Chapter 121 Waste
Xu Xian had thought about using "Peach Blossom Spring" to promote "Longing", but he was afraid that the "Longing" program team would not produce the results he wanted, and ended up ruining such a good article.

I'm afraid it wasn't for Tao Yuanming, who would have traveled across and hit Xu Xian on the head with a cane.

Fortunately, the director's level is good, and Datang Entertainment is willing to invest, and the final effect is very good.

After Feng Nan finished reading "The Story of Peach Blossom Spring", he looked at Xu Xian with bright eyes, and Xu Xian felt very proud of the surprise revealed in it.

Although it was copied, I just changed the place names and dynasties to the trivial things that fit the situation in this world, but who knows, it is worth more than anything else to enjoy the adoring gaze of Nan Jie.

The two of them went to bed and rested, and let "Peach Blossom Spring" set off its own wave.

It's not late at night, and it's the peak time for netizens. The first batch of viewers who watched "Longing for Peach Blossom Spring" are discussing this show on Weibo and other social platforms.

For example, the fans of the actor don't know that the actor can cook, and it seems to taste quite good.

The host used to be only known to be very humorous and had a high EQ, but today he looked quite amusing, and within a few minutes he got along with several young guests.

Several other guests also have their own highlights, at least they are performing well now.

Netizens are very envious of the lifestyles of several guests. They don’t need to compete or do tasks. There are chickens, ducks, and dogs. There is also a small pond full of fish, a vegetable garden, and a piece of land for planting.

Looking at the lives of the guests, many netizens suddenly understood why the place where the guests live is called Taohuayuan.

This name is already very beautiful, coupled with the theme of the show, many people are longing for such a paradise for themselves.

Just when netizens were discussing in full swing, some netizens reposted a post under the super chat of "Longing": "Xu Xian wrote a poem again! No, this time it is not a poem, but an article, but it is still beautiful. It is called "" Land of Peach Blossoms"!"

Many netizens clicked on the news and watched it. After reading it, the comments continued to increase:
"Is there really such a beautiful place in the world?"

"No, this is just a dream, and in the end I said I can't find it anymore."

"The land is flat and open, and the houses are like houses. There are fertile fields, beautiful ponds, and mulberry and bamboo. The traffic on the rice paddies, chickens and dogs. It's so beautiful. Isn't this the Peach Blossom Garden hut in the show?"

"Is that a hut? That's a villa! If I had that house in my family, I would only come to the city as a social animal if I have a sick mind."

"Suddenly I feel that the program is not worthy of this article. The relationship between people is written so beautifully that it is impossible to exist in reality."

"The show is not bad either. When the guests came to the village, the village head brought the villagers over to give gifts."

"It's all very good. I understand why this program is called "Longing for Peach Blossom Spring". This is the place that everyone yearns for but can't get there!"

"Who says I can't make it, I've already bought the air ticket, even if I can't live in the Peach Blossom Spring Hut, I still have to go and get a taste of it."

"Come along!"

"Together +1"

Competent netizens posted their air ticket orders very quickly, which made many people shed tears of envy in secret.

Immediately, another netizen came out to speak: "I checked it out, I drove for four hours, and I left overnight, brothers, wait for me to send you photos tomorrow!"

Tomorrow is Sunday, so if we leave now, we can get some sleep after arriving at the filming location of "Longing", and go back after playing during the day, which will not affect working on Monday.

This kind of travel is even more enviable.

There are also people who have different opinions: "As far as the literary nature of this essay is concerned, Xu Xian's writing to promote a variety show is simply a waste!"

"For geniuses, what is wasted is not wasted. What we can't write in our lifetime, people just write it."

"Isn't Xu Xian's waste of talent obvious to all? Think about how many songs he has yet to release. The song Wubaili has gone crazy on foreign streaming media. I don't know how many celebrities have publicly covered it and said they want to buy this song. copyright, have you found the official sound source?"

"He is busy with school and dating now, how can he remember us fans."

Of course Xu Xian doesn't remember his fans now, he has already fallen into Sister Nan's tenderness, forgetting what he did just now.

After waking up, Xu is now running in this villa area.

The environment was very nice and quiet. After running around twice, I met two people. One of them, Xu Xian, followed Feng Nan to visit at home.

After Xu Xian punched and went back to take a shower, Feng Nan hadn't woken up yet, looking at the undulating silhouette under the bed, Xu Xian couldn't hold back and slipped back in again.

It was past ten o'clock when the two arrived at the company after breakfast.

Senior Sister and Second Senior Sister have already arrived. Seeing Feng Nan, who has always been capable, rarely showing a lazy expression, the two Senior Sisters glanced at each other, saying everything without saying a word.

When the teacher, Professor Gu Fen, arrived, they went to the recording studio upstairs to record.

The teacher, the senior sister and the second senior sister were full of praise for the song "Women's Flower". All kinds of praise words should not be thrown out like money. "Higher rating:
"Your achievements and talents in literature are much higher than those in music. If you work hard, you will be a generation of literary giants."

Xu Shishi said truthfully: "Actually, I don't understand anything, it's all copied."

Eldest sister Gong Feifei had a half-smile and said, "The little junior brother said who copied it, let us also meet this great talent."

Xu Xian: "They are all ancient people, how can you see them?"

Second Senior Sister Sun Yun: "Which dynasty is that generation? My brother-in-law likes to study history these years. I asked him to help me look up the author's deeds. With such good poems, he should not be an unknown person."

Xu Xian wants to cry but has no tears. What he copied is not from this world. How did you find out about the ancients on the earth.

After waking up with Sister Nan this morning, there were a lot of bigwigs who analyzed "Peach Blossom Spring" on Weibo, and at the end they would ask Xu Xian if their analysis was correct.

How did Xu Xian know if it was right? In his previous life, Tao Yuanming didn't tell himself whether the answers he wrote during the exam were correct.

Although those answers all scored points, but who knows if it was the author's thoughts or not, it was taught by the teacher.

Maybe it was Tao Yuanming who was drunk, then had a dream, and wrote an article after waking up, which has so many meanings.

Just like "There are two jujube trees in front of my house", Lu Xun probably wrote a few words in order to earn more manuscript fees. Decades later, you have to ask Zhou Shuren what this sentence means.

So he replied that he copied it. He didn't know what the meaning was. He really didn't have any metaphors. He just wanted to promote the variety show "Longing".

Then I was told by those literary bigwigs that the show was not worthy of this essay, so don't do such a wasteful thing in the future.

Xu Xian: I copied everything, but I still care about where to use it. Is it a waste?
(End of this chapter)

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