My Destiny Illustrated Book of the Moon

Chapter 1 Prologue: Twisted Fate (skippable)

Chapter 1 Prologue: Twisted Fate (skippable)

Let's start with a man.

【Weaving the container...weaving successfully】

The man who once had a brief happiness, but was finally deprived by fate (Fate).

[Illustrated Destiny Book being implanted... Successfully implanted]

His sister was taken away by his best friend and became a sacrifice for all mankind.

Because of him, the school girl who loved him so much was robbed of her heart by her brother.

Desperate, he prayed to the Hall of Valor, and the only one who responded was himself.

[Heroic (Emiya) template loading... Loading successfully]

The important person is gone, the inherited glory has been forsaken, and the true self exposed because of this is a hopeless emptiness.

[Certificate of employment (class): Berserker, Assassin, Archer, registered]

Abandoning her dream, turning her back on the guardian of humanity (Emiya), she turned into the craziest and most reckless evil, and ended the Holy Grail War overnight.

He didn't become a partner of justice after all, but...he won.

[Immediate inhibition (Gaia) interference...cut off]

[Aware of Alayah interference... The name of the guardian has been deprived, and the full power has been reduced]

He succeeded in making a wish, allowing his sister to be redeemed, but in the end he lost to the sword that split the world and was defeated in the snowstorm.

In the quiet dungeon, the dying man ushered in his fate (Fate).

[██ has been handed back, converting...Fusion successful]

Just as King Solomon saw the future of the incineration of humanity at the moment he became an ordinary person; King Gilgamesh observed the culprit of the destruction of mankind in a half-dream and half-awake state—a man also saw it before his consciousness completely fell silent. , a glimpse of the future.

It was a fleeting moment of joy.

That is the irreversible spiral of fate.

The man realized that his sister would eventually come back here, to this desperate world (Fate).

[Inherent skill: "Endless Sad Wish", acquired forcibly]

Ahhh... still in vain.

As he was dying, the man sighed like this.

In the tattered body of a doll, there is an emotion called "regret".

If I could realize my limitations earlier, if I could understand my sincerity earlier...

If there is someone who is more determined and stronger than me, to walk this road instead of me...


Such a fate (Fate)...

Maybe we can be saved...

[██ activated, searching...a suitable individual has been found]

[Individual name: "Emiya Shiro" has been silenced]

[The new individual has been implanted, the container is being activated... the activation is successful]

【Transfer memory data...transmission complete】

[The ability parameter "lucky" has been raised to B]

When the brand-new consciousness woke up and opened those pale golden eyes, what he heard was the man's last wish.

"Don't forget, I made an appointment with her to take her to the beach..."

This is the origin of the distortion.

 Book friends who don't understand can move on to the next chapter, this chapter does not affect the next reading!
  In addition, if you really don’t understand it at all, it is recommended to supplement the FATE series or set it up before reading, after all, it is a fan fiction (hey).

(End of this chapter)

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