My Destiny Illustrated Book of the Moon

Chapter 110 As expected of you, real punishment!

Chapter 110 As expected of you, real punishment!

"This is Matou Sakura, Illya."

"Ah, hello Matou Sakura, I'm Eliasviel von Einzbern!"

"You, hello, just call me Sakura..."

A cool girl with black hair and amber pupils.

A quiet girl with purple hair and purple pupils.

A lively girl with silver hair and red eyes.

Miyu, Sakura, Eliasviel.

In the dining room, the three girls chattered together, and laughter spread from time to time, adding a bit of lively atmosphere to the Matou mansion in the morning.

On the other side, Kariya stared at Shuoyue who was covering her face with squinting eyes, as if she was looking at a death row prisoner who was about to be shot.

"Kan Ye..."

"It's hopeless, wait for death, and leave." Jiantong Yanye said that he had three consecutive words of quality, and then he couldn't help complaining, "The reason why you have such a big fight is to satisfy your own animal desire? Punishment, you boy It’s really good to copy.”

"Get out." Shuoyue replied weakly, with a bitter face, recalling the philosophical posture of Miyu and Illya when he opened the door, he wanted to hit the wall.

It's me, it's me first, obviously I came first, both of them are right...

Oh, this is ten years ago, so it's okay...what the hell!

Shuoyue was very depressed when she thought of how that gentle and lovely purple-haired school girl had turned into the flat little lolita she is now.

"Traveling through time and space is indeed fatal, especially when you can see but not eat." The young man looked up to the sky and sighed, with a desolate expression.

"What did you say?"

"It's nothing, it's just that the wind is a little noisy today."


After the two men quarreled daily, Kariya suddenly sighed:
"The girl from the Einzbern family... so what do you want to do? Take her hostage?"

"Hostage? I don't bother to do this kind of trick." Shuo Yue didn't say much, but raised her voice and shouted:

"Ilya, hurry up and have breakfast, I'll take you out to play later!"


After a while, he changed into the newly bought sportswear, and the young man with white hair and blond eyes led the two young ladies who put on one-piece dresses and prepared to go out.

At the door, Jiantong Yanye suddenly stopped the ally:
"When will you be back, Shuo Yue?"

"...Thank you for taking care of me all this time, Kariya."

As the gate opened and closed, the young man's calm voice of thanks dissipated in the wind.


It was another sunny day, Shuoyue took a leisurely pace, admiring the scenery on the side of the road, and if she got interested, she would go into a store, buy some delicious and fun things, and distribute them to Ilya, who took the lead Sfiel, and Miyu following her.

"Are you going to find Kiritsugu now, Shirou?"

Maybe it was because she was already acquainted with Shuoyue, or because she knew that her parents were in this city, so Ilya didn't realize that she was abducted at all. on the street.

"Illya, be careful of the cars on the side of the road." Meiyou quickly grabbed her hand, preventing her from rushing onto the road.

"Hehehe, thank you Miyu~" Illya, who lacked common sense, stuck out her tongue, and just held Miyu's hand tightly like this, looking like a pair of sisters who got along very well.

Shuo Yue unhurriedly followed behind the two sisters, Yunyun replied: "We don't need to go to Kiritsugu, Illya, he will come to us naturally."

"Then what are we going to do now?" Mei You asked, only to find that Shuo Yue gave her an encouraging look.

"It's rare for Ilya to come outside, so you can take her to play, come on, Miyu-chan!"

"Eh?" Miyu turned her head in disbelief, looking at the energetic Illya, her small face suddenly became bitter.

It always feels, isn't it, too active?
But for some reason, she did not reject Shuo Yue's proposal.

After playing around all morning, Shuo Yue suddenly received a call.

"Hello? Ah, it's the boss. What's the matter... Uh, okay, I understand, come now."

After hanging up the phone, Shuoyue couldn't help shaking her head in the face of the doubtful eyes of the two little ones, and said with a smile:
"Unexpectedly, instead of catching the fish, I ran into a silly roe deer instead."

"Let's go, Miyu, Illya, go say hello to that idiot king and his princess!"


This is a veritable "giant man", with a strong body with bulging muscles exuding a shocking sense of presence, and the thick hair, eyebrows, and beard that are almost connected together reveal an unparalleled wild atmosphere.

Standing in front of such a person is like a solid wall, oppressing people so hard that they can't breathe.

Complementing this strange figure is his wonderful shape.

The man's upper body was wearing an oversized short-sleeved printed T-shirt that looked cheap.An emblem with a world map reads "Admirable Grand Strategy VI" on the chest.

Shuoyue knew that this was a special product of the "Grand Strategy" series of SLG games. He also tried it for a while back then, but it was a pity that he finally switched to the arms of Iron Ambition because of the image quality.

At this very moment, the red-haired strong man was laughing loudly, and unceremoniously picked up a wine barrel, and beside him, a petite and delicate young man was dejectedly counting out a few ten thousand yuan bills from his wallet. Resentment.

When Shuo Yue rushed to the small shop in the alley, this was what she saw.

"Rider, Iskandar." The young man twitched the corners of his mouth, and walked forward under the savior-like eyes of the shopkeeper.

"Good afternoon, both of you."

Hearing someone calling him, Rider carried the wine barrel around half a circle, and the wind brought up almost threw Weber away. After seeing Shuoyue, he put on a bold and unrestrained smile on his face, The familiar expression makes people feel no hostility.

"Oh, it's brother Shuoyue, and Caster and, uh..."

"Ilyasphil von Einzbern, nice to meet you." Ilya raised her skirt, showing good lady manners.

"Einzbern, that's not...!" Waver was startled, and Rider's expression was also moved.

The Gosanjia of the Holy Grail War is also the party that has Saber in this war!

The child of the Einzbern family is actually in the hands of Sakuyue, does the Saber team know about this?

Looking at the girl's appearance, it doesn't look like she was kidnapped. What's going on...

Union?Or is there a secret?

In an instant, the two of Rider's group made up a small composition with hundreds of thousands of words in their brains, and looked at Shuoyue with even weirder expressions.

"Cough cough, Miss Eliasfell, may I ask, who are your parents?" Weber coughed and asked reluctantly.

Ilya had no doubt about him, and happily replied:
"It's Kiritsugu and mother!"

Kiritsugu, Emiya Kiritsugu, Master of Saber——

Rider and Weber took a breath, and then looked at Shuoyue aside in unison.

As expected of you, true punishment!

 Recently, many people have been asking when to attack Emiya Kiritsugu, and feel that the protagonist is a fun person in the Holy Grail War... Maybe it's because I didn't express it clearly, so I will explain it here.

  First of all, the protagonist inherits the template of Emiya Juxia-not only referring to abilities, but also memory.

  Then in the Fourth World War, he was the first to stab the father who raised you? Isn't this purely blackening the protagonist!
  People always have great connivance towards their family members. This is not just about parents towards their children, but vice versa. There is also a part of the protagonist's reason, so it seems that Kiritsugu is letting Kiritsugu do something to him.

  Of course, there is no lack of counterattacks. The time at the Hyatt Hotel was to attack Kiritsugu’s spirit, and the time at the abandoned factory was to drive a wedge between Saber and Kiritsugu, and at the same time control Hisu Maiya, not to mention the weakness of Eri and Kiritsugu, Iri Ya has arrived on the battlefield...

  As for the fun people, I guess it's because the protagonist knows everything, but rarely takes the initiative?

  On this point, first of all I would like to mention Goldfinger: Destiny Illustrated Book.

  If the protagonist wanted to, he could easily provoke chaos, drive tigers and wolfs away, and reap the benefits. But in this case, the Destiny Illustrated Book is doomed to have incomplete records, and the rewards he gets will be greatly reduced.

  Originally, this war was not very difficult for Shuoyue, so why not maximize the benefits?
  It is the Holy Grail that matters, not the Holy Grail War.

  As for the rollover?It is impossible to overturn the car. Disrupting the plan does not mean failure, it just needs to be adjusted.

  I also ask you to be more patient, some foreshadowing cannot be said, and it would be boring to say it.

(End of this chapter)

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