My Destiny Illustrated Book of the Moon

Chapter 11 Occupied Einzbern

Chapter 11 Occupied Einzbern
The joyful smiles of others satisfied his heart; the wails of others shocked his spirit.

The desperate resentment of others made him burn with anger, and the lonely tears of others always made him unable to resist reaching out to wipe them away.While pursuing ideals beyond human norms - he is too much like an ordinary person.

This kind of contradiction has tormented the man countless times.

Sometimes it's friendship, sometimes it's love.

Even when his beloved life is on the balance scale with countless other strange lives, he has never been biased.

Even if he fell in love with someone, he would still treat that person's life the same as the lives of others, cherish and give up equally.

He always meets the people he cherishes again and again, but loses them again and again.


"Trace on!"

Starting with black and white swords, Shuoyue's golden eyes are shining, hand-painted Yin-Yang Tai Chi, and swung away attacks from all directions.

As soon as he made a wrong step, a halberd projected out from his side, sweeping away several cyborgs on his left, and was immediately crushed by more weapons.

"Replacement magic... eh!" The diamond-shaped magic circle was just formed, but it was destroyed by the impact of vast magic power. Ahadeon stood above the auditorium with a gloomy and terrifying expression.

At the same time, a fragmentation grenade trickled down and stayed under Shuo Yue's feet.

"Gah..." Shuo Yue was engulfed by the flames of the explosion before he had time to swing away the artificial humans around him.

"Get out of the way!" With a stern voice, the man wrapped in a black coat swooped down like a falcon, approaching the center of the explosion, and the Calico M950 pistol in both hands spit out fiery flames.

The 9×19mm bullet screams and tears the air, with unparalleled destructive power, vowing to tear the flesh and heart of the target!

Pink flowers bloomed in the smoke and dust, and the bullets hit the seven petals, causing circles of ripples.

The offensive was blocked, Emiya Kiritsugu was not discouraged, but raised his right hand high and made a gesture.

Somewhere on the second floor, a fiery red light suddenly burst out.

Shuo Yue raised her eyes subconsciously, almost breaking her voice in shock;
"I'm going, RPG!"

The armor-piercing rocket broke through the sound resistance, was blocked by the hastily raised petal shield, exploded, and once again cleared a nuclear level area.

The magic barrier manipulated by Ahadeon erupted with a magical impact, passed through the fire realm exploded by the RPG, wrapped in dazzling light and heat, and finally consumed the last magic power of the blazing seven-fold ring (Rho Aias).

Pink petals fell one by one. Amidst the falling flowers, the black-clothed killer calmly took out the weapon from his arms. The warm touch brought by the walnut handle made his aim more stable.

Finally, he pulled the trigger, and the hunting pistol named Contender fired a bullet—a 7.62mm Springfield sniper rifle bullet that was almost impossible to defend against unless he was riding an armored vehicle.

The only way to defend against such an attack is to use magic.

But this time, what Emiya Kiritsugu heard was the tearing sound of bullets breaking through flesh and blood.

Forget it, the result is the same.He thought indifferently, and put away the love gun in his hand.


The condensed magic power turned into a thin blade, which instantly tore apart the weapon in Emiya Kiritsugu's hand, and even cut off half of the man's nails.

A figure came out of the smoke. Although the left abdomen was pierced, the oppressive force brought by the youth remained undiminished, and even became more ferocious because of the blood.

"It really hurts... Kiritsugu, you are still so heartless!"

Hit?But why is there no response!I am clearly using...

No time to care about the address in the young man's mouth, amidst the splattered metal parts and blood drops, the magician killer quickly suppressed the surprise in his eyes, smashed the small wooden cabinet at the stairway with his fists, and took out another weapon from it.

"AUG-A1..." Although Satsuki in his previous life knew little about firearms, Emiya Shirou in the "Fate/kaleid liner" world line has perfectly inherited all of Emiya Kiritsugu's means, and he can shoot with just one glance. I recognized the real body of this weapon.

He plucked the bowstring again to create a magic blade, but this time, Emiya Kiritsugu's speed suddenly increased several times, and after a few vertical leaps after evading the attack, he disappeared in the chapel.

For him in a black overcoat, the dark chapel with high eaves was an excellent hiding place.

If it reappears, it must be a deadly attack like a poisonous snake to welcome the new moon.

So... it's time to clean up the battlefield!
Shuoyue's expression was neither sad nor happy, and he released the replacement magic with his left hand, luring Ahadeon, who presided over the magic workshop, to start the magic impact. At the same time, he opened his right hand and clenched it tightly, calling out the weapon of the age of gods:
"Hell Scythe, Dust Saw!"

The magic power flows through the whole body, analyzing the structure of the object in an instant, and materializing his own understanding——

Even if only a trace of the essence of God's creation is intercepted, it still has unstoppable courage!

The sky was dark, and when the people present looked up, they were shocked by the magnificent miracle:

Like the open wings of dawn, burning the flame of purification, the legendary flaming sword that can purify and exorcise all substances.

Carved like emeralds, covered with pitch-black soil, the legendary boneless giant sword can open up thousands of valleys and mountains.

The ancient God of War wields an epee, and from the sky, casts divine judgment on people who dream of miracles!

"Boom!" In the loud noise like thunder, the steeple of the chapel was completely wiped out, and the huge sword blades staggered and fell, and were heavily inserted into the ground, dividing the chapel into four, like a shield. surrounded by youth.

"This is...!" Emiya Kiritsugu rolled and escaped from the broken wall amidst the majestic waves of air, and looked at the underground of Einzbern in astonishment.

The flow of spiritual veins was actually cut off by these two heavy swords that fell from the sky!

But how could the spiritual vein be cut off by a physical blow?Unless... these two weapons have a concept similar to "division"!

With the cessation of magic power, the magic workshop built on top of it also lost its suppressive power. Ahadeon, who was thrown away by the giant sword, stood up in embarrassment. Inzbern was liberated from the home field advantage and began to chant loudly from the interloper.

"I am the bone...of my sword! (Being a sword made by nature)"

At that moment, what overflowed from this man was an irrepressible magic power.

"Steel is my body, and fire is my blood. (Blood is like steel, heart is like glass)"

"I have created over a thousand blades.
Along with Shuoyue's self-suggestion, the magic egg gradually conceived in his body.

Unaware of beginning, (although not defeated)

Nor aware of the end.
Countless snow poured into the broken window lattice.

Stood pain with inconsistent weapons.
My hands will never hold anything. (Yu is alone, broken ice on the sword mound.)
"Quick, stop him!" Yahadeon, in ragged clothes, was hit by the flying stones, blood dripped from his head, and his eyes were full of horror.

He saw, saw the birth of a world!

Emiya Kiritsugu moved forward together with many androids, but broke through the majestic double sword barrier, and what greeted them was the space-time field that was destroyed by the replacement.

And behind countless lines of defense, the youth's singing has come to an end.

— Yet, (yet)
my flame never ends.
My whole body was
still (also)
Before the last sentence, Shuo Yue opened her eyes, and in those golden eyes that were more like gods than humans, there was an incomparably dazzling brilliance:

"Unlimited Blade Works"!
The twin swords of emerald green and red flame disappeared.

The sword cage that imprisoned Irisviel disappeared, and she fell to the ground in a coma, and was lifted up by a small figure.

In the swirling white snow, the man-made people looked around, their red eyes full of doubts.

The castle of Einzbern, the City of Winter, disappeared in this snowstorm, as if it never existed.

But Ahadeon and Emiya Kiritsugu, who were the leaders, already understood what kind of alien world they were in.

"Inherent, barrier..." Emiya Kiritsugu put down the gun in his hand, looked at the tall and straight figure on the high slope, and groaned in distress.

"Fantasy and reality, exchange the inside and the outside, rewrite the real world according to my ideas, the most powerful magic - the inherent enchantment."

Accompanied by the young man's low-pitched words, the gray-white inherent barrier gradually became colored.

The swords and swords all over the mountains and plains screamed, and the sharp air rushed to the face.

Shuo Yue looked at the two dumbfounded, with a slight smile on her face:
"Sa, what do you think of this world of swords full of tombstones?"

 I have received the short notice of signing the contract, rest assured to follow up~
(End of this chapter)

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