Chapter 142

Chen Fangqiu must be very happy with Yu Xiangwei's words.

Regardless of what you do or not, sharing the same bed with two girls is quite new to Chen Fangqiu.

Although he has had many women, he has never done this kind of thing.

However, Chen Fangqiu was also a little worried.

It was not easy for Yunqi to accept this kind of thing, but now the three of them got under the covers in less than two days, which is too fast.

Chen Fangqiu felt that Yunqi would definitely not be able to accept it: "If you do this behind Yunqi's back, she might get angry, so don't do this."

"How could you carry her behind your back! I'll let her know, don't worry! She's not as resistant as before."

"Are you so sure?"

"I'm just telling you that her attitude has softened." Yu Xiangwei smiled and said, "It's definitely up to you."

"What do you mean?"

"If you insist on coming to sleep together at night, even if Qiqi reluctantly accepts it in her heart, she may be embarrassed because of face, so you have to find a way yourself, don't be too direct, it is easier for Qiqi to accept it if you are more tactful. "

"You know her so well!" Chen Fangqiu laughed.

"I'm sure I know her little temper better than you!"

Yu Xiangwei smiled quite complacently, "Anyway, it should be fine to stay together for one night. As for whether you can do anything, then I can't say, it depends on you."

"Okay! I see."

Chen Fangqiu hung up the phone, and on the way to the cafeteria, he was in high spirits.


After dinner, Chen Fangqiu said hello to his two girlfriends: "I won't go to the self-study tonight, I have to go out."

"What are you doing?" the two girls asked in unison.

"Modify the stereo for a friend, do you two want to go together?"

Yesterday, Shen Jintang also introduced a client who installed a sound system, and Chen Fangqiu planned to do it.

"I won't go." Yu Xiangwei shook her head.

"I'm not going either." Yun Qi also shook her head.

"You can't go even if you want to. I'm not in class, so I have to rely on you to handle things!" Chen Fangqiu smiled and rubbed Yunqi's head.

Yu Xiangwei rolled her eyes slightly when she saw Chen Fangqiu being patted and killed by Yun Qi.

"You seem to love Qiqi very much!" There was a bit of sourness in her tone.

Chen Fangqiu patted her on the head: "I'm satisfied now!"

"Hmph..." Yu Xiangwei was very arrogant.

"Don't be like this!" The shy Yunqi was a little embarrassed.

She can't do things like being jealous now - even if it's just a joke.

After saying goodbye to the two girls, Chen Fangqiu called Jiang Yuyin.

"Hey, wife, let's come out to play at night!" Chen Fangqiu laughed straight to the point.

His blunt address made the shy Jiang Yuyin blush, and she faltered shyly when she spoke: "I... I will be a tutor later..."

"Take a vacation today! I want to take you out to play."

"I..." Jiang Yuyin shyly said, "Alright then!"

"I'll wait for you outside the school gate."

"Hmm..." Jiang Yuyin blushed slightly and hung up the phone.

Fang Xin next to him kept smiling from ear to ear: "Where are you two now?"

"That's it... that's it!"

"What is that like? Did you kiss?" Fang Xin gossiped with a smile.

Immediately, Jiang Yuyin's little face turned redder, she lowered her head and refused to answer Fang Xin's question: "I'm ignoring you, I'm leaving..."

"Ha ha……"

With Jiang Yuyin's appearance, Fang Xin knew that he had guessed correctly: "Kiss, just kiss! But... you should be more cautious about that matter, don't worry."

"I...I..." Jiang Yuyin bit her lips shyly, twisting her hands together shyly: "But what if he..."

"You have to know how to say no!" Fang Xin persuaded softly, "For example, if he lives with you tonight, he must say no the first time."

"But he..." Jiang Yuyin first thought of Chen Fangqiu's feelings: "What if he gets angry!"

"It's only been two or three days since you confirmed the relationship! It's normal not to want to have a relationship so soon. If he is going to be angry because of this, then I think you can reconsider your relationship with him."


"In short, if he really loves you, he will definitely respect your opinion. If he wants to force you to do it, then you have to think carefully about it."

"Well...I see."

Fang Xin glanced at Jiang Yuyin, feeling a little helpless.

With this girl's personality, if Chen Fangqiu really wanted it, she probably wouldn't be able to hold on for a few days, so she would have confessed.

Although Fang Xin was a little helpless, as a best friend, there was only so much advice she could give.

What to do in this relationship is still up to Jiang Yuyin herself.

Regardless of the outcome, maybe this is her fate.

I only hope that Chen Fangqiu is a man worthy of entrustment, worthy of her pure and clean sincerity.

Chen Fangqiu picked up Jiang Yuyin outside the school.

Jiang Yuyin was wearing a bulky black coat with a blue sweater inside. Judging from the stitches on the neckline, the sweater should have been knitted by herself.

A pair of black cotton and linen trousers on the lower body, I can't see what I'm wearing inside, but looking at the slightly bloated trouser legs, I feel that there should be a pair of woolen trousers inside.

After all, the temperature is lower now, and the lowest temperature today has reached 3 degrees.

This outfit of hers seriously lowered her temperament, and even her appearance had to be reduced by one point.

"I...what's wrong with me?"

Chen Fangqiu's gaze made Jiang Yuyin a little nervous and shy, thinking that there was something on her face.

She quietly opened the mirror in front of the co-pilot and checked, it was obviously clean!

"It's okay." Chen Fangqiu smiled slightly: "I just can't believe that I can find such a good girlfriend."

When Jiang Yuyin heard this, she immediately covered her lips and lowered her head, quietly and happily said shyly, "I... I'm not that good, you are much better than me..."

Chen Fangqiu sighed softly: "I have a few stinky money, but I am nothing compared to you."

"Don't say that! Money is not a bad thing, who doesn't like money! We go to school to make better money."

"But I think money is not a good thing in your eyes." Chen Fangqiu laughed.

"No way, I like money too, okay?" Jiang Yuyin pursed her lips and laughed.

Chen Fangqiu knew that this girl was a bit inferior in front of him, because she was relatively rich, which must have put a lot of pressure on her.

He deliberately used this relaxed atmosphere to talk a few words about this somewhat "serious" topic, to moderately relieve Jiang Yuyin's pressure.

"Then I want to earn more money. I want to live in a big house and drive a better car." Chen Fangqiu smiled and turned to look at her: "Of course, I prefer you to live in a big house with me."

Jiang Yuyin slightly pursed her lips and smiled, that shy look was quite cute.

Half an hour later, Chen Fangqiu arrived at the destination.

The other party wanted to modify the car stereo, and it was another Cayenne.

Chen Fangqiu is already very familiar with the audio structure of this car, and he quickly got started.

Jiang Yuyin squatted obediently beside her.

When disassembling and assembling the stereo, Chen Fangqiu occasionally asked Jiang Yuyin to help pass a tool to help.

About three hours later, less than ten o'clock, Chen Fangqiu finished all his work.

Compared with when he first modified the audio system, the efficiency has gradually improved now.

In terms of fees, Chen Fangqiu is now charging 8 yuan more than before.

Anyway, the price is clearly marked, and rich second-generation enthusiasts are willing to accept it.

They spent 8 yuan, which may not be as painful as Jiang Yuyin spent 80 yuan.

Jiang Yuyin, who was next to her, saw that the other party gave so much money, her little head almost went down.

She once felt that the other party made a mistake, or was a big fool!

How could it be worth [-] in just two or three hours?

But the other party was still very grateful to Chen Fangqiu, and seemed to think that the 8 yuan was worth it.

For a moment, Jiang Yuyin felt that she was living in a different dimension from them.

In fact, from a certain point of view, the two parties are indeed not in the same dimension.

After getting in the car, Jiang Yuyin secretly calculated that she only spent a few dozen yuan a night.

According to this progress, it will take 2000 days to earn 8 yuan, which means five and a half years to reach Chen Fangqiu's day.

Jiang Yuyin gently rubbed her forehead, the gap is a bit too much!
"I worked hard on you just now, and I will make it up to you later." Chen Fangqiu turned his head and smiled.

"Ah..." Jiang Yuyin withdrew her thoughts and was stunned for a moment: "Where have I worked so hard?"

"You handed me the tools just now!"

Jiang Yuyin smiled shyly: "That's just what I should do conveniently!"

"That's right." Chen Fangqiu nodded: "We are all boyfriend and girlfriend, so there is no need to worry about it too much."

Jiang Yuyin smiled shyly: "Yes!"

"Then get out of the car first!" Chen Fangqiu parked the car in the parking space on the side of the road.

Jiang Yuyin was stunned again: "What are you doing?"

"Go shopping and buy some clothes for you."

" need." Jiang Yuyin shook her head hastily, refusing to get out of the car.

"You helped me just now. Isn't it right for me to give you a gift now? You said just now that you don't need to worry too much about boyfriend and girlfriend, so why are you worrying about me again now!"

"I...I..." Jiang Yuyin wrinkled her face, not knowing how to refute for a moment.

"Hurry up!" Chen Fangqiu walked over to open the passenger door, and took her hand:
Strange to say, the two had already kissed on the mouth, but this was the first time they really held hands.

Jiang Yuyin blushed suddenly, she couldn't hold back Chen Fangqiu.

Considering Jiang Yuyin's situation, Chen Fangqiu didn't buy Adidas and Nike, which are high-end products in the eyes of today's students, but bought "non-brands" for her.

Otherwise, if she suddenly turned into Adidas Nike, her classmates might gossip about her again.

But the so-called miscellaneous brand, the price is not cheap.

Two sets of winter clothes and two pairs of shoes totaled more than 2000.

"It's too expensive..." Jiang Yuyin complained repeatedly.

Chen Fangqiu stopped arguing with her, and without saying a word, he lowered his head and kissed her complaining mouth.

"Hmm..." Jiang Yuyin immediately swallowed her words.

Seeing this, the waiter next to him couldn't help pursing his lips and giggling.

"Is it still expensive now?" Chen Fangqiu said with a smile.

Jiang Yuyin's pretty face was flushed, she lowered her head shyly and grabbed the corner of her clothes, not daring to talk anymore.

"Buy a set for your sister Xin! You help her choose."

Chen Fangqiu knew that Fang Xin was very kind to Jiang Yuyin, so he bought her some gifts by the way.

Jiang Yuyin hesitated for a moment, but she still complied. She no longer dared to be stubborn, for fear that Chen Fangqiu would kiss her again.

It's not that I don't want him to kiss, it's just that it's too embarrassing to kiss in this kind of place.

After returning to the car with the big and small bags, Chen Fangqiu exhaled lightly, and said with a little emotion: "Actually, I only have these cliche things for you."

"But I... I don't even have these commonplace things." Jiang Yuyin pouted slightly: "I don't know what I can give you."

"The things you gave me are actually much more precious than these."

"What?" Jiang Yuyin had a helpless smile on her face: "Why can't I see what I gave you?"

Chen Fangqiu smiled: "Because the most precious things are often invisible to the eyes."

Jiang Yuyin was slightly taken aback, and then a touch of embarrassment was added to her smiling face.

Go back to the community.

It was not yet eleven o'clock, when Chen Fangqiu sent Jiang Yuyin upstairs, he asked casually, "When is your tutor going to be?"

"It's winter vacation!"

"That's one month away!" Chen Fangqiu didn't want her to continue doing it, so he beat around the bush and said, "You usually come back at night, and you haven't encountered any danger, have you?"

"It's just... I met a boy who whistled at me, and then I ran faster, and it wasn't too dangerous..."

"It's not dangerous! You are so beautiful, if you meet a rogue pervert, something you will regret later..."

Chen Fangqiu persuaded softly: "I think it's best not to do it for the time being. You have to think about yourself, your family, and me. What should I do if something happens to you!"

When Jiang Yuyin heard the words, she was obviously a little entangled: "But I... promised uncle that the winter vacation will be over."

"The plan can't keep up with the changes, who can have no surprises! I think that uncle is very sensible, and he will definitely understand you."

"I...then I'll call my uncle tomorrow morning and see what he has to say!"


The two went upstairs together.

After opening the door, Chen Fangqiu turned on the air conditioner.

As soon as the two entered the room and were in the same room, Jiang Yuyin couldn't help but start thinking wildly. Many "strange" thoughts floated in her mind, and then her face became hot.

Especially thinking of what Fang Xin said to her today.

If Chen Fangqiu really doesn't want to leave tonight, and wants to do that kind of thing with me, what should I do!

Do you really want to reject him first as Sister Xin said?

Jiang Yuyin knew that Fang Xin would not cheat her, so the advice she gave herself must be right.

But the soft-hearted Jiang Yuyin couldn't bear to refuse Chen Fangqiu and let him down.

Really confusing.

"Do you still want to take a bath tonight?" Chen Fangqiu asked casually while sitting on the bed.

"I want it!" Jiang Yuyin couldn't help but stammered a bit.

"It's getting late, so hurry up and take a shower and get ready to rest!"

Seeing this, Jiang Yuyin couldn't help but blush.

You... really don't intend to leave?

(End of this chapter)

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