I want it all after rebirth

Chapter 133 I Don't Need You To Be Responsible!

Chapter 133 I Don't Need You To Be Responsible!

Chen Fangqiu first ruled out the option of accompanying Yu Xiangwei, so he won't look for her today, anyway, she won't run away now.

The most important thing right now must be Su Rong. After these few days of foreshadowing, now is the critical time, and I can't lose the chain.

As for Jiang Yuyin, we can see what's up with her later.

What Chen Fangqiu can be sure of is that she definitely doesn't want to have a room with herself, so she doesn't have to worry about conflicts with Su Rong.

Chen Fangqiu immediately messaged Yu Xiangwei first, saying that he had something to go back to the dormitory today.

Yu Xiangwei, who wanted to be fired, was a little disappointed, but she couldn't help it, so she set the time for tomorrow: [Then you will come tomorrow! 】

After finishing Yu Xiangwei, Chen Fangqiu sent a message to Jiang Yuyin: [What can you do with me? 】

Jiang Yuyin felt a little embarrassed when she thought about what she wanted to talk to Chen Fangqiu later.

She flinched a little again: [Well... If you don't have time, let's talk about it next time! 】

Seeing her coy look, Chen Fangqiu became even more curious: 【If you have anything to say, just tell me! 】

After a few minutes, Jiang Yuyin did not reply to the message.

Chen Fangqiu said bluntly: [When you finish playing basketball, send me a message! 】

Only then did Jiang Yuyin return: 【Okay...】

Chen Fangqiu could tell that this girl was a bit stubborn, and if she really went to "order" her directly, she would be obedient instead.

In the end, Su Rong was left, and Chen Fangqiu deliberately left her alone without replying to the news, and came to the basketball court.

Yunqi and Jiang Yuyin are practicing.

However, Chen Fangqiu also saw a familiar person, Gao Xiangfei.

I saw him last time I came here. This kid seems to like playing basketball, and he may be a bit addicted to basketball.

Just as Chen Fangqiu sat down on the steps beside the court, he suddenly saw Yu Shuting also coming to the basketball court. She was standing at a corner of the basketball court, looking out from the court.

Chen Fangqiu understood that she should have come to find Gao Xiangfei.

He went up immediately.

Yu Shuting didn't notice Chen Fangqiu, she was walking forward slowly with her head turned sideways, her eyes were searching for something on the basketball court.

Chen Fangqiu deliberately walked towards her face, and then Yu Shuting bumped into him.


Yu Shuting frowned, a little speechless in her heart, I didn't look at the road when I walked, don't you look at the road too?

However, she still adhered to the basic politeness, got up in a hurry and flustered, and apologized casually: "No... I'm sorry..."

However, what Yu Shuting didn't expect was that instead of letting go of her body, the other party kissed her directly.

Yu Shuting stared straight at her beautiful eyes, a little unbelievable that there is such a bold hooligan.

Then, she saw Chen Fangqiu's face clearly.

The anger in Yu Shuting's heart dissipated immediately, and her heart was filled with nervousness and fear.

Now being kissed by Chen Fangqiu, Yu Shuting doesn't feel too angry anymore, after all, both of them have already done that, kissing is no big deal.

It's just that on this occasion, Yu Shuting was flustered.

Although he was far away from his boyfriend, and because of the night, his vision would not be very good, so he couldn't recognize himself.

But there are others around here!
Yu Shuting was very afraid of being recognized by others. If she met someone she knew, it would be over.

"Don't..." Just as Yu Shuting was about to get away, she suddenly found someone passing by, so she hurriedly buried her head in Chen Fangqiu's arms to prevent others from seeing her face.

After the person walked away, Chen Fangqiu took her hand: "Come with me, I have something to tell you."

"Don't do that."

"Hurry up."

"Then let go of my hand and I'll go by myself."

"Okay." Chen Fangqiu let go of her.

Yu Shuting quickly moved away from her body, keeping a certain distance from Chen Fangqiu.

"Come here quickly." Chen Fangqiu walked ahead and ordered.

Yu Shuting took a deep breath, and then took a few steps to follow: "What's the matter, tell me quickly?"

When they came outside the basketball court, the light was much darker, so Chen Fangqiu took Yu Shuting's hand again.

Yu Shuting's resistance was not so strong anymore, because it was difficult for others to recognize her under this kind of light.

"What do you want?" Yu Shuting asked in a low voice.


"Ah..." Yu Shuting was taken aback for a moment, and Chen Fangqiu had already dragged her into the dark shade of a tree next to her.

Chen Fangqiu pushed her against a tree and kissed her.

Yu Shuting immediately resisted coyly, but her strength was not strong, it was more like a reserved performance.

In fact, when she followed Chen Fangqiu to leave the basketball court, Yu Shuting already knew what Chen Fangqiu might do, and she was not stupid.

Although Yu Shuting subconsciously knew that it was not good to do so, but taking the initiative to follow Chen Fangqiu out had already exposed the truest thoughts in her heart.

I know it's wrong, but I can't help it.

She likes the crazy feeling of being made unconscious by Chen Fangqiu, but her boyfriend can't give her this feeling.

After a few minutes.

Yu Shuting's cell phone vibrated suddenly.

She feebly took out her mobile phone, it was Gao Xiangfei calling.


"Honey, why haven't you come yet! I'm going back soon!" Gao Xiangfei's loud voice came over.

Chen Fangqiu and Yu Shuting were stunned together.

Because Gao Xiangfei's voice came from the path next to him, he didn't need a phone to hear his voice.

"I have something to do...then you go back first!"

"Honey, are you still angry with me?" Gao Xiangfei's voice dropped.

"Let's see your performance!"

"No problem, I will definitely not make my wife angry in the future."

Gao Xiangfei laughed and said: "By the way, my wife, I just heard that there seemed to be a couple doing something in the small woods. The woman seemed afraid to bark, but she couldn't help it. This is too offensive."

Yu Shuting: "..."

She seriously suspected that Gao Xiangfei was talking about her.

"Cough...it's a bit inappropriate." Yu Shuting agreed with a guilty conscience.

"But it seems... It's also very interesting, or in the future... Let's not go to the hotel all the time, isn't it fun to do this once in a while, where are you now! Hurry up and find me, let's try now .”

"...No! I can't do this!" Yu Shuting's attitude was very firm.

But now, Chen Fangqiu's needle hasn't been taken away yet!
"Okay then... listen to my wife." After what happened last night, Gao Xiangfei's attitude was indeed a lot more persuasive.

"I'm going to rest, you need to go to bed quickly!" Yu Shuting really didn't want to continue talking with Gao Xiangfei.

She still has business to do urgently!
"Well, good night, wife."

"Good night."

Yu Shuting stuffed the phone back into the bag on her wrist, and hurriedly urged Chen Fangqiu: "Hurry up."

In the morning she said that it was the last time, but in the evening she was fired again.

After the two finished their activities.

Yu Shuting rested in Chen Fangqiu's arms for a while, and then regained her composure, and said softly, "I'm going back to the dormitory..."

"I'll give it to you!" Chen Fangqiu said this on purpose, because he knew that it was impossible for Yu Shuting to let him give it to him.

After all, her current behavior must be disgraceful, how dare she let herself send her off in an open and honest manner.

"No, you have to go back quickly!"

Yu Shuting didn't say much, she packed her clothes and left quickly.

Chen Fangqiu will definitely not send her off either, he still has his next event.

Leaving the grove, Chen Fangqiu took out his mobile phone, and Jiang Yuyin sent a message 3 minutes ago: [I'm going back. 】

Chen Fangqiu quickly replied: 【I'll wait for you under the ginkgo tree in the northeast corner of the playground. 】

He didn't want to go to the stadium to look for Jiang Yuyin, because Yunqi and her would soon be together.

Let the two of them separate first, and Jiang Yuyin will come to find her alone.

Chen Fangqiu had just arrived at the playground when Su Rong, who he had been ignoring all this time, finally called.

"Hello! I'll find you later, didn't you see the message I sent you?"

Su Rong's voice was very righteous, as if it was a matter of course for her to go to Chen Fangqiu.

"I saw the news." Chen Fangqiu's voice was a little helpless.

"Then why don't you reply to the message?"

"Oh...you really don't want to be like this." Chen Fangqiu sighed softly: "I'm afraid I will do something irreversible to you."

"Hmph..." Su Rong muttered with her mouth puffed out, "I'm not afraid, so you are more timid than me, you big man!"

"It's not timid. Girls are responsible for what men do, but I didn't think about being responsible for you, so I can't do it. Do you understand?" Chen Fangqiu said righteously.

Su Rong snorted: "I think you look down on girls when you say such things."

"What do you mean?"

"Aren't men and women equal? ​​Why do you think I need you to be responsible?"

Chen Fangqiu was silent: "..."

"Why don't you talk? You can't say anything!" Su Rong was a little arrogant.

Chen Fangqiu smiled slightly.

It wasn't that he was speechless, but he felt that at this point, there was no need to say anything more.

Su Rong's words actually mean that the two of them can do that, and he doesn't need to take any responsibility.

This was originally Chen Fangqiu's goal from the beginning.

"I don't want to say anything more." Chen Fangqiu's voice was very helpless: "I feel that you have a really stubborn temper."

"I'm not as stubborn as you! Hmph...I'm going to find you right away, come back quickly!"

Chen Fangqiu pretended to sigh and hung up the phone.


Jiang Yuyin came slowly, just after playing basketball, she was still slightly sweaty.

"What do you want from me?" Chen Fangqiu asked straight to the point.

Jiang Yuyin lowered her head slightly, a little embarrassed.

The more you want to express your heart, the more you may worry too much.

If I confess my love to him, I don't know if he still likes me now!
If it's just my own wishful thinking, don't I even have to be friends!

After much deliberation, Jiang Yuyin couldn't help becoming nervous again, ashamed to speak.

"Huh?" Chen Fangqiu looked down at her: "What's wrong?"

"I..." Jiang Yuyin bit her lip lightly.

If you call him over yourself, if you don't say anything, will he be angry!

"I want to ask you...are you really not afraid of AIDS?"

Chen Fangqiu smiled casually: "AIDS is not terrible, even if we are friends with you, it is impossible to be infected!"

"Then you..." Jiang Yuyin lowered her head and blushed. She mustered all her strength and whispered, "Do you dare...to hug me?"

Chen Fangqiu was stunned for a moment: "There's no reason to dare."

Jiang Yuyin was too shy to look at Chen Fangqiu, her little head drooped deeper and deeper.

She buried her rosy cheeks and said nothing, as if she was silently waiting for something.

Chen Fangqiu knew what Jiang Yuyin was waiting for.

He opened his arms and hugged her warm body in his arms, with one hand on her back and the other around her waist.

She still smelled faintly of sweat.

Jiang Yuyin's slightly hot face pressed against Chen Fangqiu's generous chest.

It was the first time she was hugged by a boy, her slender eyelashes fluttered nervously, and she was so nervous that she hardly dared to breathe.

As if the whole world had quieted down, Jiang Yuyin could only hear her own beating heartbeat.

Chen Fangqiu felt the soft and fragrant body in his arms, patted her on the back lightly, and didn't say anything for a while.

After a while, Jiang Yuyin slightly straightened her waist, she still lowered her head shyly, not daring to look at Chen Fangqiu.

"I...I'm going back to rest, you...that...good night."

Jiang Yuyin spoke incoherently, then turned around shyly and ran away with long legs.

Chen Fangqiu looked at her back quietly, with a smile on his face unconsciously.

He naturally understood that Jiang Yuyin wanted to confess, but she was too embarrassed to speak directly.

So he expressed his heart in this kind of bold and subtle way.

Chen Fangqiu turned around and left the campus, leaving her alone today, and going to take Su Rong, the cabbage that he had already got.

Chen Fangqiu returned to the apartment.

While taking a bath, Su Rong came.

"I'll take a bath with you! Do you dare?" Su Rong outside the door said with a smile.

"Don't dare." Chen Fangqiu answered very simply.

"Hmph, coward." Su Rong smiled triumphantly, as if she had won against Chen Fangqiu again.

After a while, Chen Fangqiu came out of the bathroom, ignored Su Rong, and went to bed calmly.

Twenty minutes later, Su Rong came out in her pajamas after taking a shower, she lifted the quilt and got into the bed, her movements were more generous than the last time she came here.

Every time she spends a night here, her bottom line is lowered.

Chen Fangqiu still acted like an upright gentleman, just playing with his mobile phone, not squinting at the beautiful woman beside him.

Seeing this, Su Rong hummed slightly with her mouth puffed out, and then took the initiative to hug Chen Fangqiu's shoulder: "What are you looking at?"

"A classmate asked me something."

"Oh... I just remembered, you are still the monitor!" Su Rong suddenly said, "I almost forgot that you were praised by the school announcement this morning!"

"It's just a trivial matter." Chen Fangqiu said modestly: "I don't think the school needs to do this."

"It's not about size, it's about your behavior."

Su Rong smiled and said: "And the school commended you, and even gave your KTV a free promotion! Now my classmates know that the class leader Chen Fangqiu who does good deeds has opened a KTV! He also said that if he sings in the future, he will go to your place Join us."

"is it?"

"of course."

Chen Fangqiu smiled, which was a surprise.

If it spreads widely, and many students know about it, then you really don't have to worry about your KTV business.

"Okay! Finish your work quickly and go to sleep!" Su Rong patted his shoulder and urged him.

"Don't touch me too! It really makes me a little..." Chen Fangqiu seemed to hesitate to speak.

"What's the matter?" Su Rong raised her brows slightly, pursed her lips and smiled lightly.

Chen Fangqiu looked a little helpless: "You know something in your heart, don't be like this."

"I want it!" Su Rong snorted with her mouth puffed out.

The more Chen Fangqiu persuaded her to stay away, but she went too far, hugging Chen Fangqiu directly and sticking to his arms.

Chen Fangqiu took a deep breath, since that's the case, then I'm really being rude.


(End of this chapter)

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