I want it all after rebirth

Chapter 155 The time has come

Chapter 155 The time has come
"19 years old, it's a bit too young!" Mom said softly.

"Yes, the age difference is too great."

The two elders are obviously a little entangled, and their attitude is not as supportive as before.

Jiang Wanxing looked up at the elders slightly, and said in a low voice, "If you don't agree, I won't find a boyfriend for now."

"It's not that I don't agree." My mother shook her head and said earnestly: "But 19 years old is indeed too young. Boys at this age may still be relatively immature. You are not suitable."

"I think he's quite mature! Maybe he's precocious! But he's definitely not childish."

Jiang Wanxing didn't lie either, Chen Fangqiu's character and conduct were really good.

Dad interjected: "It's not good for such a young man to stop studying at the age of 19 and fall in love with others."

"Why don't you study!" Jiang Wanxing hastily retorted, "He's studying at university now!"

The second elder was taken aback again when he heard the words.

"You actually fall in love with a student? You are a teacher! How can you fall in love with a student!"

"No! Break up quickly!"

Hearing that Jiang Wanxing's partner was still a student, the elders' attitude suddenly became much firmer.

In their concept, it is purely random for teachers and students to fall in love.

If we just found out that Chen Fangqiu was 19 years old, there is still room for negotiation.

Now that I know he is a student, there is no possibility of even discussing it.

Jiang Wanxing glanced at the two elders, and said angrily, "Then I won't find a boyfriend for the time being, and don't rush me."

"When you just graduated from college, who urged you? Now you are 27, why don't you tell me?"

"Then it's not that I haven't found a partner, you disagree."

"As long as you find a decent man, how can we disagree? Students definitely can't." My mother's attitude was also firm.

"If it doesn't work, forget it!" Seeing the attitude of the second elder, Jiang Wanxing didn't say much.

"What are you thinking right now?"

"If you don't let me look for students, I won't look for them!"

"If only you really thought so."

"Just wait another three years, when he graduates from university, he won't be a student anymore."

Mom: "..."

Dad said: "In another three years, you will be thirty. What if he has a new girlfriend and dumps you?"

"It's meaningless to say these things. There is a possibility of breaking up after three years, but there is still a possibility of divorce after ten years! So you don't want to get married?
Dad: "..."

Mom took up the conversation again: "Your Auntie Zhang said that there is a young man with good conditions and good looks. He is 28 years old this year. He is a civil servant. There is also a suite in the city. You will go and meet him tomorrow."

"Let me go on a blind date?"

"Otherwise? You don't care about it yourself, so your parents can help you. This young man is very popular!"

"So he is so popular, why hasn't he married a wife at 28?"

Mom: "..."

"I've finished eating, I'm going back to my room first."

Jiang Wanxing got up, returned to the bedroom, and called Chen Fangqiu: "Parents disagree."

Chen Fangqiu smiled calmly: "You should have expected this result! Take your time!"

"Yeah." Jiang Wanxing nodded lightly, "What are you doing?"

"Get ready to rest!"

"Going to bed so early?"

"It's too cold to play outside, and my wife isn't there, so there's nothing to do at night."

Jiang Wanxing smiled, thinking that if I was here, you would have something to do, right?
But she was too embarrassed to say such coquettish words, and in the end she just said: "Miss me?"

"What do you think? Tiantai wants to fire you even in his dreams." Chen Fangqiu said with a smile.

She was embarrassed to speak coquettishly, but Chen Fangqiu had a thick skin.

Jiang Wanxing covered her mouth and smiled, her cheeks were a little hot. She wanted to be quarreled by Chen Fangqiu if she wanted to talk about this.

After all, they have been separated for more than a month, and both mouths are already hungry.

"Anyway, it's only been a few days, just keep going!" Jiang Wanxing smiled slightly, "I will reward you well then."

"How to reward?"

"I won't tell you now."

"Okay!" Chen Fangqiu smiled: "Good night, wife."

"Good night~~"

After hanging up the phone, Chen Fangqiu went back to reward Yu Xiangwei first.

As for Yunqi, she must be too embarrassed to go up together, so let her watch the battle from the side!

Although the girl said that she didn't want to look at it, she still peeked at it.


the next morning.

After Jiang Wanxing woke up and washed up, while eating breakfast, his mother naturally talked about what happened last night.

She really wanted Jiang Wanxing to go on a blind date, and even communicated with the matchmaker, planning to let Jiang Wanxing and that man go out to meet in the morning.

"I don't see you." Jiang Wanxing's attitude was also very firm.

"What's wrong with you just going to see him?" The old mother said earnestly: "If it's really inappropriate, forget it. It's not that you have to talk to him."

"I have a boyfriend now, so it's impossible to go on a blind date again."

For this kind of thing, you can't be soft-hearted and give face to your parents. If you don't see it, you won't see it.

"Ouch... Your little boyfriend doesn't know, so just do your mom a favor and go see him!"

Jiang Wanxing was speechless. She glanced at her mother depressedly, a little angry.

She didn't want to say anything more, she went back to the bedroom, put on light makeup and went out.

Jiang Wanxing didn't go to meet her blind date, but just made an appointment with a friend from her hometown, and played with her before going back to school.

When Jiang's mother saw Jiang Wanxing going out, she thought she was going to meet her blind date, and felt a little more at ease.

After a while, the phone rang in Jiang Wanxing's bedroom.

Mother Jiang opened the bedroom door following the sound, and saw the mobile phone on the dressing table: "Girl, why did you forget to bring your mobile phone..."

She picked up Jiang Wanxing's cell phone and saw that the caller ID was [husband].

Jiang's mother suddenly realized that this must be Jiang Wanxing's little boyfriend.

But she didn't answer the phone randomly, after all, her voice was different from Jiang Wanxing's, and she didn't know what to say to Chen Fangqiu for a while.

After the bell rang, Mother Jiang sat by the bed and thought for a while.

Jiang Wanxing went on a blind date, should I tell this little boyfriend frankly!
If you tell him, it seems like you want to break them up on purpose, but isn't that what you want?

After thinking for a long time, Jiang's mother finally picked up the phone and sent a message to Chen Fangqiu: [She went to meet her blind date, let's talk to you when she comes back! 】

Chen Fangqiu, who saw the news, was stunned for a moment: 【Who are you? 】

Jiang Wanxing: [I am her mother. 】

Chen Fangqiu couldn't believe it: 【Is this true? 】

Jiang Wanxing: 【If I lie to you about this kind of thing, Wanxing will kill me if she finds out. 】

Chen Fangqiu thought about it too, it's too easy to tell a lie about this kind of matter.

But he still thought, wait for Jiang Wanxing to come back and ask again.

Jiang Wanxing didn't go home until four o'clock in the afternoon.

Jiang's mother was also very frank: "Your boyfriend called today, and I told him that you went to meet your blind date."

Jiang Wanxing was stunned for a moment, and then stomped his feet angrily: "What?! Who told you that I went to meet my blind date!"

Mother Jiang froze for a moment: "Aren't you going to meet that young man when you go out in the morning?"

"I... I don't want to talk to you anymore!"

Jiang Wanxing hurried back to the bedroom, picked up the phone and called Chen Fangqiu: "Hey husband, don't believe what my mother says, I didn't go on a blind date, I just went to play with friends."

Chen Fangqiu smiled and breathed a sigh of relief: "But Auntie lied to me with this kind of thing?"

"She probably didn't lie on purpose, she misunderstood, but she must want us to break up."

"Is that so..." Chen Fangqiu's voice suddenly sank, and many things flashed through his mind at this moment.

He has been looking for a suitable opportunity to "confess" about himself with Jiang Wanxing.

Perhaps, this is a good time.

"What's the matter?" Jiang Wanxing also heard that Chen Fangqiu's voice suddenly seemed to be wrong: "You...don't believe me?"

"No..." Chen Fangqiu shook his head: "Of course I believe what you said, but... Auntie's words in the morning made me a little bit angry."

"You...what's the matter with you?" Jiang Wanxing was a little uneasy.

"When you come to school, let's talk face to face!"

Chen Fangqiu's tone was not normal, which made Jiang Wanxing feel like he was hiding something from him.

"Then I'll buy a ticket now, and I should be able to go to school tonight."

"Ah... are you in such a hurry?"

"I'm staying at home, and my mother will definitely let me go on a blind date again. I really can't stand it anymore, so I should go to school quickly! Remember to pick me up at night."

"OK then!"

After hanging up the phone, Jiang Wanxing went to buy tickets.

Today is the [-]th day of the first lunar month. Relatively speaking, today is not the peak time for the return journey, and tickets can still be bought. The last peak time will be after the Lantern Festival.

At four o'clock in the morning, Jiang Wanxing appeared at Hangcheng Station.

Chen Fangqiu had been waiting for 10 minutes in the bitter cold wind at the exit.

After the two met, Jiang Wanxing immediately walked towards him quickly.

Chen Fangqiu also stepped forward to help his wife carry the luggage, but his mood seemed a little depressed.

"What's the matter with you?" Seeing his appearance, Jiang Wanxing always felt a little uneasy.

Chen Fangqiu lowered his head and sighed softly: "I made a mistake."


(End of this chapter)

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