My Destiny Illustrated Book of the Moon

Chapter 130 King's Army Power, 1 Enemy 3!

Chapter 130 The king's army, one against three!

Inherent enchantment · King's army.

Level: EX; Type: Anti-Army Noble Phantasm
Iskandar's true trump card and his final Noble Phantasm.It is an inherent enchantment that continuously summons the subordinates as independent servants to fight against the enemy.

All members of the legion are genuine heroic spirits, but limited to the ability of the King of Conquerors, the members of the legion have no treasures, nor are they assigned to a specific class, so all members have no class-related skills.

Among them, there are sporadic Heroic Spirits stronger than the King of Conquerors himself. This is because although Iskandar's achievements are great, his personal force is not so outstanding.

The entire legion has a prominent reputation, and some members of the legion are the founders of the future dynasty. Even Alexander's former love horse Buciferas was summoned as a heroic spirit.It can be said to be the crystallization of the bond between Alexander and his subordinates.

In addition, the magic power used to maintain the inherent barrier after deployment is shared by all members of the army.All members of the army have their own "Individual Action" skills equivalent to level E-.

Information flashed in my heart, but when Shuoyue stood on the hot sandy land, I realized how pale words really are.

Everyone including Sakuzuki opened their eyes wide, staring at the mirage-like shadows around Rider.

There is not only one shadow, but two, four... The hazy figure on horseback multiplies while forming a formation.The figures gradually took on color and three-dimensionality.

"The reason why this world and this landscape can be concretely formed is because it is the mental image of all of us."

Under the surprised eyes of everyone watching, the cavalrymen turned into entities beside Iskandar one by one.Although the races and equipment are different, they are physically strong, and their shiny armor decorations are extraordinarily heroic, as if they are competing with each other, gorgeous and capable.

All of them had great names and were warriors who fought alongside the great Alexander the Great.

"Look, my unparalleled army!"

At this moment, the King of Conquerors raised his arms and boasted loudly of the hordes of cavalry in a tone of great pride.

"Even though the body is destroyed, the soul is summoned by [the world] as a heroic spirit, but still loyal to me, the legendary warriors!"

I never thought that the king would show such a ferocious and happy expression, but when the red-haired man opened his arms, the unparalleled overlord's aura swarmed like a sandstorm:

"My bond with them is my treasure, my way of kingship, and the treasure I am most proud of, the 'Ionian Hetairoi' (Ionian Hetairoi)!"


There were many spears and halberds, countless soldiers and generals roared loudly, and their flaming eyes always followed the overlord who was at the front.

The only unridden horse came to Rider's side. It was a steed so strong and brave enough to be called a giant beast.Although it is not a human body, its strength is not inferior to other heroic spirits.

"It's been a long time, buddy."

Rider smiled innocently like a child, and hugged the giant horse's neck tightly with both hands.It is the legendary name of Bucephalus, who was later revered and deified.Under the King of Conquerors, even horses are eligible to become heroic spirits.

Everyone was too surprised to speak.Facing this group of magnificent troops, even if Archer was present, he would definitely put down his sneer and ridicule.

They are a group of heroes who pinned everything on the king's dream and once followed the king across the land.

The King of Conquerors transformed the sincerity and devotion that remained immortal after death into reality, and transformed it into his most precious Noble Phantasm.

Saber's whole body trembled.She wasn't afraid of the power of Rider's Noble Phantasm, but because this Noble Phantasm itself had shaken the foundation of her honor as the King of Knights.

With no distractions and wholehearted support——

The incomparably deep emotional bond between him and his courtiers, which even turned into a Noble Phantasm——

As an ideal king, the treasure that the King of Knights will never get in his lifetime——

"▉▉▉..." The armor of Berserker, who was also pulled into the barrier, trembled, and the black knight withdrew his gaze from the crowd of kings, staring at the blond and blue-eyed Saber beside him, who looked a little fragile.

And on the horseback, Rider looked back, proudly staring at the image of his life:

"The so-called king is the person who lives the most wonderful life and is fascinated by everyone!"

"Of course! Of course! Of course!"

The Heroic Spirits lined up neatly echoed what he said, knocking on their shields and cheering in unison.

"The one who gathers the envy of all warriors and guides everyone forward is the king!"

Filled with overwhelming confidence and honor, the Conqueror King stares at everything around him.

"Therefore, the king is not alone, because of his great ambition, that is, the aspirations of all his subjects come together!"

"Of course! Of course! Of course!"

The chorus of the heroic spirits shook the earth and reached the heavens.No matter how powerful the army, no matter how thick the city walls are, they are no match for the comrades-in-arms of the King of Conquerors. Their fierce fighting spirit is enough to split the sky and smash the earth.


Meiyou was standing beside Shuoyue, and could clearly hear her brother's heavy breathing.

Is it because of nervousness?Or because of fear?
"Miyu, reach out."

"Huh? Okay."

She stretched out her little hand, and was grabbed by Shuoyue. The cold feeling conveyed finally made the young man recover a little bit of clarity, and slowly calmed down.

Those eyes stared at the vast army in front of him without leaving for a moment.

The golden desert, the golden sun, the golden color of the eyes... Hidden under the dazzling golden color is a raging fighting spirit that is almost on fire.

In his mind, a thought has been circling around for a long time.

How wonderful it would be if he could face Iskandar's king's army alone at his peak state...

"Shuo Yue." Someone patted him on the shoulder.

Shuo Yue turned her head abruptly, her overly burning eyes forced Kariya to take a few steps back: "You...what's the matter?"

"It's okay." The young man replied simply, and then turned his head to look at the king's army, like a hunter looking for the prey to hunt next, "Speak quickly if you have something to say."

Kariya also saw that Shuoyue's state was wrong at this time, so he sped up his speech, "Judging from our current position, Rider is probably planning to use the king's army to catch us all, so..."

"I've known about this kind of thing for a long time." Shuoyue interrupted Kariya's words a little rudely, and said with a sneer, "There is no Assassin here. Since the King of Conquerors chooses to use the treasure, with his arrogance, naturally he will not just He shot at you, and that Jin Glitter didn't enter the barrier, obviously he saw Rider's thoughts and was just too lazy to join the melee."

As if responding to Sakuzuki's words, Rider held up the sword of Cyprus and shouted:
"Saber, Berserker, Caster, and the masters who participated in the Holy Grail War and competed with me for the Holy Grail! Let's begin!"

"As you can see, our actualized battlefield is a plain. Although we have the advantage of having a larger number of people, you have three, no, four of the heroic spirits who can ride a thousand!"

"Come on, if you have the ability, break open my treasure and show me your will! But if you can't even defeat my army, give up the pursuit of the Holy Grail and die in this hot sand land Your Majesty, become my Iskandar's spoils and merit!"

The next moment, Rider took a deep breath and shouted loudly.



There was a deafening sound of charging and killing, and countless soldiers rushed forward, like a wave of death overwhelming the sky, trying to engulf the six people in front.

After deviating from the track of the original book, Iskandar the Conqueror used his army of the king for the first time, and he wanted to fight three with one!

(End of this chapter)

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