I want it all after rebirth

Chapter 147 Sorry, I'm Not Responsible

Chapter 147 Sorry, I'm Not Responsible

Chen Fangqiu's sudden move surprised Xiaoyan, but she was not unprepared.

If a woman dares to get in the car of a strange man alone at night, in fact, in her subconscious mind, she has already thought about what might happen.

However, although Xiaoyan had a premonition about this, it did not mean that she really had full will.

There may be two or three points of willingness, but there are still seven or eight points of hesitation.

All in all, there is a will, but not much.

Xiaoyan put her hands on Chen Fangqiu's shoulders subconsciously: "No...no..."

However, Chen Fangqiu's kiss became hotter and hotter, as if it was going to swallow her up, Xiao Yan only felt her head becoming dizzy, and she was soon submerged in his embrace.

After a while, she closed her eyes and couldn't help wrapping her arms around Chen Fangqiu's neck.

Chen Fangqiu could feel that Xiaoyan's kissing skills were very unfamiliar, obviously she was still a novice.

In fact, from the moment Yan Xiaoyan offered to let her be her foster care, Chen Fangqiu already knew that deep in her subconscious mind, she didn't really mind what happened to her.

The prerequisite for taking the initiative to ask someone to take care of you must be that you don't mind having a relationship with the other party.

That's why Chen Fangqiu dared to be so direct, because he had grasped her psychology.

Originally, Chen Fangqiu didn't think that something would happen with Xiaoyan, but since he took the initiative to send it up, Chen Fangqiu would also seize the opportunity.

After a while, the car parked on the side of the road shook under the night.

a long time.

The car returned to calm, except for Xiaoyan's still somewhat disordered breathing.

"You're still a Chu girl!" Chen Fangqiu's tone was calm.

For him now, Chu Nu is nothing new.

"I'm only 18 years old, isn't this normal?" Xiaoyan asked weakly.


"Will you be responsible?"

"No." Chen Fangqiu replied very simply: "From now on, I won't be single-minded to any girl."

Xiao Yan heard the words, said nothing, and put on her clothes without saying a word.

Chen Fangqiu took out a small stack of banknotes and handed it to her, and said: "Remember to buy medicine later."

Xiaoyan counted, and the total was 2000 yuan. It is impossible to need so much money to buy medicine.

"You said that it will be released once a week, which is four times a month. The 2000 yuan is enough for your monthly income." Chen Fangqiu said: "The money is kept, don't release it this month, take a good rest!"

"Is this the money to take care of me?" Xiaoyan smiled melancholy: "All right! I'll let you take care of me for a month."


With her looks, if it costs 2000 yuan a month, it's really too cheap.

"Do you think I'm too cheap?"

"To put it another way, it's cheap, affordable, and cost-effective."

"Heh... I can accompany you three more times in the future, and you can call me once a week."

"no problem."

Xiaoyan didn't say anything more, took the money and got out of the car. Before she could say goodbye, the car drove away.

Then, Xiao Yan saw a piece of paper flying out of the car window.

She hurried over to pick up the piece of paper, and it turned out to be the phone number she had just left for Chen Fangqiu.

He dropped his own number too.

Xiaoyan realized that although Chen Fangqiu promised to look for her again, he actually had no intention of looking for her again!
After sleeping, he doesn't care.

Xiao Yan held the paper tightly, her eyes gradually turned red, she couldn't help shedding tears as she watched the direction where Chen Fangqiu was going away.

She suddenly remembered what Mommy reminded them, that many customers would play emotional cards with them, but they couldn't believe it, because the customers didn't really like them, they just wanted to coax them out without spending money.

But Chen Fangqiu still spent money, Xiaoyan didn't know whether to call him good or bad.

Xiao Yan squatted on the side of the road and wiped her eyes, finally stood up and let out a long breath.

Looking at the 2000 yuan in her hand, she forced herself to comfort herself.

Anyway, who is not giving it to for the first time!Give him at least 2000 yuan, which is not a loss!
Chen Fangqiu felt that he was becoming more and more hard-hearted towards women.

But on the way back, he suddenly received a strange call.

"Have you been to school yet?"

When the phone was connected, it was indeed Xiaoyan's voice.

She had a bad tone and looked a little angry.

Chen Fangqiu was stunned for a moment, and soon understood why Xiaoyan had her own phone number. There was only one possibility, she asked Zhong Liang for it.

"It's almost there." Chen Fangqiu said with a smile, "I was about to call you!"

"Oh! Don't think I didn't see it, you threw away my phone number!"

"I threw the note away, but I already saved the number in my phone!" Chen Fangqiu said seriously.

"Ah..." Xiaoyan was stunned for a moment, then her tone lowered: "Really?"

"Of course." Chen Fangqiu's lie was easy to come by: "I have already paid the money, and I haven't played for three times! Do you think I will just let you go like this!"


The anger in Xiaoyan's heart has subsided a lot, it turns out that she has wrongly blamed him!

"Did you call for something?" Chen Fangqiu asked.

"I just want to ask you." Xiaoyan took a deep breath: "Are you treating me like this today just to coax me to sleep?"

"No, if I just want to sleep with you, I will definitely ask for your contact information when I leave."

Chen Fangqiu really didn't lie, he was about to leave at that time, but unexpectedly Xiaoyan ran over on his own initiative.

Xiaoyan recalled the situation at that time, and it was indeed the case.

If he hadn't gone downstairs to meet him in the end, the two would have parted ways, and he would never have guessed that he would go down.

After thinking this through, Xiao Yan felt a little more at ease.

She would rather be willing to sleep with Chen Fangqiu on her own initiative than to be fooled by Chen Fangqiu.

But Xiaoyan knew very well that Chen Fangqiu would never be willing to take responsibility for what happened today.

So the best way is to completely cut off contact and ignore him in the future.

But Xiaoyan couldn't do it so simply.

After all, Chen Fangqiu was the one who took away his most precious thing and the first one who left traces on his body, so he really didn't want to lose contact completely like this.

"Since you didn't want to be responsible, why did you do that just now?" Xiao Yan asked.

"If you were afraid that I would not be responsible, why didn't you just leave?" Chen Fangqiu asked back.

Xiaoyan was a little angry, and wanted to punch Chen Fangqiu through the phone: "After all, you are also a scumbag."

"Yes, being a good man is worse than being a scumbag."

"You are so honest."

"Dare to be brave! There is nothing you dare not admit." Chen Fangqiu continued: "You said just now that you can accompany me three times with 2000 yuan. Is this still true?"

Xiao Yan bit her lip: "I keep my word, I can do it for you three more times."

"Okay, I'll find you later."

Chen Fangqiu threw the phone aside.

He was just talking, and he will definitely not go to her again. If you like me, I would like to sleep and give her some money for medicine, and no one owes anyone else.

Chen Fangqiu would never admit that he didn't say anything to Yue Pao before going to bed, and asked to be responsible after going to bed.

If he asked to be responsible before going to bed, otherwise he would not be allowed to sleep, then Chen Fangqiu would just run away and stop playing.

Chen Fangqiu returned to Yu Xiangwei's apartment.

There was no one in the room, she and Yunqi both went to the dormitory tonight.

Chen Fangqiu had a good night's rest alone.

The second day is Saturday.

In the early morning, Chen Fangqiu was still resting on the bed with his eyes closed, and the door opened gently.

The two girls walked in lightly with breakfast in hand, but Chen Fangqiu pretended not to know.

"This guy is still sleeping!" Yun Qi laughed softly.

"Let's eat first!" Yu Xiangwei put the breakfast on the table.

"But the weather is so cold, breakfast will be cold later."

"Then wake him up!"

"I don't know how long he was busy last night!" Yun Qi whispered: "If you have to wake him up, will he be unhappy?"

"It depends on how you call him." Yu Xiangwei whispered: "If you wake him up, he will definitely not be angry!"

Yun Qi immediately covered her small mouth, her smile was a bit shy, and she was too embarrassed to kiss Chen Fangqiu in front of Yu Xiangwei.

"You...why don't you go kiss!"

"Rock paper scissors, whoever loses will wake him up." Yu Xiangwei stretched out her right hand: "Aren't you afraid?"

Yun Qi took a deep breath, and finally decided to answer: "What am I afraid of, come on!"

"Three two one!"

The stone from Yu Xiangwei, and the scissors from Yunqi.

Yunqi lost.

She pursed her lips and smiled shyly, then walked to the bed, looked back at Yu Xiangwei again, and warned, "Don't look."

Yu Xiangwei folded her arms and curled her lips: "Hurry up, breakfast is going to be cold."

Listening to the conversation between the two, Chen Fangqiu just wanted to laugh, these two really know how to play.

Afterwards, Chen Fangqiu felt Yun Qi's lips kiss her.

He still deliberately pretended to be asleep.

Yunqi's movements in the first few seconds were very gentle, but seeing that Chen Fangqiu was still awake, she couldn't help but increase her strength gradually.

Ten seconds later, Chen Fangqiu pretended to wake up. After all, it would be a bit fake to pretend.

He moved slightly and opened his sleepy eyes: "What's wrong?"

Yun Qi immediately got up and stood at attention, her face was slightly red, and she stood prettyly beside the bed: "It's okay... Hurry up and have breakfast, let's go out to play later."

"What do you want to play?"

"Uh... I don't know, anyway, you can play anything."

Chen Fangqiu yawned: "The main reason is that the weather is cold now, and I don't want to go to many places."

"What do you mean?" Yu Xiangwei snorted slightly: "You just don't want to hang out with us?"

"I'm just afraid that you two will be cold."

"We are not afraid of the cold." Yu Xiangwei said immediately.

"Yes!" Yun Qi also agreed.

"Then let's go climbing!"

"Pfft..." The two girls couldn't hold back immediately: "You did it on purpose!"

Isn't it just looking for abuse when going mountain climbing in this weather!
"Then let's go to the movies!" Chen Fangqiu said with a smile, "I'll go shopping with you after watching the movie."

"That's about the same." Yu Xiangwei snorted coquettishly: "Hurry up and eat."

Chen Fangqiu had already bought winter clothes for Jiang Wanxing and Jiang Yuyin.

Now I also plan to buy some clothes for both of Yunqi, and the girlfriends are all exposed to the rain and dew, without favoritism.

Had breakfast.

When they went downstairs and got into the car, Yun Qi and Yu Xiangwei were in a bit of trouble.

Generally speaking, if the girlfriend is present, the co-pilot is usually the girlfriend's seat.

But who is going to take the co-driver now?

The two girls had small murmurs in their hearts, and in the end they stopped taking the co-pilot, and both of them sat in the back seat tacitly.

"What movie are you going to watch today?" Yun Qi asked.

"Let's go to District [-]! American movies."

"Why is it an American film? Isn't there any domestic film?"

Chen Fangqiu was also quite helpless. Domestic films at this time were indeed inferior to imported films on the whole.

At least in the current schedule, there are no good-looking domestic movies for the time being.

The three-step domestic blockbuster that will be released next week: Assassination, Three Guns Surprise, Fengyun 2.

These three movies are even more unbearable. Among them, Fengyun 2 has good special effects, and it has nothing but special effects.

"Qiqi, don't worry." Yu Xiangwei said with a smile: "I see Zhang Yimou's new movie will be released next week. It seems to be called Three Guns Shooting the Crime or something. The movie of the National Teacher must be very good."

"But I want to watch Jay Chou's "The Tomb"! It will also be released next week."

"It's okay, let Chen Fangqiu accompany us to watch both."

"..." Chen Fangqiu rubbed his eyebrows, lost in thought.

He really didn't want to go to the cinema to watch these two bad movies.

"Let's watch Fengyun 2 next week!" Chen Fangqiu suggested.

At least the movie can still look at the special effects.

"No!" The two girls said in unison: "We will see Zhang Yimou and Jay Chou next week!"

Chen Fangqiu didn't want to talk anymore.

Just want to enjoy the moment!Next week, let's talk about it next week.

After the three of them entered the theater.

There must be no dispute about the seating order, and Chen Fangqiu sat in the middle.

The two girls were on the left and right, and Chen Fangqiu quickly touched the two weak and boneless hands on the left and right.

Last time at the movie theater, he still needed to cover up, but this time he held hands generously.

The two daughters were very tacit and silent, but they were limited to holding hands, and they were not ashamed to make other intimate moves towards Chen Fangqiu.

For example, if you get close to your boyfriend's arms, the two of them have a tacit understanding not to do it.

"District [-]" is a soft sci-fi action movie with a touch of gore.

The modeling design of the aliens inside is a little disgusting. In addition, the picture of the human head exploding is also a little scary.

For most girls, seeing these pictures will definitely make them uncomfortable.

This is exactly what Chen Fangqiu wanted, the more disgusting and frightening the better, because in this way, the two girls will lean towards him involuntarily.

Sure enough, as the movie started, whenever there were some disgusting scenes, the two girls frowned slightly, and instinctively moved closer to Chen Fangqiu.

Until the human male protagonist mutated into an alien and was about to be dissected and dissected by human compatriots for scientific research, the sense of substitution between the two of Yunqi reached its climax.

That kind of feeling is both horror and fear, but also sympathy and anger.

Chen Fangqiu stretched out his arms in a timely manner, and put them on the shoulders of the two frowning girls.

The two girls had no thought of resisting, subconsciously sticking to Chen Fangqiu's arms, seeking a sense of security.

Chen Fangqiu hugged a beauty with one hand, this feeling is better than the movie plot.


(End of this chapter)

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