I want it all after rebirth

Chapter 150 The Little Ginger Handed Over

Chapter 150 The Little Ginger Handed Over
After Jiang Yuyin took a shower, she came out in her pajamas. She lowered her head slightly, her face was like a peach blossom.

"Have you finished washing? Then it's my turn." Chen Fangqiu put down the phone.

Out of respect for Jiang Yuyin, it is better to take a bath, after all, it is her first time, and it is clean.

"Hmm..." Jiang Yuyin's voice was like a mosquito, and she crawled into the bed with a chaotic heartbeat, waiting nervously and shyly for Chen Fangqiu.

Ten minutes later, Chen Fangqiu came out in shorts.

As usual, he lay down in the bed with a normal expression.

In fact, Jiang Yuyin has experienced such a scene of sharing the same bed many times. She was used to the previous few times, and she was not too nervous.

But today, from the moment Chen Fangqiu lifted the quilt, Jiang Yuyin's heart beat suddenly accelerated.

Because she has too many things on her mind, she can't help but fill up the possible future scenes in her mind.

Chen Fangqiu was not in a hurry, he just hugged Jiang Yuyin as usual, and then kissed her tenderly.

Put it in the past, after this, the two of them will probably hug each other to sleep and rest.

But at this moment, Jiang Yuyin had other thoughts in her mind.

Seeing that Chen Fangqiu seemed to be going to sleep again, she felt a little helpless, this guy is really stupid!Can't you be more proactive?

Jiang Yuyin has already made up her mind, she doesn't want to miss the present again.

I missed it today, and I might be embarrassed tomorrow, so I have to wait for another winter vacation.

She can only take the initiative on her own.

"Are you... very tired today?" Jiang Yuyin said softly.

"No!" Chen Fangqiu smiled: "As long as I hold you, I won't feel tired at all."

"Hey..." Jiang Yuyin smiled shyly in his arms: "Then you just want to hug me, don't tell me...is there nothing else?"

She has already tried to hint to Chen Fangqiu that she can do other things.

"Holding you is enough for me, what else should I do?" Chen Fangqiu pretended not to understand, teasing her on purpose.

When Jiang Yuyin heard this, she couldn't help but blushed and felt coy.

She didn't speak, but quietly placed her long fair legs under the blanket on Chen Fangqiu's lap, and took the initiative to make some intimate movements.

Chen Fangqiu's palm ran down Jiang Yuyin's waist, and gently patted her snowy thigh: "What does your sleeping position mean?"

"It's nothing interesting..." Jiang Yuyin blushed and murmured softly, "Can't you sleep like this?"

"Yes, yes." Chen Fangqiu said with a light smile: "But you sleep like this, I can't fall asleep, and my heart is a little messed up."

Hearing this, Jiang Yuyin curled her lips into his arms and chuckled, I just intentionally made you so upset that you couldn't fall asleep.

"If you can't sleep..." Jiang Yuyin blushed slightly, and whispered: "Then don't sleep for now!"

"Why don't you sleep!" Chen Fangqiu seemed puzzled, but his palm never stopped on Jiang Yuyin's thigh.

Chen Fangqiu's warm palm touched her white thigh back and forth, and Jiang Yuyin felt a subtle feeling unconsciously, her long legs were instinctively coy in Chen Fangqiu's hand.

She bit her lip lightly, thinking like this!go on!

Don't you know what to do?
Although Jiang Yuyin was very shy in her heart, she didn't dodge it. Since she had already made a decision, she would leave it to him openly.

Her cheek was pressed against Chen Fangqiu's arms.

Chen Fangqiu could clearly feel that her warm breath was constantly beating against her chest, the frequency was very fast, it was hot and itchy.

"Why did your breathing become so fast?" Chen Fangqiu was concerned softly: "Is there any discomfort?"

"Hmm..." Jiang Yuyin shyly opened her arms and hugged Chen Fangqiu's back tightly, her slightly hot face was deeply buried in his embrace.

Chen Fangqiu smiled, gently rubbing Jiang Yuyin's head, his palm slowly slid past her ear, and landed on her cheek.

Chen Fangqiu gently raised her face, exerted a little force with his hand, and Jiang Yuyin followed Chen Fangqiu's palm to raise her shy little face.

Her eyes were shy and drunk, but within half a second, she lowered her eyes shyly, and her eyes fell on Chen Fangqiu's chest, not daring to look at him.

But then, Jiang Yuyin seemed to think of something.

She took a deep breath, as if mustering up her courage, raised her bright eyes again, her eyes were a little hot, and she looked directly into Chen Fangqiu's eyes, as if she was hiding endless affection.

Chen Fangqiu stroked her cheek, lowered his head slowly, and the distance between them was getting closer.

Jiang Yuyin trembled her slender eyelashes, closed her eyes, and kissed Chen Fangqiu.


The next morning.

Jiang Yuyin woke up quietly in Chen Fangqiu's arms, remembering what happened last night, she still couldn't help but blushed a little, and then squeezed into Chen Fangqiu's arms again.

"What's wrong?" Chen Fangqiu smiled and opened his eyes: "Do you want to do it again?"

Jiang Yuyin didn't expect Chen Fangqiu to wake up, and immediately covered her pretty face: "No more..."

"If you say no, then don't!" Chen Fangqiu turned over with a smile, and made another gesture.

"I really don't want it anymore..." Jiang Yuyin made a bitter face: "I also want to make my husband comfortable, but I'm still a little uncomfortable now... Let me rest a little longer, and give it to my husband tonight!"

"Silly girl." Naturally, Chen Fangqiu wouldn't be so hard, he rubbed her face with a smile, and then got out of bed: "Hurry up and get up!"

Seeing Chen Fangqiu leaving directly, Jiang Yuyin was a little uneasy, thinking that Chen Fangqiu was a little unhappy now because she refused to give it.

"You...are you not angry?" Jiang Yuyin bit her lip and whispered nervously.

"No!" Chen Fangqiu was stunned for a moment: "How can I be so stingy, besides, what's there to be angry about?"

"Then why did you leave suddenly..."

Hearing this, Chen Fangqiu couldn't help feeling helpless: "I want to go to the bathroom... Forget it, I'll play with you for a while."

Chen Fangqiu immediately turned around and returned to the bed, hugged Jiang Yuyin in his arms and kissed her.

Jiang Yuyin suddenly felt a little embarrassed: "I... I was thinking too much... Then you should go to the toilet immediately!"

"Kiss and go later."



In the last two days before the winter vacation, Chen Fangqiu was very busy.

Regardless of the girlfriend or the underground lover, I want him to accompany me. After all, we will part next time, and we won't be able to taste it for more than a month.

Chen Fangqiu was also very accommodating, one session at noon and one session at night.

On the last night before the holiday, he stayed at Jiang Wanxing's apartment and taught Teacher Jiang a hard lesson.

The next morning, Chen Fangqiu sent Jiang Wanxing to the station.

I had lunch with Jiang Wanxing at the station, and after two o'clock in the afternoon, Chen Fangqiu sent Jiang Yuyin to the station again.

The two girlfriends went home first.

Yunqi and Yu Xiangwei will leave one day later.

When Chen Fangqiu left the station, he went to the store he took over by the way, preparing to do some work first.

There are a total of 38 boxes here, and he has customized 35 sets of speakers.

In addition, the three largest 90-square-meter boxes that were empty were installed with speakers produced by Money Tree. These three sets of speakers must be the world's top set of speakers, and the sound effects can no longer be described in words.

At that time, the prices of these three boxes will naturally be very high, so high that one night's consumption may be the salary of an ordinary person for a year.

The 35 sets of audio sets individually customized by Chen Fangqiu cost a total of more than 120 million yuan, with an average of 3.5 yuan per set.

At this price point, the difference in audio and sound effects is not that big.

Although there is a price difference of more than 3.5 between a 10 stereo and a 6 stereo, in the ears of ordinary people, there is almost no difference.

Those who spend six figures on a set of stereos actually have mines at home, and their assets are tens of millions, so they don't feel bad about spending this money on a set of stereos.

Chen Fangqiu was alone in the KTV box, and began to install and tune the sound.

He can't be lazy in these jobs, and he can't ask for help, because there is a cliff-like gap between the world's highest-level tuner and him, after all, he has AI.

As a rough estimate, the installation and tuning of three boxes can be completed every day.

38 boxes, it takes about 13 days.

At around seven in the evening, Chen Fangqiu received a call from Jiang Wanxing.

"Hey, I'm home." Jiang Wanxing said with a smile, "Do you know what my parents are talking to me the most right now?"

"It's about the boyfriend!" Chen Fangqiu said with a smile.

"Haha..." Jiang Wanxing covered her mouth and laughed, "Dating a student who is eight years younger than me...I'm a little embarrassed to say it myself, my parents must have opinions."

Chen Fangqiu smiled, you are too embarrassed to do it yourself, but you are too embarrassed to say it!
"If you don't want to say it, then don't say it, it depends on what you want anyway." Chen Fangqiu really had no idea about this issue.

"But it's okay not to say it! You can't keep it a secret forever." Jiang Wanxing let out a long breath: "Sooner or later, you can't hide it, so let's talk about it when we eat!"

"You insist on talking about this while eating, you're not afraid that uncles and aunts won't be able to eat!" Chen Fangqiu joked.

"Don't tell me, it's really possible! It's not just that I can't eat this meal, maybe I won't have a good winter vacation! So..."

Jiang Wanxing paused for a moment, then struggled again: "Why don't I tell them when school starts soon!"

"Now tell your uncles and aunts that there is still enough time to discuss slowly at home. You will run out of time when school starts soon!"

"You made a mistake." Jiang Wanxing corrected, "I don't want to discuss this with them, I just want to inform them."

Chen Fangqiu: "..."

At this moment, my mother's voice came from outside the bedroom, and Jiang Wanxing said, "Mom called me to eat, we'll talk about it later."

"Well, goodbye my wife."


Jiang Wanxing hung up the phone and left the bedroom.

At the dinner table, my mother sighed: "Yingzi, who grew up with you next door, has a son at the age of 22. You will be 27 soon, and you don't even have a boyfriend."

Jiang Wanxing lowered his head to eat, but didn't speak for now.

"Two days ago, your aunt chatted with me for a while, and she said that there is a nice young man who is two years older than you, and you should go and get to know him when the time comes."

Jiang Wanxing was stunned for a moment, did she want me to go on a blind date?
She immediately became anxious: "Cough... Actually, I also have someone I like."

"Go after it boldly! I don't believe there are men my daughter can't catch up with?"

Jiang Wanxing whispered, "I'm just afraid...you won't accept him."

"As long as it's a man." The father who had been silent all this time finally opened his mouth.

Jiang Wanxing wiped his forehead lightly, so your requirements are already this low?
"Uh..." Mom added: "You are so beautiful, so he can't be too bad, right! At least he must be of an average level."

Jiang Wanxing thought, Chen Fangqiu must be satisfied with this.

"What about the age?" Jiang Wanxing asked tentatively.

"Age...is it much older than you?" Mom hesitated for a moment: "Then it is at most six years older than you! This is not young anymore, and it would be too bad to be older."

Obviously, when it comes to age, the second elder thinks that he is older than himself, and never thinks about the situation of being younger.

If you tell them that your boyfriend is 8 years younger than yourself and only 18 this year, it will definitely scare them silly.

"Cough... Let me talk to him again! I don't know if he likes me yet!"

"Hurry up!" Mom said anxiously, "Men like young men, and you will be 30 in two years. It's really hard to find."



After Chen Fangqiu hung up the phone with Jiang Wanxing, he drove back to school.

Yu Xiangwei and Yunqi are going home tomorrow, and he will definitely go to spend the last night with the two girls.

Although she can't do much... At least when she sleeps with the two of them, Yunqi never agrees with the two of them doing that kind of thing.

You can do whatever you want, as long as she's not there.

But no matter whether you can do it or not, you will definitely go to accompany them on the last night before the holiday.

At this time, Yu Xiangwei and Yunqi were waiting for Chen Fangqiu in the hotel box, and they had already ordered their meals.

"Today is the last night, do you really not plan to do something with Chen Fangqiu?" Yu Xiangwei smiled softly: "I can avoid it for a while and make room for the two of you."

Yun Qi pursed her lips and shook her head: "It's the last night, how could I drive you away with such kindness!"

"It's okay with me, at worst, I'll come back after midnight."

Yunqi laughed: "Thank you for your kindness, no need!"

She has already thought about it, and she will give it when school starts.

Now that I have made this decision, I always feel that I am not ready yet.

"Since you don't want it, then I won't be polite." Yu Xiangwei said with a chuckle.

"What?" Yun Qi was a little confused: "You won't drive me away tonight!"

"I'm sure I won't chase you away, you just have to watch carefully."

"What do you mean?" Yun Qi asked subconsciously, in fact, she probably already realized what Yu Xiangwei meant.

Yu Xiangwei smiled and rolled her eyes: "I just want you to watch the battle from the side! If you don't come, I will."

Yun Qi felt a little embarrassed immediately, and covered her mouth with her pretty face slightly warm: "Don't mess around."

"It's not messing around, I'm serious to let you take a good look."

"No!" Yunqi resisted this.

At this moment, the door of the box opened, and Chen Fangqiu walked in: "What are you two talking about?"

Yun Qi immediately sat up straight and solemnly: "It's nothing."


(End of this chapter)

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