My Destiny Illustrated Book of the Moon

Chapter 116 Big Shock!Fuyuki City 2nd Motorsports Grand Prix!

Chapter 116 Big Shock!Fuyuki City (following Einzbern) [-]nd Motorsports Grand Prix!
When Emiya Kiritsugu recovered from the dizziness caused by the space transfer, he unexpectedly discovered that beside him, a man in a red suit also woke up moaning.

The moment their eyes met, they recognized each other's identities.

"Archer's Master, Tohsaka Tokiomi!"

"Hound of Einzbern, Emiya Kiritsugu!"

The two men were well-trained, and they jumped up from the grass in the next moment, one took out the gun in his arms, and the other took out the gemstone in his pocket, and they were about to stage a full-scale martial arts that would never die.

"Hmm, both of you."

"Oh, let's fight and fight..."

"Tch, boring."

"Kiritsugu, you, uh..."

The tense scene melted away amidst the mutterings of a group of entertainers (except Dumao) watching the fun, Kiritsugu and Tokiomi withdrew their wary eyes from each other, and finally found that there were four people around them. A servant, and a master who is comparable to a servant...

If there was a real fight, ten of them would not be enough to die.

In an atmosphere that was so embarrassing enough to pick out three rooms and one living room, the two men tensed their faces, retracted their guns and gems, walked quickly to the side of the servant, and then spoke:
"Saber/Archer, what's going on here?"

"Let me explain, everyone." Shuoyue, who had caught the two voyeurs, stood up and coughed lightly, "Saber, do you agree to participate in the banquet?"

"Since it is a 'battle' without weapons, as the king of a country, I naturally have no reason to refuse." Saber, who was once the king of Britain, nodded, "But before that, I still hope that you can take Ilia hand over……"

"Don't worry, I'll tell you right now." Shuo Yue snapped her fingers, showing a fox-like smile, "Ilya is hiding in Einzbern's castle right now."

"What!" Not only Saber, but also Irisviel and Emiya Kiritsugu were shocked, and the latter even took out his phone directly, intending to contact Maiya who stayed behind in the castle.

However, a small knife flew over and easily inserted into Kiritsugu's cell phone.

"I haven't finished talking yet, what's the rush?" The young man paused, then continued, "Didn't you notice that I said 'Tibetan'?"

"...What exactly do you want?" Emiya Kiritsugu felt more and more uneasy.

"It's very simple. Let's have a competition. Let's compete whoever arrives at Einzbern Castle first. If I win, I'll hand her over to you." Shuoyue clapped her hands and happily stated his purpose.

Speaking of this, Iskandar also reacted: "Oh! Speaking of which, isn't that the place for the banquet we discussed?"

"Huh?" Saber's eyes widened in disbelief, while Archer, who was watching the play silently, raised his eyebrows, and looked at Tosaka Tokiomi beside him as if realizing something, his eyes flashed with joy.

"Wait, why is it our stronghold?!"

"Well, brother Shuoyue suggested it. I think it's a good suggestion."

"New Moon!"

"Hey, anyway, Kiritsugu is definitely looking for a new base, right? What's wrong with reusing waste? Rider, Archer, are you going to participate?"

Although the kings have their own reserve, since it is the second life to unload all the burdens, how can they not enjoy it unscrupulously?
Almost without thinking, the burly man laughed and responded first:
"Racing competition? Hahahaha... you actually challenged me as a 'cavalry'! Weber, don't hide, let's come together!"

Gilgamesh, who guessed Shuoyue's thoughts first, snorted coldly, but also agreed:

"This king is not ignorant to this extent, let's go, Tokiomi!"

"Huh? Uh, okay..."

After hearing these words, Emiya Kiritsugu suddenly realized something, he, who was used to seeing ups and downs, trembled all over his body.

Racing cars, Einzbern, Winter City, that heavy snow, that forest, that race...

Is this your purpose, Shuo Yue!
Sure enough, behind him, Irisviel had already ignited. At this time, she was definitely not trying to satisfy her own preferences, but was fighting to save her daughter!

"Let's go, Kiritsugu, we must win!"

Kiritsugu, danger!


"It's finally here, the fourth Holy Grail War racing grand prix! We've set up a special track on the outskirts of Fuyuki City to broadcast this battle of sonic speed on the ground for you!"

"Because of the principle of mystery and concealment, the commentary & live broadcast of this contest is just me, Shuoyue!"

"Then let's take a look at the situation of the contestants who are waiting for the start of the game! The order of the contestants has been determined by drawing lots. The first is Rider in position [-]—his car is his Noble Phantasm, dedicated to Zeus The sacrificial vessel, the Kamui wheel!"

"Is this the modern popular racing car? My blood is boiling!" Rider's laughter resounded through the sky.

"Can't lose, Flying Hoof Thunder Bull!"

"Moo!" The two strong bulls snorted, responding to the words of the King of Conquerors.And in the car, Weber, who was picked up by Rider, looked at Thunder running beside him in fear.

"Why am I here too!"

"Don't worry, I'm an A+ Rider, it's impossible for me to lose to other teams, so enjoy all this, Weber!"

"Oh... I really can't help you."

"Then there is Archer in the second position. His car is a boat of light soaring in the sky, the throne of the king described in "Ramayana", Vimoye!"

"Roar? You are well-informed, cook." The King of Heroes sitting on the throne glanced at Shuoyue with satisfaction, and declared proudly, "This king will not use the full power of Vimoye to try to surpass me. Come on, bastards!"

Tosaka Tokiomi on the side frowned and said nothing. For this somewhat staid orthodox magician, such an absurd carnival was really beyond his tolerance.

"Since the king has returned to this courtyard, he should enjoy everything, and the racing car is a good appetizer." Gilgamesh had already seen through his thoughts, and a happy smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, "Tokiomi, Don't let me down completely."

"Follow... the king."

"Next is Saber in position three. Her car is the crystallization of modern technology, a Mercedes-Benz 300SL equipped with an inline six-cylinder engine!"

"Yahho~" Alice Viel, who was sitting in the passenger seat, poked her head out and greeted everyone energetically.

"Irisviel, pay attention to safety, this time the racing car is not that simple." Saber grasped the steering wheel as if holding the rein, ready to fight.

As for Kiritsugu, after trying to escape failed, he gave up resisting and sat in the rear seat specially modified for Illya, looking more nervous than Saber who was in charge of driving.

Although under his efforts, Irisviel barely gave up the driving seat, but why, the sense of crisis always felt heavier...

Let Saber, who is not pleasing to his eyes, become the driver——Emiya Kiritsugu well interpreted the meaning of "the means to get rid of 'danger' is to turn it into 'death'".

Have a good journey, Kiritsugu.

Thinking like this, Shuoyue retracted her gaze and announced loudly:

"The last is the Caster group at position 2. Her car is a Kawasaki Ninja H[-]R, a track motorcycle known as a 'ground-sticking aircraft'!"

Leaning down, Miyu behind her put her arms around his waist.

"Are you ready, Miyu?"

"Well, I'm ready, brother." Maybe because of the tense and exciting atmosphere, Miyu's face turned red.

For her, this Holy Grail War was a rare experience, and even she, who was always calm, was inevitably a little emotional at this moment.

Putting aside the darkness and conspiracy, just chatting and competing with heroes from different eras—perhaps this is what Shuo Yue wanted her sister to see from the beginning to the end, the different side of the Holy Grail War.

But at this moment, the young man leaned down with a smile and shouted:

"Okay, the players are all in their positions, and I will announce that the second Grand Prix of Fuyuki City (after Einzbern) is about to start! All players are ready to—"

The signal light produced by the projection began to flicker, and at a certain moment, it suddenly turned green!


The moment the red light turned green, the four cars roared at the same time, and they all sped towards the same destination together!

 You should be able to see what this is... I won't talk about it.

(End of this chapter)

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