Fangqiu said with a smile: "In addition, I also need a little publicity at the beginning of my new opening, so that students can experience the good sound effects, and they can also help me promote it among friends."

In fact, the cost is not high. There are more than forty students who open four private rooms. Even if the fee is charged, it is only worth a few hundred yuan.

But let them go back and help promote it, and the benefits will definitely be more than a few hundred.

Jiang Wanxing nodded: "I don't have any objections, you can just figure it out."

"That trivial matter is over, we can get down to business." Chen Fangqiu stood up and walked to Jiang Wanxing's side.

"What do you want to do?" Jiang Wanxing's bright eyes were vigilant. If this guy said he was doing business, then he must not be doing business.

Chen Fangqiu lowered his head slowly, wanting to kiss him first.

"This is the office, don't mess around..." Jiang Wanxing wanted to push his head away.

Unexpectedly, gradually clear footsteps came from outside the door, and Chen Fangqiu gave up.

Then, a teacher walked into the office and went straight to the water dispenser to get water.

"Then I will inform the class group later." Chen Fangqiu said seriously.

"Well, hurry back!"

"Goodbye, Teacher Jiang." Chen Fangqiu took advantage of the teacher's time to catch the water, and suddenly touched Jiang Wanxing's round buttocks.

Jiang Wanxing was so frightened that he shuddered all over, and quickly covered his mouth, for fear that he would cry out.

Chen Fangqiu even turned his head and winked at Jiang Wanxing, replacing her with an angry and coquettish white eyes.

Nine o'clock in the evening.

When the get out of class was about to end, Chen Fangqiu walked to the podium: "To save everyone's time for 2 minutes, I have something to say. Tomorrow at two o'clock in the afternoon, I would like to invite everyone to the newly opened Teana KTV. My treat."


"Squad leader is awesome!"

Everyone was naturally very excited.

"This...isn't very good! I think...or I should use the class fee!"

There are also students who are embarrassed to let Chen Fangqiu spend alone.

"It doesn't matter, I will pay the cost of singing K." Chen Fangqiu said with a smile: "But you still need to bring water and drinks by yourself."

"But... there doesn't seem to be a KTV called Tianlai near our school?"

"It's the former Yale KTV, but now it's called Tianlai." Chen Fangqiu explained.

Zhang Chi in the audience was stunned, this kid is quite generous!
Is this trying to buy people's hearts with money?
But ask yourself, he is not willing to spend this money for his classmates, and it’s almost the same for his classmates to flatter him to do things, so why should I spend money for them?
Zhang Chi snorted, I won't go, I won't give you face!
Turning his head, Zhang Chi saw that Ren Kai and the others behind him were very excited, and immediately became displeased: "Ren Kai, do you guys really want to go?"

The smile on Ren Kai's face suddenly froze: "Cough...Brother Chi, anyway, I don't want money, so it's worth it if I don't go!"

Seeing that Chen Fangqiu would buy these friends, Zhang Chi felt very upset: "Don't go! I'll invite you to Jinmai KTV tomorrow!"

"Uh... that's fine! Let's listen to Brother Chi, Brother Chi is awesome!" Ren Kai immediately flattered.

Since Zhang Chi wants to treat guests, let's give him face, anyway, it doesn't matter where you go to sing.

Zhang Chi thought about it for a while, anyway, he wanted to spend money, so he might as well ask a few more brothers to play.

The more brothers you call, the more money you spend.

So, Zhang Chi immediately sent invitation messages to several other boys.

Naturally, the other party has no objection either. In their eyes, it's fine if someone treats them.

A total of ten people were called before and after Zhang Chi.

He is very satisfied, although he is no longer the squad leader, but his appeal is still there, no matter what he wants to frustrate Chen Fangqiu's spirit.

after class.

Chen Fangqiu continued to work at the KTV, and there was only one box left, which could be done in just over an hour.

During the period, he received a message from Yu Xiangwei: [Do you still have the strength to come to me today? 】

Chen Fangqiu curled his lips: [I only use [-]% of my strength, and you will kneel down and beg for mercy. 】

Yu Xiangwei: [Cut~~ Today I beg you to use [-]% of your strength!Anyway, there is no class tomorrow. 】

Chen Fangqiu: [You wait! 】

At 10:30.

Chen Fangqiu received another message from Lin Jiaojiao: [What are you doing? 】

Seeing that this girl took the initiative to find him, Chen Fangqiu knew that she wanted to be fired.

Chen Fangqiu replied directly: [Don't worry, I have something to do today, I'll fuck you tomorrow. 】

Lin Jiaojiao blushed suddenly, and said duplicity: [I just asked what you are doing!It's not about those things!Don't talk nonsense! 】

Chen Fangqiu: [I'm not talking nonsense!I'm speaking from the bottom of my heart, I really want to fuck you tomorrow! 】

This girl is going to smash her reserve severely.

Lin Jiaojiao replied with two small expressions: [[Crazy][Crazy]]

Chen Fangqiu: [[Laughs]]

Lin Jiaojiao: [Hmph! 】

Chen Fangqiu ignored her and went to Yu Xiangwei's small apartment after finishing his work on KTV.

You don't have to go to class tomorrow, so you can have a good time tonight without any scruples.

Chen Fangqiu opened the door.

Yu Xiangwei was the same as last night at this time, still lying on the bed chatting with Yunqi.

"By the way." Yunqi suddenly asked: "Why did you go, when will you come back!"

"Cough... I'm resting in the off-campus apartment today, so I won't go back to the dormitory."

"I didn't go back to the dormitory yesterday, and I don't go back today..." Yun Qi seemed to have thought of something, and suddenly laughed playfully: "Hey...you are not in love, are you?"

"No!" Yu Xiangwei said with some guilt: "I'm going to get a relationship now? Why don't you find me a partner!"

"It's not a relationship, so it must be..." Yunqi opened her mouth wide: "One-night stand?"

"What are you thinking!" Yu Xiangwei's voice seemed speechless: "I just think that sleeping here is more comfortable than a small bed in the dormitory, so I like to rest here."

"I think so too." Yun Qi deeply agreed with this: "So later, let me accompany you! I also want to sleep on that big soft bed."

"Ah..." Yu Xiangwei glanced at Chen Fangqiu, and she definitely didn't want Yunqi to come today: "You don't want to see what time it is, why don't you come back tomorrow!"

"What's the matter? Are you starting to dislike me?"

"No! I just think it's too late, when will you run over!"

"That's right..." Yun Qi nodded obediently: "Then I'll go tomorrow."

"Well, bye~~mua~~" Yu Xiangwei quietly breathed a sigh of relief, smiled and blew Yun Qi a kiss, and ended the call.

However, Yun Qi at this time is not as well-behaved as she was on the phone just now.

"There seems to be something wrong with this little Xiangwei..." Yunqi puffed up her small mouth: "Huh...you dare not let me go there, there must be something wrong..."

Yun Qi muttered in a low voice, immediately jumped out of bed, put on her shoes, and decided to go to Yu Xiangwei's small apartment for a surprise inspection.


(End of this chapter)

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