I want it all after rebirth

Chapter 152 1 Meals a Day

Chapter 152 Four Meals a Day

"The front desk can also offer a basic salary of [-]." Chen Fangqiu said indifferently.

Xiaoyan was stunned for a moment, then stuck out her tongue embarrassingly: "That's too high, I still understand the principle of how much work you get paid."

"It's the boss who has the final say, what's your rivalry with the boss!"

Xiaoyan pursed her lips: "Can you pay the front desk [-] yuan... Do you want other services?"

Chen Fangqiu glanced at her: "Eight thousand is eight thousand, no extra service is required. Of course, if you want, I can't help but give you face."


It was a bit hot in the box, so she took off her down jacket, and wrapped her graceful upper body in the tight white sweater.

Chen Fangqiu's eyes lingered on her for two seconds, and then continued to install the stereo without distraction.

After a while, there were footsteps in the corridor again.

Chen Fangqiu knew that this time it must be the girl who came for the interview.

He opened the door of the box room, and there was a girl looking around walking in the corridor, she was quite pretty, with bright eyes and bright teeth, dignified and beautiful.

Chen Fangqiu was a little emotional, and re-posted the recruitment notice, and it really paid off immediately!

"Hello, is your boss there?" the girl asked politely, a little nervously.

"I am the boss." Chen Fangqiu.

The girl was obviously taken aback, it was hard to believe that the boss of such a big business K actually looked like a student.

"Are you here to apply for the job?" Chen Fangqiu smiled.

"Uh... yes." Hearing Chen Fangqiu's question, the girl quickly responded: "That... is the basic salary of [-] written on it true?"

"Of course it's true." Chen Fangqiu nodded and smiled: "The salary will be written in the contract, so you don't have to worry about it."

"Then the waiter here...does he need to drink with the guests?" The girl was obviously worried about touching the guests.

"Of course not, that's Miss Jiali's job." Chen Fangqiu smiled: "Of course, if you want to have a drink with the guests, I won't bother."

When the girl heard the words, she was a little skeptical, mainly because Chen Fangqiu's salary was too high, which always made her feel a little uncertain.

How can you get such a high salary without other services?

But Chen Fangqiu really didn't lie to people, he wouldn't deliberately lure people in and force them to sit on the table to accompany the wine.

It's entirely up to personal preference.

He set the basic salary too high, purely because he wanted to find a beautiful girl.

In fact, according to the rules, the guests are indeed not allowed to drink the princess wine, nor can they touch the princess. The princess can at most offer a drink to the guests when opening the box.

As for drinking and singing, this job is done by the young lady.

The more high-end the venue, the more distinguished the guests are. Relatively speaking, they are more polite to the princesses in the box. No matter what these people think in their hearts, they still look like dogs on the surface.

On the contrary, in low-end venues, guests are more likely to come around unruly.

"Then why is your salary so high here?" the girl asked doubtfully.

"Because the requirements are high!" Chen Fangqiu said with a smile: "But if you think the salary is too high, I can give you a basic salary of two thousand."

The girl lowered her head and pursed her lips and smiled: "Then besides the basic salary, what about the commission? Are there any mandatory tasks every month?"

"There is no task quota." Chen Fangqiu said: "If the tip from the guest does not exceed 200 yuan, it will be yours. For the part exceeding 50 yuan, the company will take 7%. In addition, the commission standard is [-]% of the consumption of the box, excluding service charge."

To put it simply, it is actually the commission of the box plus drinks, and the cost of calling Miss Princess is not included.

The girl nodded lightly. This commission rate is actually not high, but the basic salary is very high. It feels like at least 1 yuan is guaranteed for a month.

The girl thought about it, and finally confirmed: "Is it true that you don't need to accompany the wine?"

"It's really not necessary." Chen Fangqiu smiled helplessly: "I don't know what's going on with other merchants, but I definitely won't ask you to accompany the wine. This is not the job of a waiter. In fact, if you don't If you believe me, can you trust other bosses?"

"Then what time do you go to work here?"

"It will take about ten days." Chen Fangqiu asked, "Have you worked as a waiter in KTV before?"

The girl shook her head: "No."

"Two days before the opening, you have to come over for training. Of course, the basic salary will be calculated during the training."

"Yeah." Hearing that the training was paid, the girl naturally had no objection.

"Then leave a phone number!" Chen Fangqiu took out his mobile phone: "I will notify you in advance when the time comes, what's your name, please?"

"Tang Si."


After taking down the girl's phone number, Chen Fangqiu watched her leave, then opened the door of the box, and Xiao Yan was walking towards the sofa as if nothing had happened.

She had been eavesdropping on the conversation between the two at the door just now,
At first, she thought it was the girl who had entanglements with Chen Fangqiu, but when she found out that she was only here to apply for the job, Xiaoyan's mood eased.

Although she and Chen Fangqiu are not in a relationship and can't control too much, it would be quite embarrassing if another woman of his came.

"I still don't know what your full name is!" Chen Fangqiu said casually.

"Yu Yan."

Chen Fangqiu was talking, when the phone rang suddenly, it was an unfamiliar number.

After connecting, the other party is another applicant.

Chen Fangqiu let her in, and then passed her because her appearance was not considered pretty.

Although it is clearly stated in the recruitment notice that the emphasis is on being beautiful and in good shape, there are still some people who feel good about themselves.

If this is the case, Chen Fangqiu feels that he will not be able to do things with peace of mind if a candidate comes in a while.

He pondered for a while, then turned to Yu Yan who was lying on the sofa and said, "Are you coming tomorrow?"

Yu Yan was slightly taken aback, raised her face and flattened her mouth: "Do you want me to come?"

"Think about it!" Chen Fangqiu wanted her to help with something, so he was very straightforward.

Yu Yan twitched the corners of her lips slightly, and there seemed to be a little smug look on her small face: "Then I'll come and take a look tomorrow!"

"Okay, then I have something to trouble you."


"I'm going to replace the contact information on the recruitment notice with your phone number, and then you can go to the interview for me!"

"I..." Yu Yan was stunned for a moment: "I don't know what your standards for waiters are?"

"It's very simple." Chen Fangqiu said with a smile: "You need to be beautiful and in good shape. As long as you don't meet this requirement, you can politely decline."

Yu Yan pouted her lips: "Are you looking for a beauty pageant, or are you looking for a waiter?"

"Shang K's waiter is no different from a beauty pageant."

"As long as the big beauty..." Yu Yan couldn't help muttering, "No wonder you pay such a high salary!"

"Yes! If you want a beautiful woman, you have to pay a high salary." Chen Fangqiu was about to continue working, and looked back for tools: "You take the tape on the sofa."

Yu Yan looked in the direction he pointed, and then threw the tape over.

"Thank you."

Chen Fangqiu was busy until after ten o'clock in the evening.

Yu Yan also stayed by the side all the time, and had no intention of leaving.

She spends most of her time playing with her mobile phone by herself, occasionally chatting casually with Chen Fangqiu, and helping pass a tool.

"Hungry! Go eat some supper." Chen Fangqiu put on his down jacket.

Yu Yan hurriedly put on her down jacket when she heard the words: "What do you eat?"

"In this weather, let's have some hot pot!"

"it is good."

The two left the KTV, Chen Fangqiu locked the door, and drove Yu Yan to the nearest hotpot restaurant.

In the past month, he often went to KTV to watch, and he has a better understanding of the surrounding situation.

Chen Fangqiu asked for a box and asked Yu Yan to order something casually.

He took out his mobile phone and called Shen Jintang. This is his nobleman, and he will need his help with various KTV documents at that time.
"Hey brother." Shen Jintang's laughter came over: "How is Shang K's renovation now?"

"It's almost there." Chen Fangqiu said with a smile: "I'm starting to install the sound system here, and I'm recruiting the princess girl."

"It's progressing very fast!" Shen Jintang said with a smile: "At the beginning, it was said that the investment was 200 million, how is it now?"

"In the end, I estimate it to be close to 300 million! Most of these things will exceed the budget."

"That's true." Shen Jintang smiled: "Is it possible to go through the formalities in these two days? Just tell me when the time comes."

"Then I will trouble you." Chen Fangqiu smiled politely.

"No trouble, you must tell me when it opens, I have to go with my sister to support the show."

"No problem, I will notify you in advance."

Chen Fangqiu exchanged some polite words with him, then hung up the phone.

When the KTV opened before, Chen Fangqiu actually didn't want to tell Shen Jingshu, because he knew that the quality of the KTV was really not good.

But this time is different, and I will definitely tell Shen Jintang when the time comes.

The three sets of top-level speakers in the most expensive suite must be N grades better than the ones Shen Jintang has ever heard in his life. He must experience this for sure.

With Shen Jintang's network of contacts, he will definitely be able to attract a lot of rich or expensive guests for himself. There is no doubt about their spending power, and they are all potential customers for the three top-level suites.

Chen Fangqiu put down his phone, and Yu Yan had already ordered some meat rolls and some vegetarian dishes.

"Your KTV costs 300 million?" Yu Yan smacked her tongue secretly, holding her small face a little weakly: "When will I earn 300 million!"

"It's definitely not going to cost 300 million. I was bragging just now."

Just then, the waiter came in with the food.

Both of them were already hungry, so they immediately put the food in the pot.

When Yu Yan and Chen Fangqiu came to the box together, she subconsciously felt that this guy might do something to her.

But as time went by, Yu Yan realized that she was thinking too much.

Chen Fangqiu was very honest, he just ate quietly and did nothing.

"Where is your hometown?" Chen Fangqiu asked casually.


"It's very close! When are you going to go home?"

Yu Yan didn't answer, she looked up at Chen Fangqiu, and asked, "When are you coming back?"

"I must be late, the KTV is newly opened, I have to stay here for a while, maybe it's the 28th of the twelfth lunar month! How about you?"

Yu Yan snorted: "Then I won't tell you."

Chen Fangqiu glanced at her, this girl would not want to go home until the 28th of the twelfth lunar month!

Anyway, since the last time she said that her parents would not let her go to college and let her work in a factory, Chen Fangqiu felt that the relationship between her and her parents might not be too close.

Or to put it more accurately, the parents may be a little biased and don't like her very much.

"Did your parents know that you worked in ktv before?" Chen Fangqiu asked.

Yu Yan lowered her head and concentrated on eating the mutton roll, and did not answer this question, but Chen Fangqiu also knew the answer.

After supper.

After getting in the car, Chen Fangqiu drove downstairs to the hotel: "I've already booked a hotel, you should go up and have a rest too!"

Yu Yan turned her head to look at Chen Fangqiu, thought about it for three or four seconds, then opened the car door and got out of the car without saying a word.

Chen Fangqiu saw her walking towards the hotel gate, so he parked the car and followed.

The two entered the elevator, walked through the golden corridor, all the way to the guest room, Yu Yan didn't speak.

Entering the room, Chen Fangqiu turned on the air conditioner and heater, turned his head and kissed Yu Yan's lips without saying a word.

After resisting for a few seconds, Yu Yan slowly hugged Chen Fangqiu's shoulder.

After a while, the two fell on the soft big bed.


the next morning.

After breakfast at the hotel, Chen Fangqiu went to the relevant department to apply for a business license and other documents.

In the case of a relationship, the process of reviewing and issuing these certificates takes at least a week and as long as ten days, so it is better to apply in advance.

the following days.

Chen Fangqiu's daily life is pretty much the same, except for eating and resting time, he will work in the KTV.

Yu Yan didn't leave either, she was always here with Chen Fangqiu.

Chen Fangqiu must have provided her with four meals a day.

And another meal in bed.

Chen Fangqiu felt more and more that getting to know Yu Yan was a good thing. If he was alone these days, he would actually be quite lonely.

With Yu Yan here, I can chat with him to relieve boredom, help him while working, and usually screen a round of interview candidates for him.

Some chores are left to her.

The recruitment is still going on at the same time, Yu Yan can receive ten or twenty job application calls every day, and then pick a few more beautiful ones for Chen Fangqiu to have a look at.

On average, there are two or three beautiful girls who meet Chen Fangqiu's standards every day.

These days, Yu Yan has been busy.

As compensation, Chen Fangqiu rewarded her severely every night.


(End of this chapter)

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