My Destiny Illustrated Book of the Moon

Chapter 114 Fishing Guys Never Air Force

Chapter 114 Fishing Guys Never Air Force

When Assassin, who brought the information, found Shuoyue, he was in an empty park, as if waiting for something.

"So that's the case, Rin sneaked here?" After listening to Baimao's report, Sakuyue was not too surprised, but was slightly surprised by the variable of Tohsaka Rin, "I thought it would be Sakura letting Yan Ye has made up his mind...won't you come to stop me tonight? Hehe, you sound nice, are you afraid of being beaten by me?"

In front of the servant with his head bowed, the young man with golden eyes showed a confident smile.

"However, I really didn't expect Kariya to pursue the Holy Grail. Obviously, I have said so many times that there is something wrong with the Holy Grail... Oh, as expected, as long as you have desires, you can't get rid of the temptation of the Holy Grail?"

Shuoyue is different from others. He has seen the whole story of "Fate Zero" and knows the fact that the Holy Grail is polluted.

But what about the others?Kariya, Tokiomi, and even Kiritsugu... how long did they prepare for this war, and how much did they pay?
In psychology, there is an effect called "sunk cost", that is, the more you pay for one thing, the more reluctant to give up, and you will even choose irrational behaviors for this.

Even if Shuo Yue told them that there was something wrong with the Holy Grail, how could those people listen to what he said?But the troublesome thing is that it is impossible for Shuoyue to take them to the location of the Great Holy Grail, otherwise his plan will fall short...

So Shuoyue, who knew the plot, kept silent all the time, and didn't try to prove anything.

However, this is not bad, looking forward to fighting with followers or something, maybe there is restless blood flowing in his body...

The young man raised his eyes, the pupils of his eyes were shining with the reflection of the galloping golden light, and with the gathering of magic power, the white robe and red clothes once again covered his body, accompanied by the movement of Shuo Yue's bow and arrow. .

"Please stop, King of Knights!"

The arrow shot out in an instant, and the blow containing magic power forced the visitor to stop, and stopped the attack with the holy sword.

In the small-scale explosion, the maiden-looking knight had blond hair fluttering, and her holy blue eyes spoke of her awe-inspiring and inviolable will.

"Please also hand over Eliasfiel, so that I will forgive you for kidnapping the child, Shuoyue!"

Undoubtedly, Shuo Yue fished all day, and finally couldn't hold back at night and took the bait.

"Saber, since you're here, isn't your wife far away?" Looking at the bright knight king under the moonlight, the fully armed young man raised his eyebrows, and he didn't feel nervous about facing the strongest rank at all.

Amidst the roar of the inline 6-cylinder engine, a silver sports car broke into the park brutally and leaned across the grass.

The gull-wing door opened, and the silver-haired and red-eyed Alice Viel got out of the car, her anxiety could not be concealed on her beautiful face.

"Shuoyue, where is Ilya?!"

"Sa, where is it?" The young man showed a nasty smile, the black bow dispersed, and the red magic gun appeared in his hand.

"This is..." Saber's pupils narrowed slightly, and the hand holding the holy sword couldn't help but tighten.

With a gun in hand, Shuo Yue seemed to have turned into a Lancer, pointing the gun at Saber:

"Although you promised not to say anything, Kiritsugu doesn't seem to think so?"

"Want to know where Illya is? Yes."

As soon as the words fell, Shuo Yue stepped on the ground with her right foot, turned into a red shooting star, and took the initiative to kill Saber.

"There is still a little time left, as long as you can defeat me before then, I will tell you where Illya is!"

Have a little time left?
what does that mean!
Alice Viel, who was disturbed by the fact that her beloved daughter had been kidnapped, didn't dare to think too much, could only grit her teeth, and ordered without hesitation:

"Saber, bring me victory!"

"Yes, I will not disgrace my life!"

The Wind King enchantment was instantly released, pushing the petite girl's body like a cannonball, colliding with the young man's figure!


That is, a familiar feeling.

The holy sword was thrown away by the tip of the magic spear, and Arturia's eyes moved slightly, and she turned her arm without even needing to warn her intuitively, and blocked the spear that was pressing down with the sword.

A stabbing attack that was lighter than Lancer's was blocked, but the next moment, Shuo Yue yelled softly, the veins on his arm burst out, and he aimed at her face like lightning and stabbed dozens of shots!

"Ding ding ding ding!"

There was a crisp collision sound, and Saber either dodged or parried, and stepped back quickly, out of the thrusting range of the long spear.

"Your move, why...!"

"Like Lancer, right!" The young man on the opposite side replied cheerfully, "After all, I got the experience and skills from him!"

Hearing this, Saber felt unbelievable emotions in her heart.

How can it be?

That's the marksmanship that Diarmuid, "The Appearance of Glory", honed in his entire life, is close to the realm of the gods!
Shuo Yue has only been in contact with Lancer for so long, how could she learn it in a short time!

What's more, Shuo Yue didn't show this strength when they fought against each other last night!

"It's dangerous to be in a daze during battle, isn't it?"

The light voice came from behind her, and Saber was startled, she subconsciously returned to the sword, but was slapped away by the spear like an angry dragon.

The next moment, Shuo Yue raised her leg mercilessly, kicked Saber's stomach, and kicked her flying.

"Woo puff!" Amidst the uncontrollable groan, the girl knight rolled and flew out for more than ten meters, and it took her a long time to stand up reluctantly.

That kick just now... is by no means the power of an ordinary attack.

"Although it's not like a certain person's straight kick is comparable to a nirvana, but I can still use magic to strengthen the attack power." Shuo Yue was not swayed by the painful expression on Saber's face, but put The demon-breaking red rose was planted on the ground, and a pitch-black longbow appeared in his hand again.

"Don't be merciful anymore, Saber, if this continues - you will die, okay?"

"It's okay, Saber!" Accompanied by Irisviel's call, a stream of clear water filled the swordsman's body, healing her injuries.

The master's healing magic made Artoria recover quickly. She raised her sword again, looked at Shuoyue who had no intention of letting go, and finally made up her mind.

"Since that's the case, let me put aside my excess guilt and fight you with all my strength, Shuo Yue!"

In the next breath, the full magic power exploded in Saber's petite body, and the clear vindictiveness bloomed surgingly, leading Saber to rush forward like a red dragon!
"Strike Air!"

The violent wind field emptied the magical arrows, and the swordsman surrounded by blue light and shadow broke through the air, aimed at the archer in white robe and red robe, and the holy sword slammed down!
The radiance released by the magic power reflected the excited smile of the young man. At the critical moment, he did not pull out the red rose stuck in the ground. Instead, he made a move with his right hand, and the destructive yellow rose fell into the palm of his hand, and his figure disappeared.


The golden holy sword appeared behind her at an unreasonable speed, Saber twisted her wrist, and blocked the blow from behind with Su Qin holding the sword, but when she turned her head away, the black sword Moxie's blade was very close at hand!
From the cloudless sky came thunder, a mighty roar

Amidst the heroic roar of battle, the oxcart running with lightning descended from the sky, engulfed by countless thunderbolts, and rushed towards Archer who launched the decisive blow, no, Shuoyue!
 I heard that "Fate/Samurai Remnant" is coming out?It's worth looking forward to...

(End of this chapter)

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